CaseSpecs 2.0 1st Round Case

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0: First Round Case

The Health-Tech Dilemma

Health-Tech, encompassing the innovative application of technology in healthcare, aims to
improve efficiency, yield, and profitability within the industry. It involves the development of
services, products, or applications derived from healthcare to enhance various processes. By
using technology such as software, devices, and data analytics, health-tech strives to
revolutionize healthcare delivery and management, thereby improving patient outcomes,
streamlining processes, and increasing access to quality care. The significance of health-tech lies
in its potential to address the complex challenges faced by the healthcare industry. Through the
integration of digital solutions into traditional healthcare systems, health-tech offers benefits
such as telemedicine, remote patient monitoring, and electronic health records, which can
enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and boost patient satisfaction.

Bangladesh presents a promising landscape for the health-tech industry, driven by several
factors. With a population exceeding 160 million and around 69% having access to smartphones,
there is a solid foundation for implementing mobile-based health technologies. Moreover, the
country's traditional healthcare sector faces challenges, particularly in rural areas, creating
opportunities for health-tech startups to leverage digital solutions to reach underserved
populations effectively.

As Bangladesh's economy expands, healthcare expenditure rises, driving demand for quality
healthcare services. Health-tech startups can tap into this growing market by offering innovative
solutions that are accessible, affordable, and efficient. Government initiatives to promote
digitalization and innovation in healthcare, coupled with collaborations between the public and
private sectors, further propel the growth of the health-tech industry. With strategic planning
and innovative approaches, health-tech startups can play a crucial role in transforming
healthcare delivery and outcomes across the country.

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Overview of Bangladesh Health-Tech Industry:
The health-tech industry in Bangladesh is ready for significant growth, driven by various factors
that highlight its immense potential for innovation and development. With a total health
expenditure of USD $10 billion in the country, the health-tech market size is estimated at USD
$70 million, signaling a burgeoning sector ripe for expansion and investment.

Out-of-pocket health expenditure, constituting 74% of the total health expenditure in 2021,
underscores the need for innovative solutions that can enhance accessibility, affordability, and
efficiency within the healthcare ecosystem. Over the next five years, the health-tech sector is
expected to mature significantly, with wider applications of machine learning and artificial
intelligence. The adoption of cloud infrastructure for healthcare record maintenance and
increased digitalization of patient healthcare records are likely to accelerate further, driving
efficiency and effectiveness in healthcare delivery.

Investors are increasingly recognizing the potential of the health-tech sector, with 67%
expressing a preference for investing in this segment. This growing investor interest reflects
confidence in the industry's prospects for growth and innovation, signaling opportunities for
entrepreneurs and businesses to capitalize on emerging trends and technologies.

Private healthcare, valued at USD $7.4 billion in 2021, provides a substantial market for health-
tech products and services. The availability of patient data is crucial for the performance of
health-tech solutions, with 97% of services potentially covered if comprehensive databases of
patients' medical records can be maintained. However, challenges such as the lack of integrated
patient data hinder the integration of health-tech solutions with diagnostic centers and health
insurance companies, highlighting the need for concerted efforts to address data management
and interoperability issues.

The health-tech industry in Bangladesh holds immense promise, driven by growing investment
interest, technological advancements, and a significant market opportunity within the broader
healthcare landscape. By leveraging innovative solutions and addressing key challenges, the
health-tech sector has the potential to transform healthcare delivery, improve patient outcomes,
and drive sustainable growth and development in Bangladesh.

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Sectors of Health-Tech
The health-tech industry encompasses various sectors that use technology to improve healthcare
delivery, patient outcomes, and the overall health system. From telemedicine to wearable
medical devices, these sectors transform how healthcare is accessed and managed.

▪ Telemedicine:

Telemedicine, a transformative branch of healthcare technology, offers remote

consultations and services facilitated by video conferencing and remote monitoring tools.
Its notable features include the ability to connect patients with healthcare professionals
remotely, breaking down geographical barriers, and enhancing accessibility.
Furthermore, telemedicine fosters convenience by allowing patients to seek medical
advice and treatment from the comfort of their homes. Its importance lies in its capacity
to improve patient outcomes through timely consultations, enabling early detection of
conditions, better management of chronic illnesses, and ultimately reducing

