How To Tell If Your Cat Loves You

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How To Tell If Your Cat Loves You

Good evening everybody, my name is Khanh. Today I’m going to talk about a confusing creature which is
cat. Worse, not every cat behaves in the same way. The key with cats is to try to understand their
unique psychology and communication style rather than expecting them to act like humans or dogs.
Your cat is probably showing you plenty of signs that they adore you, but you might not notice them.
With such a confusing way of communication, there are three ways to tell if your cat truly loves you.

1. They talk to you

Cats don't meow at each other; this is a behavior that appears to have evolved specifically for
interacting with humans. This means that if your cat meows at you, it is because they want to be near
you. Always remember to make an effort to communicate with your cat. If they believe they are being
ignored, they may become depressed. This distinguishes them from dogs, who frequently bond with a
quiet, calm leader.

2. They bring you 'presents'

Your cat is expressing their love for you by presenting you with a dead animal or insect. They don't
always get it right, such as when they bring you something inedible like a toy or a leaf, but the loving
motivation remains. If your cat brings you a special gift, no matter how disgusting, always try to praise
them and return the love with a pat.
3. They bunt their face onto you

Your cat is marking you with chemical signals by rubbing its face against you in order to acquire you as
its own. It may appear possessive, but consider this: they wouldn't want to own something they didn't
enjoy! The bunting is not only a pleasant form of affection for us to receive, but it also serves as a
physiological stress release for your cat.

To summarize, to know for sure your cat in fact loves you, there are 3 common signs. First of all, they try
to communicate with you by meowing at you. Secondly, they bring you dead animals or insects as a gift.
And last but not least, they would rub their face onto you to claim it as their possession.

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