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Technology of Yarn Production

(Combing, Roving Preparation & Ring Spinning)

Prof. R. Chattopadhyay
Department of Textile Technology
Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi

Lecture - 01
Pre-combing Operation Part-1

Good afternoon. We are going to discuss the combing operation. Now the combing
operation is preceded by a pre-combing stage. What is there in pre-combing stage? We
prepare lap and these laps are nothing but their feed package.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:46)

So to produce a lap which is basically a feed package for the comber, there is a lap I
have kept on the left hand side you can have a look. If this lap if you see it is basically
a compressed sheet of cotton. And it is rolled in a cylindrical form. So this sheet if you
look at it if I show you, you can now it is clear that this part is the sheet and the sheet
is rolled in the form of a cylindrical package.

This is called lap and this lap it is feed package for the combing machine. So first of all
we need to know how to transform sliver into a lap like this. Slivers cannot be directly
fed to the combing machine. We have to make a lap which looks like this and then these
laps are fed on the machines which is subsequently combed. So first thing that is going
to discuss is how this roll is formed.
One thing which is important about this sheet is that the sheet has to be very uniform in
terms of mass per unit length along the length of the roll and also along the width. This
is also very important that is it has to be uniform along the length of the entire roll and
it has to be also uniform along the width of the lap. Both are important. Let us go to the
next slide.

(Refer Slide Time: 02:54)

Transformation of slivers into lap, so to make a lap the feed material is sliver that we
produce on carding machines and maybe we have given it to one drawframe passage.
So still it is in the form of a sliver and you are all familiar with the sliver. So the sliver
is the feed material for lap forming machines. So transformation of slivers into lap, what
do you do here? Multiple slivers are fed as an array to the machine.

So we are feeding simultaneously large number of slivers maybe 12, maybe 16, maybe
18 that all fed together and they are arranged parallel to each other. Then this slivers
are drafted. Why do you draft them? Because by drafting the slivers will lose their
identity as a round shape will be lost and they will become a thin sheet. This is
transformed into a roll by winding at a constant rate on a spindle.

Here is the lap spindle on which the entire roll or sheet has been rolled. When we want
to produce it another important thing is that the lap has to be formed under pressure.
You all know that cotton is a very fluffy material. So but we have to make a compact
sheet. Otherwise the diameter will be too much and the content of the package will be

So what we do that we while winding it on the lap spindle, we have to apply pressure
on it. And the second thing is that as far as possible we have to generate little tension
in the sheet so that the sheet is rolled under tension at the same time we apply pressure
on it so that it remains compressed. And we can finally produce a package where we
have compressed sheet of cotton.

And while we keep rolling it, at some stage when a certain length has been wound or
you have gained certain weight, the machine stops automatically and this lap that we
have formed is then removed from the machine. So this is how a sliver is transformed
into a lap. So the feed is the sliver and the output from the machine is a roll like this,
which is known as lap.

The other lap we maybe familiar with that we produced on blowroom, which are much
larger than this and they are fed to the carding machine to produce sliver. Nowadays,
most of the blowroom do not produce the lap because we have chute feed system in the
blow room where tufts from blowrooms are directly fed to the carding machines. So lap
preparation on blowroom is declining day by day. But for the coming machine, we have
to produce these laps first.

(Refer Slide Time: 06:56)

Now the combing process or we can say pre-combing process basically, there are two
processes. One is lap doubling process and the other one is sliver doubling process. So
in the lap doubling process, it employs basically a sliver lap machines followed by a
ribbon lap machines. So as of now we do not know what are these two machines, but
you only remember that there are two machines sliver lap machine and ribbon lap

Using those two machines we can produce laps which are suitable for combing. The
other one is sliver doubling process. Here the normal drawframe provides the first
process and the sliver form the drawframe where it has already undergone some amount
of parallelizations and improvement in the uniformity. These are then fed to a machines
and then these slivers are transformed into a lap.

So when sliver doubling machines are basically therefore, the feed material is drawn
sliver and then the drawn slivers are combined together and it will draft its ribbon to it
to form a uniform shape and then the sheet is rolled in the form of a lap.

