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• Devitrification is the process of crystallization in a formerly crystal-free (amorphous) glass.

▪ Amorphous- refers to a lack of a definite crystalline structure in a solid substance. In other words,
amorphous materials do not have a regular, repeating atomic or molecular arrangement that is
characteristic of crystalline solids. Instead, their atoms or molecules are arranged in a disordered or
random manner.
▪ Unlike crystalline materials, which have a specific and repeating arrangement of atoms, amorphous
materials lack long-range order (disordered atomic or molecular structure; arrangement of atoms in
amorphous materials is more random and lacks the repeating patterns found in crystalline structures)
• Geology
o Devitrification is the process of conversion of glass material to crystallized material.
• Vitreus (Latin) means- glassy and transparent.

- Most glasses are silicates (compounds of silicon, oxygen, and metals) in which the atomic structure does
not have the repetitive arrangement required for the formation of crystals.
- Glasses typically are not stable at low temperatures, however, and a readjustment of the atomic
arrangement may take place to form more stable structures.
- This devitrification process is very slow, but over millions of years, a glass will form a completely crystalline
mass; thus, the occurrence of very old glassy rocks is rare.
- usually resulting in a hazy, somewhat opaque appearance.
- volcanic glasses are easily devitrified in the presence of water at temperatures not much greater than its
boiling point.
- water acts on glasses by leaching cations and forming hydroxyl groups with silica (silanol).
- Devitrification commonly begins along cracks in the glass or around large crystals and may spread outward
until eventually the entire mass has been converted to fine crystals aggregate.

How does devitrification in amorphous glasses form?
Devitrification is the process by which amorphous (non-crystalline) glass transforms into a crystalline
structure. This transformation occurs when the glass is subjected to certain conditions, often involving
heating and cooling. Here is a general overview of the process of devitrification:

1. **Formation of Glass: **
- Glass is initially formed by the rapid cooling of a molten material, preventing the atoms from arranging
into a regular crystalline structure. This results in an amorphous, or glassy, material. As the molten
material cools quickly, it solidifies into an amorphous, non-crystalline structure. This lack of long-range
order distinguishes glass from crystalline materials. The mineral content of the molten material influences
the composition of the resulting glass wherein silica (SiO2) is a common component,

2. **Exposure to Elevated Temperatures: **

- Devitrification often begins when the glass is exposed to elevated temperatures. The exact
temperature range can vary depending on the composition of the glass. Elevated temperatures facilitate
the nucleation and growth of crystals within the glass.
3. **Nucleation: **
- At elevated temperatures, some regions within the glass may experience the initial stages of
crystallization. This process is known as nucleation, where small crystalline structures (crystal nuclei)
begin to form. These tiny clusters of atoms arrange themselves in a specific pattern, acting as seeds for
further crystal formation.

4. **Growth of Crystals: **
- Once nuclei are formed, they act as seeds for the growth of larger crystals. They can attract
surrounding atoms to join their orderly arrangement, gradually growing into larger crystals. As the
temperature is maintained or increased, these crystals grow within the glass matrix.

5. **Factors Influencing Devitrification: **

- Composition: The chemical composition of the glass is a key factor. Some glasses are more prone to
devitrification than others. Glasses with high silica content are generally more prone to devitrification.
The addition of certain elements, such as alumina, can promote or inhibit devitrification depending on
their concentration.

- Temperature: The temperature at which the glass is heated, and the subsequent cooling rate are
critical parameters.
- Time: The duration of exposure to elevated temperatures influences the extent of devitrification.
- Impurities: Presence of certain impurities or nucleating agents in the glass can accelerate the
nucleation and growth of crystals.
Devitrification can....
• Devitrification can occur in any type of glass.
o Devitrification is a process that can affect various types of glasses. It involves the transformation of
an amorphous (non-crystalline) glassy structure into a crystalline structure under certain conditions.
• Devitrification can be accelerated by heat, pressure, or the presence of impurities.
o True. The rate of devitrification can be influenced by external factors. Elevated temperatures, high
pressure, or the presence of impurities can accelerate the devitrification process. These conditions
provide the energy or nucleation sites needed for the transition from amorphous to crystalline
• Devitrification can cause several changes in the appearance and properties of glass.
o True. When devitrification occurs, it often leads to visible changes in the appearance of glass. The
once transparent and smooth glass surface may become cloudy or exhibit crystalline patterns. The
properties of the glass, such as its optical, mechanical, and thermal characteristics, may also be
▪ Spherulitic aggregate (pherulites) are radiating arrays of fibrous, needle-like or acicular, crystals that are
common in glassy felsic volcanic rocks.
▪ small, spherical to semi-spherical structures that can be found in certain volcanic rocks, including obsidian
▪ Spherulites are typically observed in fine-grained volcanic rocks that have undergone devitrification
▪ Spherulites form during the devitrification of volcanic glasses, such as obsidian. When the glassy material of
volcanic rocks undergoes crystallization, needle-like crystals, often composed of minerals like feldspar or
cristobalite, radiate outward from a nucleation center.

