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Name: Gene C. Orduña Subject: Organizational Behavior and


Program: MBA Schedule: Sunday, 3:00 pm – 6:00pm

1. Illustrate Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and explain its relationship to Human Motivation (Explain your
answer in not less than 100 words).

Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs is a theory coined by Abraham Maslow that tells a person is motivated on
the basis of their needs. These needs are categorized in different levels like a pyramid in which one will
not progress in satisfying their other needs if the most important needs are not met.

The first level of the theory is physiological needs, which is the most basic need for physical survival, and
this is what motivates our behavior. Once that level is met, we are motivated by the next step up, which
is safety needs. People seek order, control, and predictability in their life, which is where safety
demands come into play. The next level is belonging needs, which satisfy a person's social desires; it
relates to the emotional need for interpersonal relationships and connection, as well as the desire to
feel like a part of a group. The esteem need is the next level up, and it refers to self-esteem (dignity,
achievement, mastery, independence) as well as the desire for reputation or respect from others. The
highest level of Maslow's hierarchy is self-actualization needs, which pertain to realizing one's potential,
self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth, and peak experiences. The apex of the pyramid represents
self-actualization, since we may be able to realize our maximum potential if all of our other demands are

As managers, understanding the needs of the employees is vital to keep them motivated in doing their
job. Poor performance does not always mean that employees have bad attitude, they may just be
lacking on a certain area of their lives and little support coming from the management to ease the needs
would go a long way to keep the employees motivated, satisfied and efficient to their works.

2. Define Stress and explain how it is affecting performance (Justify your answer by giving concrete

Stress is described as any form of change that causes someone to experience physical, emotional, or
psychological pressure. It is a mechanism that alerts us when something needs to be fixed or improved.
Constant stress will impair a person's productivity since it will manifest in the physical body as
headaches, fatigue, or digestive problems. Stress can also cause a person to become emotionally
unstable, as well as memory issues or an inability to concentrate.

Example of situations on how stress affect performance is when employees are experiencing fatigue due
to being overworked. This may result for inefficiencies in the work, for a duty that only takes an hour
may prolong to more hours. For work that requires physical strength like in construction, if an employee
is under physical stress or mental stress, he/she may endanger other workers which may affect the
overall operations. An employee who is emotionally unstable but require to face clients may chase them
away instead of keeping them for a company. The following are some of scenarios which may happen if
stress are leave unattended. As manager, we should keep our employees free from stress most of the
time. Stress can sometimes be good in a way that it tells that we are out of our comfort zones, giving us
signal that we can improve. Keep in mind that stress is not bad but prolonged stress is dangerous to the
employees, management, operations.

3. Which is more effective in solving problems in the workplace. Individual approach or group approach?
(Explain your answer in not less than 100 words)

The effective approach in solving problem in workplace varies on what problem or situation the
organization is facing. Some problems may be addressed more effectively by a single person and will be
counterproductive if solved by a group. Though, most of the time, a group approach is preferred. The
advantages of a group approach are that more solutions, ideas, and alternatives can be developed;
information is processed faster; and each participant in the group can check and balance the work of
others. Let us remember that even group approach is advantageous, determining the right number of
people in group is vital as more people will only cause inefficiency to the organization

4. Compare and contrast Positive and Negative Reinforcement (Explain your answer in not less than 100

Positive reinforcement (PR) works by presenting a motivating/reinforcing stimulus to the person when
the desired behavior is displayed, increasing the likelihood of the behavior occurring in the future.
Negative reinforcement (NR) happens when a certain stimulus is eliminated after a specific behavior is

In terms of differences and similarities, positive reinforcement provides a desirable stimulus while
negative reinforcement removes an undesirable stimulus, both of which is to enhance the likelihood of
behavior to occur. The PR stimuli operate as a reward for doing something, whereas the NR stimuli work
as a penalty for not doing anything. PR increases the likelihood of a behavior occurring again and serves
as motivation. NR teaches a person to behave in a way that eliminates an unwanted response and
serves as a lesson.

5. When is the best time to use “rewards” as motivational tool to employees? (Justify your answer by
giving concrete example/s)

The best time to use rewards varies depending on the situation. In consumer behavior I have learned
that there are what we call as reinforcement schedules to indulge behavior of a person, whether
employee or customer. Reinforcement schedule includes fixed interval, variable interval, fixed ratio, and
variable ratio.

Fixed interval schedule happens when a reinforcement is given to a desired response after a specific
amount of time has passed. Example of scenario for it is in an office department, there is a bowling
activity every two weeks that may result to increase in motivation of employees. The downside of the
fixed interval schedule is individuals tend to breed a behavior that only produce high response when
rewards are received.

Variable interval schedule happens when reinforcement is provided at random amount of time. This
schedule produces low but steady response rate since a person is unaware when they will receive the
reinforcement. Example scenario in an organization is when receiving email from clients or when your
superior drop by at a random time to check your progress.