▪ mHealth (Mobile Health):

mHealth, an innovative facet of healthcare technology, harnesses the power of mobile

devices such as smartphones and tablets to deliver healthcare services and promote
wellness. It empowers users to monitor their health parameters, track physical activity,
and access health information through mobile apps and wearables. Notable for its ability
to promote health education and awareness, mHealth facilitates preventive care and
medication adherence through timely reminders and alerts. Its significance lies in its
potential to revolutionize healthcare access and management, particularly in remote or
underserved areas, while fostering patient engagement and empowerment in managing
their health.
▪ Electronic Health Records (EHR):
Electronic Health Records (EHRs) digitize patients' medical records, offering a centralized
repository of health information accessible to healthcare providers. With features like
interoperability and clinical decision support, EHRs streamline care coordination and
facilitate evidence-based treatment decisions. They play a crucial role in improving
patient safety, reducing medical errors, and enhancing care quality through
comprehensive and accessible patient data. The significance of EHRs lies in their ability to
modernize healthcare delivery, optimize workflows, and ultimately improve patient
outcomes by providing healthcare professionals with actionable insights and information.

▪ Wearable Medical Devices:

Wearable medical devices, equipped with sensors and technology, enable continuous
monitoring of users' health parameters and real-time data collection. These devices offer

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personalized health feedback and empower users to track vital signs, activity levels, and
sleep patterns. Notable for their ability to facilitate remote patient monitoring and early
intervention, wearable devices play a pivotal role in proactive health management. Their
significance lies in their potential to enhance preventive care, promote early detection of
health issues, and improve treatment outcomes by providing individuals and healthcare
providers with actionable insights into users' well-being.

▪ Genomics and Precision Medicine:

Genomics and precision medicine utilize genetic information to tailor medical care and
treatment plans to individuals' unique genetic makeup. Through personalized treatment
options and early disease detection, they revolutionize healthcare by optimizing
treatment efficacy and minimizing adverse reactions. Notable for their ability to unlock
personalized therapies and predict disease risks, genomics and precision medicine usher
in a new era of precision healthcare. Their significance lies in their potential to transform
healthcare delivery, improve patient outcomes, and pave the way for more targeted and
effective treatments based on individuals' genetic profiles.

▪ Health Analytics and Big Data:

Health analytics and big data use large volumes of health-related data to derive insights,
support evidence-based decision-making, and enhance healthcare delivery. With features
like population health management and predictive analytics, they enable proactive
interventions, resource optimization, and real-time monitoring of patient data. Notable
for their ability to inform public health interventions and improve patient outcomes,
health analytics and big data play a crucial role in driving healthcare innovation and
improving population health. Their significance lies in their capacity to revolutionize
healthcare delivery, improve care quality, and address healthcare challenges through
data-driven insights and interventions.

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Bangladesh’s Health-Tech Transformation
The health-tech industry in Bangladesh has evolved significantly over the years, driven by a
combination of technological advancements, increasing demand for healthcare services, and
supportive government initiatives. The journey began with early telemedicine projects in the late
1990s and early 2000s, which laid the groundwork for digital healthcare innovation in the
country. Despite initial challenges, the industry gained momentum with the proliferation of
mobile technology and internet connectivity, paving the way for a range of innovative health-
tech startups.

Among the top health-tech companies in Bangladesh are:

Praava Health: Praava Health offers a comprehensive range of healthcare services,

including in-person and video consultations, diagnostic services, pharmacy with delivery, and
customized health checks from home. Utilizing a "brick and click" model, Praava has
established a flagship medical center and several smaller clinics across Dhaka. The company
has processed a significant number of COVID-19 tests and plans to expand its presence with
the recently raised Series A funding.

DocTime: DocTime provides telemedicine services, enabling patients to search for doctors,
opt for video consultations, and receive e-prescriptions securely. The platform also offers
integrated payment and medicine delivery services for added convenience. Backed by
investors from Bangladesh and England, DocTime offers promotional consultation rates and
additional services like medicine reminders and follow-up consultation reminders.

Maya: Maya focuses on teleconsultation services, particularly for women, addressing

sensitive issues such as mental and sexual health. Using Machine Learning (ML) and Natural
Language Processing (NLP) technology, Maya offers Q&A-based services, appointment
scheduling, and partnerships for medicine delivery. The company raised significant funds to
expand its telehealth platform and international presence.

DoctorKoi: DoctorKoi offers smart prescription writing software for doctors, facilitating
convenient digital prescriptions. With over 1300 doctors onboard, DoctorKoi has established
B2B partnerships with pharmaceutical companies and processed millions of digital
prescriptions. The company received investments from Accelerating Asia and the Bangladesh
Angels Network to further its growth and development.

