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Motion: THB that high schools should be exam oriented

Definitions -:
Exam oriented : an education system that focuses all of students' efforts on their success or
failure in exams that are taken frequently to test their knowledge

Stance : We believe that schools should be exam oriented and should not be abolished as it
has made a great step to our country’’s education

POINT 1 : Identifies a student’s weaknesses and strengths

- An exam is responsible to be able to show which subjects a student is relatively weak in
and subjects they excel

- This can help a student to put in more efforts to improve their performances and expand
their knowledge in the weaker subjects

- Furthermore, subjects in which they excel in could give birth to new dreams and more
opportunities to the student

- Students can develop a wide range of skills through exams such as critical thinking and
problem solving skills that are not only essential for their academic growth but also in
their personal growth

- Makes it easier to pinpoint an exact group of students who needs extra help from the
teachers compared to assessing them one by one unbiasedly

- Helps teachers to become better educators once they know if their teaching style is
effective or not, identify areas in which most students struggle with and plan future
lessons accordingly

POINT 2 : Creates healthy competition between students

Exams should not be entirely focused on whether you could be the best of the best: however,
along the way a sense of competitiveness is born into a student. This can drive the student to
become enthusiastic about their studies and strive to perform better than their peers. When
harnessed properly, it can be an amazing driving force for a student’s performance. Not only
that, a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction if they do well can boost their confidence and
motivate them to continue striving for success. Vice versa, hopes and dreams could be
shattered in an instant just because of a singular failure. Teachers should reassure and ease
their worries and make sure that they know failure isn’t a bad thing and a reason to stop.
POINT 3 : Exams are a systematic and fair form of assessment

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