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My favorite place

Yassine Yineth Hernández Ferreira.

Doc. Eliana Peña

Escuela normal superior de corozal

Ingles básico
I semestre

Cienega- Magdalena

Octubre 2023
My favorite place

My favorite place is the soccer field where I live because

there I share many moments of happiness with my
family. This beautiful place is between the park and the
school. To get to it we must take 10th Street and then
go up 11th Street. We must walk for 25 minutes, then
we must go up one more street, we go down until we
reach this beautiful field, which is beautiful because it
has bathrooms on the right side of the field, it also has
artificial grass, stands, trees and houses around it. We
can eat around the corner because there is a restaurant
where we eat our favorite food, which is coconut rice,
fried fish, avocado salad, and panela water. We enjoyed
it a lot, in this beautiful place we also found a pharmacy
on the left where they sell all kinds of medicines.

My family and I are happy in this place, especially my

son Thiago Junior since he dreams of being a great
soccer player and I will always be with him until he sees
his dream come true.

I love my family; this place also has a park to exercise

and it is behind the field to get there we have to go down
a block .

thank you this is my favorite



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