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Chapter 1 - General Provisions

Article De Leon Perez

1156.An obligation is a juridical necessity Meaning of Obligation

to give, to do or not to do. ● tie of law or a juridical bond by
virtue of which one is bound in
favor of another to render
● legal relation established between
one party and another, whereby
the latter is bound to the fulfillment
of a prestation which the former
may demand of him

Meaning of juridical necessity

● in case of non-compliance, the
courts of justice may be called
upon to enforce its fulfillment

Essential requisites
● Passive subject (debtor/obligor) -
person bound to fulfillment; duty to
give/do/not do
● Active subject (creditor/obligee) -
entitled to demand fulfillment of
do/thing/not do
● Object or prestation - conduct or
subject matter. Without it - nothing
to perform
● Juridicial or legal tie - binds or
connects parties to obligation
● Obligation - act or performance
● Right - power to demand from
another a prestation
● Wrong - act or omission cursing

Essential elements of cause of action

● Legal right in favor of a person
● LEgal obligation
● An or omission
- If any of these elements absent
complaint becomes vulnerable to
a motion to dismiss on the ground
of failure to state a cause of
- Cause of action arises when there
is a wrong

Kinds of Obligation
● Real Obligation - to give subject
● Personal obligation - to do or not
○ Positive - to do
○ Negative - to not do

1157. Obligations arise from: Liaiim Sources of Obligations

1. Laws - imposed by law itself likes
(1) Law; taxes or support family
2. Contracts - arise from stipulation
(2) Contracts; of parties
3. Quasi contracts- lawful voluntary
(3) Quasi-contracts; uniletaral acts - return money paid
by mistake
(4) Acts or omissions punished by law; 4. Crimes or acts or omissions
and punished by law - rise from civil
liability - thief return stolen car.
(5) Quasi-delicts. Killer indemnify heirs
5. Quasi-delicts - damaged cause to
another thru act or omission there
being fault or negligence

Source classified
1. Law
2. Private acts
a. Licit - contracts and quasi
b. Illicit - punished by law and
quasi felicts

1158. Obligations derived from law are ● Refers to legal obligation arising
not presumed. Only those expressly from law
determined in this Code or in special ○ not presumed because
laws are demandable, and shall be they are considered a
regulated by the precepts of the law which burden upon the obligor.
establishes them; and as to what has not ○
been foreseen, by the provisions of this

1159. Obligations arising from contracts Contractual Obligations

have the force of law between the ● contract is a meeting of minds
contracting parties and should be between two persons whereby
complied with in good faith. one binds himself
● Elements
○ Binding force - governed
by agreement of
contracting parties
○ Requirements of valid
■ Valid and
■ Cannot be contrary
to law morla good
○ Compliance in good faith -
ompliance or performance
in accordance with the
stipulations or terms of the
contract or agreemen

1160.Obligations derived from Quasi-contractual obligation

quasi-contracts shall be subject to the ● juridical relation resulting from
provisions of Chapter 1, Title XVII, of certain lawful, voluntary and
this Book. (n) unilateral acts by virtue of which
the parties become bound to each
other to the end that no one will
be unjustly enriched or
benefited at the expense of
another. (Art. 2142.)
● not, properly, a contract
● there is no consent but the same
is supplied by fiction of law.

Kinds of Quasi-contracts
● Negotiorum gestio - voluntary
management of property or affairs
of another
○ ex . X house burned down
Y took care of it. X
obligation to reimburse Y.
○ When does it not arise
■ 1317, 1403, 1404 -
when property or
business is not
neglected or
■ 2144 - manager is
tacitly authorized by
● Solutio indebiti - something is
received, there was no demand.
Unduly delivered by mistake
○ Arises when
■ Payment made
when there was no
binding relation
■ Made by mistake

1161.Civil obligations arising from Civil liability arising from crimes or delicts.
criminal offenses shall be governed by ● Two prong effect
the penal laws, subject to the provisions ○ Breaches social order
of article 2177, and of the pertinent ○ Private victim is caused
provisions of Chapter 2, Preliminary Title, personal suffering
on Human Relations, and of Title XVIII of ● The commission of the crime
this Book, regulating damages. causes bothmoral evil and
material damage

Reservation o right to recover civil liability

● GR: only the civil liability arising
from the offense charged is
deemed instituted with the criminal
● ER: unless the offended party
waives the civil action
● reservation and waiver referred to
refer only to the civil action for the
recovery of the civil liability arising
from the offense charged

Scope of civil liability

● Restitution
● Reparation for damage caused
● Indemnification or consequential
1162.Obligations derived from Quasi-delicts
quasi-delicts shall be governed by the ● A quasi-delict is an act or omission
provisions of Chapter 2, Title XVII of this by a person (tort feasor) which
Book, and by special laws. causes damage to another in his
person, property, or rights giving
rise to an obligation to pay for
the damage done, there being
fault or negligence but there is no
pre-existing contractual relation
between the parties.21 (Art. 2176.)

● Must be act or omission by the
● Must be fault or negligence of the
● Must be damage caused to
● Direct relation or connection of
cause between omission and the
● No pre existing contractual relation

Crime v. Quasi-delict
● Crime: has criminal or malicious
intent, affects public interest, two
liabilities (crim and civil), purpose
is punishment, cannot be
compromised or settled, guilt of
accused must prove beyond
reasonable doubt, liability of
person responsible is subsidiary
● Quasi-delict- negligence only,
private interest, civil liability,
indemnification, liability can be
compromised, fault or negligence
proved by preponderance of

Chapter 2 - Nature and Effect of Obligations

Article De Leon Perez

1163.Every person obliged to Standard of Care

give something is also ● GR: proper diligence of a good father of a
obliged to take care of it family
with the proper diligence of ○ equated with ordinary care or that
a good father of a family, diligence which an average (a
unless the law or the reasonably prudent) person exercises
stipulation of the parties over his own property
requires another standard ● ER: law or stipulation requires another
of care. standard of care
○ slight or extraordinary diligence
○ 1755 - carrier requires extraordinary
○ Banks require extraordinary diligence

Specific/Determinate Thing
● When it is particularly designated or
segregated from all others
○ Toyota with plate card number AAV334

Generic or indeterminate
● Refers only to a class or genus and cannot be
pointed out

Specific v. Generic
● determinate/specific identified by individuality.
Cannot substitute it with another.
● Generic thing identified by its specie - debtor
can give anything
○ Debtor give anything of same class

Duties in giving determinate

● Preserve or take care of the thing due
● Deliver fruits of thing
● Deliver accessions and accessories
● Deliver thing itself
Duties in giving generic/indeterminate
● Deliver thing quality intended
● Liable for damages in case of fraud
negligence or delay

1164..The creditor has a KINDS OF Fruits

right to the fruits of the thing ● Natural fruits - products of the soil
from the time the obligation ● Industrial - produced by lands or cultivation,
to deliver it arises. However, and brought about by human labor
he shall acquire no real right ● Civil fruit -rent, prices of lease
over it until the same has
been delivered to him. Right of Creditor to Fruits
● Creditor is entitled to the fruits of the thing
to be delivered from the time the obligation to
make delivery of the thing arises.
● Case of rescission - parties are under
“obligation to return the things which were
the object of the contract, together with
their fruits and the price with its interest

When obligation to deliver arises

● GR: arises from perfection of the contract
○ refers to the birth of the contract or to
the meeting of the minds between the
● ER: obligation is subject to suspensive
condition or period - arises upon fulfillment
of condition or arrival of period
● ER: contract of sale - perfection of contract
even if suspensive
● ER: arising from the sources - determined by
specific provisions of law

Personal v. Real Right

● Personal Right
○ right or power of a person (creditor) to
demand from another (debtor) the
fulfillment of the latter’s obligation to
give, to do, or not to do.
○ there is a definite active subject and a
definite passive subject

● Real Right
○ right or interest of a person over a
specific thing (like ownership,
possession, mortgage, lease record)
without a definite passive subject

Ownership acquired by delivery

● rights over property are acquired and
transmitted by law, by donation, by testate and
intestate succession, and in consequence of
certain contracts by tradition (Art. 712.) or
● creditor does not become the owner until the
specific thing has been delivered to him.
○ hen there has been no delivery yet, the
proper action of the creditor is not one
for recovery of possession and
ownership but one for specific
performance or rescission of the

1165. When what is to be Remedies of Creditor in Real obligation

delivered is a determinate ● Specific real obligation
thing, the creditor, in addition ○ Demand specific performance if still
to the right granted him by possible + indemnity for damages
article 1170, may compel the ○ Demand rescission or cancellation +
debtor to make the delivery. rights to recover damages
○ Demand damages only
the thing is indeterminate or ● Generic real obligation
generic, he may ask that the ○ Can be performed by a third person
obligation be complied with ○ Not necessary creditor compel debtor
at the expense of the ■ May ask for performance
debtor. ○ May ask for damages in case of
If the obligor delays, or has
promised to deliver the same Where debtor delays or has promised delivery to
thing to two or more separate creditors.
persons who do not have ● Fortuitous Event does Not exempt when
the same interest, he shall debtor delays or promise same thing to two or
be responsible for any more persons
fortuitous event until he has
effected the delivery. (

1166.The obligation to give Accessions and Accessories

a determinate thing ● Accessions - fruits of/additions/improvements
includes that of delivering all on a thign
its accessions and ○ House or trees on a land
accessories, even though ● Accessories - things joined to or included to
they may not have been the principal
mentioned. ○ Key to house, bracelet of watch

Right of Creditor
● GR: all accessions and accessories are
considered included in the obligation to deliver
a determinate thing although they may not
have been mentioned
○ Follow law that accessory follows
● ER: Unless otherwise stipulated, an obligation
to deliver the accessions or accessories of a
thing does not include the latter

1167. If a person obliged to do Situations Contemplated

something fails to do it, the ● Obligation to do
same shall be executed at ○ When fails to do
his cost. ○ Performs obligation but contrary to
This same rule shall be ○ Performs but poor manner
observed if he does it in
contravention of the tenor of Remedies of Creditor in Positive Personal Obligation
the obligation. Furthermore, it ● Debtor fails to comply with obligation to do -
may be decreed that what has creditor has
been poorly done be undone. ○ Have obligation performed by himself
or another at debtor’s expense
○ Recover damages
● Debtor does obligation in contravention/poorly
○ Ordered undone

Performance of a Third PErson

● A personal obligation to do, like a real
obligation to deliver a eneric thing, can be
performed by a third person

1168.When the obligation Remedies of creditor in negative personal obligation.

consists in not doing, and ● in obligation not to do, the duty of the obligor
the obligor does what has is to abstain from an act.
been forbidden him, it shall ● GR: remedy of the obligee is the undoing of
also be undone at his the forbidden thing plus damages. (Art.
expense. 1170.)
● ER: if it is not possible to undo what was
done, either physically or legally, or because
of the rights acquired by third persons who
acted in good faith, or for some other reason,
his remedy is an action for damages

1169. Those obliged to deliver Meaning of Delay

or to do something incur in ● Oedinary delay - merely the failure to perform
delay from the time the an obligation on time.
obligee judicially or ● Legal delay (default/mora) - failure to perform
extrajudicially demands an obligation on time which failure,
from them the fulfillment of constitutes a breach of the obligation.
their obligation.
Kinds of Delay
However, the demand by the ● Mora solvendi - delay part debtor fulfill
creditor shall not be obligation (give/do)
necessary in order that ● Mora accipeindi - delay part creditor without
delay may exist: justifiable reason to accept performance
● Compensatio morae - delay of obligors in
(1) When the obligation or reciprocal pbligations
the law expressly so
declare; or No Delay in Begative (Not Do) Personal Obligation
● delay is impossible for the debtor fulfills by not
(2) When from the nature and doing what has been forbidden him. (see Art.
the circumstances of the 1168.)
obligation it appears that the
designation of the time Requisites of delay or default by debtor
when the thing is to be ● Failure of debtor to perform upon date agreed
delivered or the service is upon
to be rendered was a ● Demand made by creditor (either judicial or
controlling motive for the extra judicial)
establishment of the contract; ● Failure of debtor to comply with demand
Effects of Delay
(3) When demand would be ● Mora solvendi
useless, as when the obligor ○ Debtor guilty of breach
has rendered it beyond his ○ Liable for interest or damages
power to perform. ○ Liable even for fortuitous event if
deliver determinate
In reciprocal obligations, ● Mora accipiendi
neither party incurs in delay if ○ Creditor guilty of breach
the other does not comply or ○ Liable for damages suffered
is not ready to comply in a ○ Bears risk of loss of thing due
proper manner with what is ○ Debtor not liable of interest
incumbent upon him. From ○ Debtor may release by consignation
the moment one of the parties ● Compensatio morae
fulfills his obligation, delay by ○ here is no actionable default on the
the other begins. part of both parties, such that as if
neither one is guilty of delay

When demand not necessary to put debtor in delay

● GR: delay begins only from the moment the
creditor demands, judicially or extrajudicially,
the fulfillment of the obligation.
● ER:
○ When obligation so provides
○ Law so provides
■ taxes
○ Time of essence
■ Cakes for birthdays
■ Dresses for wedding
○ Demand is useless
○ Reciprocal obligations

1170. Those who in the Grounds for Liability Entitling Injured to Damages
performance of their ● Fraud (deceit dolo)
obligations are guilty of fraud, ○ Deliberate or intentional evasion of
negligence, or delay, and the normal fulfillment of an obligation.
those who in any manner ■ 1170 - dolo incidente
contravene the tenor thereof, ○ employed for the purpose of evading
are liable for damages. the normal fulfillment of an obligation
and its existence merely results in
breach thereof giving rise to a right by
the innocent party to recover damages.
● Negligence (fault or culpa) - voluntary act or
omission, there being no malice, which
prevents the normal fulfillment of an
● Delay (mora) - delay in the performance of the
obligation under Article 1170 must be either
malicious or negligent.
● Contravention of the terms of obligation

Recovery o Damages for breach

- Breach of contract is the failure without
justifiable excuse to comply with the terms of a
● Measure of Recoveralble Damages
● Contractual interest of obligee
○ Expectation interest - benefit of
○ Reliance interest - reimbursed for lost
○ Restitution interest - rinterest restored
any benefit
● Excuse from ensuing liability
● Duty of obligee to minimize dmaages

1171.Responsibility arising Responsibility arising from fraud demandable.

from fraud is demandable in ● refers to incidental fraud which is employed in
all obligations. Any waiver the fulfillment of an obligation. (Art. 1170.)
of an action for future fraud
is void. Waiverof action for future fraud
● This is void as being against the law and
public policy.

Waiver for past fraud valid

● law prohibits is waiver anterior to the fraud
and to the knowledge thereof by the aggrieved
party.waiver is act og generosity to party who
is victim
○ What is renounced is effects of fraud

1172. Responsibility arising Responsibility arising from negligence demance

from negligence in the ● Debtor is also liable for damages resulting
performance of every kind of from his negligence or culpa
obligation is also ● courts, however, are given wide discretion in
demandable, but such fixing the measure of damages.
liability may be regulated by ● If both party are mutually negligent ult of one
the courts, according to the cancels the negligence of the other.
circumstances. ●

Validity of waiver of action arising from negligence

● action for future negligence may be renounced
● If negligence is gross/shows bad faith = fraud

Kinds of negligence
● Contractual - negligence in contract resulting
in breach
○ merely makes the debtor liable for
damages in view of his negligence in
the fulfillment of a pre-existing
obligation resulting in its breach or
○ Does not result in crime
● Civil negligence - negligence is the source of
○ “Tort” / “quasi delict”
● Criminal negligence - resulting in commission
of crime
○ May produce civil liability
Contractual v. Civil Negligence
● Civil - arises from mere, not breach of positive

Effect of Negligence on Injured?

