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A Thankful Heart Series

Paul & Silas Sing Praises in Jail No. 7

Warm up: Place a pair of handcuffs on a volunteer. Ask them if they can get free or get out of the handcuffs. When they cannot break free from the handcuffs, ask them how it would feel to be locked in the handcuffs for a few hours? What about for a whole day? If you do not want to use handcuffs, try wrapping a string around their hands or lower arms. Say: We are going to hear a story today of some men who were placed in a jail for no reason, and locked up because of something told about them that was not

Dr. Jeanne McIntosh October 2011 All rights reserved.

true.. We will see what they did about the situation and how it affected them. Teachers Personal Reading: Acts 16 Memory Verse: And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them." Acts 16:25

Kids Sermon Paul and Silas were missionaries for Jesus Christ. One day, as they were traveling sharing the Gospel message, they went to the temple to spend some time in prayer. We all need to take time away from our day, and talk to God and read His Word, the Bible. We will grow as a Christian if we read our Bible and pray every day, and obey God. Later, Paul and Silas came upon a young girl who was a slave. She told fortunes and made a lot of money for her master doing this. Paul and Silas heard her yelling out and cried out to her, In the name of Jesus Christ, evil spirit come out. The evil spirit came out of the girl and she acted normal. However, her Master did not like it, because now he would not be able to make any more money off the fortunes she told. God does not want us to mess around with things that are evil. We need to be careful of what TV shows we watch. Evil is not of God, even on TV. This girls owner got mad at Paul and Silas for doing this to the slave he owned. He went after Paul and Silas and yelled at them. Some men even went and told the police, who then put Paul and Silas in

Dr. Jeanne McIntosh October 2011 All rights reserved.

jail. The men told the police that the men were disturbing the peace. Paul and Silas were accused of things that they did not do. In the jail they were beaten black and blue. I imagine if you have ever had a spanking it hurt, but to be beaten until you are black and blue sounds terrible. It was so unfair! Life is not always fair. Things will happen to us that we do not deserve. Someone may tell a lie on us or cause us to get into trouble when we did nothing wrong. But the most important thing is what our response is even in those times. The guards placed the missionaries in a jail with many guards to make sure they did not escape. While they were in the jail, Paul and Silas did not grumble and complain and say how unfair it all was. Instead, they sang praises to God. Wow! Do you think you could praise God when you get into trouble for something that you did not do? God was watching it all. At midnight, God brought about an earthquake causing the jail doors to open up. All the jail doors opened up and the prisoners were free to go. The guard was so upset and about ready to take his own life when Paul told him, Stop! We are all here, no one will leave this jail. What Paul said was true. No one left the jail, and the jailor was so amazed. He asked Paul and Silas how to be saved. Then he went and told his whole family what Paul had told him and they all gave their hearts to Jesus. You never know, boys, and girls who will be affected in your own home when you give you heart to Jesus. When people see how we change as Christians, it can make them want to be a Christian also. The jailors whole family got baptized. When we give our hearts to Jesus, we get baptized to show others that we have a changed life.
Dr. Jeanne McIntosh October 2011 All rights reserved.

A life that belongs to Jesus and lives for Him. What a night to remember! The next day, the court let Paul and Silas go free. When they found out they were Roman citizens, the officials were really worried, and came to apologize to them. They left the city. God took care of them just like he will take care of you. God wants us to praise Him when things do not go the way we want them to. He wants us to praise Him when we are sick, when we earn a lower grade than we expected on a test, when we do not receive an invitation to a party, when we get into trouble because someone told a lie on us, or whatever it is that makes you upset in your every day circumstances. It is His will, and brings pleasure to His heart. God will bless in our life if we will praise Him. Questions for Discussion 1. How does it feel to be accused of something falsely? 2. How do you think God would want us to act under those circumstances? 3. Why is it important to act like Jesus when things go wrong? 4. What is a Roman citizen? 5. How does it make you feel when you need to apologize to someone like the officers did to Paul and Silas? 6. Why is it important to praise God?

Dr. Jeanne McIntosh October 2011 All rights reserved.

Paul & Silas Sing Praises in Jail No. 7

Treasures from the Word

Teaching the Memory Verse: And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God: and the prisoners heard them." Acts 16:25 Memory Verse Puzzle: Use a large sheet of poster board for this project. Draw a large jail. Write the words to the verse between the bars in the jail. Cut the poster board into puzzle pieces. Place the pieces in a basket. Have the kids take out and put the puzzle together. Then, take puzzle apart and give each child a piece decorate or color. Have the kids put the puzzle once again together. Once this assignment is completed, tape together and hang on the wall. Additional worksheets are provided for extra activity. You can do these together, allow the kids to do alone, or let them work with a partner. Some children will need help with spelling words. You may
Dr. Jeanne McIntosh October 2011 All rights reserved.

want to write some suggestions on the board for them. Use your own discretion on how much help to give them. 1. Distribute bibles for kids if they can read. Open bibles together helping them find the correct page number. It is important that children use their bibles and see you using your bible in front of them. Many may never or hardly see a parent reading a bible at home. 2. Read the memory verse to them. Next, read all together. 3. PASS THE HANDCUFFS. Practice saying the verse several times. Have the kids say one word at a time, and the next kid say the next word until they complete the whole verse. Give them the hand cuffs to hold as they say their word, and have them pass them on to the next person to add their word. Do this a couple times. 4. Pass out worksheets - one at a time. Do these together. Write the answers on the board for young children. Help them as needed according to their ages and ability.

