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Speech-Language and Hearing Therapy

Confidential Progress Report

Name of Client: Michaelyn Kampher Grade: R
Date of Birth: 18/10/2016
Chronological age: 5 years, 4 months Therapist (student): Laiken Peters
Gender: Female Clinical Supervisor: Farzaana Moosa
Date of report: 02/3/2022
First Language: Afrikaans/English
Communication diagnosis: Articulation error and Early Literacy problem
Language of education: English
School: Pieter Langeveldt School

Michaelyn was referred for a speech-language evaluation by her school. She has
participated in the speech screening and assessment to determine if his speech
development is age appropriate on the 02/03/2022.

Background information was not available at the time of the report.
Michaelyn participated in a screening assessment and was identified for a in depth
speech assessment on the following dates:
 02/03/2022 ● 09/03/2022
Michaelyn is friendly and willing to participate. She cooperated well in both
assessments and was very eager to comment on all topics. However, due to the
length of the assessment she struggled to maintain focus throughout the session.
Evaluation procedures
The following assessment instruments were used for the assessment:

 Oral sensory motor examination (OSME):

It is the examination of the oral facial structures to assess its structural and functional
adequacy for speech production. The speech motor mechanisms such as the lips, teeth, jaw,
tongue, palate, velum, and pharynx. Focusing on the symmetry, colour and potential
damages (Bernthal & Bankson, 2004).

 Articulation and phonology assessment:

A single word elicitation provides an effective and simple method to elicit a speech
production sample for a child. An analysis of spontaneous speech supports the findings
of the single productions and determines speech sound usage in a natural form (Dodd,
Hua, Crosbie, Holm, & Ozanne, n.d.).

 Early Literacy Protocol (ELP) –

Early Literacy protocol is an assessment testing the prerequisites of a early
learning and literacy experiences that research shows are linked with academic
achievement, reduced grade retention, higher graduation rates and enhanced
productivity in adult life. The three areas tested include print awareness, auditory
memory and phonological awareness (Cedar, Mill, Bethany, 2018).


Oral Facial Examination – this is a procedure medical professionals use to assess

the condition of an individual's lips, teeth, jaw, tongue, palate, velum, and pharynx.
Michaelyn presented with 2 rotten teeth. All else was in good health.
Articulation- Typical articulation and phonology refer to the ability to correctly pronounce
all the speech sounds. During this task Michaelyn was asked to name a set of pictures that
contain all the English phonemes in the beginning, middle and final positions in words.

Michaelyn presents with the following articulation disorders:

Cluster reduction
/r/ - /w/ e.g, dress - ‘dwess’
“th” / Ɵ/ - /t/ e.g., three – ‘twee’

Print awareness
This refers to the knowledge and understanding of the different contexts print has
and the functions of print in the everyday environment.
Subsection Score Results
Environmental print- the 2/2 Skill obtained
ability to recognize print in
the environment. For
example, stop sign.
Book concept and 5/5 Skill obtained
orientation- General
knowledge of a book. Where
is starts, location of title,
where it ends.
Reading orientation – 4/4 Skill obtained
Knowledge of what we read
(text), text direction, when to
turn the page
Print concepts – knowledge 4/4 Skill obtained
of print such as what is a
letter, word, numbers,

Phonological Awareness:
This refers to the learner’s awareness of the sound system of a language, as well as the
rules that determine which sounds can be combined. Phonological awareness is important
for a learner’s later reading,- and writing abilities, as well as academic progress.
Subsection Score Results
Segmentation- this refers to 6/12 Michaelyn was able to
the ability to divide words segment all of the words into
into syllables and sounds. syllables. She was unable to
Example: segment words into sounds.
 Words into Due to her age this skill is
syllables= pil-low emerging.
 Words into
sounds= c-a-t

Synthesis- this refers to the 8/12 Michaelyn was able to

ability to combine words and combine words but struggled
sounds to combine sounds.
 Combining words
=rain-bow Due to her age this skill is
(rainbow) emerging.
 Combining
sounds = c-a-n

Analysis- this refers to the 4/8 Michaelyn was able to isolate

ability to isolate words and words well. She struggled to
sounds. complete the example.
 Isolating words = Therefore, no further
take away pony assessment was done for the
from ponytail sound isolating.
 Isolating sounds This skill is yet to develop due
= take away ‘c’ to her age.
from cat (at)

Judging- this refers to 0/12 Michaelyn could not complete

identifying which sounds the examples in these
have the same starting exercises. This may be due to
sound / ending sound. loss of concentration.
 Identify same
starting sound = These skills are emerging due
which words start to her age.
with the same
starting sound
out of shop, nose
and shell. (shop,
 Identifying ending
sound = which
words have the
same ending
sound out of sum,
food and dam
(sum and dam)

Identification- this refers to 0/12 Michaelyn was unable to

naming the initial and final maintain concentration and
sounds in words was not able to complete this
 Initial sounds = exercise.
first sound in sun
(s) These skills are still emerging
 Final sounds = due to her age.
last sound in flag

Manipulation – this refers to 0/12 Michaelyn was unable to

the ability swop out initial maintain concentration and
sounds and create new was not able to complete this
words. exercise.
 Sound swopping
= cat with a f (fat) The skill are still emerging due
to her age.
Rhyme – identifying words 0/12 Michaelyn was unable to
with corresponding ending maintain concentration and
sounds was not able to complete this
 Identify rhymes = exercise.
which two words
rhyme These skills are still emerging
mice/rice/fan due to her age.
(mice/ rice)
Involves listening, storing the information and recalling the information that one has heard.
Subsection Score Results
Remembering sequences of 3/4 Michaelyn can successfully
numbers, and words. recall and repeat sequences
back. She achieved 3/ 4.
This skill is emerging.

Hearing screening has not yet been conducted at time of report.
Clinical interpretation of findings
Speech: correct articulation of the “r” /r/ and “th” /Ɵ/ sound in consonant clusters
Early literacy: Judging and Matching: Improve the ability to identify sounds in words
Identification: Improve naming and initial and final sounds in words
Manipulation: Improve ability to swop out initial sounds to form new words
Rhyme: Identifying words with corresponding ending sounds


It is recommended that Michaelyn receives speech therapy at the school within school
hours, once a week targeting the above areas.

Please contact the Division of Speech-Language and Hearing Therapy at 021 938 9494
if you require any further information.

Yours sincerely,

____________________________ ________________________________
Laiken Peters Clinical Supervisor
S. Student Farzaana Moosa

Student Speech-Language Therapy student Clinical supervisor

Copies to:
- Miss/ Mrs Goeda
- Pieter Langerveldt School
- Division of Speech-Language and Hearing Therapy

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