● plaintiff’s own negligence was the immediate
and proximate cause of his injury, he cannot
recover damage
● if his negligence was only contributory, the
immediate and proximate cause of the injury
being the defendant’s lack of due care, the
plaintiff may recover damages, but the courts
shall mitigate the damages to be awarded

1173. The fault or Meaning of Negligence

negligence of the obligor ● negligence is conduct that creates undue risk
consists in the omission of or harm to another. It is the failure to observe
that diligence which is for the protection of the interests of another
required by the nature of the person, that degree of care, precaution and
obligation and corresponds vigilance which the circumstances justly
with the circumstances of the demand, such other person suffers injury.
persons, of the time and of
the place. When negligence Test for determining whether a person is negligenc
shows bad faith, the ● Reasonable care and caution expected of a
provisions of articles 1171 and prudent person
2201, paragraph 2, shall ○ If prudent man foresee harm?
apply. ○ Law imposes duty to refrain from that
If the law or contract does ● No hard and fast rule for measuring degree of
not state the diligence care
which is to be observed in ○ here is no hard and fast rule whereby
the performance, that which is the degree of care and vigilance
expected of a good father of required is measured.
a family shall be required. ○ It is dependent upon the
circumstances in which a person finds
himself situated.

Factors to be considered
● Nature of obligation - ex smoking while
carrying flammables
● Circumstances of person - guard sleeping on
● Circumstances of tiem - driving at night
without headlights
● Circumstances at place

Measure of liability
● Civil Code - ase of fraud, bad faith, malice or
wanton attitude, the obligor shall be
responsible for all damages
● Contractual breach - in breaching the
contract, the defendant is not shown to have
acted fraudulently or in bad faith iability for
damages is limited to the natural and probable
consequences of the breach of the obligation
and which the parties had foreseen or could
have reasonably foreseen

1174. Except in cases Meaning of Fortuitous Event

expressly specified by the ● extraordinary event which cannot be
law, or when it is otherwise foreseen, or which, though foreseen, is
declared by stipulation, or inevitable.
when the nature of the ● a happening independent of the will of the
obligation requires the obligor and which happening, makes the
assumption of risk, no normal fulfillment of the obligation impossible.
person shall be responsible
for those events which Fortuitous event v. Force majeure
could not be foreseen, or ● Acts of man - fortuitous event is independent
which, though foreseen, were of will of human.
inevitable. ● Act of God - events totally independent will of
human being

Kinds of fortuitous event

● Ordinary fortuitous events - common and can
reasonably foresee
● Extraordinary fortuitous events - uncommon
and not foreseen

Requisites of fortuitous event

● Event independent of human will or obligor’s
● Event is unforeseeable, or if foreseeable -
● Event must be of character to render
impossible to comply obligation
● Obligor must be free from participation

Concurrent or previous negligence of obligor

● must be no concurrent or previous negligence
or imprudence on the part of the obligor by
which the loss or injury may have been

Rules to liability
● GR: person is not, as a rule, responsible for
loss or damage resultin from fortuitous events.
● ER:
○ When expressly provided by law
■ Guilty of fraud negligence or
■ Promise to deliver same
specific thing to two persons
■ Debt of a thing certain and
determinate proceeds from
criminal offense
○ Declared by stipulation
■ Rests on freedom of contract
○ Nature of obligation requires
assumption of risk
■ Risk of loss is essential

Where Risk is Not Impossible to Foresee

● Risk is quite evident
● Mere difficulty is different from impossibility

1175.Usurious transactions Simple loan or mutuum

shall be governed by special ● contract whereby one of the parties delivers
laws. to another money or other consumable thing,
upon the condition that the same amount
of the same kind and quality shall be paid.
● It may be gratuitous or with a stipulation to pay

● contracting for or receiving interest in
excess of the amount allowed by law for
the loan or use of money, goods, chattels, or

Kinds of interest
● Simple - interest stipulated by parties art 2209
● Compound - interest earned is upon interest
● Legal interest - interest intended by parties is
presumed by law
● Lawful interest - allowed within maximum
allowed by usury law
○ 12% ang legal rate, 12% annum - 14%
annum is maximum
● Unlawful - rate of interest beyond maximum
fixed by law

Requisites for recovery of monetary interest.

● Payment of interest expressly stipulated
● Agreement must be writing
● Interest must be lawful
- Stipulation to pay usurious interest is void

Liability for legal interest

● Loan or forbearance
○ Involves payment of money
○ Legal interest in the nature of damages
is recoverable even not in writing
● Other than loan
● Final judgement

1176.The receipt of the Presumption

principal by the creditor, ● inference of a fact not actually known arising
without reservation with from its usual connection with another which is
respect to the interest, shall known or proved.
give rise to the presumption
that said interest has been Kinds of Presumption
paid. ● Conclusive - cannot be contradicted, everyone
presumed to know
The receipt of a later ● Disputable - can be contradicted
installment of a debt
without reservation as to When do Presumptions Not APply
prior installments, shall ● With reservation as to interest
likewise raise the ● Receipt for a part of principal
presumption that such ○ Implies creditor waives right to apply
installments have been payment
paid. ● Receipt without indication of particular interest
● Payment of taxes
● Non-payment proven
1177.The creditors, after Remedies available for creditor
having pursued the property ● Exact fulfillment + right to damages
in possession of the debtor ● Pursue leviable property of debto
to satisfy their claims, may ● Exercise all rights and bring actions of debtor
exercise all the rights and (collect from debtor or debtor)
bring all the actions of the ● Ask court to rescind or impugn acts
latter for the same purpose,
save those which are inherent
in his person; they may also
impugn the acts which the
debtor may have done to
defraud them.

1178. Subject to the laws, all ● GR: rights acquired in virtue of an obligation
rights acquired in virtue of are generally transmissible
an obligation are ● ER:
transmissible, if there has ○ When prohibited by law - partnership
been no stipulation to the agency, which are purely personal
contrary. ■ Contract or partnership - two or
more persons
■ Contract of agency - person
render service
■ Commodatum
○ Prohibited by stipulation - ex. Upon
death of creditor, obligation
extinguoshed/creditor cannot assign
■ Must not be contrary to public

Chapter 3. — Different Kinds of Obligations

Article De Leon Perez
Section 1. — Pure and Conditional Obligations

1179. Every obligation whose Meaning of pure obligation

performance does not ● Not subject to condition or no specific date is
depend upon a future or mentioned for fulfillment
uncertain event, or upon a ● Is immediately demandable
past event unknown to the
parties, is demandable at Meaning of conditional obligation
once. ● Consequences are subject to fulfilment of a
Every obligation which ○ s a future and uncertain event, upon
contains a resolutory the happening of which, the effectivity
condition shall also be or extinguishment of an obligation (or
demandable, without rights) subject to it depends.
prejudice to the effects of the
happening of the event Characteristics of condition
● Future and uncertain
● Past but unknown

Kinds of Condition
● Suspensive condition
○ Fulfilmlment will give rise to
○ Ex. If i win lottery i will buy you a house
○ Can be no rescission if non existent
● Resolutory -
○ fulfillment of condition extinguishes
○ Ex. When you pass the bar I will stop
giving you money

When is obligation demandable at once

● Pure obligation
● Subject to resolutory condition
● Subject to resolutory period

1180.When the debtor binds Where duration of period depends on will of debtor
himself to pay when his - Period is future and certain event, arrival
means permit him to do so, makes arisal or extinguishment of obligation
the obligation shall be deemed
to be one with a period, ● Debtor promise when means permit him
subject to the provisions of ○ This has period
article 1197. ○ What depends is not if he will pay or
○ It is rather, the duration of period
● Others cases
○ Little by little, ASAP, time to time, “time
i have ,oney”

1181.. In conditional - article reiterates the distinction between a

obligations, the acquisition of suspensive (or antecedent) condition and a
rights, as well as the resolutory (or subsequent) condition.
extinguishment or loss of
those already acquired, shall Effect ofhappening of condition
depend upon the happening ● Acquisition of rights
of the event which constitutes ○ Suspensive Condition-
the condition. ■ Acquisition of rights by the
creditor depends upon the
happening of the event which
constitutes the condition.
● Loss of rights already acquired
○ Resolutory Condition
■ happening of the event which
constitutes the condition
produces the extinguishment or
loss of rights already acquired.

Effect of non compliance with resolutory condition

● non-compliance with or non-fulfillment of the
condition resolves the contract by force of law
without need of judicial intervention.

1182. When the fulfillment of Classification of Condition

the condition depends upon ● Effect
the sole will of the debtor, ○ Suspensive - happening gives rise to
the conditional obligation obligation
shall be void. If it depends ○ Resolutory - happening extinguishes
upon chance or upon the will ● Form
of a third person, the ○ Express
obligation shall take effect in ○ Implied
conformity with the ● Possibility
provisions of this Code. ○ Possible
○ Impossible
● Cause or origin
○ Potestative - will of one of parties
○ Casual - chance or third person
○ Mixed - partly chance and third person

Potestative conditions
● potestative condition is a condition suspensive
in nature and which depends upon the sole will
of one of the contracting parties.

Suspensive condition depends on will of debtor

● Conditional obligation is void - because its
validity and compliance is left to the will of the
debtor in order not to be liable, the debtor will
not just fulfill the condition.
○ There is no burden on the debtor and
consequently, no juridical tie is created.
○ Ex. “I will pay you if I want/Pay you
when I receive loan in bank”
Suspensive condition depends on creditor
● the obligation is valid.
Resolutory condition depends on will of debtor
● the obligation is valid although its fulfillment
depends upon the sole will of the debtor.
● fulfillment of the condition merely causes the
extinguishment or loss of rights already

Casual condition
● Obligation is valid
Mixed condition
● valid

1183. Impossible conditions, When Art 1183 applies

those contrary to good ● Only to suspensive conditions, impossibility
customs or public policy and already existed time obligatinon was
those prohibited by law shall constituted
annul the obligation which ○ If imposisiblity arises after creation of
depends upon them. If the the obligation 1266 governs
obligation is divisible, that part
thereof which is not affected Two Kinds of Impossible Conditions
by the impossible or unlawful ● Physically impossible - nature of things -
condition shall be valid. cannot exist or be done
● Legally impossible conditions - contrary to
The condition not to do an law/morals/GC/PO/PP
impossible thing shall be
considered as not having Effect of Impossible Conditions
been agreed upon. ● Conditonal obligation void - annul the
obligation that depends on it
○ Obligor knows the obligation cannot e
● Conditional obligation valid - if condition
negative - not to do an impossible -
● Only affected obligation void - if obligation is
divisible - part not affected by impossibility is
● Only the condition void - obligation is pre

1184.The condition that some Refers to a positive (suspensive condition)

event happen at a ● Obligation is extinguished if:
determinate time shall ○ Time expires and event does not
extinguish the obligation as happen
soon as the time expires or if it ○ Become indubitable that event will not
has become indubitable that take place
the event will not take place. ○

1185.The condition that some Negative Condition

event will not happen at a ● Negative condition event will not happen at a
determinate time shall render determinate time
the obligation effective from ● Obligation shall become effective and binding
the moment the time ○ Moment time elapsed without event
indicated has elapsed, or if it take place
has become evident that the ○ Moment evident event cannot occur
event cannot occur. ● No time fixed - determine intention parties

If no time has been fixed, the Ex. X give Y if, Y not marry W on December 30
condition shall be deemed ● X not liable to Y if Y marry W on Dec 30 or
fulfilled at such time as may prior
have probably been ● X liable to Y if Y not married to W on Dec 30
contemplated, bearing in mind ● W dies - effective
the nature of the obligation.

1186. The condition shall be Constructive fulfillment of suspensive condition

deemed fulfilled when the ● Requisites for 1186
obligor voluntarily prevents ○ Condition is suspensive
its fulfillment. ○ Obligor prevents the fulfillment
○ Prevention is voluntary
Constructive fulfillment of resolutory
● 1186 applies also to an obligation subject to a
resolutory condition with respect to the debtor
who is bound to return what he has received
upon the fulfillment of the condition.

1187.The effects of a Retroactive effects of fulfillment of suspensive

conditional obligation to condition
give, once the condition has ● Obligations to give
been fulfilled, shall retroact ○ Obligation to give becomes
to the day of the constitution demandable upon fulfillment.
of the obligation. ○ Once condition is fulfilled effects shall
Nevertheless, when the retroact to day it was constituted
obligation imposes ○ Condition is only accidental element of
reciprocal prestations upon a contract
the parties, the fruits and ○ Example
interests during the pendency ■ S agree S land to B for 100k if
of the condition shall be B lose a case involving
deemed to have been mutually recovery of parcel of land. S
compensated. If the obligation sold land to C. B lost case on
is unilateral, the debtor shall Dec 4.
appropriate the fruits and ● Before Dec 4 - B had to
interests received, unless from right to demand sale,
the nature and circumstances but when it was fulfilled -
of the obligation it should be it is as if B was entitled
inferred that the intention of the to the land. Between B
person constituting the same and C - B has right.
was different. ● Obligations to do or not do
○ No fixed rule
In obligations to do and not to ○ courts are empowered by the use of
do, the courts shall determine, sound discretion and bearing in mind
in each case, the retroactive the intent of the parties, to determine,
effect of the condition that has in each case, the retroactive effect of
been complied with. the suspensive condition that has been

1188.The creditor may, before Right spending fulfillment of suspensive condition

the fulfillment of the condition, ● Rights of creditor
bring the appropriate actions ○ May take or bring appropriate action for
for the preservation of his preservation of his right
right. ○ May go to court to prevent alienation or
concealmeant of the property
The debtor may recover what ● Right of the debtor
during the same time he has ○ Recover what he paid by mistake prior
paid by mistake in case of a to the happening
suspensive condition. Example
● S and B entered into contract to sell parcel of
land evidenced by memo of agreement
● S reserves herself ownership and possession
of the property until full payment by B -
payable 6 months
● S exerted efforts to register property, B had no
intention to buy it
● B entitled recover from T?
○ No - B no full payment

1189. When the conditions Requisites for application of Article 1189.

have been imposed with the Article 1189 applies only if:
intention of suspending the (1) The obligation is a real obligation;
efficacy of an obligation to (2) The object is a specific or determinate thing;
give, the following rules shall (3) The obligation is subject to a suspensive
be observed in case of the condition;
improvement, loss or (4) The condition is fulfilled; and
deterioration of the thing (5) There is loss, deterioration, or improvement of the
during the pendency of the thing duri the pendency of the happening on one
condition: condition.

(1) If the thing is lost without

the fault of the debtor, the Kinds of Loss
obligation shall be ● Loss in civil law may be
extinguished; ○ Physical - thign persishes
○ Legal loss - thing goes out of
(2) If the thing is lost through commerce/legal becomes illegal
the fault of the debtor, he ○ Civik loss - disappears in a way
shall be obliged to pay existence is unknown, or cannot be
damages; it is understood that recovered
the thing is lost when it
perishes, or goes out of (1) Loss of thing without debtor’s fault. —
commerce, or disappears in EXAMPLE:
such a way that its existence D obliged himself to give C his car worth P100,000.00
is unknown or it cannot be if C sells D’s
recovered; property. The car was lost without the fault of D.
The obligation is extinguished and D is not liable to C
(3) When the thing even if C sells the property. A person, as a general
deteriorates without the fault rule, is not liable for a fortuitous event. (Art. 1174.)
of the debtor, the impairment
is to be borne by the creditor; (2) Loss of thing through debtor’s fault. —
(4) If it deteriorates through In the same example, if the loss occurred because of
the fault of the debtor, the the negligence
creditor may choose between of D, C will be entitled to demand damages (Art.
the rescission of the 1170.), i.e., P100,000.00
obligation and its fulfillment, plus incidental damages, if any.
with indemnity for damages
in either case; (5) Improvement of thing by nature or by time. — A
thing is improved
(5) If the thing is improved by when its value is increased or enhanced by nature or
its nature, or by time, the by time or at the
improvement shall inure to expense of the debtor or creditor. (see Art. 1187.)
the benefit of the creditor; EXAMPLE:
Suppose the market value of the car increased, who
(6) If it is improved at the gets the benefit?
expense of the debtor, he The improvement shall inure to the benefit of C.
shall have no other right than Inasmuch as C would suffer in case of deterioration of
that granted to the the car through a fortuitous event, it is but fair that he
usufructuary. should be compensated in case of improvement of the
car instead.

