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I. Complete the sentences using the given words.

mustn't don't have to should ought
1. You ______ type your essay but if you want, you can do it.
2. I ________ go home too late. My parents are very strict.
3. She is an expert adviser; thus, I think you _______ to ask her for some advice.
4. You ________ ask your teacher if you don't understand the lesson.
shouldn't have to ought not must
5. I __________ finish homework before going to class. My teacher is rather strict.
6. We _________ show respect to our parents.
7. I think you _________ stay up late because it is not good for your health.
8. If you want to help your friend, you _________ to do her homework. Instead, you should show her
how to do it by herself.
II. Choose one of the two bold words which best completes the sentences.
1. It's cold. You should/shouldn't turn on the fan.
2. You ought not to/ought to do homework before you go out with your friends.
3. You should/shouldn't eat plenty of fruit or vegetables every day in order to keep healthy.
4. You must/mustn't eat in the class.
5. You ought to/ought not to drink a lot of water every day.
6. I must/have to submit my homework before 12 o'clock because the deadline is 12 o'clock.
7. I must/have to stay at home to take care of my children.
8. My friend says: "You don't have to/mustn't drink champagne. You can have a coke or fruit juice
9. You don't have to/mustn't drink if you're going to drive afterwards.
10. You don't have to/mustn't pick up Tom at the airport because Judy will pick him up.
III. Fill in the gaps with "must" and "have to". Use the negative form if necessary.
1. Tomorrow is Mai's birthday. I ______ buy a present for her.
2. We might ______ leave earlier than we expected.
3. If you feel better, you ______ take medicine any more.
4. I ______ leave home at 6:00 because I have an appointment at 7:00.
5. You _____ eat a lot before doing the exercise. If you do, you might get into some trouble with your
6. We couldn't find a better present so we _____ choose this one.
7. If you are a member of the club, you ______ pay to use these facilities because they are included in
the membership fee.
8. I had the flu, so I _____ stay in the bed for two days.
9. If you are under 18 years old, you _____ ride a motorbike.
10. All students _____ wear uniforms on Mondays.

IV. Complete the sentences without changing the meaning.
1. They think that it is a good idea for me to do voluntary work. (I)
 ________________________________________________________________
2. They insist that I should come home at 9 o'clock every night. (make)
 ________________________________________________________________
3. It is very important for us to do well at school. (must)
 ________________________________________________________________
4. It is not necessary for me to agree with everything my parents say. (not have)
 ________________________________________________________________
5. My parents never let me forget to do my homework. (remind)
 ________________________________________________________________
6. They always refuse to allow me to stay overnight at my friend's house. (never let)
 ________________________________________________________________
7. My mother expects me to work as a teacher like her. (It is my mother's wish)
 ________________________________________________________________
8. I can go out with my friends at the weekend. (allow)
 ________________________________________________________________
V. Rewrite each sentence using the word(s) in the brackets, without changing its meaning.
1. If I were you, I would spend more time talking with my children. (should)
 ________________________________________________________________
2. John doesn't get permission to use that computer. (mustn't)
 ________________________________________________________________
3. It is necessary that people who work here leave by 6 p.m. (must)
 ________________________________________________________________
4. Every staff isn't allowed to smoke or eat in the office. (mustn't)
 ________________________________________________________________
5. Customers are advised to check their luggage before leaving the airport. (ought to)
 ________________________________________________________________
6. It is forbidden for students to cheat in the exam. (mustn't)
 ________________________________________________________________
7. Ms. Ly is in charge of cleaning the floor every day. (has to)
 ________________________________________________________________
8. You are not allowed to take photographs in the museum. (mustn't)
 ________________________________________________________________
9. It would be a good idea for you to share the housework with your mother. (ought to)
 ________________________________________________________________
10. It is not necessary for Jack to call Ben today. (doesn't have to)
 ________________________________________________________________