(Refer Slide Time: 08:37)

Now you look at a sliver lap machines. The sketch has been given. And what you see
here is that there are two creels, creel 1, creel 2 and then these creels basically means
to feed the sliver cans. From each sliver cans the sliver is removed and a number of
slivers will move along the table of this creel. And it will reach the drafting system
where these slivers are given little bit of draft. How many slivers we feed here?
The number is given here that we feed 12 slivers on creel 1 and we feed another 12
slivers on creel 2. So 12 and 12, 24 slivers will be fed. These 12 slivers will move
parallely and they enter the drafting system. We will discuss the drafting system and
they are drafted a bit and then the drafted sheet from creel 1 and the drafted sheet from
creel 2, they get combined together and then they are transformed into a lap.

So what we have on the machine is web deflecting plates because after drafting the
sheet that is generated you can call it a web and these webs needs to change their path
and therefore we have deflecting plate and then we have web table and then lap winding

The basic units of the machines is the basic machine frame. There is a drafting unit,
draft drive to the drafting system, a winding head where the sheet is wound in the form
of a roll and then we have electrical cabinet. The sliver lap and sliver doubling machines
are fitted with creel, the kind of creel that we have seen here with two feed tables and
when we discuss the ribbon lap machine which will come later on.

The ribbon lap machines, the feed to the ribbon lap machine is a lap again. So several
laps we feed to the ribbon lap machine and then again draft them together little bit and
combine them together and then again roll into the lap. So you may wonder that why
do I need a ribbon lap machines. I have already formed a lap. Then what is the need to
combine the laps again?

We will discuss about this later on. But right now you remember that we can have sliver
lap machines. The name itself implies the slivers are transformed into a lap. So therefore
it is sliver lap machine. Sliver doubling machines is in a way similar to sliver lap
machines. The only difference is that we can feed more number of slivers there.

So construction wise sliver lap machine and sliver doubling machines are quite similar.
Ribbon lap machine construction wise quite similar to the sliver lap machines. The only
difference is that there is no creel to feed the slivers there. We only have feed package
which is a lap in a ribbon lap machine and the output package is also a lap, okay. Let
us go from here.
(Refer Slide Time: 12:55)

What is important here is the feeding part of the slivers is done by the creel and you
may be familiar with the creel like we feed slivers, card slivers on a drawframe. We
also use the creel. So the creel is basically similar in construction to the kind of creel
which is used to feed slivers, card slivers on drawframe. It is very simple, the creel part.

That is this slivers are basically pulled from the can and sometimes there may be
guiding rollers through which we can guide them and several slivers as they approach
the drafting unit, they converge together and they will enter the drafting system. So the
typical drafting unit consists of 4 rollers as shown in this diagram. So it is basically 4
over 4 drafting system.

Bottom roller diameters is 32, the top roller diameters are 39 mm and the draft which
is given here is around 1.3 to 3. That is the draft range. Also there is a pressure bar
which is here and the diameter is 16 mm. Alright, The pressure on the top rollers can
be varied and it can go up to 1600 N/nip. And draft can be varied in the three zones
depending upon our need and the results of the drafting is that by having a little draft
we will be able to improve the orientation of the fibres in the sliver.

They will be parallel to each other. Keeping a low draft has advantage. The advantage
is that as you may be knowing that during drafting, the drafting irregularity that is
generated that is proportional to the draft. So more draft we have more irregular the
sliver becomes. But though there is a compensating phenomena because of the doubling
action that we give.

So when you feed several slivers together in drafting unit there are two things that can
happen. One is more slivers, I have to give more draft and that means more irregularity.
But at the same time, more slivers means the reduction in irregularity because of
doubling also will be less. And these two phenomena will work together and the net
result decides whether there will be a net improvement of irregularity or not.

But generally it has been found that there are possibilities where the by increasing
doubling, we actually increase the short term irregularity in this sliver. So therefore
again in the case of combing as we discuss about the combing machine in the
subsequent lectures we will come to know that is uniformity of this lap sheet across the
width is very important.

Here the uniformity along the length and across the width, both are very important and
therefore, if we want to reduce the irregularity that is mass variations short-term mass
variations in that case the lesser draft is better in a way. There are some other reasons
why we keep less draft. That also we will come to know when we will discuss the
combing machine in more details.

(Refer Slide Time: 17:27)

Okay. Now let us go to the next unit that is basically lap winding unit. Lap winding unit
diagram is shown here. It shows that the drafted sheet of slivers. So when the slivers, a
bunch of slivers have undergone some drafting it is basically a sheet now. This sheet
moves and it passes to about a few calendar rollers. The purpose of calendar rollers are
to compress the sheet.

