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Future with Will

Sergio Ortiz

Jim asks a fortune teller about his future. Here is what she tells him:
w ill earn
1. You(earn) a lot of money.
w ill travel
2. You(travel) around the world.
w ill meet
3. You(meet) lots of interesting people.
w ill adore
4. Everybody(adore) you.
w ill not have
5. You(not / have) any problems.
w ill serve
6. Many people(serve) you.
w ill anticipate
7. They(anticipate) your wishes.
w ill not be
8. There(not / be) anything left to wish for.
w ill be
9. Everything(be) perfect.
w ill only happen
10. But all these things(happen / only) if you marry me.
w ill
1. Don't get up, I answer the phone.

w ill
2. If you eat too much you put on weight.

w ill
4. Don't stay out too late, you get up on time.

w ill
4. I don't think she pass the exam, she isn't very good.

w ill
5. You may as well go home now, I be back for hours.

w ill
6. Go to bed and you feel better tomorrow.

w ill
7. It's Mary's birthday next month. She be 18.

w ill
8. They are on holiday for two weeks so they be here tomorrow.

w ill
9. they want dinner?
Future with Will

Sergio Ortiz

w ill
10. If the weather is ok, the plane leave on time.
2. Fill in the will - future of the verbs below.
have – go – meet – visit – walk – have – buy – not be – have
w ill visit w ill go
Tomorrow I my friend George. We to the movies and
w ill have
then we our dinner at the new fast – food place. In the afternoon
w ill meet
we George's uncle and play table tennis in his garden. Then
w ill w alk w ill have
we around in the shopping mall where we a look at the
w ill buy w ill not be
shops. Maybe I new jeans. We back before 6 o'clock. I
w ill have
think we a great day.
When I'm older, I will ... - complete the sentences.
buy - have - watch - buy - go - stay - go
w ill stay
When I'm older, I out late.
w ill w atch
When I'm older, I TV as long as I want.
w ill go
When I'm older, I to parties.
w ill have
When I'm older, I two children.
w ill buy
When I'm older, I a car.
w ill go
When I'm older, I to the cinema.
w ill have
When I'm older, I a lot of sweets.
When I'm older, I won't....
do - write - go - wash - go - live - make
w on't do
When I'm older, I any homework.
w on't make
When I'm older, I my bed in the morning.
w on't go
When I'm older, I for a walk with my parents.
w on't w ash
When I'm older, I my father's car.
w on't go
When I'm older, I to school.
w on't live
When I'm older, I so much.

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