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Republic of the Philippines


Lingayen Campus
Lingayen, Pangasinan

GEE 4 – Global Citizenship

Global citizenship is not a new concept, but in the current world order it takes on new meaning
and greater importance. While once reserved for people of high social standing or those
preparing for roles in politics or economics, global awareness is now the responsibility of all
people everywhere. And since today’s world is becoming more interconnected every day due
to commerce, technology, and transnational challenges, the need to educate students in how to
become active global citizens is greater now than ever before.

Group Activity: There is no official definition of “global citizen,” construct a definition of the term using
a poster slogan for their own use.

Technical Instructions:
 Divide the class into small groups of 5-6 groups. Each member should share/contribute their own
ideas/ concepts.
 Only one member should turn in the activity in the MS teams.
 Short bond paper (8.5 x 11); the slogan is at the center; illustration as the background of the text
(you can draw, paint, or digitally make the background).
 Run your slogan into an online plagiarism checker then take a screenshot of the result. Submit a
copy of the plagiarism checker result along with your group’s slogan. Make sure your ideas are


10 8 5 3
Creativity Slogan is Slogan is Slogan is The slogan Score
exceptionally creative and a creative and does not
attractive in good amount of some thought reflect any
terms of thought was was put into degree of
neatness. put into decorating it. creativity.
Well- decorating it.
and not
10 8 5 3
Originality Exceptional Good use of Average use No use of Score
use of new new ideas and of new ideas new ideas
ideas and originality to and originality and
originality to create slogan. to create originality to
create slogan. create
slogan. slogan.

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