So, the thickness reduces and there is some coherence between the fibres. It has some
strength because of the pressure that the sheet receives as it passes through the calendar
rollers. So, one pair of calendar roller is not enough to really compress the sheet and
therefore we need multiple calendar rollers so that the sheet gets compressed properly
and then the sheet goes and here is a lap tube on which the sheet will be now wound.

Then another diagram is also shown here. And as I told you drafted sheet passes through
4 calendar rollers and 2 winding rollers, the lap tube holding device and lap weighing
device. That is, you see look at here that these are the calendar rollers and these two are
the winding rollers. There is the lap spindle or lap tube and the green circle indicates
the lap.

Now there are some other lever you see it here along with the piston. The whole purpose
of this is to basically apply pressure on the lap during its formation. What happens with
increase in diameter of the lap, this weighting frame the whole part of this part from
here to there is known as weighting frame. That is basically it is supposed to apply load
on the lap spindle so that the lap is produced under some pressure.

With increase in diameter of the lap weighing frame rises and the pressure increases. I
will explain that to you now. Now what happens as the lap grows in diameter this frame
this is this part is pulled and therefore what happens this piston is moved in this
directions. As I told here is there is a compressed air is there. So if we lap has to as the
lap grows in diameter, this has to move inside.

And as a result you need more and more force to do this. The net effect is the pressure
on the lap keeps on increasing as the lap increase in diameter. Why do you need so?
(Refer Slide Time: 21:04)

If we go to the next slide, this will be clear. Now let us say in this diagram what we are
showing that there are two rollers, lap rollers of same diameter ‘d1’ and then there is a
lap of diameter ‘d2’. And let us say that we are applying a force ‘P’ acting at the centre
of the lap. Now if this is so and ‘d3’ indicates this distance as shown in the diagram and
‘α’ is this angle, you can see in the diagram.

Now what is this angle ‘α’? From the geometry of this region, we can say that 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼 is
𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼 =
𝑑1 + 𝑑2
So this is ‘d1/2’, this is ‘d2/2’. So 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼 is this, divided by this and hence it is,
𝑑1 + 𝑑2
And what is the relationship between ‘P’ and ‘q’? ‘q’ is the reaction force. The contact
points are between the lap and the lap that are here.

So as if the force ‘P’ acts vertically downwards, the reaction force will be acting on the
lap sheet which is basically ‘q’. So ‘2q𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼’ is going to balance the downward force
which is ‘P’ and therefore, we can write,
2 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝛼
So 𝑐𝑜𝑠 𝛼 as you all know is √1 − 𝑠𝑖𝑛2 𝛼 and therefore, if you put the value of 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛼
here, we get this equations.

And ‘q’ is actually the effective force which is acting on the lap while the lap is being
formed. And what we see here that ‘q’, how it is connected to ‘P’ and other parameters.
For a given ‘P’, ‘d3’ remains constant, ‘d1’ does not change. What is changing in this
equation is basically ‘d2’. As the ‘d2’ increases, what will happen? ‘q’ will actually
decrease. So when the lap grows in diameter, the pressure on it is decreasing.

To keep the pressure constant ‘q’, if ‘P’ is constant, ‘q’ will decrease. This is what is
going to happen. So you have to avoid this and hence either ‘P’ needs to be increased
as lap grows in diameter, so that ‘q’ remains constant since lap has to grow in diameter
and therefore the only way to keep ‘q’ constant is to keep on increasing ‘P’. That is
what we must do.

And hence this mechanism that is shown here and we will be able to achieve this,
because as the lap grows in diameter, these pivoting lever will move in this direction as
well as the piston will be pushed into this chamber where pressurized air is there. And
therefore, the ‘P’ value is going to increase gradually and as a result, ‘q’ will remain
constant whatever value is set and that will give me a lap which is very compressed and
therefore it will not be too voluminous and it has a advantage. That is what we do.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:19)

There are some other mechanism people have developed, some companies have
developed, that is the lap is I can now move the lap that is lap drive and lap
compressions. The lap belt is here is a belt. You see the belt is motor is there, it is
running this and then it has a continuous belt going like this. And this lap belt is guided
by tension and driven by six deflection pulleys.