Question 1. Before we make a decision, we need _______ our options.
A. to considering B. to consider C. considering D. consider
Question 2. The Internet has enabled people to _______ with each other more quickly.
A. interconnect B. interlink C. interact D. intervene
Question 3. We expected _______ her here, but I guess she decided not to come.
A. to see B. seeing C. to be seen D. being seen
Question 4. You’re not allowed _______ when the red flag is flying.
A. to swim B. swimming C. swim D. to be swim
Question 5. A(n) _______ consists not only of parents and children but also of other relatives, such as
grandparents and unmarried aunts and uncles.
A. nuclear family B. nuclear house C. extended family D. extended house
Question6. Hospitals are being forced _______ departments because of a lack of money.
A. closing B. being closed C. to closing D. to close
Question 7. Once he made _______ his mind to do something, nothing could stop him.
A. over B. in C. up D. off
Question 8. You need to set a time _______ a family talk and stick to the schedule.
A. on B. for C. with D. about
Question 9. My mother always worries _______ me when I don’t come home by midnight.
A. of B. about C. for D. in
Question 10. The shopkeeper warned the boys not _______ their bicycles against his windows.
A. to lean B. leaning C. to leaning D. being leaned
Question 11. He’s not afraid to learn _______ his mistakes.
A. about B. by C. from D. with
Question 12. Your father is very kind _______ David.
A. with B. for C. to D. in
Question 13. He’s a very influential person because he can make other workers _____ his advice.
A. follow B. watch C. attend D. comply
Question 14. When I was a child, my mother used to teach me table _______
A. manners B. rules C. problems D. norms
Question 15. Although we like his plan in general, we don’t _______ with him on every issue.
A. take B. except C. agree D. accept
Question 16. You shouldn’t judge a person by their _____ because you don’t know their story.
A. shape B. dimension C. appearance D. size
Question 17. After graduating from university, I want to _______ my father’s footsteps.
A. follow in B. succeed in C. go after D. keep up
Question 18. I quite sympathize _______ you for your losses _______ the stock market!
A. with - on B. for - off C. over - in D. at - upon
Question 19. The staffs were doing their _______ in horribly cramped and noisy conditions.
A. better B. good C. best D. well
Question 20. I got into _ with Tiffany when she found out that I had started that rumor about her.
A. warfare B. discrimination C. gap D. conflict
Question 21. We were very _______ with the high level of participation in the charity events.
A. please B. pleased C. pleasure D. pleasant
Question 22. Their parents try to _______ their choices of university or career on them regardless of
their children’s preference.
A. object B. obey C. impose D. forbid

Question 23. He’s obviously really embarrassed about it because he forbade me _______ anyone.
A. to tell B. telling C. to telling D. being told
Question 24. State agencies were ordered _______ all nonessential energy use.
A. to cut B. cutting C. to be cut D. to have cut
Question 25. I want to make _______ with all the people I am going to work with.
A. counterparts B. peers C. friends D. colleagues
Question 26. Older people _______ of a large proportion of those living in poverty.
A. comprise B. consist C. compose D. compound
Question 27. The infection is _______ an injury he suffered last year.
A. related to B. interested in C. paid all attention to D. expressed interest to
Question 28. The $10,000 loan from the bank helped her _______ her own business.
A. to start B. being started C. to have started D. starting
Question 29. All our agents are currently _______ with other customers.
A. buried B. busy C. absorbed D. helping
Question 30. The law applies to everyone _______ of race, creed, or colour.
A. disrespectful B. regardless C. considering D. in spite
Question 31. I have no objection to _______ to your story again.
A. hear B. be heard C. listening D. listen
Question 32. Charles Dickens was born near Portsmouth, Hampshire on 7 February 1812, but relocated
to and _______ in Camden Town in London.
A. grew up B. came back C. called away D. left out
Question 33. The hotel certainly compared favourably _______ the one we stayed in last year.
A. between B. among C. with D. on
Question 34. If the service was so bad why didn’t you _______ to the manager?
A. complain B. exchange C. account D. arrange
Question 35. It was essential for him to be financially ____ of his parents, so he decided to find a part-
time job.
A. dependable B. independent C. undependable D. dependent
Question 36. Their success is based on innovative products and the confidence to break the
A. etiquettes B. forms C. patterns D. rules
Question 37. Using smart phones in class can distract students _______ studying.
A. for B. to C. with D. from
Question 38. They would like to wait for the group to decide _______ making individual decisions.
A. rather than B. other than C. prefer to D. better than

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