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Department of Education

Region III
Division of Pampanga
Sta. Cruz, Lubao, Pampanga
Telephone number (045) 971-54-86
E-mail Address:


Cagang, Francis benedict
Galang, Nathaniel M.
Jimenez, Allen Rench R.
Paule, Charlene S.
Macaspac, Jaymee Marie M.
Tuazon, Mary Joanna M.

Submitted to:
Angelica Rose I. Mallari

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Pampanga
Sta. Cruz, Lubao, Pampanga
Telephone number (045) 971-54-86
E-mail Address:

1.Business Concept and Business Model: Provide an overview of your business,

including your headquarters, mission statement, and members of your marketing team.

A lip tint business can be an exciting venture within the cosmetics industry. The concept

involves producing and selling lip products that provide long-lasting color while

nourishing the lips. The key to success in this business lies in offering innovative

formulas, a wide range of shades to cater to diverse skin tones, and effective marketing

strategies. To start, research and development are crucial. Developing a unique formula

that delivers on promises like long wear, hydration, and vibrant color is essential.

Ingredients should be carefully selected to ensure quality and safety, considering factors

like pigmentation, texture, and durability. Additionally, branding and packaging play a

significant role in attracting customers. Eye-catching designs and eco-friendly packaging

can make your product stand out in a competitive market. Marketing is another critical

aspect. Leveraging social media platforms, influencer collaborations, and strategic

partnerships can help reach a broader audience. Highlighting the benefits of lip tints, such

as their versatility for everyday use and ease of application, can appeal to consumers

looking for convenient beauty solutions. Creating a strong online presence and engaging

with potential customers through tutorials, reviews, and promotions can drive sales and

establish brand loyalty. In summary, a lip tint business offers an opportunity to tap into

the thriving cosmetics market by providing innovative and high-quality lip products. By

focusing on product development, branding, and effective marketing strategies,

entrepreneurs can create a successful business that caters to the needs of beauty-

conscious consumers.


Department of Education
Region III
Division of Pampanga
Sta. Cruz, Lubao, Pampanga
Telephone number (045) 971-54-86
E-mail Address:

2. Executive Summary: Highlight key points of your marketing plan for easy reference.
In summary, our lip tint venture aims to revolutionize the cosmetics landscape by

offering high-performance, eco-friendly products that resonate with today's socially

conscious consumers. Through innovation, strategic partnerships, and a steadfast

commitment to sustainability, we are poised to establish a compelling presence in the lip

tint market and drive sustainable growth while delivering unparalleled value to our


Business Goals: The primary business goal of a lip tint product is to capture market

share by appealing to a specific target audience, such as young, trend-conscious

consumers. This involves increasing brand visibility, driving sales, and establishing a

strong presence within the beauty industry. Ultimately, the aim is to achieve sustainable

growth and profitability by delivering a desirable and innovative lip tint product that

meets consumer needs and preferences.

3. Business goals; State what overarching business goals your marketing activities will
Our foremost ambition is to create an enchanting and unforgettable experience for our

patrons at the library coffee shop. We aim to curate an inviting atmosphere where book

lovers and coffee aficionados can come together to savor delightful blends, indulge in

literary discussions, and find respite in the pages of a good book. Our vision includes

fostering a sense of community and intellectual stimulation, making our establishment a

cherished haven for those seeking both relaxation and inspiration. In tandem with our

dedication to providing a delightful experience, we are committed to achieving

sustainable growth and profitability. By carefully managing our resources, optimizing our

menu offerings, and staying attuned to the evolving tastes of our discerning clientele, we

aspire to establish the library coffee shop as a financially robust and thriving enterprise.

Through strategic marketing initiatives and customer engagement, we aim to expand our

reach and attract a loyal following of patrons who appreciate the unique blend of culture,

comfort, and culinary delights that our establishment offers. Furthermore, we aspire to be

recognized as a contributing member of the local community, dedicated to supporting

local artisans, promoting literacy programs, and participating in environmentally

conscious practices. By collaborating with nearby businesses, hosting community events,

and championing sustainable initiatives, we seek to position our library coffee shop as a

beloved cornerstone of both cultural and ethical significance. In achieving these goals, we

aim to not only enrich the lives of our patrons but also give back to the community.