So if you see the pulleys, these are the pulleys 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. These pulleys are the
deflection pulleys. The lap belt drive the lap and the belt is driving the lap at its
circumference. So here earlier we have seen there are two rolls, lap rollers on which the
lap is placed and the lap roller rotates and therefore, the lap rotates. It is a friction drive

Here the difference is that there is no metallic roll on with the lap is resting. Here the
lap belt is actually doing the job of driving the lap sheet. The pneumatic cylinder is still
is there which tensions the lap belt by means of a tensioner pulley 70 because if
I want to increase the pressure effective pressure on the lap with time, then the
mechanism by which we used to do there earlier similar mechanism also exist here.

And the tension pulley will be with the lever shown here is going to push this piston
into the pneumatic cylinder in a similar fashion. And so the pulley has to change its
position in order to push the cylinder, push the sorry piston. With increasing lap
diameter, the lap density is varied by varying the pressure control. That is there is a
system by which we can keep changing the pressure on the lap.

These are adjustable now and the pressure, the effective on the lap can be changed as
the lap grows in diameter. So earlier the pressure used to reduce with time, which is not
good. That means the initial layers will be very tightly wound and the layers which will
be formed better will be loosely wound and therefore the whole laps will not have
uniformity in terms of density from layer to layer, density of the cotton sheet.

So what we needed is either to keep the pressure on the sheet constant all the time
during his formation or one can think that I can increase the pressure as the lap grows
in diameter. So that also is possible.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:47)

The width of this belt on which the lap is running correspond to the lap width. The belt
is wrapped around the lap throughout the lap build up. So the drive goes from the belt
to the lap and the entire lap is in contact with the belt. The speed of the batt entering the
belt system is identical to that of the belt. Is the batt basically means, the lap sheet.

So obviously because it is in contact with the belt and gets its drive from the belt, so
whatever is the surface speed or linear speed of the belt same is the speed of the lap
sheet also. The pressure is distributed over the surface of the laps circumference by the
lapping belt. This is the advantage of the belt driven lap. See the surface area of contact
between the belt and the lap is much larger than the previous diagram that we have seen
where the contact are at only two points.

If the lap is resting on lap rollers, then it is a two point contact. Whereas in this case,
there is a contact over an area because the belt is in contact in the lap over a larger area.
So the possibilities of transferring the force or the motion is much better in this case.
The part of the belt around the lap resembles in cross section of the Greek letter
OMEGA and hence the name has been given omega lap and this has been developed
by a company called Rieter.

This company has developed a technique and they call it OMEGA lap. And lapping
belt is in constant contact with the raw material being processed. As I discussed earlier
that the advantage is the speed transmission is much better because larger area contact
between the lap and the lapping belt. So that advantage is there in this case.

(Refer Slide Time: 31:17)

Next we will discuss the ribbon lap machine. So whatever we have discussed is all
about sliver lap machines. Feed is sliver and the output is the lap. Now the ribbon lap
machine what do we do? The feed is a lap. So these are basically lap that you have seen
earlier. The lap that we produce there they become the feed package of this machine.
And this machine can handle six laps.

So it is a cross-sectional view. So the lap is here, the drafting system is here. There is a
turn table. And then basically there is a lap forming unit over here again. So lap forming
unit we have already discussed. This lap is unrolled and is given little draft again. So
if, this machine has got six heads, so that we feed six laps one after the other. The lap
sheets from six heads are doubled together in a sandwich fashion.

So what we do advantage in this case is that after a little bit of drafting that we gave to
the lap here, then six lap sheets that we get drafted on these machines. They move like
this as shown here. This is from one head. Let us say this from head one. This is from
head two, this is head three and there will be some more, like that there will be six heads
and the sheet is turned like this by turning plates.
And here as they move forward this sheet moves on the top of this sheet and this sheet
moves on the top of these two sheets and there are some more heads here. So therefore,
finally what we get is a sandwich mixing of six drafted sheet. And this gives you what?
The transverse evenness is much better. Combining slivers together really do not
improve the transverse evenness.

Transverse evenness will be better if we can combine the sheets one after the other like
this. In that case, the transverse evenness is much better. And you will see that there is
a great significance of transverse evenness of the sheet when you actually go for
combing operations. So this machine is also used in some industry. So ribbon lap
machines basically input is a lap, output is also a lap.

The advantage is by sandwich mixing we will be able to improve the transverse

evenness of the final lap. Otherwise the construction wise, working wise the machines
are simple. There is not much difference from the previous machine.