(6) Improvement of thing at expense of debtor. —

During the pendency of the condition, D had the car
painted and its seat cover changed at his expense.
In this case, D will have the right granted to a
usufructuary with respect to improvements made on
the thing held in usufruct.6

Usufruct - ives a right to enjoy the property of another

with the obligation of preserving its form and

1190.When the conditions Effects of fulfillment of resolutory condition

have for their purpose the ● Obligations to give
extinguishment of an ○ The obligation is extinguished
obligation to give, the parties, ○ Obliged to return to each other what
upon the fulfillment of said they received under obligation
conditions, shall return to ■ Return to the status quo
each other what they have ■ Mutual restitution
received. ■ In case the thing to be returned
“is legally in the possession of a
In case of the loss, third person who did not act in
deterioration or bad faith” (see Art. 1384, par.
improvement of the thing, the 2.), the remedy of the party
provisions which, with respect entitled to restitution is against
to the debtor, are laid down in the other.
the preceding article shall be XAMPLE:
applied to the party who is D obliges himself to allow C to use the former’s car
bound to return. until D returns
from the province. Upon the return of D from the
As for obligations to do and province, C must give
not to do, the provisions of the back the car.
second paragraph of article The effect of the happening of the condition is to annul
1187 shall be observed as the obligation
regards the effect of the as if it had never been constituted at all. In this case,
extinguishment of the the parties intend the
obligation. return of the car.

● Obligations to do or not do -
○ shall determine the retroactive effect of
the fulfillment of the resolutory
condition (par. 2.) as in the case where
the condition is suspensive. (Art. 1187,
par. 2.)
○ The courts in the exercise of discretion
may even disallow retroactivity taking
into account the circumstances of each

1191.The power to rescind Kinds of obligations to the person obliged

obligations is implied in ● Unilateral
reciprocal ones, in case one ○ One party obliged to comply with a
of the obligors should not prestation
comply with what is incumbent ■ Contract of loan - lender gives,
upon him. debtor now pays
● Bilateral
The injured party may ○ Parties are mutually bound to each
choose between the other
fulfillment and the rescission ■ Reciprocal obligation
of the obligation, with the ● which arise from the
payment of damages in either same cause and in
case. He may also seek which each party is a
rescission, even after he has debtor and creditor of
chosen fulfillment, if the latter the other
should become impossible. ■ Non-reciprocal
● do not impose
The court shall decree the simultaneous and
rescission claimed, unless correlative performance
there be just cause authorizing on both parties.
the fixing of a period.
This is understood to be Remedies
without prejudice to the rights ● s predicated on a breach of obligation by the
of third persons who have other party that violates the reciprocity
acquired the thing, in between them.
accordance with articles 1385
and 1388 and the Mortgage
Law. Choice of remedy
1. Action for specific performance
2. Action for rescission
a. “to declare a contract void in its
inception and to put an end to it as
though it never were.’’
b. o abrogate it from the beginning and
restore parties to relative positions
which they would have occupied had
no contract even been made

Breach of an obligation
● occurs when there is a failure or refusal, by a
party without legal reason or excuse to
● 1385 - LESION

Effect of rescission
● mutual restitution is required to bring back the
parties, as far as practicable, to their original
situation prior to the inception of the contract.
● creates the obligation to return the object of
the contract.

Court may grant guilty party term for performance

● court shall decree the rescission claimed
unless there should be just cause for granting
the party in default a term for the performance
of his obligation

Remedies are alternative

● privileged to choose only one of the remedies,
and not both, subject only to the exception in
paragraph 2, to wit: he may also seek
rescission even after he has chosen fulfillment
if the latter should become impossible.

Damages recoverable
● Injured party not entitled pursue both remedies
○ amages which would only be
consistent with the conception of
specific performance cannot be
awarded in an action where rescission
is sought, and vice versa
○ case of rescission for non-delivery of
the thing sold, the purchaser is entitled
to interest on the amount he has p

Limitation to demand rescission

● This right is not absolute
○ Resort to the courts - rescission in
1191 is a judicial rescission
● Power of court to ix period - court has
discretionary power
● Compliance byn aggrieved party
○ party to a contract cannot demand
performance of the other party’s
obligation unless he is in a position to
comply with his own obligations. ght to
rescind a contract can be demanded
only if a party thereto is ready, willing,
and able to comply with his own
obligations t
● Right of third person - if the thing, subject
matter of the obligation, is in the hands of a
third person who acted in good faith,
rescission is not available as a remedy.
● Slight or substantial violation
○ GR: rescission will not be granted for
slight or casual breaches of contract.
The violation should be substantial and
fundamental as to defeat the object of
the parties in making the agreement.

1192. In case both parties When both parties are guilty of breach
have committed a breach of - first infractor, on the other hand, is liable for
the obligation, the liability of damages, but the same shall be equitably
the first infractor shall be tempered by the courts, since the second
equitably tempered by the infractor also derived or thought he would
courts. If it cannot be derive some advantage by her own act or
determined which of the neglect.
parties first violated the - the second infractor is not liable for damages
contract, the same shall be at all
deemed extinguished, and ● First fractor is known:
each shall bear his own ○ liability of the first infractor should be
damages. equitably reduced.
● First infractor cannot be determine
○ contract shall be deemed extinguished
and each shall bear his own damages.
● oth parties to a transaction are mutually
negligent in the performance of their
obligations, the fault of one cancels the
negligence of the other and their rights and
obligations may be determined equitably under
the law proscribing unjust enrichment.

Section 2. — Obligations with a Period

1193. Obligations for whose Meaning of obligation with a period.
fulfillment a day certain has An obligation with a period is one whose
been fixed, shall be consequences are subjected in one way or another to
demandable only when that the expiration of said period or term.
day comes.
Period or term
Obligations with a resolutory ● future and certain event upon the arrival of
period take effect at once, which the obligation (or right) subject to it
but terminate upon arrival of either arises or is terminated. It is a day certain
the day certain. which must necessarily com

A day certain is understood Period v. Condition

to be that which must ● As to fulfillment
necessarily come, although it ○ Period is certain event
may not be known when. ○ Condition is uncertain
● As to time
If the uncertainty consists in ○ Period is only future
whether the day will come or ○ Condition may refer to a past event
not, the obligation is unknown
conditional, and it shall be ● Influence
regulated by the rules of the ○ Period - fixes time for effcaciousness of
preceding Section. ( obligation
■ Suspensive - cannot prevent
birth of obligation
■ Resolutoy - does not annul
○ Condition - causes obligation to arise
or cease
● Effect on debtors will
○ Empowers court to fix duration
● Retroactivity -
○ the arrival of a period does not have
any retroactive effect,
○ while the happening of a condition has
retroactive effec

Kind of period or term

● Suspensive - obligation begins from day upon
arrival of period
● Resolutory - obligation is valid until day certain
and terminates

1194. In case of loss, - See 1189

deterioration or improvement
of the thing before the arrival of
the day certain, the rules in
article 1189 shall be observed.

1195.Anything paid or ● 1195 applies only to obligations to give

delivered before the arrival of ● creditor cannot unjustly enrich himself by
the period, the obligor being retaining the thing or money received before
unaware of the period or the arrival of the period.
believing that the obligation
has become due and Debtor is never presumed aware of period
demandable, may be ● presumption, however, is that the debtor knew
recovered, with the fruits that the debt was not yet due.
and interests.
In personal obligations
● it is physically impossible to recover the
service rendered, and as to the latter, as the
obligor performs by notdoing, he cannot, of
course, recover what he has not done.

1196.Whenever in an General Rule:

obligation a period is Exceptions:
designated, it is presumed to (1) Term is for the benefit of the debtor alone. — He
have been established for cannot be compelled to pay prematurely, but he can, if
the benefit of both the he desires,
creditor and the debtor, (2) Term is for the benefit of the creditor. — He may
unless from the tenor of the demand fulfillment even before the arrival of the term
same or other circumstances it but the debtor cannot require him to
should appear that the period accept payment before the expiration of the stipulated
has been established in favor period.
of one or of the other.
Acceleration by debtor of time payment
● ayment of interest may not be the only reason
why a creditor may not be bound to receive
payment before maturity.
● debtor has no right to accelerate the time of
payment even if the premature tender included
an offer to pay principal and interest in full.

Effect of acceptance of partial payment

● ceptance of a partial payment by a creditor
amounts to a waiver of the period agreed upon
during which payment should not be made. no
explanation is given why the creditor received
such partial payment before the maturity of the
obligation, it may be presumed that his
relinquishment was intentional, and his choice
to dispense with the term, voluntary.

1197. If the obligation does not Court generally without power tto fix a period.
fix a period, but from its The period mentioned in the above provision refers to
nature and the a judicial
circumstances it can be period as distinguished from the period fixed by the
inferred that a period was parties in their
intended, the courts may fix contract which is known as contractual period.
the duration thereof.
The courts shall also fix the ● When can courts authorize fix period
duration of the period when it ○ No period is fixed but a period was
depends upon the will of the intended
debtor. ■ (1) X agreed to construct the
house of Y. The parties failed to
In every case, the courts shall fix the period within which the
determine such period as may construction is to be made.
under the circumstances have Here, the court can fix the term
been probably contemplated for it is evident that the parties
by the parties. Once fixed by intended that X should
the courts, the period cannot construct the house within a
be changed by them. certain period. (see Concepcion
vs. People, 74 Phil. 63 [1942].)
○ Duration of period depends upon the
will of the debtor
○ Separate action to fix
■ action that can be maintained is
to ask the court first to
determine the term within which
the obligor must comply with his

1198.The debtor shall lose GR: obligation is not demandable before the
every right to make use of the lapse of the period.
period: ER
1. Debtor becomes insolvent
(1) When after the obligation D owes C P10,000.00 due and payable on December
has been contracted, he 20. If D become insolvent, say on September 10, C,
becomes insolvent, unless he can demand immediate payment from
gives a guaranty or security for D even before maturity unless D gives sufficient
the debt; guaranty or security. The insolvency in this case need
not be judicially declared. It is sufficient that the assets
(2) When he does not furnish of D are less than his liabilities or D is unable to
to the creditor the guaranties pay his debts as they mature. Note that the insolvency
or securities which he has of D must occur after the obligation has
promised; been contracted

(3) When by his own acts he

has impaired said guaranties
or securities after their
establishment, and when
through a fortuitous event they
disappear, unless he
immediately gives new ones
equally satisfactory;

(4) When the debtor violates

any undertaking, in
consideration of which the
creditor agreed to the period;

(5) When the debtor attempts

to abscond.

Section 3. — Alternative Obligations

1199.person alternatively Lind of obligation according to object

bound by different prestations ● Simple obligation - only one prestation
shall completely perform one ● Compound obligation - two or more
of them. ○ Conjunctive - several prestation all due
○ Distribute - one or two prestations are
The creditor cannot be due
compelled to receive part of
one and part of the other Alternative Obligation
undertaking. ● one wherein various prestations are due but
the performance of one of them is
sufficiently determined by the choice which,
as a general rule, belongs to the debtor.

1200. The right of choice GR: Right of choice debtor

belongs to the debtor, unless ER: expressly state that it is to creditor
it has been expressly granted
to the creditor. Right of choice of debtor is not absolute
1. The debtor cannot choose those prestations
The debtor shall have no right which are: (a) impossible, (b) unlawful, or (c)
to choose those prestations which could not have been the object of the
which are impossible, unlawful obligation.
or which could not have been 2. debtor has no more right of choice, when
the object of the obligation. among the prestations whereby he is
alternatively bound, only one is practicable
3. debtor cannot choose part of one prestation
and part of another prestation.

1201. The choice shall Communication of notice that choice has been made
produce no effect except
from the time it has been (1) Effect of notice. — Until the choice is made and
communicated communicated, the obligation remains alternative.
● (a) Once the notice of the election has been
given to the creditor, the obligation ceases to
be alternative and becomes simple.
● Such choice once properly made and
communicated is irrevocable and cannot,
therefore, be renounced.
(2) Proof anf form of notice - burden of proving that
such communication has been made is upon him who
made the choice.

1202.The debtor shall lose ● Under Article 1202, if only one is practicable
the right of choice when (e.g., the others have become impossible), the
among the prestations obligation is converted into a simple one.
whereby he is alternatively ●
bound, only one is practicable.

1203.If through the creditor’s XAMPLE:

acts the debtor cannot make D borrowed from C P20,000.00. It was agreed that
a choice according to the instead of
terms of the obligation, the P20,000.00, D could deliver item one, or item two, or
latter may rescind the item three.
contract with damages. If through the fault of C, item one is destroyed, D can
rescind the
contract if he wants. In case of rescission, the amount
of P20,000.00 must
be returned by D with interest. C, in turn, must pay D
the value of item
one plus damages.
D, instead of rescinding the contract, may choose item
two or three
with a right to recover the value of item one with
damages. If D chooses
item one, his obligation is extinguished. C is not liable
for damages.

1204. The creditor shall have Effect of loss or becoming impossible of objects of
a right to indemnity for obligation
damages when, through the ● Some of the objects
fault of the debtor, all the ○ some of the objects of the obligation
things which are alternatively have been lost or have become
the object of the obligation impossible even through the fault of the
have been lost, or the debtor, the latter is not liable since he
compliance of the obligation has the right of choice and the
has become impossible. obligation can still be performed.
● All of the objects. —
The indemnity shall be fixed ○ If all of them have been lost or have
taking as a basis the value of becomeimpossible through the debtor’s
the last thing which fault, the creditor shall have a right to
disappeared, or that of the indemnity for damages since the
service which last became obligation can no longer be
impossible. complied with.
○ Of course, if the cause of the loss is a
Damages other than the fortuitous event, the obligation is
value of the last thing or extinguished.
service may also be
1205.When the choice has Rules in case of loss before creditor
been expressly given to the has made choice.
creditor, the obligation shall (1) When a thing is lost through a fortuitous event. —
cease to be alternative from S obliged himself to deliver to B item one, or item two
the day when the selection or item three, or item four. If item one is lost through a
has been communicated to fortuitous event, B can choose from among the
the debtor. remainder or that which remains if three of the
items are ost.
Until then the responsibility of
the debtor shall be governed (2) When a thing is lost through debtor’s fault. —
by the following rules: EXAMPLE:
If the loss of item one occurs through the fault of S, B
(1) If one of the things is lost may claim item two or item three or item four with a
through a fortuitous event, he right to damages or the price of item one also with a
shall perform the obligation right to damages.
by delivering that which the
creditor should choose from (3) When all the things are lost through debtor’s fault.
among the remainder, or that —
which remains if only one EXAMPLE:
subsists; If all the items are lost through the fault of S, then B
can demand the payment of the price of any one of
(2) If the loss of one of the them with a right to indemnity for
things occurs through the Damages.
fault of the debtor, the
creditor may claim any of (4) When all the things are lost through a fortuitous
those subsisting, or the price event. —
of that which, through the fault EXAMPLE:
of the former, has disappeared, The obligation of S shall be extinguished if all the
with a right to damages; items which are alternatively the object of the
obligation are lost through a fortuitous
(3) If all the things are lost event. In this case, Article 1174 shall apply
through the fault of the debtor,
the choice by the creditor
shall fall upon the price of
any one of them, also with
indemnity for damages.

The same rules shall be

applied to obligations to do or
not to do in case one, some or
all of the prestations should
become impossible.