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Pampanga
Sta. Cruz, Lubao, Pampanga
Telephone number (045) 971-54-86
E-mail Address:

4. Market Analysis: Provide information about the current state of the market as it
pertains to your business. Include a SWOT analysis identifying your company’s
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

 Unique product offering: Homemade lip tint may offer a unique, handcrafted appeal
not found in mass-produced cosmetics
 Flexibility in product development: Ability to quickly adjust formulas and colors
based on customer feedback and trends.
 Cost-effective production: Lower production costs compared to larger cosmetics
 Direct customer interaction: Closer relationship with customers, allowing for
personalized service and feedback.
 Limited scalability: Difficulty in scaling production to meet high demand without
compromising quality.
 Lack of brand recognition: May struggle to compete against established cosmetic
brands with strong brand equity.
 Distribution challenges: Limited distribution channels compared to larger
 Regulatory compliance: Compliance with health and safety regulations for cosmetics


 Growing demand for natural cosmetics: Consumer preference for natural and
homemade beauty products.

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Pampanga
Sta. Cruz, Lubao, Pampanga
Telephone number (045) 971-54-86
E-mail Address:

 sales growth: Expanding online marketplaces provide opportunities to reach a wider
customer base.
 Niche market expansion: Targeting specific customer segments such as eco-
conscious or vegan consumers.
 Collaborations and partnerships: Opportunities to collaborate with influencers or
retailers to reach more customers.

5 Competitive Analysis: List your main competitors, along with relevant information

about their brands and positions in the marketplace.

In conducting a competitive analysis, it is crucial to assess the strengths, weaknesses,

opportunities, and threats of your competitors. By evaluating market share, product,

pricing strategies, and marketing tactics, you can gain valuable insights into how your

business stacks up against the competition. This analysis allows you to identify areas

where you can differentiate yourself and capitalize on opportunities in the market.

Additionally, understanding your competitors' target audience and customer base can

help you refine your own marketing and sales strategies to better appeal to potential

customers. By monitoring their online presence, social media engagement, and customer

reviews, you can uncover valuable information about consumer preferences and trends in

the industry. This knowledge can inform your own product development and customer

service efforts to stay ahead of the competition. Moreover, a thorough competitive

analysis enables you to anticipate potential threats and challenges in the market. By

identifying any gaps in your competitors' offerings or areas where they may be vulnerable,

you can develop contingency plans to mitigate risks and protect your market position. By

staying informed about your competitors' activities and industry trends, you can

proactively adapt your business strategy to stay competitive and drive growth in your

market segment.

Department of Education

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Pampanga
Sta. Cruz, Lubao, Pampanga
Telephone number (045) 971-54-86
E-mail Address:

6. arget Market: Include detailed buyer’s personas that cover the types of buyers you
will be marketing to.

Our target market comprises young adults aged 12 years old and above, predominantly

female, who are deeply engaged in the world of makeup trends. These individuals seek

long-lasting and vibrant liptint options that enhance their beauty routines and allow them

to express their unique personalities through makeup. The demographic we target values

products that align with their beliefs and choices, placing a strong emphasis on cruelty-

free and sustainable options. By understanding the demographic's preferences and

interests, we tailor our offerings to meet their specific needs and desires, positioning our

brand as a trusted source of innovative beauty solutions. Psychographically, our target

market is characterized by a strong sense of self-expression through beauty products.

They view makeup as a means of showcasing their individuality and creativity,

embracing different trends to express their personalities. The desire to experiment with

colors, textures, and styles is central to their beauty routines, making them highly

receptive to innovative products like our long-lasting and versatile liptints. Furthermore,

our target market values ethical and sustainable practices in their purchasing decisions,

reflecting a commitment to environmental responsibility and animal welfare. By

resonating with these core values, our brand establishes a deeper connection with our

target market, strengthening loyalty and trust.