Arogga: Arogga operates as an online pharmacy, providing organized medication listings and
transparent order tracking for consumers. The platform offers promotional offers like
discounts and cashback, enhancing affordability for customers. Launched in 2020, Arogga has

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garnered significant user traction and received seed funding from a Dubai-based angel
investment company.

CMED: CMED offers a cloud-based, IoT-enabled, Artificial Intelligence-driven preventive

healthcare platform, providing regular health monitoring services. The startup, recognized
for its innovative approach, graduated from the GP accelerator and won the Innovation
Award at the Seedstars Summit. CMED's analytics-based health monitoring reports offer
valuable insights to patients for proactive health management.

Augmedix Bangladesh: Augmedix Bangladesh is a pioneering force in reshaping healthcare

through its innovative technology solutions, specializing in automated medical
documentation and data services for healthcare facilities nationwide. Leveraging cutting-
edge technologies like automatic speech recognition and natural language processing,
Augmedix's Ambient Automation Platform transforms physician-patient conversations into
structured medical notes, streamlining documentation processes and allowing healthcare
professionals more time for patient care. With a vision of maximizing healthcare efficiency
and quality, Augmedix collaborates closely with industry partners, government agencies, and
healthcare institutions to drive innovation and the adoption of technology-enabled solutions.
Augmedix Bangladesh is dedicated to revolutionizing healthcare delivery in Bangladesh by
continually innovating, collaborating, and prioritizing patient-centric care.

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The Company:
Company X was formed in early 2021 in response to the high demand for medicine home delivery
during the COVID-19 pandemic. Considering the need to adapt quickly to market conditions, the
company swiftly added telemedicine services to its inventory to meet the immediate demand.
They initiated the business in Dhaka city and experienced smooth business operations, primarily
due to people's reluctance to visit physical pharmacy shops amidst the COVID-19 crisis. They have
managed Series A USD 1 million investment and started expanding their business. Now they are
operating in four major cities in Bangladesh: Khulna, Chattogram, Sylhet, and Rajshahi.

However, as the lockdown restrictions eased, the overflow of demand gradually normalized,
leading to heightened competition within the market. Company X found itself at a disadvantage
in the market, facing stiff competition from established players who had a head start and creative
marketing tactics. This resulted in a decline in revenue compared to previous years. Additionally,
the cost of maintaining expanded facilities, combined with declining revenue, further strained
their financial resources.

With the aim of revitalizing the company, the CEO of Company X decided to rethink its strategy.
He wants to establish a unique brand identity in the Bangladeshi health-tech industry. He believes
technological integration can play a vital role in revolutionizing the Bangladeshi health-tech
scenario and can serve a lot of people who are deprived because of the weakness of the
Bangladeshi traditional healthcare sector. While he has a concern about high-tech technology’s
adaptability to the mass population while implementing it. He also wants that the marketing
strategy for Company X be tailored to the needs of the target market. To achieve this, Company
X hired a team of business strategists to develop a comprehensive plan.

As part of your role as business strategists, your team is tasked with developing:

1) A strategy to revive the company and create a brand identity.

2) Specific plans for a timeline spanning three years, outlining actionable steps to implement the
new strategy effectively.

3) A marketing strategy that Company X can follow.

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• Participants must carefully review the case and provide a well-supported and reasonable
• The presentation should be limited to 15 slides, including the introduction or any
• The solution has to be submitted in PPT or PPTX format. Along with this, you also have to
submit your PPT or PPTX in PDF format.
• Both of the files (PPT/PPTX and PDF) should be named in the following manner: Team
name_Round 1_CaseSpecs 2.0.
• Submission link:
• The solution must be submitted only through the Google form provided, and no other
medium will be accepted.
• The participant’s name should not be mentioned on any slide, and any violation of the
rules may lead to disqualification.
• Submission deadline: April 5, 11:59 p.m. The deadline won’t be extended.
• Spectrum has the authority to modify any regulations and provisions of the competition
without prior notice.

Marks Distribution:
Situation Analysis 10
Problem Identification 15
Proposed Solution 20
Plan of Action 15
Marketing Scheme 10
Contingency Plan 10
Creativity and Feasibility of a Solution 10
Quality of Content and Presentation 10
Total 100

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