(Refer Slide Time: 34:48)

Now if we compare between the sliver lap and ribbon lap machines, then we see that
both of them can process fibres up to one of 1 5/8 of an inch or even fibre little shorter
or longer can be processed. There is no difficulty. The main difference you see it here,
that here doubling is 24, here doubling is 6. Doubling is here 6 lap doubling. And in
this case, this is 24 sliver doubling. So this doubling is on sliver. And here these are of
Draft in this case is usually kept in this range 1.31 to 3.03. Ribbon lap machine you can
vary between 3.48 to 8. So roughly you can say 3.5 to 8 that is the typical range in
which the draft can be driven. Tube length 250 mm, here it is 300 mm. It may vary little
bit from manufacture to manufactures. But on an average this is the length. The lap
weight typical 25 kg, here it is 20 kg.

So here the weight also some variation in weight is also possible, someone can make
20 kg someone can be 22 kg. So this little adjustment or flexibilities are there on the
machine. The delivery speed also can vary. Speed wise, they are more or less similar;
85 to 100 m/min. That is delivery rate and production for machines can be up to 480
kg/h, 480 kg/h.

The actual production rate has to be set by the user of these machines. Someone can set
at 400, someone can set at 350 or 450. It all depends because the decision is taken based
on the kind of fibre that somebody is going to process, the technology that they have
with them and they want to balance the production that also matters. But the production
speeds can be varied.

(Refer Slide Time: 37:22)

Next come sliver doubling machine. So earlier the question that always comes to our
mind is that why do you need two machines? Sliver lap machines and then ribbon lap
machine. That is sliver produce lap, again laps produce lap again. So you transform
sliver to lap first stage, second stage you transform lap to lap conversion is there.

So can we not have one single machine where we can form uniform lap that is whatever
is being done by the sliver lap machine and ribbon lap machine, can their operations
can be merged together and we can have one single machine on which we will be able
to produce a lap of similar quality. With that idea, the sliver doubling machines was

What we see here that construction wise the machines are basically same. That is, you
feed slivers from a drawframe now. So that means this is operating card sliver, we feed
drawn sliver. That means the material has already undergone little bit of drawing and
therefore the fibres are little bit more parallel and oriented in the feed material. And
what do you do in this case that we double 32 slivers.

So large number of slivers are doubled together. So we may feed 16 and 16 each here
and 32 slivers are fed and then we have a machine construction wise more or less similar
that is we have two drafting head like shown in this diagram and then from there the
waves which are generated after drafting or the sheet that is generated we combine them
again in sandwich fashion and then they are converted into a final lap.

So that is what we do on the sliver doubling machine. That is slivers, drawn slivers are
taken and more number of slivers are combined together. The rest of the machine
construction remains almost similar. And we combine the drafted sheet of fibres that
we get from each head together and we make the final lap out of it. So in one stage we
can produce the lap in this case and this lap is good enough from the quality point of
view which can be fed on comber.

The diagram on the right hand side shows that how the placement of sliver can affect
the quality. See in this case, we see the slivers when are feeding, they must touch each
other. There should not be gap between the two sliver as is shown in this case, it is not
the correct way. Because you see the gap between the slivers are there. So that means,
in this case the lap that is going to be produced there will be thin regions across the
width of the lap sheet.
So to avoid that we have to make sure the slivers are placed in this manner. This kind
of placement is also not good, where the slivers are too close to each other and they
may override. One can go on the top of the other. So too close placement is also not
good. Slivers having spaces between them also not correct. So what is correct is as one
on the top diagram.

This is the sliver placement, because this little care we have to take when we actually
process the slivers of the machines. Otherwise, there will be, the quality of this lap will
suffer and as a result combing operation is going to suffer.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:09)

Lap preparation technique: Conventional technique is lap doubling process which

consist of basically card, carding means card sliver is produced followed by the sliver
goes to sliver lap machine and from sliver lap machine it goes to ribbon lap machine
and then it goes to the combing machine. So this kind of process is conventional
technique, which is called lap doubling process.