1206. When only one Meaning of facultative obligation.

prestation has been agreed ● A facultative obligation is one where only
upon, but the obligor may one prestation has been agreed upon but the
render another in obligor may render another in substitution.
substitution, the obligation is
called facultative. Effect if loss
● Before substitution
The loss or deterioration of the ○ principal thing is lost through a
thing intended as a substitute, fortuitous event, the obligation is
through the negligence of the extinguished; otherwise, the debtor is
obligor, does not render him liable for damages.
liable. But once the substitution
has been made, the obligor is Alternative v. Facultative
liable for the loss of the 1. Number of Prestationsb-
substitute on account of his a. Alternative- several prestation, one
delay, negligence or fraud. sufficient
b. Facultative - one prest due, but debtor
allowed to substitute
2. Right of choice
a. Alternative - to debtor, creditor, third
b. Facultative - debtor only
3. Loss thru fortuitous
a. Alternative - Not extinguish
b. Facultative 0 extinguishes
4. Loss thru fault of debtor
a. Alternative - loss of one of the alts does
not make him liable
b. Facultative - loss of thing due liable

Section 4. — Joint and Solidary Obligations

1207. The concurrence of two Kinds of Obligation ● General Rule - If there is a collective
or more creditors or of two or ● Individual - one obligor, one obligee obligation, presumed joint. Each debtors
more debtors in one and the ● Collective - two or more debtor, two or more is liable only for proportion of prt
same obligation does not imply creditor. May be joint or solidary ○ IIf law is silent to liability -
that each one of the former ○ There are two kinds of relation ships, considered joint
has a right to demand, or creditor-debtor, and among creditor ● Exception: when is it solidary
that each one of the latter is and debtor themselves ○ Obligation expressly state - no
bound to render, entire need precise word “solidary”,
compliance with the Joint and Solidary enough “one pay entire debt”
prestation. There is a ● Joint obligation - whole obligation fulfilled ○ When Law requires solidarity
solidary liability only when proportionalyl by different debtors or ■ Quasidelict
the obligation expressly so proportionately by different creditors ■ Liability arising from
states, or when the law or the ● Solidary - debtors bound to render entire crime
nature of the obligation compliance with the prestation ○ Nature of obligation requires
requires solidarity. ● Disjunctive or alternative condition refers to solidarity
several conditions and only one or some of ● Effects - debt/cedit divided into many
Article 1208. If from the law, or them must be fulfilled. shares
the nature or the wording of ○ Joit creditor not act
the obligations to which the ● A collectiveobligation is presumed joint representation of others
preceding article refers the ○ For example in joint: ○ Effect of demand/prescription
contrary does not appear, the ■ A, B, C owe D 9k. D only collect limited only to particular
credit or debt shall be 3k from each creditor/debtor or receive deman
presumed to be divided into ■ A owe B, C, D 9k. Each of them d interruption
as many shares as there are only collect 3k from A ○ Extinguishment of obligation not
creditors or debtors, the ■ A B owe C and D 9k. Each can affect sharesif ci0debtors
credits or debts being only collect 4.5k ○ Nullity or vices of obligation
considered distinct from one ● Characreristics of Solidary Obligation affecting not necessarily extend
another, subject to the Rules ○ Unity of object to share of co-debtors
of Court governing the ○ Plurality of ties ○ Insolvency not increase liability
multiplicity of suits. ○ Essence if sikudaruty 0 each every
sikutary credturiy cab demand eacg if Kind of Solidarity
the debtors their parts. Of course the Active
creditor now has duty to pay Passive
co-creditors what belongs to the, Mixed - solidarity both creditors or debtors
● When is it solidary
○ Obligation expressly state Baried Solidarity - exist but not bound same
○ Law requires manner/oeriods and conditions
○ Nature obli require ● Ex. X Y Z liable J 30k. X liability mature
○ Imposed in final judgement Year 1, Y Yeae 2 , Z Year 3.
● Kinds of solidarity ○ If Year 1- J may sue
○ Parties bound
■ Passive solidarity/solidarity part
of debtors - anyone of the
debtors can be liable for the
fulfillment of the entire
obligation (mutual guaranty)
● A and B solidary debtors
C for 10k. C may
demand from either A or
B the hole thing - but
A/B demand from each
other their parts
■ Active solidarity - creditors any
of them demand the fulfillment
of the obligation
● A owe B and C 10k. A
can either pay B or C/B
or C can demand A. B/C
now liable for each
other’s hare
○ According to source
■ Concentional - solidarity agreed
on by parties, and if nothing
mention - it is joint
■ Legal solidarity - imposed by
■ Real solidarity - imposed by
nature of the obligation
● Purpose ir intent of law


● Guaranty - Art 20147 - person bind solidarily
with principal debtor
● Similarities
○ Passive solidarity - guaranty is
characteristic predominates over
agency. Debtor answers for debt not
his, but may demand reimbursement
● Distinctions - guarantor binds to principal
debtor, liability of guarantor would be different
from solitary debtor
○ Solidary debtor liable for another, and
for own. Guarantor does not incur liable
unless principal debtor held liable.
○ Passive solidary - debtor pay can
reimburse from co debtor. Suretyship,
surety who paid is to be indemnified by
principal debtor
○ PAssive solidarity - extensio granted by
creditor to one solidary debtor w/o
consent of other debtors not release
latter from obligation


● Creates unusual rights and liabilities. Debtors
have added responsibility, creditors increase
right of each creditor. Law will favpr debtor in
presuming they are bind jointly.
Article 1209. If the division is ● joint indivisible obligation ● In Joint - indivisibility does not prevent
impossible, the right of the ● Ex. Car is indivisible you cant half it. The value obligation from being condered joint.
creditors may be prejudiced is 240k, And and B will deliver but C does not. ○ But in indivisible debt can be
only by their collective acts, ○ D cant act against C alone. So has to enforced by proceeding against
and the debt can be enforced go against everyone. Now everyone all debtors
only by proceeding against all pay 80l.
the debtors. If one of the
latter should be insolvent,
the others shall not be liable
for his share (JOINT)

Article 1210. The indivisibility INDIVISIBILITY v. SOLIDARITY ● The indivisibility of an obligation does
of an obligation does not 1. Indivisivbility- refers to the prestation, solidarity not necessarily give rise to solidarity.
necessarily give rise to - juridical or legal tie Nor does solidarity of itself imply
solidarity. Nor does solidarity 2. Indivisible Obligation - Debtor guilty of breach indivisibility. (Art. 1210)
of itself imply indivisibility. is liable for damages. In solidary obligation - all ●
debtors liable for breach committed by
3. Indivisibility can exist even if one debtor one
creditor. Solidarity demands two debtors or two
4. Indivisibile - others not liable if one insolvent,

1st sentence - liability in indivisible may be joint or

2nd - in solidary obligation, subject matter may be
divisible or indivisible
● A and B jointly liable to deliver to C a car.
PRestation is indivisible, but liability is joint

Article 1211. Solidarity may Obligations according to legal tie ● Varied Solidarity. Solidarity may exist
exist although the creditors 1. Uniform - partiesbound by same stipulation although the creditors and the debtors
and the debtors may not be 2. Non-uniform or varied may not be bound in the same manner
bound in the same manner and and by the same periods and conditions.
by the same periods and Solidarity not affected by diverse stipulation (Art. 1211)
conditions. ● creditor may bring his action in toto against ●
any of the solidary debtors less the shares of
the other debtors with unexpired terms or
unfulfilled conditions

An obligation can be joint in one side and solidary on

the other
● rules applicable to each subject of the
obligation should be applied, the character of
the creditors or the debtors determining their
respective rights and liabilities
● Ex - joint creditors, solidary debtors
○ Creditor demand only share, debtor
compelled pay entire

Article 1212. Each one of the ● Solidary creditor - do any act beneficial or In Solidarity
solidary creditors may do useful to another, but not act prejudicial ● Each of the solidary creditors may do
whatever may be useful to the ● Perform prejudicial act resulting to obligation whatever may be useful to the others,
others, but not anything which extinguished - responsible to others for but not anything which may be
may be prejudicial to the latter. damages prejudicial to the latter. (Art. 1212)
● Based on theory of mutual agency. Joint ● (1) Thus, a solidary creditor may
creditor cannot act in the representation of interrupt prescription or make a demand
others (for the debtor to be in default and for
● Ex. A owe B and C 2k. B makes demand, will interest to run), which is beneficial to his
benefit C. If this is remiss or condoned by B 0 co-creditors.
the obligation is extinguished, B imburse C. ●

Article 1213. A solidary creditor ● absence of consent given by the others, a

cannot assign his rights solidary creditor cannot assign his rights to a
without the consent of the third person
others. ● Each creditor represents the others
○ Assignee does not have confidence of
the original creditors
○ assignee after receiving payment may
not give the shares of the others.
● Assignment is made to co-creditor? Consent of
others not necessary
Effect of unauthorized assignment?
● If solidary assign rights, will payment to
assignee extinguish it?
○ 1213 - assignment is invalid
○ rule is unjustifiable and places an
unnecessary restriction on the rights of
the solidary co-creditor upon his share
○ representation (by each creditor) of the
solidary creditors is created by law and
not by consent or agreement of the
○ Manresa: “solidary creditor who
assigns his rights without consent, shall
answer subidiarily for prejudice caused
to latter

Article 1214. The debtor may Payment to any solidary creditors ● In general, payment of the debt to one of
pay any one of the solidary ● Debtor may pay any of the solidary creditors the solidary creditors, or made by one of
creditors; but if any demand, ● Demand/judicial/extrajudicial nade by one of the solidary debtors, is sufficient to
judicial or extrajudicial, has the creditors 0 oaynebt should be made to that extinguish the debt. (Arts. 1214, 1217)
been made by one of them, creditor
payment should be made to
him. Article 1214 is applicable not only in cases of active
but also where the solidarity is mixed although the
singular “debtor”
is employed.

Article 1215. Novation, ● Novation, compensation, confusion, and

compensation, confusion or remission are modes or causes of
remission of the debt, made by extinguishment of obligations.
any of the solidary creditors or ● creditor who executed any of these acts
with any of the solidary should be liable to the others for their
debtors, shall extinguish the corresponding shares considering that such
obligation, without prejudice to acts are prejudicial to them
the provisions of article 1219.
● Effect of extension of time given by creditor to
The creditor who may have solidary debtor
executed any of these acts, as ○ Not a novation that will discharge other
well as he who collects the solidary debtoors. Debtors will be liable
debt, shall be liable to the for the whole debt less the share of the
others for the share in the debtor granted the extension.
obligation corresponding to ● Effect of novation where obligation joint
them. ○ Does not extinguish or modify the
obligation except with respect to the
creditor or debtor affected

Article 1216. The creditor may ● 1216 not applicable to joint, reiterates rule that ● The creditor . may proceed against any
proceed against any one of the passive solidarity - any one or some or all of th one of the solidary debtors or · some or
solidary debtors or some or all solidary debtors simultaneously, may be made all of them simultaneously. (Art. 1216)
of them simultaneously. The to pay the debt so long as it has not been fully ○ Choice is left to solidary creditor
demand made against one of collected. sino kasuhan
them shall not be an obstacle ● Liability solidarity - other solidary debtors not ○ No need to implead them all
to those which may indispensable persons ○ May choose collect part of debt
subsequently be directed ● Bringing of an action to a solidary debtor - not from others, remaining sa iban
against the others, so long as inconsistent with/does not preclude bringing of naman
the debt has not been fully another to compel
collected. ● If one solidary debtor die - creditor may
proceed against the estate of the deceased
solitary debtor/surviving debtor
○ Choice is on the solidary creditor

Article 1217. Payment made Effects of payment by a solidary debtor ● The paying debtor is generally entitled to
by one of the solidary debtors 1. Between solidary debtors and creditors reimbursement of t11e shares of his
extinguishes the obligation. If ● One solidary debtor paying co-debtors.(Art. 1 217)
two or more solidary debtors extinguishes the obligation. Creditor ● (!) If the payment is made before the
offer to pay, the creditor may has right to choose if two debtors offer debt is due, no interest for the
choose which offer to to pay. intervening period may be demanded.
accept. 2. Among solidary debtors (Art. 1217)
● Does not create case of subrogation ● (2) When one of the solidary debtors
He who made the payment ● Debor can claim reimbursement from 'cannot, because of his insolvency,
may claim from his co-debtors only proportionate sahares reimburse his share to the debtor paying
co-debtors only the share with legal interes the obligation, such share shall be borne
which corresponds to each, 3. Among solidary creditors - receiving creditor is by all his co-debtors, 111 proportion to
with the interest for the jointly liable to the others for their the debt of each. (Art. 1217)
payment already made. If the corresponding shares. ●
payment is made before the 4.
debt is due, no interest for
the intervening period may
be demanded.

When one of the solidary

debtors cannot, because of his
insolvency, reimburse his
share to the debtor paying the
obligation, such share shall be
borne by all his co-debtors, in
proportion to the debt of each.

Article 1218. Payment by a Effect of payment if obligation prescribed/illegal:

solidary debtor shall not entitle ● Debtor cannot get reimbursement if prescribed
him to reimbursement from his (Art 1231)
co-debtors if such payment is ○ “By prescription, one acquires
made after the obligation ownership and other rights through the
has prescribed or become lapse of time in the manner and under
illegal. the conditions laid down by law.
○ In the same way, rights and actions are
lost by prescription.” (Art. 1106.)
■ “The following actions must be
brought within ten (10) years
from the time the right of action
■ (1) Upon a written contract;
■ (2) Upon an obligation created
by law;
■ (3) Upon a judgment.“ (Art.
■ “The following actions must be
commenced within six (6)
■ (1) Upon an oral contract;
■ (2) Upon a quasi-contract.“ (Art.
■ “The following actions must be
instituted within four (4) years:
■ (1) Upon an injury to the rights
of the plaintiff;
■ (2) Upon a quasi-delict.’’ (Art.
■ The statute of limitations,
however, may be superseded or
■ modified by a contract between
the parties

● Debtor cannot get reimbursement if illegal

Article 1219. The remission ● If payment made first - remission/waiver no ● The remission made by the creditor of
made by the creditor of the effect the share which affects one of the
share which affects one of ● Reissiov made previous payment - solution solidary debtors does not release the
the solidary debtors does indebiti arises latter from his responsibility towards the
not release the latter from ○ Debtor must prove remission to the co-debtors, in case the debt had been
his responsibility towards payment to release him totally paid by anyone of them before
the co-debtors, in case the the remission was effected.
debt had been totally paid by (1) A and B are liable in solidum to C in the amount of ○ The debtor whose share was
anyone of them before the P1,000.00. C "remitted" must still pay his share
remission was effected. remitted A’s share. Subsequent payment by B of to reimburse the debtor-payor
P1,000.00 to C will not ●
entitle him to reimbursement from A since the
remission extinguished
the obligation with respect to A’s share. However, B
can demand the
return of P500.00 from C under the principle of solutio
If payment by B was made before the remission, A is
still liable to
B because the remission is without effect, the
obligation having been
extinguished already by the payment.

Article 1220. The remission of ● ● Remission of whole obligation does not

the whole obligation, entitle him to reimbursement from his
obtained by one of the solidary co-debtors.
debtors, does not entitle him
to reimbursement from his
co-debtors. (n)

Article 1221. If the thing has Rules in case prestation lost/impossible ● Without Fault or Delay
been lost or if the prestation 1. Loss without fault anfd before delay ○ Without fault of solidary debtors -
has become impossible ● A B C oblige deliver truck valued 300k obligation extinguished
without the fault of the ● Extinguished if fortuitous and without ● With Fault or Delay
solidary debtors, the fault and no delay ○ Fault on any one of the solidary
obligation shall be 2. Losse due to fault on the part if solitary debtor debtors - all shall be responsible
extinguished. ● Same example but lost through fault of to creditor for price/payment of
C. A nd b also be responsible, even tho damages
If there was fault on the part wala sila sala bc mutual agency. But A ■ Faultless debtors may
of any one of them, all shall and C can recover from C recover against
be responsible to the meg;ogemt debtor
creditor, for the price and the 3. Loss no fault but after delay ■ Same again if
payment of damages and ● Truck bye bye due to fortuitous, there lost/become impossible if
interest, without prejudice to was a demand upon C delayed
their action against the guilty or ● D can still recover damages from A, B
negligent debtor. or both

If through a fortuitous event,

the thing is lost or the
performance has become
impossible after one of the
solidary debtors has
incurred in delay through the
judicial or extrajudicial
demand upon him by the
creditor, the provisions of the
preceding paragraph shall

Article 1222. A solidary debtor 1. (1) Defenses derived from the nature of the ● Defenses derived nature of the
may, in actions filed by the obligation. obligation
creditor, avail himself of all a. Complete defense - nullifies obligation ○ Total defenses and debtor
defenses which are derived b. fraud/prescription/remission/illegality/ab cannot be liable at all
from the nature of the sence of consideration ● Defenses personal to them/pertain to
obligation and of those which 2. Defenses personal to, or which pertain to their share
are personal to him, or pertain share of, debtor sued ○ Personal to defendant-debtor
to his own share. With a. VIOLENCE/MINORITY (minority/insanity/vitiated
respect to those which b. Complete defnese if applied to own consent)
personally belong to the 3. Defenses personal to other solidary debtors. ○ Pertain to their share - partial
others, he may avail himself a. For ex, B is insane. A can invoke ● Defenses personally belong to other
thereof only as regards that partial defense - and only for B’s share. debtors
part of the debt for which the ○ these are partial defenses, i.e.,
latter are responsible. the defendant-debtor cannot be
held liable for the portions
corresponding to the debtor with
the defense

Section 5. — Divisible and Indivisible Obligations

1223. e divisibility or Meaning of divisible and indivisible obligations.

indivisibility of the things that (1) A divisible obligation is one the object of which,
are the object of obligations in in its delivery or
which there is only one debtor performance, is capable of partial fulfillment.
and only one creditor does not (2) An indivisible obligation is one the object of
alter or modify the provisions which, in its deliveryor performance, is not
of Chapter 2 of this Title. capable of partial fulfillment.

