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PAG 6.

1 Determining the Planck Constant using LEDs

Jedd fadhley
July 11, 2023

1 Introduction
When a large enough potential difference is applied across a light-emitting diode (LED), it emits
photons that all have the same wavelength and frequency When the LED just begins to glow, the
energy, E, lost by each electron as it passes through the LED is converted into the energy of a single
photon The energy, E, of a photon is equal to:
E = hf =
The aim of this experiment is to use the I–V characteristics of different coloured LED’s to determine
the value of the Planck constant and use the equation given to do so.

2 Prerequisites
2.1 Variables
Independent variable = wavelength of light emitted by the LED,λ
Dependent variable = potential difference across the LED, ∆V Control variables: E.m.f of the cell
temperature of room

2.2 Equipment list

• Light emitting diodes of varying colours
• Ammeter
• Voltmeter

• Leads
• Cell
• Resistor

Figure 1: the equipment should be setup like this[sme23]

2.3 Method
• Set up the circuit as shown in the diagram below. Connect the ammeter in series with the LED
to measure the current through it and connect the voltmeter in parallel to the LED to measure
the voltage across it The applied voltage can be changed by using the potentiometer.

• Slowly increase the voltage in steps of 0.05 V from 0 V to 3 V until the LED just begins to emit
• Note down the threshold voltage IE. the minimum p.d across the LED that is required before
any current is able to flow

• Repeat the procedure for each coloured LED

• Record the results in a table

3 Results
Results are on the next page

colour minimum voltage V
red 1 1.44V
red 2 1.45V
red 3 1.46V

Table 1: values for red LED

colour minimum voltage V

yellow 1 1.58V
yellow 2 1.56V
yellow 3 1.57V

Table 2: values for yellow

colour minimum voltage V

green 1 1.64V
green 2 1.62V
green 3 1.66V

Table 3: values for green

colour minimum voltage V

blue 1 2.00V
blue 2 2.05V
blue 3 2.10V

Table 4: values for blue

colour mean minimum voltage (V) wavelength (m)

red 1.45 7 × 10−7
yellow 1.57 5.75 × 10−7
green 1.64 5.35 × 10−7
blue 2.05 4.75 × 10−7

Table 5: mean values for all colours

4 Computing the Results
We can rearrange the equation to model the relation between V and 1/λ

hc hc 1
V = = ×
eλ e λ
Therefore we will plot the graph of 1/λ and the voltage and the gradient will be e

mean minimum voltage




1.4 1.6 1.8 2

wavelength ·109

The slope of the line of best fit is 8.47 · 10−10 .

5 Determining the constant

We have calculated the slope of the line to be 8.47 × 10−10 using :
hc hc 1
V = = ×
eλ e λ
Therefore the gradient will be hc
e so hc
e is equal to 8.47 × 10−10 multiplying 8.47 × 10−10 by e
c results
in h being :
4.517 × 10−37

6 analysis of results
My value of 4.517 × 10−37 is not that far apart from the real value 6.626 × 10−34 so I would say this
was a success.There were a lot of places for error to occur as we decided on if the LED were on or not
by eye instead of using an ammeter so this would result in less accurate values.We also did not remove
all light pollution in the room we did it in so that could have skewed results with us not able to see if
the LED was on or not.

[sme23] save my exams. Using leds to estimate the planck constant h.–
photons/4-11-photons–wave-particle-duality/4-11-3-determining-the-planck-constant/, 2023.

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