Because on the ribbon lap machine they are actually doubling the lap not the sliver.
That is why the name has been given lap doubling. And in the case of sliver doubling,
this is a modern process. Card followed by drawframe. So one passage is driven to the
drawframe, on drawframe. Then sliver that we will produce on drawframe, they are fed
to the sliver doubling machines.
So sliver doubling machine construction wise this machine and these machines are
more or less similar. Everything is similar. So here we produce directly the lap and
these laps are then fed to the comber. Because of the improvement in the construction
of the machine, improvement in the overall quality of the different rotating elements,
the lap that we can produce directly they are good enough to be fed to the combing

So this process is becoming more popular now. But there are many mills where the
previous process that is lap doubling process is also followed. This process especially
followed only one two process long fibres. That is we want to go for finer mixings. In
that case many times the sliver lap or ribbon lap, these two machines are used to produce
the laps. But and for coarser mixings, usually this process is followed. But there are
many mills which will be following this process also that is sliver doubling process for
even processing finer fibres or finer mixings.

(Refer Slide Time: 44:40)

Here we give you the calculation of draft. Sometimes we need to know how much draft
is required. So if you want to calculate the draft that we require, then we need to know
these three, values of these three parameters. Required draft is number of slivers
doubled, that you want to double, sliver linear density and the batt weight. Batt weight
is nothing but basically the linear density of the lap, is also known as batt weight.
So I can write it here, this is basically lap linear density. The lap is also called batt by
many people or in many textbook you may find it, but it is basically the linear density
of the lap. So if we have these values, that is the lap linear density you are going to
produce. And if we know the individual sliver linear density and the number of slivers
that we have to double then we can find out how much draft is required.

Accordingly the draft can be set on the machine. Or vice versa if we know the draft
already set on the machines and we want to find out the linear density of the lap, then
we can bring linear the lap linear density here and total draft will be at the denominator
we can find out what is the lap linear density that we require. So this is the relationship
between total draft, number of slivers being doubled, sliver linear density and the lap
linear density.

If we want to know how many fibres are there in the cross-section of the lap, then this
is the formula that can be used. That is,
𝐵𝑎𝑡𝑡 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 (𝑔/𝑚) × 25400
𝑀𝑖𝑐 𝑜𝑓 𝑐𝑜𝑡𝑡𝑜𝑛
This will give you the number of fibres which are there in the cross-sections of the lap.
It is expected that more fibres are there in the cross-sections more uniform the sheet is
going to be. So sometimes this information could be useful in the industry and therefore,
this formula also we should know.

(Refer Slide Time: 47:43)

There is one problem that usually we find during combing operation, which is known
as lap licking. This lap licking on the combing machine is because of some thing going
wrong with the preparation of the lap in the previous process. So if the lap licks, now
what is lap licking? If I want to show you when this sheet is unrolled what happens is
this that some fibres from the top part of the sheet is attached with this lap.

And this you can see here a lot of fibres which are actually bridging this part and this
part. This bridging fibres, we call it licking of the lap. They create problem in the sense
that the fibre that will produce on the combing machines will be highly non-uniform if
this kind of bridging of fibres are there. So this we need to avoid. So while unwinding
the individual layer of lap sheet the sheet may stick to each other.

Fibres may stick to each other and which is known as lap licking. This creates actually
disturbance in combing as I said it may lead to basically unevenness in the sliver that
we produce on coming machines. So how to avoid this? To avoid it, we need to form
self isolating layer. This is because this layer and the previous layer are sticking to each
other. The reason is this.

Fibres of this layer and the fibres of the previous layer, they are sticking to each other.
To avoid this random arrangement of fibres on the lap surface results in the formation
of such layer. When the fibres becomes too parallel to each other, then this tendency is
more. That is if the fibres in the sheet is too parallel or then there is tendency that the
fibres of the two layers will get stuck to each other.

So to avoid that we have to it is better to have the random arrangement of fibres on the
sheet. So avoid this and to create isolating layers how do I do it? The random
arrangement of fibre in lap sheet will create such kind of layer. And therefore, what do
we need to do? That we all know that the fibres are much randomly arranged in card
sliver. The more draft you give to the sliver, the more parallel the fibre becomes.

So if I gave less draft the fibres will be less parallel. So if we want to create a layer
where fibres are less parallel so that I can avoid such phenomena in that case, I have to
give less draft. Therefore, we have to give less draft during the preparation of the lap
and you will see the kind of draft that we give during lap preparation is much low,
because we want to maintain this random arrangement of fibres where the fibres are
less parallel.

That is the lap surface should not be too smooth. The fibre should not be too parallel to
each other. Thus a low draft helps. That is what I was narrating that we have to give
basically less draft. That is the only way by which we can keep the fibres less parallel
in the sheet or in the slide. So therefore the draft values are generally less in the
preparation of the lap and that is the end of this lecture. Thank you.

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