Test for the distinction

● Hence, even though the object or service may
be physically divisible, an obligation is
indivisible if so provided by law or intended by
the parties. (Art. 1225, par. 3.)
● if the object is not physically divisible or the
service is not susceptible of partial
performance (Art. 1225, par. 1.), the obligation
● is always indivisible

nds of division.
They are:
(1) Qualitative division or one based on quality, not on
number or
quantity of the things that are the object of the
A and B are heirs of C. They agreed to divide the
inheritance as
follows: to A — a house and lot and home appliances
and to B — a
ricefield, a car and P100,000.00 cash.
(2) Quantitative division or one based on quantity
rather than on
In the preceding example, if the inheritance consists
only of a ricefield
its partition by metes and bounds into two equal parts
is a quantitative
division. Another example, is when A and B divide 300
cavans of palay
harvested from the ricefield or the P100,000.00 cash.
(3) Ideal or intellectual division or one which exists
only in the
minds of the parties.

Kinds of indivisibility.
They are:
(1) Legal indivisibility. — where a specific provision of
law declares as indivisible, obligations which, by their
nature, are divisible (Art. 1225, par. 3.);

(2) Conventional indivisibility. — where the will of the

parties makes as indivisible, obligations which, by
their nature, are divisible (Ibid.); and

(3) Natural indivisibility. — where the nature of the

object o prestation does not admit of division, e.g., to
give a particular car, to
sing a song, etc. (Ibid., par. 1.)

1224.A joint indivisible Effect of non-compliance by a debtor in a joint

obligation gives rise to indivisible obligation.
indemnity for damages from If any one of the debtors does not comply with his
the time anyone of the undertaking in a joint indivisible obligation, the
debtors does not comply obligation is transformed into one for
with his undertaking. The damages, i.e., to pay money. The creditor
debtors who may have been cannot ask for specific performance or
ready to fulfill their promises rescission because there is no cause of action
shall not contribute to the against the other debtors who are willing to
indemnity beyond the fulfill their promises.
corresponding portion of the
price of the thing or of the
value of the service in which
the obligation consists.
1225.For the purposes of the (1) Obligations to give definite things (par. 1.). —
preceding articles, obligations EXAMPLES:
to give definite things and To give a particular electric fan; to deliver a specific
those which are not car. Here, theobligation is indivisible because of the
susceptible of partial nature of the subject matter.
performance shall be (2) Obligations which are not susceptible of partial
deemed to be indivisible. performance
(Ibid.). —
When the obligation has for its EXAMPLES:
object the execution of a To sing a song; to dance the “tinikling.”
certain number of days of Here, the obligation is indivisible by reason of its
work, the accomplishment of purpose whichrequires the performance of all the
work by metrical units, or parts. Is the obligation still indivisible, if there are more
analogous things which by than one participant?
their nature are susceptible of The obligation becomes divisible as far as the
partial performance, it shall be participants are concerned because it is capable of
divisible. partial performance.

However, even though the (3) Obligations provided by law to be indivisible even if
object or service may be thing or serviceis physically divisible (par. 3.). —
physically divisible, an EXAMPLE:
obligation is indivisible if so Under the law, taxes should be paid within a definite
provided by law or intended by period. Although money is physically divisible, the
the parties. amount of tax payable must be delivered in toto, not
In obligations not to do,
divisibility or indivisibility shall
be determined by the character Divisibility or indivisibility in obligations not to do.
of the prestation in each In negative obligations not to do, the character of
particular case. the prestation in each particular case shall
determine their divisibility or indivisibility.

(1) Indivisible obligation. — X obliged himself to Y
not to sell cigarettes in his store for one year.
Here, the obligation should be fulfilled
continuously during a certain period.
(2) Divisible obligation. — If the obligation of X is
not to sell cigarettes in his stores only during
Sundays and holidays, the obligation is
divisible because the forbearance is not

● Obligations “to do” and “not to do” are

generally indivisible.
● Obligations “to do” stated in paragraph 2 of
Article 1225 are divisible

Section 6. — Obligations with a Penal Clause

1226.In obligations with a Meaning of principal and accessory obligations.

penal clause, the penalty (1) Principal obligation is one which can stand by
shall substitute the itself and does not depend for its validity and
indemnity for damages and existence upon another obligation.
the payment of interests in (2) Accessory obligation is one which is attached
case of noncompliance, if there to a principal obligation and, therefore, cannot
is no stipulation to the contrary. stand alone.
Nevertheless, damages shall
be paid if the obligor refuses Meaning of obligation with a penal clause.
to pay the penalty or is guilty An obligation with a penal clause is one which
of fraud in the fulfillment of the contains an accessory undertaking to pay a previously
obligation. stipulated indemnity in case of breach of the principal
prestation intended primarily to induce its fulfillment
The penalty may be enforced
only when it is demandable
in accordance with the Meaning of penal clause.
provisions of this Code. A penal clause is an accessory undertaking attached
to an obligation to assume greater liability on the part
of the obligor in case of breach of the obligation, i.e.,
the obligation is not fulfilled, or is partly or irregularly
complied with.

Kinds of penal clause.

They are:
(1) As to its origin:
(a) Legal penal clause. — when it is provided for by
law; and
(b) Conventional penal clause. — when it is provided
for by stipulation of the parties.

(2) As to its purpose:

(a) Compensatory penal clause. — when the penalty
takes the place of damages; and
(b) Punitive penal clause. — when the penalty is
imposed merely as punishment for breach.

(3) As to its dependability or effect:

(a) Subsidiary or alternative penal clause. — when
only thepenalty can be enforced; and
(b) Joint or cumulative penal clause. — when both the
obligation and the penal clause can be enforced.

1227. The debtor cannot Penalty not substitute for performance.

exempt himself from the Generally, the debtor cannot just pay the penal
performance of the obligation instead of performing the obligation. Precisely,
by paying the penalty, save in the object of the penalty is to secure
the case where this right has compliance with the obligation
been expressly reserved for
him. Neither can the creditor Penal clause presumed subsidiary
demand the fulfillment of the GR: reditor cannot demand the fulfillment of
obligation and the satisfaction the obligation and the satisfaction of the penalty at the
of the penalty at the same same time
time, unless this right has been
clearly granted him. However, ER:
if after the creditor has decided 1. Where there is performance. — Once the
to require the fulfillment of the obligation is fulfilled, this purpose is attained
obligation, the performance and, therefore, there is no need for demanding
thereof should become the penalty
impossible without his fault, the 2. (2) Where there is no performance. — In case
penalty may be enforced. of non-compliance, the creditor may ask for
the penalty or require specific performance.

When penal clause joint.

The debtor has the right to pay the penalty in lieu of
performance only when this right has been expressly
reserved for him

Liability for penalty, damages, and/or interests

(1) Penalty substitutes for damages and interests. —
As a general rule, in an obligation with a penal clause,
the penalty takes the place of the indemnity for
damages and the payment of interests in case of
(2) Penalty and interests enforceable. — The law
permits an
agreement upon a penalty apart from the interest.
Should there be
such an agreement, the penalty does not include the
interest and as
such, the two are different and distinct things which
may be demanded

1228.Proof of actual ● all that the creditor has to prove s the violation
damages suffered by the of the obligation by the debtor.
creditor is not necessary in ● not necessary to adduce evidence to prove
order that the penalty may be losses
demanded. ● The creditor may enforce the penalty whether
he suffered damages or not.
● cannot recover more than the stipulated
penalty even if he proves that the amount of
his damages exceeds the penalty.

Liquidated Damages v. Penalty

● Liquidated Damages - agreed damages
● Penalty - latter is a punishment.

1229. The judge shall When can Penalty be Reduced in Courts

equitably reduce the penalty ● When there is partial or irregular performance
when the principal obligation ○ GR: bligation is not deemed
has been partly or irregularly performed unless the thing or service in
complied with by the debtor. which it consists has been completely
Even if there has been no delivered or rendered
performance, the penalty may ● When the penalty agreed upon is iniquitous or
also be reduced by the unconscionable
courts if it is iniquitous or ○ enalty may be reduced even if there is
unconscionable. no performance at
○ penalty is reasonable or iniquitous is
addressed to the sound discretion of
the court and on
○ several factors, including, but not
limited to, the following: the type,
extent, and purpose of the penalty, the
nature of the obligation, the mode of
breach and its consequences, the
supervening realities, th standing and
relationship of the parties, the extent of
the prejudice to the plaintiff, and the
● Ex
○ 1. 5 of the 20 guns lost were
○ Facts: X, etc. (municipal officials) failed
to return the 20 arms entrusted to
them. This failure constituted a
violation of the conditions of the bond
given and made them subject to the
penalty provided therein. It appears
that 5 of the 20 guns were recovered
by third parties with the aid of X, etc.
(municipal officials).
○ Issue: Should X, etc. be made liable for
the full amount of the bond?
○ Held: The judgment of the trial court for
the sum of P2,000 the full amount of
the bond, should be reversed, and the
recovery reduced to P1,500.
Construction of penal clause where performance
partial or irregular.
1. Penalty is punitive
● herein there has been a partial or
irregular compliance with the provisions
of a contract with a penal clause, the
courts will rigidly apply the doctrine of
strict construction
2. Penalty is compensatory - courts will be slow
in exercising the authority conferred upon
3. (3) Penalty, damages and interests
enforceable. — The creditor, i addition to the
penalty, may recover damages and interests:
(a) When so stipulated by the parties;
(b) When the obligor refuses to pay the
penalty; or
4. (c) When the obligor is guilty of fraud in the
fulfillment of the
5. obligation.
7. (4) Requirement to make penalty enforceable.
— The penalty may be enforced only when it is
demandable in accordance with the provisions
of the Civil Code. (Ibid., par. 2.) This means
that the penalty, as a stipulation in a contract,
is demandable only if there is a breac of the
obligation and it is not contrary to law, morals,
good customs,
8. public order, or public policy.

1230.The nullity of the penal Effect of nullity of the penal clause.

clause does not carry with it ● If only the penal clause is void, the principal
that of the principal obligation remains valid and demandable.
Effect of nullity of the principal obligation.
The nullity of the principal If the principal obligation is void, the penal
obligation carries with it that clause is likewise void. The reason is that the
of the penal clause. clause cannot stand alone without the principal
obligation to which it is subordinated.

But if the nullity of the principal obligation is due to

the fault of the debtor who acted in bad faith,
by reason of which the creditor suffered
damages on equitable grounds, the penalty may
be enforced.

Chapter 4. — Extinguishment of Obligations


ART. 1231. Obligations are Other causes of extinguishment: B. Other causes of extinguishment of obligations
extinguished: (1) Death of a party in case the obligation is a which are
(1) By payment or personal one (Art. governed elsewhere in the Civil Code: (Art. 1231)
performance; 1311, par. 1.); I. Annulment;
(2) By the loss of the thing (2) Mutual desistance or withdrawal; 2. Rescission;
due; (3) Arrival of resolutory period (Art. 1193, par. 2.); 3. Fulfillment of a resolutory condition; and
(3) By the condonation or (4) Compromise (Art. 2028.); 4. Prescription.
remission of the debt; (5) Impossibility of fulfillment (Art. 1266.); and
(4) By the confusion or (6) Happening of a fortuitous event. (Art. 1174.)
merger of the rights of
creditor and 1) Voluntary:
debtor; (a) Performance:
(5) By compensation; 1) Payment; and
(6) By novation. 2) Consignation.
Other causes of (b) Substitution:
extinguishment of obligations, 1) Dacion en pago (conveyance for payment); and
such as annulment, 2) Novation.
rescission, fulfillment of a (c) By release agreement:
resolutory condition, and 1) Agreement subsequent to the constitution of the
prescription, are governed obligation:
elsewhere in this Code.
a) Mutual waiver;
b) Unilateral waiver; and
c) Remission.
2) Agreement simultaneous to the constitution of the
a) Resolutory condition; and
b) Extinctive period.
(2) Involuntary:
(a) By reason of the subject:
1) Confusion; and
2) Death of the contracting parties in the cases where
obligations are personal.
(b) By reason of the object:
1) Loss of the thing due or impossibility of

(c) By failure to exercise (right of action):

1) Extinctive prescription.

ART. 1232. Payment means Payment

not only the delivery of money ● nt may consist of not only in the delivery of
but also the performance, in money but also the giving of a thing (other
any other manner, of an than money), the doing of an act, or not doing
obligation. of an act
● (1) persons, who may pay and to whom
payment may be made;
● (2) thing or object in which payment must
● (3) the cause thereof;
● (4) the mode or form thereof;
● (5) the place and the time in which it must be
● (6) the imputation of expenses occasioned by
it; and
● (7) the special parts which may modify the
same and the effects they generally produce

Burden of proving payment

● Burden of proof is the duty of a party to
present evidence of the facts in issue
necessary to prove the truth of his claim or
defense by the amount of evidence required
by law. (Dela Peña vs. Court of Appeals)
● e burden of proving extinguishment by
payment devolves upon the debtor who pleads
payment or offers such a defense to the claim
of the credito
● A receipt of payment, although not exclusive,
is deemed to be the best evidence of payment.
○ written and signed acknowledgment
that money has or goods have been
delivered, while voucher is a
documentary record of a business
■ A voucher is not necessarily an
evidence of payment. merely a
way or method of recording or
keeping track of payments
made. (

ART. 1233. A debt shall not Debt

be understood to have been ● obligation to deliver money, to deliver a thing
paid unless the thing or (other than money), to do an act, or not to do
service in which the an act. (
obligation consists has
been completely delivered When is debt considered pay
or rendered, as the case ● Integrity of prestation
may be. ○ Prestation be fulfilled completely
(1157) ○ GR: partial or irregular performance will
not produce extinguishment
○ late partial payment forestall a
long-expired maturity date.
○ Ex:
■ D promise pay C 10k, only pay
9k. C can refuse accept 9k
● Identity of prestation
○ very prestation due must be delivered
or performed.
ART. 1234. If the obligation ● first exception to the rule laid down in Article
has been substantially 1233.
performed in good faith, the
obligor may recover as Requisites for application
though there had been a strict ● (1) There must be substantial performance.
and complete fulfillment, less Its existence depends upon the
damages suffered by the circumstances of each particular case; and
obligee. (n) ● (2) The obligor must be in good faith. Good
faith is presumed in the absence of proof to
the contrary
● Example
○ S oblige sell 1k bag cement. S
diligently did but 950 lang because
cement shortage.
○ S can recover as if may complete
delivery less the price of 50 bags. B
cannot require S to deliver remaining
50 bags. Pay 950, damages lang for 50
si B.
● Example 2: S sell two contracts for two lots to
B - installment 10 years, so 120 monthly
payments. Contract says failure B plus interest
= cancellation. After 95 installments B did not
make further. S cancelled payments and
forfeited. CA ordered cancel only one contract
and convey lot.

