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Basic Science Course

Subject: Environment & Ecology

Subject Code:BAS-104
Galgotias Educational Institutions Greater Noida
Affiliated to Dr. A. i>. J. AKTU, Lucknow



(Odd Semester, 2023-24)

Course: B. TEC H

Dep artm ent: Applied Sciences & Humanities

Subj ect Code: BAS-104

Subject Name: Environment & Ecology

Semester: 1st

Prep ared by: Dr. Arohi Dixit

Name & Signature of Reviewer: Dr. Leena Sing


HOD Name with Signature:



1, Knowledge Park-II, Greater Noida,
. Uttar Pradesh, 201310

Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities

Continuous Assessment Exam-1

Course: B.Tech Semester: I

Session:2023-2024 Section: CS, CS-Al, CS-AIML,CSDS, CSD, CSH
Subject: Environment & Ecology Sub. Code: BAS-104
Max Marks: 40 Time: 90 Minutes

OBE Remarks: •
Q.No. 1 2 -3 4 s 6 1 8 9 10

CO No. COi COi cos cos COi COi cos cos COI cos
Bloom's Level* 1 6 4 3 2 1 4 4 3· 2
r. (~1 to L6)
Weightag~ COi: 20 Weightage CO2: 20

' Level: LI: Remember, L2: Understand, l3: Apply, L4: Analyze, L5: Evaluate, l6: Create,
. . .
N()te: Answer all the sections.
A. Attempt all the parts. . . (4x2 =08)_
1. Define the tenn Environment. What are the main objectives of Environmental.Studies?
• 2. Wri_te a short note on effects of human activities on environment.
.3~ Explai~ the importance of environmental education in India.
• 4. Show with ~e help offigure.different typei of population pyramid?

.-_: Section-B
B. Attempt all the· parts. . . (4x4 =16)
5. E~plain ecological pyramid? Discuss the different types of pyramids ~y-giving suitabl~ .
examples. .

o- 6. Define sustainable development? \Yhat are its components? How. it cai:i .be achieved?-·. • . .. .
7. Analyse the role of NGO in the improvement of environment? Name some NGOs jnvolved iµ
. Environme_ntai Activities~ . • •. . .•
8. Explain the obs~cles in Women's education? Briefly describe the variqus schemes launched
• • · for Y{Omen education in India. •
SectJon-C. ·•
• C. Attempt all the parts. • (2.x 8- . 16) .•
9. Attempt.any one. . . :
a). With. the help of a neat diagram, show the structure of atmosphere and _explain ·the t~mp¢ta.ture
profile in different spheres of-Atmosphere. • •
•.•·hr What are .the structur~ and functions of Environment Impact Assessment? E~aborate· it-with
. the help of~ flow chart. ,
IO. Atteinpt any one. .
a). Why do we fefer to Environment ·Protection Act, 1986 as an umbrella act?- Discuss the :
· Environmeri~l Protection Act, 1986. • •
b). Describe the major reasons of population growth· in India? What are its effects on
environment and other human aspects?


1, Knowledge Park-II, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, 20131 O

Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities

Model Solution CAE 1

Course: B. Tech Semester: I

Session: 2023-2024 Section: CS, CS-AI, CS-AIML, CSDS, CSD, CSH
Subject: Environment & Ecology Sub. Code: BAS-I04
Max Marks: 40 Time: 90 Minutes

OBE Remarks· .
Q.No. I 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 IO

CO No. COI COi cos cos COi COI cos cos COI cos
Bloom's Level• I 6 4 3 2 I 4 4 3 2
(L 1 to L6)
Weightage COi: 20 Weightage CO2: 20

•sloom's level: LI: Remember, l2: Understand, LJ. Apply, L4. Analy:e, l5: Evaluate, l6: Create
Gi. ~efr1e. -th). ~evm enviYDnmenf. Whal- a)U.-lhl. ohj~cli·LWJ
1 er111i-rrmmenlal s.Jvolif./J
An.s i in~ iron me nf cam be +t-u iw m kl-al wa.bJ"b
11n1. d Cl/.l 1
, WY Dtvld Jamd, JnleYr-elakons hip amon j '../-t,emse/1).l/.J

()ly)d w ,Jh -IN- .Auma ,r, beJ7s , olhlv J,,ivi1 oyqa,,nis mJ

and pwf ev~.

