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Electrolysis (extraction of aluminium & copper is related to electrolysis)

Metals + extractions of metals (aluminium, iron & copper)

Organic Chemistry


Lysis means splitting or breaking of anything.

Photolysis means something is going to broken down in the presence of light.

Electrolysis means something is going to be broken up or split up in the presence of electricity. Also
related to the charges negative and positive charges.

Electrolysis is a process in which ions (cation & anion) are deposited on their respective electrodes by
the influence of electricity.

It is a process in which there is a deposition of ions by the influence of electricity.

Every process in chemistry takes place in a piece of an apparatus.

Apparatus in which electrolysis happens is called electrolytic cell. Electrolytic cell consists of wires,
beakers, bulb, electrodes & electrolytic solution.

Electrodes are the metal plates attached with battery. Battery is a source of energy and has two
terminals, one is positive, one is negative.

If we let the metal plate get attached to the positive side of the battery which is then called an
anode(+). And the metal plate attached to the negative side of the battery is called the cathode(-).
These metal plates themselves do not have any charge but the battery gives them charges and turns
them into electrodes. When the metal plate is removed from the battery, it is no longer an electrode.

How does the battery make the metal plate a positive or negative electrode

The metal plate itself is a non living thing hence it is made up of atoms and is neutral as any non
living thing is made up of atoms. But since it is a metal it has a sea of electrons or delocalised
electrons hence when it is attached to the positive side of the battery, it pulls in the electrons from
the metal plate and then transfers it to the other metal plate attached on the negative end of the
battery. This flow of electrons is called as electricity. The flow of electronselectricity is from the
positive to negative. And the battery symbol had the longer side as positive and the negative side as

Electrolytic Solution

Electrolytes are ion compounds which are made up of ions (cations & anions) and non electrolytes
are made of covalent compounds which are made up of atoms. Charges always let electricity to pass.
If there is no charge no electricity will be passed through. Ions have charges hence they conduct
electricity. Atoms are neutral as they have the same number of electrons and protons. H2O is a
covalent compound yet conduct electricity as it has salt, that is not the case for distilled water as the
salt is taken out from it. Ionic compounds conduct electricity in their molten or aqueous forms.
Electrolytic solution means any ionic compound solution. Free electrons are only in metals, in any
ionic compound solution there are free ions as they are in a aqueous or molten form. Ionic
compounds do not conduct electricity in solid forms.

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