ART. 1235. When the obligee Requisites for 1235

accepts the performance, ● (1) The obligee knows that the performance is
knowing its incompleteness incomplete or irregular; and
or irregularity, and without ● (2) He accepts the performance without
expressing any protest or expressing any protest or objection.
objection, the obligation is
deemed fully complied with. Meaning to Accept in 1235:
(n) ● take as “satisfactory or sufficient,” or to “give
assent to,” or to “agree” or “accede” to an
incomplete or irregular performance.
● acceptance must be made under
circumstances that indicate his intention to
consider the performance complete and to
renounce his claim arising from the defect.
● e failure of the respondent to object or protest
the non-payment of interesannot be
considered as full payment of the principal
obligation in the civil case

Form of protest of creditor

● does not require the protest or objection of the
creditor to be made in a particular manner or
at a particular time.
● evince that the former is not satisfied or
agreeable to said payment or performance,
the obligation shall not be deemed
extinguished. (

ART. 1236. The creditor is Creditor Accept from:

not bound to accept ● (1) The debtor;
payment or ● (2) Any person who has an interest in the
performance by a third obligation (like aguarantor); or
person who has no interest ● (3) A third person who has no interest in the
in the fulfillment of the obligation when there is stipulation that he can
obligation, unless there is a make payment.
stipulation to the contrary.
Creditor nay refuse payment by a third person
Whoever pays for another ● the creditor should not be compelled to accept
may demand from the payment from a third person whom he may
debtor what he has paid, dislike or distrust.
except that if he paid ○ They might not want to have dealings
without the knowledge or with third person
against the will of the Effect of payment hby a third person
debtor, he can recover only ● (1) If made without the knowledge or against
insofar as the payment has the will of debtor.
been beneficial to the debtor ○ payer can recover from the debtor only
in so far as the payment has been
P2 = No subrogation beneficial to the latter.only up to debt at
thime of payment
○ 3rd person not rubrogated to rights of

● (2) If made with the knowledge of the debtor.
○ Shall have rights of reimbursement and
■ Recover what he has paid
■ Acrquire rights of creditor
● Examples
○ Parcel of land belong to M minors sold
to B. C, M’s uncle deposited w sheriff
iwhtout M knowledge the redemption
price. B refused turnover since C was
not legal guardian. Redemption was
valid since he had an interest.

Paying with or without knowledge

● can recover only insofar as the payment has
been beneficial to the debtor
○ defense that may beavailed of only by
the debtor, not by the creditor, for it
affects solely the rights of the former.

ART. 1237. Whoever pays on Right of Third Person to Subrogation

behalf of the debtor without ● pays on behalf of the debtor is entitled to
the knowledge or against subrogation
the will of the latter, cannot ● without the knowledge or against the will of the
compel the creditor to debtor, the third person cannot compel the
subrogate him in his rights, creditor to subrogate him in the latter’s
such as those arising from a accessory rights
mortgage, guaranty, or ● What i creditor willingly permits payor to be
penalty. subrogated?
○ for the benefit of the debtor, the
subrogation can only take place with
his consent.
○ Legal subrogation by operation of law
is presumed in certain cases.

Subrogation v. Reimbursement
● Subrogation
○ person who pays for the debtor is put
into the shoes of the creditor.
○ Acquires also all other rights which the
creditor could have exercised
pertaining to the credit
○ no real extinction of the obligation, but
only a change of creditor.
● Reimbursement
○ merely the bare right to be refunded to
the extent provided in the second
paragraph of Article 1236 without the
right to the guarantees and securities
of the original obligation.
● Example
○ D borrowed C 1k. G guarantor. X
without consent/know of D - paid C 1k.
■ X can claim reimbursement
from D whole amount of 1k,
● If D cant pay him, X cant
go against G - no
● If D gave consent, but
cant pay - C can go
after G.

ART. 1238. Payment made by ● embodies the idea that no one should be
a third person who does not compelled to accept the generosity of another
intend to be reimbursed by ● If third person does not intend to be
the debtor is deemed to be reimbursed
a donation, which requires ○ Need debtors consent
the debtor’s consent. But ● If creditor accept payment
the payment is in any case ○ Valid to him even if debtor did not
valid as to the creditor who consent to donation
has accepted it. ● Example
○ D owes C 1k. No intent reimbursed, X
paid D’s obligation.
■ D not liable to X, obligation C
extinguished if consent.
■ If not consent - X may recover
from D.

ART. 1239. In obligations to Free disposal of thing due/capacity to alienate

give, payment made by one ● Free disposal
who does not have the free ○ hing to be delivered must not be
disposal of the thing due subject to any claim or lien or
and capacity to alienate it encumbrance of a third
shall not be valid, without ○
prejudice to the provisions ● Capacity to alienate
of Article 1427 under the Title ○ person is not incapacitated to enter into
on “Natural Obligations.’’ contracts / make disposition

Requirement of above
● GR: n obligations to give, payment by one who
does not have the free disposition of the thing
due or capacity to alienate it is not valid. This
means that the thing paid can be recovered.
● ER: reditor cannot be compelled to accept
payment where the person paying has no
capacity to make it.

ARTICLE 1240. Payment Payment Shall be made to

shall be made to the person ● creditor/obligee
in whose favor the ● Successor in interest
obligation has been ● Person authorized
constituted, or his
successor in interest, or (2) creditor must be the one time the payment is to be
any person authorized to made, not constitution of obligation. IF subrogated =
receive it. (1162a) must be to new creditor

(3) if made to wrong party, obligation is not

extinguished. even if the debtor acted in outmost good
faith and by mistake

“Any person authorized to receive it”

● Includes person authorized by law to receive
the payment, such as a guardian, executor or
administrator of the estate of a deceased, and
assignee or liquidator of a partnership or
● Ther emust be evidence they were authorized

ARTICLE 1241. Payment to a Effect Payment Incapacitated Person

person who is incapacitated ● Generally not valid
to administer his property ○ unless such incapacitated person kept
shall be valid if he has kept the thing paid or delivered
the thing delivered, or ○ payment should be made to his legal
insofar as the payment has representativ
been beneficial to him. ■ If not possible - relieve thru
Payment made to a third Effect Payment Third Person
person shall also be valid ● GR: not valid
insofar as it has redounded ● ER: redounded to the benefit of the creditor.
to the benefit of the ● Good faith defense and by mistake is
creditor. Such benefit to the immaterial
creditor need not be proved in
the following cases:

(1) If after the payment, the

third person acquires the
creditor’s rights;

(2) If the creditor ratifies the

payment to the third person;

(3) If by the creditor’s

conduct, the debtor has
been led to believe that the
third person had authority
to receive the payment.

ARTICLE 1242. Payment ● possession of the credit itself and not merely
made in good faith to any of the document or instrument evidencing the
person in possession of the credi
credit shall release the ● Example
debtor. (1164) ○ D indebted to C 1k. Evidenced by
promissory note signed by D. C lost
note, found by X - demanded payment
drom D. Payment not valid since X is
possessor of the document.

ARTICLE 1243. Payment When Payment Creditor Not Valid

made to the creditor by the ● If the debtor is also the credtor of another, may
debtor after the latter has be ordered to retain the debt
been judicially ordered to ● invoked by the creditor who secures the order
retain the debt shall not be of retention.
valid. (1165)
Garnishment of Debtor’s credit
● subjecting a debtor’s credit to the payment of
his debt to another
● nature of an involuntary novation by the
substitution of one creditor for another.

ARTICLE 1244. The debtor Very prestation due must be complied with
of a thing cannot compel ● Refers to real obligation (P!) to deliver specific
the creditor to receive a thing. Thing different cannot be offered or
different one, although the demanded
latter may be of the same ● P2 - personal obligation. Act to perform or act
value as, or more valuable prohibited cannot be substituted
than that which is due.
When Can Prestation Be Substituted
In obligations to do or not ● Facultative obligation - debtor given right to
to do, an act or forbearance render another prestation
cannot be substituted by ● Waiver by creditor
another act or forbearance ● Substitution allowed in stipulation w consent of
against the obligee’s will. creditor

ARTICLE 1245. Dation in Four Special Forms of Payment

payment, whereby property is (1) dation in payment (Art. 1245.);
alienated to the creditor in ● e conveyance of ownership of a thing by the
satisfaction of a debt in debtor to creditor
money, shall be governed by ● Requisites of dation/dacion
the law of sales. (n) ○ Performance of prestation in lieu of
payment (delivery of a
○ Different between prestation due and
what is given
○ Agreement between creditor and
debtor that obligation is extinguished
by performance of a prestation different
● Example
○ D owesC 15l. D, with consent of C -
delivers piano. If piano less 15k
extinguish obligation extend only of the
piano value, unless piano is by
agreement full payment
● Governing Law
○ law of sales governs because dation in
payment may be considered a specie
of sale
● Sale Distinguished
○ Sale - no pr existing credit, obligation is
created, cause is price pied, more
freedom in fixing price, buyer has to
pay price, parties deliver and receive
thing as seller buyer
○ Dacion/Dation - there is existing credit,
obligation extinguished, less freedom,
oayment received before contract is oe
(2) application of payments (Art. 1253.);
(3) payment by cession (Art. 1255.); and
(4) tender of payment and consignation. (Arts.

ARTICLE 1246. When the Rule o medium quality

obligation consists in the ● there is lack of precise declaration in the
delivery of an indeterminate obligation of the quality or kind of thing to be
or generic thing, whose delivered.
quality and circumstances
have not been stated, the Example
creditor cannot demand a ● B owns race horses - S must deliver race
thing of superior quality. horse
Neither can the debtor ● B is calesa driver - S must deliver that
deliver a thing of inferior ● B is vet - examine organs - Pld sickly horse
quality. The purpose of the
obligation and other
circumstances shall be taken
into consideration. (1167a)

ARTICLE 1247. Unless it is Debtor pays for extrajudicial

otherwise stipulated, the ( obligation is extinguished when payment is made
extrajudicial expenses ER: may stipulation
required by the payment
shall be for the account of Losing party generally pays judicial costs
the debtor. With regard to ● Judicial costs are the statutory amounts
judicial costs, the Rules of allowed to a party to an action for his
Court shall govern. (1168a) expenses incurred in the action.

ARTICLE 1248. Unless there Complete Performance of Obligation NEcessary

is an express stipulation to ● 1Cred-!Debtor only
that effect, the creditor ● debtor has the duty to comply with the whole
cannot be compelled of the obligation but he cannot be required to
partially to receive the make partial payments if he does not wish to
prestations in which the do so.
obligation consists. Neither
may the debtor be required When is Partial Performance Allowed
to make partial payments. 1. Express stipulation
However, when the debt is in 2. Debt is part liquidated/part unliquidated
part liquidated and in part 3. Different prestations are subject to different
unliquidated, the creditor may terms or conditions
demand and the debtor may
effect the payment of the
former without waiting for the
liquidation of the latter.

ARTICLE 1249. The payment ● . There is no longer any legal impediment to

of debts in money shall be having obligations or transactions paid in a
made in the currency foreign currency as long as the parties agree
stipulated, and if it is not to such arrangement
possible to deliver such
currency, then in the Legal Tender
currency which is legal ● currency which a debtor can legally compel a
tender in the Philippines. creditor to accept in payment of a debt in
money w
The delivery of promissory
notes payable to order, or Legal Tender in PH
bills of exchange or other ● all coins and notes issued by the Bangko
mercantile documents shall Sentral ng Pilipinas constitute legal tender for
produce the effect of all debts, both public or private
payment only when they
have been cashed, or when Payment by means of instruments or credits
through the fault of the 1. Right of creditor to refuse or accept in promiss
creditor they have been notes/checks (not legal tender)
impaired. a. Creditor may accept without
acceptance producing effect of
In the meantime, the action payment
derived from the original i. Demandability is suspended
obligation shall be held in unless payment is realized
abeyance. (1170) 2. Payment for purpose of redemption
a. Redemption of property sold under
execution is not invalid
3. Effect on obligation
GR: mercantile docs do not extinguish
● Until cashed
● Impaired thru fault of creditor

ARTICLE 1250. In case an Inflation and Deflation

extraordinary inflation or ● Inflation
deflation of the currency ○ Sharp increase of money or credit
stipulated should supervene, ● Deflation
the value of the currency at ○ Redictopn om vp;i,e and circulation
the time of the
establishment of the Requisites for Application
obligation shall be the 1. Official declaration of extraordinary inflation or
basis of payment, unless deflation
there is an agreement to the 2. Obligation is contractual in nature
contrary. (n) 3. Parties agreed to consider effects

Basis of Payment
● e purchasing value of the currency at the time
of the establishment of the obligation shall be
the basis of paymen
○ Subject to agreement

When is Extraordinary
● one that neither party had reason to foresee
when the obligation was established
● there is an unimaginable increase or
decrease in the purchasing power of the
Philippine currency, or fluctuation in the value
of pesos which could not have been
reasonably foreseen or was manifestly beyond

● D borrowed C 5k payable after 5 yrs. Upon
maturity, value of 5k dropped to 2500 bc of
inflation (or increased 10k upon deflation). D
must pay equivalent value (10k or 5k(

● Devaluation - value of one currency from an
officially fixed level imposed by monetary
● Depreciation - ownward change in the value of
one currency in terms of the currencies of
other nations

ARTICLE 1251. Payment Places obligation made

shall be made in the place ● If stipulation - place designated
designated in the ● If no stipulation, thing is specific - where the
obligation. thing was at perfection
● If no stipulation, thing is generic - Domicile of
There being no express debtor. Creditor bears expenses to go
stipulation and if the
undertaking is to deliver a Domicile
determinate thing, the ● Domicile is the place of a person’s habitual
payment shall be made residence. (Art. 50.) Residence is only an
wherever the thing might be element of domicile.
at the moment the ●
obligation was constituted.

In any other case the place

of payment shall be the
domicile of the debtor.

If the debtor changes his

domicile in bad faith or after
he has incurred in delay, the
additional expenses shall be
borne by him.

These provisions are without

prejudice to venue under the
Rules of Court. (1171a)

SUBSECTION 1 Application of Payments

ARTICLE 1252. He who has Application of debts

various debts of the same ● Application of payments is the designation of
kind in favor of one and the the debt to which should be applied the
same creditor, may declare payment made by a debtor who has various
at the time of making the debts of the same kind in favor of one and t
payment, to which of them same creditor.
the same must be applied.
Unless the parties so Requisites
stipulate, or when the ● 1 Cred 1 Debt
application of payment is ● 2 or more debts
made by the party for whose ● Debts are same kind
benefit the term has been ● Debts become due
constituted, application shall ● Payment made is not sufficient to cover all
not be made as to debts debts
which are not yet due.
Application as to debts not due cannot be made
If the debtor accepts from the unless
creditor a receipt in which an ● Stipulate
application of the payment is
made, the former cannot Rules on application pf payments
complain of the same, unless ● Debtor has first choice, indicate at payment
there is a cause for which debt is beign paid.
invalidating the contract. ● Right to makeapplication is irrevocable unless
(1172a) creditor consents to change
● Debtors right to apply payment is not
mandatory, but directory. If not apply, creditor
can make designation
● If creditor also not make, debt most onerous is
deemed satisfied
● If debts are same nature and burden, payment
applied proportionately
● Court will supply if there is disagreemtn

ARTICLE 1253. If the debt Interest earned is paid ahead of principal

produces interest, payment ● Mandatory
of the principal shall not be ● Debtor cannot credit payment to principal
deemed to have been made before interest
until the interests have ● Payment is first applied to interest, balance left
been covered. (1173) is credited to principal
● Subject to
○ Agreemtn by [parties
○ Waiver by creditor
● In contract involving installment
○ Duty od creditor inform amount of
ARTICLE 1254. When the ● Application of payments is the designation of
payment cannot be applied the debt to which should be applied the
in accordance with the payment made by a debtor who has various
preceding rules, or if debts of the same kind in favor of one and t
application can not be same creditor.
inferred from other
circumstances, the debt How to Determine Onerousness
which is most onerous to 1. Interest bearing debt is more onerous
the debtor, among those 2. Debt as sole debtor is onerous than a solidary
due, shall be deemed to debt
have been satisfied. 3. Older debts
4. Debts secured by mortgage or pledge
If the debts due are of the 5. If two interest bearing - one with higher rate
same nature and burden, the 6. Obligation with penalty clause
payment shall be applied to
all of them proportionately. Different Burdenrs
To all of them proportionately.