Fixed ratio schedule reinforces schedule after a specified number of correct response. Example of
scenario in a company is when employees receive reward if they reach a certain quota in sales. It has
high response rate but decreases once reinforcement had been received.

Variable ratio schedule happens where a behavior is reinforced after a random number of responses.
Example scenario for this schedule is gambling or lottery. I guess in an organization, raffle can be
considered as variable ratio schedule in giving reinforcement.

6. Explain the Avoidance-avoidance approach in resolving conflicts in the workplace.

Based on the question, I believe it is about avoiding style when resolving workplace problems. Avoiding
style is a management strategy in which you avoid conflict and leave the party hanging. Taking the
concerns of parties in the organization for granted as long as you have done your work properly is an
example of this. Most of the time, this strategy will fail to resolve conflicts. To resolve a problem, you
must take the initiative and be proactive in your search for solutions. This strategy is only appropriate in
situations where you need time to develop a response, or the problem isn't a high priority, and you
aren't concerned about keeping the relationship. Avoidance may save you energy and time, but it may
not achieve your long-term goals.

7. Based from the MARS Model, which greatly affects one behaviour? (Explain your answer in 150

The MARS model attempts to elaborate on individual behaviors. Motivation, abilities, role perception,
and situational factors are all represented by the acronym. These concepts are defined as factors that
influence an individual's behavior and the outcomes they achieve. Motivation refers to the internal
forces that influence a person's direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behavior. Ability
encompasses both innate aptitudes and learned abilities required to complete a task successfully. Role
perceptions, on the other hand, refer to how well people comprehend the job responsibilities that have
been given to them or that are expected of them. Finally, situational factors are beyond of the
employee's immediate control and can either restrain or assist behavior and performance.

Now to answer which factor greatly affect ones behavior. Generally speaking, the model communicates
to us that all of these factors are the things that affect one’s behavior. As managers, it gives us a better
understanding on the internal and external entities an individual is facing and why they reflect such
behavior or result. To argue, I think the ability is the factor that weighs more compared to the others.
Ability is something that is necessary in accomplishing a task and making sure that the task is done
properly. The absence of motivation, a person can still do the work with ability. Even vague role
perception or presence of situational factor, with ability an employee may be able to adjust and adapt
with the situation. All of my arguments are based on my opinion and personal biases.

8. Explain the phrase “Leadership is not an act. It is my life, a way of living”.

The way I understand the phrase is that it wants to tell us that leadership is something that cannot be
faked. It is something that is embedded to someone and it radiates in how a person acts and
communicates with others. “It is my life, a way of living”, pertains that leadership is not something that
is only shown in times of need but it is something that is instilled in an individual and incorporated in the
everyday actions and behavior of a person. Looking to the top leaders of our nation, at such the business
tycoon Ramon Ang, I am deeply inspired by his ideals. He is not just a leader of his corporation but a
leader to his family as well. I watched one of his interview on how he told the story on how he up bring
his children, instilling a principle of humbleness to wherever they go. Leadership is not just an act or a
call of duty thing, but to be a leader means being a model and inspiration to others.

9. How are you motivated and how do you motivate people? (Justify your answer by giving concrete

Personally, I am effectively motivated by words of affirmation. Growing up a lot of people doubted me

so I really do like it when people say that I did a good job. As to how I motivate others, before when I
started teaching in college, the way I motivate the students is more on positive reinforcement by giving
them rewards like food when they do well in their school works. As time pass, and being able to learn
more concept in behavioral psychology, it changed and focused more on a more cost efficient way in
motivating the students through simple praises that could motivate their ego. I think most people are
egoistic by nature, for men telling them how reliant they are motivates them and for women mostly
compliments on their beauty uplifts their spirit. By analyzing the environment, there is a common
pattern of behavior and that is what I use as a leverage to motivate people.

10. Why is Human Capital considered to be the most essential asset of any organizations? (Explain your
answer not less than 150 words)

Individuals and groups within a specific community contain intangible collective resources known as
human capital. Human capital is the information, skills, and health that people invest in and collect that
allows them to reach their full potential. Human capital is vital to a company because it is often said that
an organization is only as good as its people from the top down. Human capital acknowledges that not
all labor is considered equal. Employers, on the other hand, can improve the quality of that capital by
investing in their personnel. This can be accomplished through employee education, experience, and
abilities. Workers within the company who received knowledge and skills training are something that a
company should treasure as people cannot be separated from what they have learned throughout the
course of their stay in a company. Taking for granted the employees might make them demotivates or
inefficient in their duties resulting to company not reaching its goals and objectives. This may further
result in employee turnover and may be an additional cost for the company in the recruitment process.

Prepared by:


Prepared by:

Rommel Joseph G. Lazatin, MBA, DBAc

Subject Coordinator
Program Head, College of Business and Accountancy
Our Lady of Fatima University – Pampanga Campus

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