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Zobeda Begum,42 MD.

Hannan Miah,37 Rumi and Rina, 8,3

She works at people’s house They are siblings, and Rumi goes to
hold for earning in the rural He is a farmer. school.
area of Chittagang Has a diabetic history; his As they live in a rural area, they don’t
Isn’t aware of mosquito bites father died because of it. know which water to drink and which not
Went to Government medical He went to a quack doctor, to drink.
for checkups but because of As a result, they suffer from diarrhea.
but he didn’t give him proper
excess rush. They can’t see a doctor because they
advice live far away from urban lands

Core problem: Isn’t aware from Core problem: Don’t have enough Core problem: Isn’t aware of the
the disease and excees rush in facilities for regular checkups and danger and lives very far from
Govt. medical give proper advice urban areas to see a good

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