Dr. Jeanne McIntosh October 2011 All rights reserved.

Fill in the Blank with the Best Answer

1. Paul and Silas sang praises while they were in _________________. 2. Paul and Silas were? (Hint: begins with letter m _______________________________. 3. At midnight, God caused the jail doors to? ______________________. 4. No one escaped from the jail? True or False _______. 5. The jailor and his family _________________ to God. 6. God will always answer our ___________________.

Write Praise to God

Dr. Jeanne McIntosh October 2011 All rights reserved.

Our Praise List

Think of some things that you could praise God for if you were in jail. Begin sentence or word with the letter given.

J___________________________________________ A___________________________________________ I ___________________________________________ L ___________________________________________

Paul & Silas Sing Praises - Circle the Best Answer

1. God loves for us to ___________________ to Him! family eat games talk

2. God is always listening to our? _______________________ prayers speech arguing mom

3. God took care of Paul and Silas in ____________________ ? Party jail home church

Dr. Jeanne McIntosh October 2011 All rights reserved.

Paul and Silas Sing in Jail

Draw a picture story of the lesson today. Fold and make a book.

Dr. Jeanne McIntosh October 2011 All rights reserved.

SKIT FOR TWO PUPPETS: Praising God Jeremy: I hate Math! Brianna: Why is that? Jeremy: It is soooooooo boring! I hate word problems. Brianna: I am not good at them either. Ms. Smith is a good teacher though. Jeremy: I dont think that she likes me. Brianna: Why do you say that? Jeremy: She gave me a detention the other day. Brianna: What for? Jeremy: She said I was talking during the Math test on Friday. Brianna; Were you talking? Jeremy: Not really. I just needed a pencil and asked to borrow one from Matt. Brianna: Did you explain that to her. Jeremy: No, she will not listen to me. Brianna: How do you know that? Jeremy: Matt told me she gave him a detention last year because he accidently dropped his papers on the floor. Brianna: There is probably more to that story then he told you. Jeremy: Well.she does not like me, and I hate math.
Dr. Jeanne McIntosh October 2011 All rights reserved.

Brianna: That is not fair to hate math because you think the teacher does not like you. You are good in math better than I am. Jeremy: Wellmaybe Brianna: Why dont you talk to her. She is easy to talk to. I think she will listen. It would be better than complaining this whole year about the teacher. That is not fair. Jeremy: You are right. I complain too much rather than being thankful for a good teacher. I will talk with her tomorrow. Wish me luck. Brianna: I will do better than that. I will pray for you. Jeremy: Hey, thanks a lot. I appreciate that, Brianna. Brianna: God will help you say the right words to her and He can help her to work with you on this. Jeremy: I will let you know how it goes. Brianna: I will be praying! (Exit)
Paul and Silas Coloring page

Special NOTE: See The Thankful Series Overview for ideas for music, snacks, and crafts.

Dr. Jeanne McIntosh October 2011 All rights reserved.

Word Search S A M C C M S Y A G Y E Z G E O C P O W W P E X W M X Q L L J A I L D H F U V E T R C J Z S I L A S E P N F O U S A H T E S I A R P E K K N L I Z K D Y Z D G M L H R Z T L A G J U U L O F F C M N F O W M P X L K D I O X F O S R O B B R R X N L D M B H N J E S U S A F B H I G L A I V S Q X J Q Y B Z D W S M S F D I H I F M K Q K X X F C C V T N O Q W W A G W M E S B C Y E G Q A I V N I Z H Y I X I Q N P A U L R X Q B U Q I Q S F L W O I Z L Y N R



Dr. Jeanne McIntosh October 2011 All rights reserved.

Fill in the blanks using the words in the tool box on the right side.

Name __________________________________ Complete the Sentences Use the words in the list below to complete the sentence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Paul and Silas preached the ______________ . Servant Police The leaders did not like it that they healed the Jail ________________________ Free The leaders reported them to the _________ who Praises put them in jail. Open At night Paul and Silas sang ___________ to God. Life God caused the jail doors to ________________. Gospel Escaped Not one of the prisoners __________________. saved The jailor was worried for his _______________. Paul told him no one would leave the _________. The jailor and his family all got _____________. The leaders let Paul and Silas go _____________.

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Dr. Jeanne McIntosh October 2011 All rights reserved.

SECRET MESSAGE WORKSHEET: The puzzle below provides a Secret message for the kids to find using the letter tiles above. Example No 2 would be a B counting over two letters. No. 10 would be a J counting over 10 letters. Created using Discovery

Dr. Jeanne McIntosh October 2011 All rights reserved.

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