SUBSECTION Payment by Cession

ARTICLE 1255. The debtor Payment by cession

may cede or assign his ● assignment or abandonment of all the
property to his creditors in properties of the debtor the benefit of his
payment of his debts. This creditors in order that the latter may sell the
cession, unless there is same and apply the proceeds thereof to the
stipulation to the contrary, satisfaction of their credits
shall only release the
debtor from responsibility Requisites
for the net proceeds of the ● 2 or more creditors
thing assigned. The ● Debtor is partially insolvent
agreements which, on the ● Assignment involve all properties of debtor
effect of the cession, are ● Cession accepted by creditors
made between the debtor
and his creditors shall be Effect
governed by special laws. ● assignment does not make the creditors the
(1175a) owners of the property of the debtor
● debtor is released from his obligation only up
to the net proceeds of the sale of the property

Dation in payment / Cession

● Dacion/Dation - one creditor, not presuppose
insolvency, not involve all property, creditor
becomes owner of thing given, an act of
● Cession - several creditors, debtor is insolvent,
extends to all property, acquire right to sell
thing only and proceeds to credit, not act of

SUBSECTION 3 Tender of Payment and Consignation

ARTICLE 1256. If the Dumbed Down: U dont wanna accept my payment?

creditor to whom tender of Fine i dont have to give give it to you
payment has been made
refuses without just cause Tender of Payment/Consignation
to accept it, the debtor shall ● Tender of payment - offering the creditor the
be released from amount due. Showing debtor has in
responsibility by the possession the prestatino. Preparatory act to
consignation of the thing or consignation
sum due. ● Consignation - depositing the thing or
amount due with the proper court if
Consignation alone shall creditor does not desire or refuse
produce the same effect in ○ Judicial
the following cases: ○ Requires prior tender of payment

(1) When the creditor is Nature of Consignation

absent or unknown, or does ● It is a facultative remedy debtor may/may not
not appear at the place of avail of
payment; ○ If availed: creditor merely accepts if
wishes, court declares it is made
(2) When he is incapacitated ○ Debtor has right of withdrawal: has
to receive the payment at right to refuse to make the deposit
the time it is due; ● Avoidance of greaterliability

(3) When, without just Requisites for valid consignation - absence of any
cause, he refuses to give a of the requisites is enough ground to render
receipt; consignation ineffective

(4) When two or more ● Existence of valid debt thats due

persons claim the same ○ Credutor debtor relationship exist
right to collect; ● Tender of payment, refusal without just reason
○ Tender of payment validly done
(5) When the title of the ○ Substantial compliance not enough
obligation has been lost. ● Notice of consignation to persons interested
(1176a) ● Consignation of the thing or sum due
● Notice of consignation

Requisites for valid tender of payment

● Comply with rules of payment
● Unconditional and for whole amount
○ Only portion may be refused
● Actually made
○ Manifestation or desire is not enough

Proof of tender of payment

● Precede consignation

When not required

● Creditor informs payment will not be accpeted
● Bank had long foreclosed

ARTICLE 1257. In order that Prior notice

the consignation of the ● Absence oif prior notice makes consignation
thing due may release the void
obligor, it must first be ● Givecreditor chance to reflect previous refusal
announced to the persons
interested in the fulfillment Consignation comply with provisions of payment
of the obligation. ● Payment in legal tender

The consignation shall be

ineffectual if it is not made
strictly in consonance with the
provisions which regulate
payment. (1177)

ARTICLE 1258. Consignation ● Consignation with proper judicial authority is

shall be made by depositing necessary to effect payment
the things due at the ○ Cannot be elsewhere unless
disposal of judicial prescribed by special law
authority, before whom the ● Written tender without consignation in couiurt
tender of payment shall be does not suspend accruing of interest
proved, in a proper case, and ● If obligor fails to make consignation, court may
the announcement of the allow him to pay
consignation in other cases. ● Judgement of CA is final and records are
remanded, CA no longer the entity
The consignation having been
made, the interested parties Notice given to interest parties
shall also be notified thereof. ● Interest parties must be notified
(1178) ● Second notice is to enable creditor to withdraw
thing/sum and take possession

Consignation only applicable to payment of debt

RTICLE 1259. The expenses Liability of creditor

of consignation, when ● Consignation is made necessary because of
properly made, shall be the fault or unjust refusal of the creditor to
charged against the creditor. accept payment.
(1179) ○ If not properly made, consignation
expenses is to debtor
When is consignation deemed properly made
● Creditor accepts thing/sum deposited without
● Creditor questions validity of consignation
● Creditor neither accepts/questions then orders
cancellation of obligation

ARTICLE 1260. Once the When can Debtor Withdraw

consignation has been duly ● (1) before the creditor has accepted the
made, the debtor may ask consignation or
the judge to order the ● (2) before a judicial declaration that the
cancellation of the consignation has been properly made
obligation. ● Then obligation is in force and expenses paid
by debtor
Before the creditor has
accepted the consignation, or Risk of loss of consigned
before a judicial declaration ● If requisites fior consignation complied -
that the consignation has creditor
been properly made, the ● Risk of loss before acceptance
debtor may withdraw the creditor/approval court is mutual
thing or the sum deposited, ● If no valid consignation - debtor
allowing the obligation to
remain in force. (1180)

ARTICLE 1261. If, the Effect of withdrawal with authority of creditor

consignation having been ● Benefit of creditor ang consignation
made, the creditor should ● MAy authorize debtor to withdraw after court
authorize the debtor to issued cancellation of obligation
withdraw the same, he shall ○ Relations return before acceptance
lose every preference which ○ But creditor loses every preference
he may have over the thing. ● Co debtors released
The co-debtors, guarantors
and sureties shall be Example
released. (1181a) ● D indebted to C in amount of 10k;. G is
● Diedate og obligation - D offered payment C
refused tpo accept
● D makes consignation, D withdrew after
consent of C
○ C loses preference over the amount

SECTION 2 Loss of the Thing Due

ARTICLE 1262. An obligation When is a thing lost

which consists in the ● Perishes
delivery of a determinate ● Goes out of commerce
thing shall be extinguished ● Disappears that existence is unknown/cannot
if it should be lost or be recovered
destroyed without the fault
of the debtor, and before he When loss of thing will extinguish obligation
has incurred in delay. ● Obligation is deliver specific/determinate
● Loss of thing without fault o debtor
When by law or stipulation, ● Debtor not guilty of delay
the obligor is liable even for
fortuitous events, the loss of When loss of thing not extinguish liability
the thing does not extinguish ● Law provides - Art 1170, 1165
the obligation, and he shall ● Stipulation provides
be responsible for damages. ● Nature of obligation requires assumption of
The same rule applies when risk
the nature of the obligation ● Obligation to deliver specific thing arrises from
requires the assumption of crime - Art 168
risk. (1182a)

ARTICLE 1263. In an Effect of loss of generic thing

obligation to deliver a generic ● Debtor still compel to deliver thing of same
thing, the loss or destruction kind
of anything of the same kind ● Creditor cannot demand thing of superior
does not extinguish the quality
obligation. (n) ● Debtor cannot deliver thing of inferior

● S deliver rice 100x. Rice lost to flood. S is still
liable since rice is genric.
● S obligation deliver rice by him. Rice is lost. S
no longer liable, since S’s rice is determinate.

ARTICLE 1264. The courts Effect of partial loss of specific thing

shall determine whether, ● Partial loss if portion of thing is lost or suffers
under the circumstances, the depreciation
partial loss of the object of ● Court is given discretion to determine if it is so
the obligation is so important to extinguish obligation
important as to extinguish
the obligation. (n) Example
● S obliged to deliver B specific race horse.
Horse lost leg, inury permanent. Court
declared loss is so important it must
○ If fault of S - debtor, pay value of horse
and damages

ARTICLE 1265. Whenever Presumption of loss in possession of debtor

the thing is lost in the ● Debtor who has the custody and care of the
possession of the debtor, it thing can easily explain the circumstances of
shall be presumed that the the loss.
loss was due to his fault, ● Creditor has no duty to show debtor was at
unless there is proof to the fault
contrary, and without ● Obligor not at fault is still liable if guilty od
prejudice to the provisions of delay
article 1165. This
presumption does not apply When presumption not applicable
in case of earthquake, ● In case of natural calamities, the presumption
flood, storm or other of fault does not apply. Lack of fault on the part
natural calamity. (1183a) of the debtor is more likely. So it is unjust to
presume negligence on his part

● B borrowed Car of L. Due date of obligation B
told L car was stolen. B is liable, since his own

ARTICLE 1266. The debtor Effect of impossibility

in obligations to do shall ● upervening impossibility of performance will
also be released when the result in the extinction of the debtor’s
prestation becomes legally or obligation
physically impossible ● impossibility must take place after the
without the fault of the constitution of the obligation.
obligor. (1184a) ● If impossible from beginning - obligation is void
● Only applies in obligations to do or personal
○ Inapplicable to not to do
Kinds of impossibility
● Purely personal obligation
○ Personal qualifications of obligor
■ Death
■ Incapacitation
○ Legal impossibility
■ Impossible by provision of law -
kill urself

Natural impossibility v. Impossibility in fact

● NAtural impossibility - nature in thing to be
done, not inability. Thing to be done cannot by
any means be accomplished
● Impossibility in fact - absence of inherent
impossibility, it is improbable or out of the
power of the obligor

ARTICLE 1267. When the Effect of difficulty of performance

service has become so GR: impossibility releases obligor
difficult as to be manifestly
beyond the contemplation Court is authorized to release obligor
of the parties, the obligor
may also be released Ex. X construct road near mountain. Typhoon fucked
therefrom, in whole or in it up, making it dangerous. X may be released in
part. (n) whole or part.

Modification of contract not covered

● Only authorizes total/paratial release
● Not modify terms or conditions

ARTICLE 1268. When the Example

debt of a thing certain and ● Creditor refused to accept stolen property
determinate proceeds from a without justification
criminal offense, the debtor
shall not be exempted from
the payment of its price,
whatever may be the cause
for the loss, unless the thing
having been offered by him
to the person who should
receive it, the latter refused
without justification to
accept it. (1185)

ARTICLE 1269. The Right of creditor proceed third person

obligation having been ● creditor is given the right to proceed against
extinguished by the loss of the third person responsible for the loss.
the thing, the creditor shall ●
have all the rights of action
which the debtor may have
against third persons by
reason of the loss. (1186)
SECTION 3 Condonation or Remission of the Debt

ARTICLE 1270. Condonation Condonation / Remission

or remission is essentially ● gratuitous renunciation by the creditor of his
gratuitous, and requires the right against the debtor resulting in the
acceptance by the obligor. It extinguishment of the latter’s obligation in its
may be made expressly or entirely or in that part
impliedly. ● Form of donation

One and the other kinds shall Requisites of condonation or remission

be subject to the rules which ● Must be gratuitous
govern inofficious donations. ○ Essential characteristic
Express condonation shall, ○ If not gratuitous it is
furthermore, comply with the ■ Dation
forms of donation. (1187) ■ Cession - assignment for
■ Novation - object or
circumstances are changed
■ Compromised
● Accepted by obligor/debtor
○ Bilateral act
○ Expressly requires acceptance by
○ If creditor authorized impose favors -
remission is converted into an act of
● Parties may have capacity
● Not be inofficious
● Made expressly

Kinds of remission
1. Extent
a. Complete - covers entire obligation
b. Partial - not cover entire
2. Form
a. Express - verbally or in writing
b. Implied - inferred from conduct
3. Effectivity
a. Inter vivos - lifetime of donor
b. Mortis causa - effective upon death of

Effect of inofficious remission

( Excess donation is inofficious

ARTICLE 1271. The delivery Presumption in case of document of indebtedness

of a private document voluntarily delivered by creditor
evidencing a credit, made ● {resumption of implied or tacit remission
voluntarily by the creditor ● Priv document voluntary act of creditor
to the debtor, implies the ● Contrary evidence
renunciation of the action ● Extent of remission
which the former had against ○ Oif obligation is joint, remission is only
the latter. to share of the debtor in possession of
If in order to nullify this ○ If solidary - total obligation
waiver it should be claimed ● Only private document ang presumption
to be inofficious, the debtor ○ Speaks of a priv document in 1271
and his heirs may uphold it by
proving that the delivery of Payment, not remission (p2)
the document was made in ● Renunciation may be nullified if shown that
virtue of payment of the debt. waiver is inofficious

ARTICLE 1272. Whenever Presumption if document found in possession of

the private document in creditor
which the debt appears is ● Document evidencing debt is usually with
found in the possession of creditor
the debtor, it shall be ● has in his favor the legal presumption that his
presumed that the creditor credit is as yet uncollected
delivered it voluntarily, ● If document is in debtor, unknown how come
unless the contrary is proved. possession
(1189) ○ Presumption is delivered voluntarily
by creditor -> presumption of

ARTICLE 1273. The Effect of renunciation of principal debt on accessory

renunciation of the ● Accessoryfollows principal
principal debt shall ● Accessory obligation cannot stand without
extinguish the accessory principal
obligations; but the waiver of
the latter shall leave the
former in force. (1190)

ARTICLE 1274. It is Presumption if thing pledged found with debtor

presumed that the accessory ● Contract of pledge - thing pledged be placed in
obligation of pledge has creditor
been remitted when the ● If the thing pledged is later found in the hands
thing pledged, after its of the debtor or the third person, only the
delivery to the creditor, is accessory obligation of pledge is presumed
found in the possession of remitted, not the obligation itself
the debtor, or of a third
person who owns the thing.

SECTION 4 Confusion or Merger of Rights

ARTICLE 1275. The Confusion or merger

obligation is extinguished ● Meeting in one person the qualities of creditor
from the time the characters and debtor
of creditor and debtor are
merged in the same person. Reason for confusion
● a mode of extinguishing obligations because if
a debtor is his own creditor, enforcement of
the obligation becomes absurd
● when there is a confusion of rights, the
purposes for which the obligation may have
been created are deemed realized

1. Take place between principal debtor
2. Complete and definite

● D owes C 1k, D executed promissory note to
C. C indorsed X the note, indorsed to Y.
● Y bought goodsfrom D store, instead of paying
cash - indorsed note to D
● Now D owes himself. Extinguishes obligation

What if confusion not complete

● A and B entered partnership to construct
railroad. Pay equal parts. A entrusted admin.
During construction B sold jacienda to C, C
then bought ½ from A rail road line. B failed to
pay ½ railroad.

aRTICLE 1276. Merger which Effect of merger in principal debtor or creditor

takes place in the person of ● Merger extinguishes obligation
the principal debtor or ● Accessory obligation of guaranty is also
creditor benefits the extinguished
guarantors. Confusion which
takes place in the person of Effect of merger in person of guarantor
any of the latter does not ● Extinguishment of accessory does not carry
extinguish the obligation. principal obligation

ARTICLE 1277. Confusion Confusion in joint obligation

does not extinguish a joint ● Many debts - debtors
obligation except as ● Credits - creditors
regards the share ● Confusion will extinguish only the shar
corresponding to the creditor corresponding to the creditor or debtor in
or debtor in whom the two whom the two characters concur. (
characters concur. ● Example
○ A B C jointly liable to D in amount of
9k. D endorsed note to E, endorsed it
to A. Then A’s share is extinguished.
Bye 3k.
○ B and C owe 3k each to A.

Confusion in solidary obligation

● Merger in the person of one of the solidary
debtors shall extinguish the entire obligation
because it is also a merger in the other
solidary debtors
● Example:
○ A B C solidary. Endorsement to A
extinguish 9k. A can demand
reimbursement from B and C.

