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Orange Characteristics
Your true color is Orange! Orange individuals usually are:

• Charming
• Spontaneous
• Impactful
• Optimistic
• Bold
Your true color is orange!

Others often describe you as fun, energetic, and charismatic. Others are
naturally drawn to you, and you waste no time getting to know new people.
You are naturally extraverted and do very well in social situations.

You are also incredibly charming and quick-witted. You are a great
negotiation who has a knack for convincing others to see things your way.

Orange individuals are also very creative and spontaneous. You are
definitely not afraid to take risks. Similarly, you are often guided by your
heart, rather than your head, which sometimes gets you into trouble. You
sometimes have trouble following through on long-term goals, and prefer
short-term, tangible rewards.

Because of their need for excitement and socialization, orange individuals

are well-suited for careers that are flexible and allow them to work with
others. These include careers in education, sales and marketing,
management, and customer service.

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