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British Institute of English Language

A very good morning to dear ladies and gentlemen, with a warm
welcome. For today’s proceedings, I am going to talk with you about 3R
system and garbage disposal methods (specially on recycling).

3R system is a world recognized garbage disposal concept. It can be

categorized under three sub concepts as,

As I told you, my speech is specially about
recycling. So, let’s move on to the speech.

Our Earth is a marvellous creation of the nature. It is our duty to protect

it. As our ancestors say, “God made the world”. At the past, human
beings protected the Earth as their eyes saying that the world is
everything as it is the truth. But at present, we’ve destroyed the Earth.
Mostly by throwing out non-degradable substances to the environment.
But, did you ever know that non-degradable things also can be made as
useful? We can. But, by recycling only. Also, we can do some other
things too.

one: reducing using substances like polythene, plastic, …

two: reusing used non-degradable substances to make decorations, etc.
three: recycling the used non-degradable things and making them as
useful substances.
As we planned to talk more about recycling, a short definition for
recycling is: Recycling is the process of reprocessing waste materials
into new products, materials, or substances.

What can be recycled, do you know?

Some materials such as plastic, polythene, cardboard, glass etc.

The main things are plastic, paper, glass and cardboard.

And those substances and some other things that can be recycled are
called ‘Recyclates’.

Who created the modern concept and the logo of 3R concept?

Gary Anderson, a senior at the University of Southern California,
created the modern concept of recycling in 1970 with his Mobius Loop
logo, which is associated with the "reduce, reuse, recycle.

Does recycling reduce pollution?

What are the advantages that we can gain, when recycling?

Yes. Because, when the non-degradable substances are piled as a set

when recycling, by the order of municipal council, Urban council and
Village council and other councils’ people/officers (garbage collecting
people) collect those things. So, by this pollution can be prevented a
little but not so more.

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