7.Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Explain what sets you apart from the competition
in a way that leads your audience to choose you over the others.
Unique Selling Proposition (USP): At the heart of our Unique Selling Proposition lies the

long-lasting formula of our liptints, which ensures all-day wear without smudging or

fading. This feature provides our customers with a reliable and lasting color impact,

allowing them to go about their day with confidence in their makeup. The longevity and

durability of our liptints set them apart from conventional products in the market, offering

a premium solution for individuals who seek products that keep up with their active

lifestyles. Additionally, our wide shade range is a key aspect of our USP, as we have

carefully curated a diverse selection of colors to cater to various skin tones and

preferences. From everyday neutrals to bold, statement hues, our range offers something

for everyone, allowing customers to experiment and express themselves through color.

Moreover, our commitment to being cruelty-free and vegan is a fundamental pillar of our

brand identity and value proposition. By prioritizing ethical practices and sustainability,

we appeal to socially conscious consumers who seek transparency and accountability in

the products they purchase. Our dedication to cruelty-free and vegan formulations not

only aligns with the values of our target market but also reflects our commitment to

promoting animal welfare and environmental consciousness. This aspect of our USP

resonates with customers who prioritize ethical considerations in their beauty choices,

reinforcing their trust in our brand and products. By embodying our values through our

product offerings, we establish a strong ethical foundation that sets us apart in an

increasingly competitive beauty market.

8. Marketing Initiatives: Identify the major marketing initiatives or projects you will
focus on in order to support your business’ overarching goals.
Collaborate with beauty influencers for product reviews,
tutorials, and social media promotion. Engage with the target audience through engaging
content, beauty tips, and interactive challenges and also Launch introductory offers,
loyalty programs, and seasonalpromotions to drive sales.

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Pampanga
Sta. Cruz, Lubao, Pampanga
Telephone number (045) 971-54-86
E-mail Address:

9.Marketing Channels: Explain what channels you will use to launch your marketing
Lip tint brands often utilize retail distribution channels to make their products accessible

to consumers. This includes placement in major beauty retailers, department stores,

specialty makeup stores, and drugstores. Retail partnerships provide visibility and

credibility for the brand, allowing customers to physically see and try the products before

purchase. Brands may also collaborate with retailers on promotional activities to increase

product visibility and drive sells In summary, leveraging online platforms, social media,

and local markets can create effective marketing channels for promoting and selling

homemade lip tint products. The key is to understand your target audience and tailor your

marketing strategies to reach them where they spend time and engage with beauty-related

content. By combining various channels and consistently delivering value through

compelling visuals and engaging storytelling, you can effectively promote your

homemade lip tint business and drive sales.

10.The Enterprise Strategy and Enterprise Delivery Systems: we are using table in an
enterprise delivery sysyem for liptint. This tables can be really useful for organizing data
related to deliveries, such as tracking orders, customer information, product details,
delivery status, and more.
Raw materials Process- flow End products • Making an • Customer
•Beeswax • Preparing the (Liptint) that eye-catching satisfaction •
•Carriers oils needed are to be packaging

•Natural ingredients with packaged • Promoting our income • To
colorants there exact product across open branches
across the
•Essential oils measures all social media country
for fragrance • Cooking the platforms
•Vitamin E oil ingredients in • Distributing
order to make flyers with
the specific necessary
mixture of the information
liptint about the

Department of Education
Region III
Division of Pampanga
Sta. Cruz, Lubao, Pampanga
Telephone number (045) 971-54-86
E-mail Address:

11. Budget: How much money will the business allocate to the year’s marketing
activities? To calculate the total earnings from selling lip tint in a year, we need to
consider the number of units sold over the course of the year and multiply it by the
selling price per unit. The Selling Price per Lip Tint is given as 80 pesos per unit.
Number of Units Sold in a Year is depends on our sales volume. we assume our sell a
certain number of liptints per day, and then calculate for a year (assuming 365 days).

- we sell 10 lip tints per day, then in a year (365 days), you would sell:

\[ 10 lip tints/day \times 365 days = 3650 lip tints/year \]

The Total Revenue if Multiply the number of units sold in a year by the selling price per

[ Total Earnings = 3650 lip tints/year \ times 80 pesos/liptint \]

\[ Total Earnings = 292,000 pesos \]

Therefore, if you sell 10 liptints per day at 80 pesos each, we would earn approximately
292,000 pesos in a year.

Therefore our capital is 618 pesos every day


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