·~ main ob/ech·tWJ i en11iwnmenl-aJ ,&Jiid.,'{IJ aJd -

Cf) . AwaJu.n es s - I{) c-re al;, C.U..UCtJt.l YllM if

r>m on +k peop Ie
relatd -1-o eYlvfwnvn.wol- •
Cii) knoLOleJj? - lo spreod knowl ed3e. Q,,rnon~ + people
cx.bawf envtr0 nmenf t ewsrl uns •
(Ill) _Sier// - fo oluulof .skill a,mondfi,J_pwpklo yeso/~
enVIYO nmenl- t.J problems.
CIV) AHiJv olt - /0 Jn uJ c._a); posrh·w aft;lvcl.i. uiihi'n fk
( V) paYhCipah0!'!_ - /0 dt.-w.lor flt. pos rhW. aliiftJ cL. l,t.'.) 1.vd,
• will rn~ pulilic, paYl·icipahon -h, cu.,u
~ ' r blvfn, nmen t.
·~e a shorl nole (P-y1 J.umc.m achvte,o (D,yi env ivrm ~ •
[,,J,fh -fh d.tuel.oprnenJ 1science_ th1d ./echnolo!d' mcm n),ll
wtik cl
1D p/unclvv rJaE»w). )wJ(f)))YCVJ cmcJ pcuJJ.did -HJ_ ~ n ~ ·
1L. tYa~ °b proJye.sJ Jn undwJ1, , n · ~ Mid ./ranspo-rJaffon
--hM jeopardised e·,,isle¥LU °b kmo m J,Jm.set Numex(P,UIJ
J's5 UI/J .llu
ew/oq1c.ol Jm balanu, (J X-Oru ./wle , cut'rJ yaJn , l~ho.l l
(.,JQrm._'nj chaw b/.lYI -raised clw, fo kmc m aeh·vrh'e/.J. l,J~ ncl, f
UJO.YV VVlr cohl/(). air ~,-} bY-ectfhi·YI,' wat-1 ~d
f" d"nn/:.inj emd so am.
QI.) ry IS

re we sJw,uld a_dopf .5.wJ~cdna:hk

JJvi'nd s}!e -Jor -Hu. A,xvtv •
Q. 3 !:-xp/a/-n fu Jmporltmce 1environm-et?tal eJ,ucah·on in f,,,J,i~
Ans !,nvtronmen/.-cJ e_du.c.akon WJ eX,}yem} Jmp orl-~ i,W") dridia d,u.J.
. -1-o llowtnif 'ieM ons -
(I) lnv,:_nrnevii-al .Mi)clie/J co-ri h.Jp Jn hcz,ndlri e,.wiJ(.,V?t envin:mmenl-
- al t.l 5.SUl/) , _lJ fcv l,;/ ·h/
lll) b, ViYOYI m enfo.l /J)_u:JJ e/J CO'VI be. Jns In, men I-al fo au ain sus no , <f
_omd f
f-o pYOl-ecl-- a.!de en11(YOnmenl • . •n
llll) '!.nviYDnmenfaJ ]J;;_dif.lJ res~·cl a-rid 1eyJ aJ; -14 exploiJaho
Y1 aliJ Yal Y'e.S (DU 'Y Le/J •
l IV) invr-ronmenl-al. pwl-ech"on ccm /u. ach;e,v..1.d "fhyc wf lnv,wnrru. .
,&wclie/J ~ .
Show with hi1.y, trl Jrqu>u ~ev-er1l -lupt1> cl popu.Ja-1-i·on p~v-4111/d
MoL__._f' DD U/Ylo.lL---'"- Ft.m~d b M~ Fe

L - I

ci) 1xpa,r, din q Ar- P~yam /J c11) 5hble Ar Ptp't>rnicl
- --.L --

l,?tbmple - ~nol,·~ , N f'f Yi tA. {mrrtp le- FYcm.u, US R

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~uc-¼J\e Clric\ \l1\'\t+IO'()S -\-"fo~Y\\c \t\Jels t{ Qn\-(1"1
\~ -\vu ~!YIY'Y'I °b ~~~o."<\'\id . ho~u~~ 1~ "\he \:i<'.l.~e (\-nd \OP
Cwl-nluo"es l~'l'II 71l~ °b ?~"Cl~id. ~~rr<.\Vv\i d C.<w,~\s¼
no . \ "!l'I"\ i?~ ~OJIS W°V'\t_\-\ d('_~\ (;\· Sy ec.ifl C +t-o\>flIC Ie.\l e.-e
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ot, d\ ,\tU\tfl-\ i, tt\ e;, \ ll'l'\it ()J.tu Q..-\- -\-"ti:)~h \ t \ e,ue.l •

1-\ '\'<\.~ \.1! I.\\~i tit <n 't\\J-Ul,\t d de~ t w\\n. i \.l\o" r\he i
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1-iA.o~<INL pV<A1ot,, J,t .14 tlidf.iol GI A . 04ut, .)tu. E.lA &.> /4aAecL
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.lry,a cl6 .

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r,,1/()d pAfdicico-n :
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1 J.(.J. fWJut. jut/J .,tWt< I- .,u 'cu -~ .,()t & f~' tee IVU-

,h)W H.

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,,,a,tao .1.~ c d .

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ti/) ful:tcJcd<o-w. :
vOMd .lUCl.i,urdul 1 .M1il:tj ,:Jto-,,, .AM uuiu tu
1'11re. J:k. .tm; acb .AJr.l<t. f ~e d.
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