SECTION 5 Compensation

ARTICLE 1278. Compensation C

Compensation shall take ● extinguishment to the concurrent amount of
place when two persons, in the debts of two persons who, in their own
their own right, are creditors right, are reciprocally principal debtors and
and debtors of each other. creditors of each other.
(1195) ● simultaneous balancing of two obligations
● Example
○ A owes B 1000
○ B owes A 700
○ A now has 700, still owes B 300
■ There is no actual transfer of

Object and importance of compensation

● , compensation is a specie of abbreviated
○ Facility of payment
○ Guaranty for effectiveness of credit
● Simplified payment
● Guaranty against fraud

Compensation v. Confusion
● Confusion - one person is creditor debtor in
self, one obligation, impossible ang payment
● Compensation - two persons are creditor and
betor to other,two obligations, indirect payment

Compensation v. Payment
● Compensation - operation of law, not need
have capacity to give and receive, necessary
nga partial
● Payment - act of parties, free disposal of the
thing due and capacity to alienate it,
necessary payment is complete

Kinds of compensation
● Extent/effect
○ Total - obligations are same amount
and are entirely extinguished
○ Partial - different amounts and a
blaance remains
● Cause/origin
○ Legal - operation of law
○ Conventional or voluntary - agreement
of parties
○ Judicial - by order of court in litigation.
○ Facultative - can be set up by one of
the parties

ARTICLE 1279. In order that ● Debts must be both money or thing of same
compensation may be proper, kind
it is necessary: ○ Compensation cannot take place if A
owes B 10k, but B owes A and electric
(1) That each one of the range.
obligors be bound ○ Compensation not take place if A owes
principally, and that he be B jasmine rice and B owes A any sacks
at the same time a principal of rice
creditor of the other; ○ Compensation not take place if A owes
B 10k, B owes A 10k or a cow. If right
(2) That both debts consist of choice is A, it may take place
in a sum of money, or if the ● Two debts liquidated - debt is liquidated if
things due are consumable, amount is known or determined by
they be of the same kind, computation
and also of the same quality ○ Proof liquidation is necessary
if the latter has been stated; ○ Example
■ A owes B 10k. B owns A share
(3) That the two debts be due; of business - amount yet to be
ascertained. Compensation not
(4) That they be liquidated take place since wala pa
and demandable; liquidation

(5) That over neither of them Compensation against Government

there be any retention or ● Taxes are not subject to set off or
controversy, commenced by compensation, since obligation of publci
third persons and interest
communicated in due time to ● Contractual obligation - may be compensated
the debtor. (1196)
ARTICLE 1280. Compensation bnefits the guarantor
Notwithstanding the ● extinguishment of the principal obligation as a
provisions of the preceding consequence of compensation carries with it
article, the guarantor may the accessory obligations such as guaranty
set up compensation as
regards what the creditor may
owe the principal debtor.

ARTICLE 1281. Total and partial

Compensation may be total ● Total compensation results when the two debts
or partial. When the two are of the same amount. (Art. 1281.)
debts are of the same ● If they are of different amounts, compensation
amount, there is a total is total as regards the smaller debt, and partial
compensation. (n) only with respect to the larger debt.

ARTICLE 1282. The parties Voluntary Compensation

may agree upon the ● Exception to the general rule that only debts
compensation of debts which are due and demandable can be
which are not yet due. (n) compensated. (Art. 1279
● includes any compensation which takes place
by agreement of the parties even if all the
requisites for legal compensation are not
● Requisites
○ (1) each of the parties has the right to
dispose of the credit he seeks to
compensate, and
○ (2) they agree to the mutual
extinguishment of their credits.

ARTICLE 1283. If one of the Judicial Compensation

parties to a suit over an ● eclared by a final judgment of a court in a suit.
obligation has a claim for ● Counterclaim must be pleaded
damages against the other,
the former may set it off by
proving his right to said
damages and the amount
thereof. (n)

ARTICLE 1284. When one or Rescissible (Art. 1381.) and voidable obligations (Art.
both debts are rescissible 1390.) are valid until they are judicially rescinded or
or voidable, they may be avoided.
compensated against each
other before they are Ex.
judicially rescinded or A owe B 10k. A through fraud made B sign
avoided. (n) promissory that B also owe A 10k.

Debt of A is voidabLE, b IS NOT.

ARTICLE 1285. The debtor Where copensation take place before assignment
who has consented to the ● When compensation takes effect by operation
assignment of rights made of law or automatically, the debts are
by a creditor in favor of a extinguished to the concurrent amount.
third person, cannot set up ● IF xtinguished debt is assigned by the creditor
against the assignee the to a third person, the debtor can raise the
compensation which would defense of compensation with respect to the
pertain to him against the debt.
assignor, unless the ● Example:
assignor was notified by ○ A owes B 3k due yesterday
the debtor at the time he ○ B owes A 1k due yesterday
gave his consent, that he ○ Both are extinguished. A still owes B
reserved his right to the 2k.
compensation. ○ B assigns right to C 0 C can only
collect 2k…
If the creditor communicated ○ But if A gave consent to assignment
the cession to him but the before it was made, A liable 3k, but still
debtor did not consent owe 1k.
thereto, the latter may set up
the compensation of debts When compensation take place after assignment
previous to the cession, but ● Assignment with consent of debtor
not of subsequent ones. ○ A owe B 3k, B owe A 1k. Due Nov 15.
B assigned right to C on Nov 1,
If the assignment is made consent of A givent.
without the knowledge of ○ On Nob 15, A cannot set up against C.
the debtor, he may set up A liable to C 3k, collect 1k of B
the compensation of all ● Assignment without consent of Debtor
credits prior to the same and ○ * A owe B 1k on Nov 1. B owes A 2k
also later ones until he had on Nov 10. A owes B on Nov 15.
knowledge of the assignment. ○ A assign rights to C on Nov 12.
(1198a) ○ B did not consent
■ B set up compensation of debts
on Nov 10. Assignment valid
only up to 1k.

ARTICLE 1286. Debts payable at different palces

Compensation takes place ● Legal compensation
by operation of law, even ● indemnity contemplated above does not refer
though the debts may be to the difference in the value of the things
payable at different places, ● in their respective places but to the expenses
but there shall be an of monetary exchange (in case of money
indemnity for expenses of debts) and expenses of transportation (in case
exchange or transportation of things to be delivered)
to the place of payment. ●

ARTICLE 1287. When is legal compensation not allowed by law

Compensation shall not be ● Debt arises from depositum
proper when one of the debts ○ a loan which creates the relationship o
arises from a depositum or debtor and creditor.
from the obligations of a ● Debts arose from commodatum
depositary or of a bailee in ○ one of the parties delivers to anothe
commodatum. something not consumable so that the
latter may use the same for a certain
time and return it
ARTICLE 1288. Neither shall ● arises from a claim for support due by
there be compensation if one gratuitous title.
of the debts consists in civil ● Where one of the debts consists in civil liability
liability arising from a penal arising from a penal offense.
offense. (n) ●

ARTICLE 1289. If a person Rules on application of payments applicable

should have against him to order of compensation.
several debts which are ● debtor has various debt which are susceptible
susceptible of of compensation, he must inform the creditor
compensation, the rules on which of them shall be the object of
the application of payments compensation
shall apply to the order of the ● fails to do so, then the compensation shall be
compensation. (1201) applied to the most onerous obligation.

ARTICLE 1290. When all the Consent not required in legal comepnsation
requisites mentioned in article ● Compensation occurs automatically by mere
1279 are present, operation of the law
compensation takes effect ● Full legalc apacity of parties are not required
by operation of law, and
extinguishes both debts to Compensation a matter of defense
the concurrent amount, ● It is usually necessary to set it up a defense in
even though the creditors and an action demanding performance.
debtors are not aware of the ●
compensation. (1202a)


ARTICLE 1291. Obligations Novation

may be modified by: ● total or partial extinction of an obligation
through the creation of a new one which
(1) Changing their object or substitutes it.
principal conditions; ● substitution or change of an obligation by
another, which extinguishes or modifies the
(2) Substituting the person of first, either by changing its object or principal
the debtor; conditions, by or substituting another in place
of the debtor, or by subrogating a third person
(3) Subrogating a third person in the rights of the creditor.
in the rights of the creditor. ● Extinctive if:
(1203) ○ Old obligation is terminated by creation
of new obligation taking place of former
○ It has twin effects of extinguishing
existing obligation and creating a new
■ New one should not be
complete in itself
■ Certain terms and conditions
may be carried expressly or
● Not extinctive
○ Merely mofificatory
○ Newagreement not have effect of
extinguishing first but only supplement
it/supplant provisions
○ Old obligation still subsists

Kind of novation
● According to origin
○ Legal - operation of law
○ Conventional - agreement of parties
● How constituted
○ Express - declared in unequivocal
○ Implied - old and new are essentially
● Extend or effect
○ Total or extinctive - old obligation is
○ Partial or modificatory - old is merely
● Subject
○ real/objective - object or principal
conditions are changed
○ Personal or subjective - person of
debtor is substituted/3rd person
○ Mixed - both

ARTICLE 1292. In order that Requisites of novation

an obligation may be ● (1) The existence of a previous valid
extinguished by another obligation;
which substitute the same, it ● (2) The intention or agreement and capacity of
is imperative that it be so the parties to extinguish or modify the
declared in unequivocal obligation;
terms, or that the old and the ● (3) The extinguishment or modification of the
new obligations be on obligation; and
every point incompatible ● (4) The creation or birth of a valid new
with each other. (1204) obligation.

Novation of judgement
● final judgment of a court that had been
executed but not yet fully satisfied, may be
novated by compromise.

Novation with respect to criminal liability

● not a mode of extinguishing criminal liability
● prevent the rise of criminal liability as long as it
occurs prior to the filing of the criminal
information in court

Novation is not presumed

● GR: must be clearly and unmistakably
established by express agreement or by the
acts of the parties, as novation is never
● Presumptive rule (Art. 1299.) is that
conditions attached to the old obligation also
attach to the new obligation.

Burden of showing novation.

● on the party who asserts its existence.

Incompatibility between two obligations

● When not expressed, incompatibility is
required so as to ensure that the parties have
indeed intended such novation despite their
failure to express it in categorical terms.
○ Take place inL
■ Juridical relation
■ Object - chang eit
■ Subjects - substitution of debtor
or subrogation of creditor

ARTICLE 1293. Novation Kinds of personal novation.

which consists in substituting (1) Substitution. — when the person of the debtor is
a new debtor in the place of substituted (Art. 1291[2].); or
the original one, may be (2) Subrogation. — when a third person is subrogated
made even without the in the right of the creditor.
knowledge or against the
will of the latter, but not Kinds of Substitution
without the consent of the ● Expromision - third person of own inititative or
creditor. Payment by the new against will of original debtor assumes original
debtor gives him the rights debtor’s obligation, with consent of creditor
mentioned in articles 1236 ○ Old debtor is released from obligation
and 1237. (1205a) ● Delegacion - creditor accepts third person to
take place of debtor at instance of debtor
○ Old debtor, new debtor, creditor must

Right of new debtor

● Expromision - gives right to reimbursement
● Delegacion - reimbursement and subrogation

Consent necessary in substittion

● Implies waiver of creditor of credit
● Substitution may be prejudicial to him
○ Take in form of delay/non performance
● Creditor has right to refuse payment by third
person without interest in obligation (Art 1236

aRTICLE 1294. If the Effect of new debtor’s insolvency or non-fulfillment of

substitution is without the obligation.
knowledge or against the will
of the debtor, the new ● In expromision
debtor’s insolvency or ○ new debtor’s insolvency or
non-fulfillment of the nonfulfillment of the obligation will not
obligation shall not give revive the action of the creditor against
rise to any liability on the the old debtor
part of the original debtor. ● In delegacion
(n) ○ GR: old debtor is not liable to the
creditor in case of the insolvency of the
ARTICLE 1295. The new debtor.
insolvency of the new debtor, ○ ER:
who has been proposed by ■ nsolvency was already existing
the original debtor and and of public knowledge (
accepted by the creditor, shall ■ insolvency was already existing
not revive the action of the and known to the debtor
latter against the original ■
obligor, except when said
insolvency was already
existing and of public
knowledge, or known to the
debtor, when he delegated his
debt. (1206a)
ARTICLE 1296. When the GR: principal obligation carries with it that of the
principal obligation is accessory obligations. (see Arts. 1230, 1273, 1280.)
extinguished in
consequence of a novation, ER: cessory obligation created in favor of a third
accessory obligations may person which remains in force unless said third
subsist only insofar as they person gives his consent to the novation
may benefit third persons
who did not give their A owes B P2,000.00 with interest at 14%.
consent. (1207) B owes C P280.00.
It was agreed among the parties that A would pay the
interest of
P280.00 to C. In this case, besides the principal
obligation of A, there is a
stipulation in favor of C, a third person. (see Art. 1311,
par. 2.) Later on,
A and B executed another contract whereby they
agreed that A would
deliver to B a television set in payment of the loan.
In spite of the novation, the accessory obligation to
pay the interest
of P280.00 to C still subsists unless C gives his
consent to the novation.

ARTICLE 1297. If the new ● Effect new obligation void

obligation is void, the ○ GR: there is no novation if the new
original one shall subsist, obligation is void, therefore original
unless the parties intended subsist
that the former relation ○ ER: parties intended that the old
should be extinguished in obligation should be extinguished in
any event. (n) any
● Effect new obligation vodable
○ GR: new obligation is only voidable,
novation can take place, if annulled -
original enforeced
○ ER: intention of the parties is

ARTICLE 1298. The Effect where the old obligation void or voidable.
novation is void if the ● void obligation cannot be novated because
original obligation was there is nothing to novate
void, except when annulment ●
may be claimed only by the
debtor, or when ratification
validates acts which are
voidable. (1208a)

ARTICLE 1299. If the GR: first obligation is subject to a suspensive or

original obligation was resolutory condition, the second obligation is deemed
subject to a suspensive or subject to the same condition
resolutory condition, the ER: unless the contrary is stipulated by the parties in
new obligation shall be under the stipulation
the same condition, unless it
is otherwise stipulated. (n)

ARTICLE 1300. Subrogation Subrogation

of a third person in the rights ● substitution of one person in the place of
of the creditor is either legal another with reference to a lawful claim or
or conventional. The former is right, so that he who is substituted succeeds to
not presumed, except in the right of the other in relation to a debt or
cases expressly mentioned in claim, including its remedies and securities.
this Code; the latter must be ● cannot succeed to a right not possessed by
clearly established in order the subrogor.
that it may take effect.
(1209a) Kinds:
(1) Conventional. — when it takes place by express
agreement of the original parties (the debtor and the
original creditor) and the third person (the new
creditor) (Art. 1301.); or
(2) Legal. — when it takes place without agreement
but by operation of law. (Art. 1302.)

Consent of all parties required in

ARTICLE 1301. Conventional conventional subrogation.
subrogation of a third person In conventional subrogation, the consent of all the
requires the consent of the parties is an essential requirement.
original parties and of the (1) the debtor. — because he becomes liable under
third person. (n) the new obligation to a new creditor.
(2) the old or original creditor. — because his right
against the debtor
is extinguished.
(3) the new creditor. — because he may dislike or
distrust the debtor.

Conventional Subrogation v. Assignment

ARTICLE 1302. It is
presumed that there is legal

(1) When a creditor pays

another creditor who is
preferred, even without the
debtor’s knowledge;

(2) When a third person, not

interested in the obligation,
pays with the express or tacit
approval of the debtor;

(3) When, even without the

knowledge of the debtor, a
person interested in the
fulfillment of the obligation
pays, without prejudice to the
effects of confusion as to the
latter’s share. (1210a)

ARTICLE 1303. Subrogation

transfers to the person
subrogated the credit with all
the rights thereto
appertaining, either against
the debtor or against third
persons, be they guarantors
or possessors of mortgages,
subject to stipulation in a
conventional subrogation.

ARTICLE 1304. A creditor, to

whom partial payment has
been made, may exercise his
right for the remainder, and
he shall be preferred to the
person who has been
subrogated in his place in
virtue of the partial payment
of the same credit. (1213)

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