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• Any physical system which does not automatically correct

for variation in its output, is called an open-loop system.
• Such a system may be represented by the block diagram as shown in Fig.

• In these systems, output is dependent on input but controlling action or

input is totally independent of the output or changes in output of the
• In these systems the output remains constant for a constant input signal
provided the external conditions remain unaltered.
The various signals are,
r(t) = Reference input
e(t) = Error signal
c(t) = Controlled output
m(t) = Manipulated signal
b(t) = Feedback signal
Introduction: Frequency Domain Methods for Controller
The frequency response method of controller design may
be less intuitive than other methods you have studied
previously. However, it has certain advantages, especially
in real-life situations such as modeling transfer functions
from physical data. In this tutorial, we will see how we
can use the open-loop frequency response of a system to
predict its closed-loop time response behavior.
The frequency response of a system consists of evaluating how a sinusoidal
input to a system is scaled and shifted by the system. The manner in which
the scaling and shifting of the sinusoidal output changes as a function of
frequency provides useful information about the system's time response.
One aspect, in particular, that a system's frequency response is used for
determining is a system's "robustness." For example, how close is the system
to becoming unstable? Here we use two quantities, gain margin and phase
margin to indicate the margin the system has before it would go unstable.
1 • Introduction.

2 • Frequency Response Definition.

3 • Bode Plot Definition.

4 • Frequency Response Plot.

5 • Viewpoints of analyzing control system behavior.

6 • Logarithmic coordinate.

7 • Bode Plot Construction.

What is frequency response of a system?

 The frequency response of a system is defined as

the steady-state response of the system to a
sinusoidal input signal.
 The sinusoid is a unique input signal, and the
resulting output signal for a linear system, as well
as signals throughout the system, is sinusoidal in
the steady-state.
What is Bode Plot?
Bode Plot is a (semi log) plot of the transfer
function magnitude and phase angle as a
function of frequency.
Bode (rhymes with roadie) plots show the frequency response of a system. There are
two Bode plots one for gain (or magnitude) and one for phase. The amplitude response
curves are examples of the Bode gain plot. The Nyquist plot combines gain and phase
into one plot in the complex plane.

A Bode plot is generally used in electrical engineering and control theory and is
represented by a graph depicting the frequency responses of a particular system. It is an
important tools used in linear time invariant systems (LTI systems) for showing its gain or
the magnitude and the phase response with respect to different operating frequencies.

A Bode plot is a graph commonly used in control system engineering to determine the
stability of a control system. A Bode plot maps the frequency response of the system
through two graphs – the Bode magnitude plot (expressing the magnitude in decibels)
and the Bode phase plot (expressing the phase shift in degrees).
Polar Plots
• The transfer function can be separated into magnitude and
phase angle information
H(j) = |H(j)| Φ(j)

e.g., H(j)=Z(j)
Viewpoints of analyzing control
system behavior

• Routh-Hurwitz ( s    j )
• Root locus ( s    j )
• Bode diagram (plots) ( s  j )
• Nyquist plots ( s  j )
• Nicols plots ( s  j )
• Time domain

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