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What is Power BI?

In this lesson, we explore Power BI, a comprehensive business intelligence tool

that caters to diverse user needs, from data scientists to business analysts. We
cover the sign-up process, data connections, transformation capabilities,
visualization tools, and the key components of Power BI: Desktop and Service.
This introduction sets the stage for hands-on experience and deeper exploration of
its functionalities.
1. What is the first thing you see when you sign up for Power BI?
a) Charts and graphs
b) Dashboard
c) Data sets
d) Data transformation tool
2. What does DAX stand for in Power BI?
a) Data Analysis Xtreme
b) Data Analysis Expressions
c) Data Analysis Tools
d) Data Analytics XML
3. What type of email address is required for signing up for Power BI?
a) Personal email address
b) Yahoo email address
c) Corporate email address
d) Gmail address
4. What is the typical workflow involving Power BI Desktop and Power BI
a) Creating a report in Power BI Service and publishing it to Power BI Desktop
b) Creating a report in Power BI Desktop, publishing it to Power BI
Service, and sharing it
c) Creating a report in Power BI Cloud and publishing it to Power BI Desktop
d) There is no interaction between Power BI Desktop and Power BI Service
5. What types of data sources can Power BI connect to?
a) Only traditional databases
b) Only cloud platforms
c) Only web services
d) A vast range of data sources
6. Which one of the following is NOT mentioned as a possible visualization in
Power BI?
a) Bar chart
b) Geographical map
c) Custom visual
d) Data table
Creating first visualization
In this session, we delve into the practical realm of Power BI by creating
your first visualization. We initiate a new project in Power BI Desktop, connect
to a data source (Excel in this case), and import data effortlessly. Then, we
explore the heart of the session, crafting a simple yet captivating bar chart
visualization. By selecting data fields, choosing visualization types, and fine-
tuning the chart's appearance, we witness the essence of Power BI –
transforming raw data into insightful, visually appealing representations. This is
just the beginning; Power BI offers extensive functionalities to cater to all skill
levels, from beginners to experts.
1. According to the text, what does Power BI allow you to do with ease and
a) Create advanced data models
b) Customize data sources
c) Transform raw data into meaningful insights
d) Collaborate with other users online
2. Where can you find the 'Get Data' option in Power BI?
a) Under the 'Visualizations' pane
b) In the 'Format' section
c) In the 'Home' ribbon
d) Under the 'Fields' section
3. What is the purpose of the 'Visualizations' pane in Power BI?
a) To list data columns
b) To customize the chart format
c) To import data from external sources
d) To select the type of visualization
4. What is the first step when initiating a new project in Power BI Desktop?
a) Selecting a data source
b) Opening a recent project
c) Clicking on the 'File' menu
d) Customizing the chart
5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a type of visualization in
Power BI?
a) Bar chart
b) Line graph
c) Pie chart
d) Data table
Working with data
In this session, we delve deeper into Power BI, focusing on working with
data before visualization. We emphasize the importance of loading, cleaning, and
transforming data to ensure the quality of your analysis. First, we load data from
various sources, and then we step into the art of data cleansing using Power Query.
We cover common cleaning techniques such as removing duplicates, handling
missing data, and changing data types. Next, we explore data transformation
techniques, including pivoting, unpivoting, calculating new columns, merging,
appending, and using the Advanced Editor for custom scripts. Remember, the
quality of your insights depends on the quality of your data, making this data
preparation step an essential part of your Power BI journey.
Remember that while visualizations are the face of your analysis, the quality of
the underlying data determines the value of your insights. Где-то 1 ошибка
1. What does the 'Change Type' option in Power Query help you do?
a) Change the font style of data
b) Convert numbers to text
c) Rectify inconsistencies in data
d) Change column names
2. Which option in Power Query allows you to write custom scripts for complex
a) 'Advanced Editor'
b) 'Close & Apply'
c) 'Remove Rows'
d) 'Add Custom Column'
3. Where can you find the 'Remove Duplicates' button for cleaning data in Power
a) Under the 'Home' tab in Power BI Desktop
b) In the 'Visualizations' pane
c) In the 'Advanced Editor'
d) In the 'Format' section
4. What does appending data in Power Query involve?
a) Cleaning data
b) Joining tables based on a common column
c) Writing custom scripts
d) Adding custom visuals to reports
5. What is the purpose of loading data into Power BI Desktop?
a) To create visualizations
b) To edit data in Excel
c) To cleanse and transform data
d) To write custom scripts
Data visualization
In this Power BI session, we delve into the art and science of data visualization.
We emphasize the significance of visualizing data and how it enhances
comprehension. You'll discover how to create various types of charts and graphs in
Power BI Desktop, from basic ones like bar and pie charts to advanced options like
scatter plots and maps. Customization and interactivity are key elements we
explore, empowering you to craft engaging and informative visuals for your data
analysis endeavors.
1. What is one of the main advantages of data visualization in Power BI?
a) It helps increase the size of datasets
b) It simplifies data cleaning
c) It can communicate trends and patterns effectively
d) It automates data transformation
2. Where can you find the 'Visualizations' pane in Power BI Desktop?
a) On the left side of the screen
b) In the 'Home' ribbon
c) On the right side of the screen
d) Under the 'File' menu
3. Which type of chart is ideal for comparing distinct categories?
a) Line chart
b) Pie chart
c) Bar chart
d) Scatter plot
4. Which type of chart is suitable for tracking changes over periods?
a) Scatter plot
b) Line chart
c) Pie chart
d) Bubble plot
5. How can you customize the appearance of a visual in Power BI?
a) By clicking on it
b) By using the 'Format' section in the 'Visualizations' pane
c) By resizing it
d) By changing your computer's settings

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