▪ a naturally occurring volcanic glass that is formed by the rapid cooling of viscous lava from volcanoes.
▪ It is a type of igneous rock, and its distinctive feature is its smooth, glassy texture.
▪ Obsidian is extremely rich in silica (about 65 to 80 percent), is low in water, and has a chemical composition
similar to rhyolite. Obsidian has a glassy lustre and is slightly harder than window glass.
▪ Obsidian is formed during volcanic eruptions when lava with high silica content cools quickly. The rapid
cooling inhibits the crystalline structure from developing, resulting in an amorphous, glassy material.
▪ The products of devitrified obsidian can produce secondary fiberous mineral crystals that can form ball like
shapes called spherulites that are embedded within the obsidian, these secondary minerlas can develop
into what is called snowflake obsidian.
One of the classification of Philippine iron deposits are Spring Iron and Bog Iron.

• Surficial iron (Fe) deposits formed in generally quiet watery environments such as small lakes and
• Spring iron deposits are considered to have originated as spring emanations in Quaternary
volcanic terranes. These have been identified in at least three localities: 1) Pan de Azucar Island,
Iloilo; 2) Binalbagan, Negros Occidental; and 3) Landayao Tupi, Cotabato
• The Pan de Azucar and Binalbagan deposits are mainly limonite crust and boulder coating
exhibiting colloidal texture like crustiform banding and botryoidal texture.
• On the other hand, the Landayao deposits are principally goethite and hematite associated with
highly silicified andesite and jasperoid. Colloidal textures are present in both massive crust and
jasperoid breccia fillings.

• These deposits are usually the result of the precipitation of iron minerals from water, often in areas
where there is a natural spring or seepage of groundwater rich in iron.
• Common iron minerals found in these deposits include hematite (Fe2O3) and goethite (FeO(OH)).
• The presence of these minerals can give the sediment a reddish or yellowish color.

Iron bacteria colonize the transition zone where de-oxygenated water from an anaerobic environment flows into an aerobic
environment. Groundwater containing dissolved organic material may be de-oxygenated by microorganisms feeding on that
dissolved organic material.
• Iron Bacteria and Transition Zone Dynamics
• De-oxygenated Water Flow
• Microbial Activity and Organic Material
• Iron Cycling and Water Quality Implications
Basically, ang Iron bacteria which are microorganisms that play a role in the biogeochemical cycling of iron. They
thrive in environments where iron is available, and their activity can have implications for water quality. The
transition zone refers to the interface between anaerobic (low or no oxygen) and aerobic (oxygen-rich)
environments. In the transition zone, de-oxygenated water, originating from an anaerobic environment, flows into
an aerobic environment. This dynamic zone occurs naturally in subsurface settings, such as groundwater systems,
where water encounters varying levels of oxygen. Microorganisms, including iron bacteria, can play a significant
role in the transition zone. These bacteria feed on dissolved organic material present in the groundwater. This
organic material may originate from sources such as decaying plant matter or other organic compounds. Iron
bacteria are instrumental in the cycling of iron between different oxidation states. In anaerobic conditions, they
facilitate the reduction of ferric iron (Fe³⁺) to ferrous iron (Fe²⁺), releasing iron into the groundwater. The
implications for water quality include aesthetic concerns like iron staining and discoloration, as well as potential
changes in pH and overall water chemistry.

H2O + Fe2O3 → 2Fe(OH)2 + O2

(water) + (Iron[III] oxide) → (Iron[II] hydroxide) + (oxygen)

• Classified as sedimentary deposits formed by biochemical precipitation of iron minerals, principally by

bacterial action i.e. formation of ferric oxide/ hydroxide (Fe+3) from the breakdown of humic iron
complexes and ferrous bicarbonate (Ex. Hematite-magnetite associated with bedded sandstone and
conglomerate in Camalaniugan, Aparri, Cagayan)
• Formed by biochemical precipitation of iron minerals, principally by bacterial action
• Bog iron is a form of impure iron ore that develops in bogs or swamps by the chemical or biochemical
oxidation of iron carried in solution.

How does Bog Iron form?

• Bog iron forms in bogs as a result of chemical and biological reactions in, and at the surface of,
• Where iron-rich groundwater flows close to, or onto, the land surface, the iron dissolved in the
water reacts with, and is oxidized by, oxygen in the air and/or by iron bacteria, to form iron

Limonitic bog iron ores occur in small low-grade deposits with much manganese, phosphorus, water, clay, and other
impurities. Bacterial action causes the precipitation of ferric oxides and hydroxides from the breakdown of humic iron
complexes and ferrous bicarbonate. Supplies of iron are transported to the bog waters by streams and springs. At
present, bog ores are of very minor economic significance. At least one relatively important bog iron sedimentary deposit
occurs in the Philippines, that of Taan, Nueva Vizcaya.

Bacterial action causes the precipitation of ferric oxides and hydroxides from the breakdown of humic iron complexes
and ferrous bicarbonate.

Bacterial Action- In environments like small lakes and ponds, organic matter from decaying plants and animals
accumulates at the bottom, releasing iron bound within humic substances. These humic iron complexes act as a natural
reservoir for iron.
Precipitation of Ferric Oxides and Hydroxides- The process results in the precipitation of ferric oxides (Fe₂O₃) and ferric
hydroxides [Fe(OH)₃]. These are solid, insoluble forms of iron that can settle out of the water and form solid particles.
Iron Sources- The iron involved in the process originates from humic iron complexes and ferrous bicarbonate present in
the water.
Humic Iron Complexes- Humic iron complexes are compounds formed between iron and humic substances, which are
organic compounds resulting from the decomposition of plant and animal matter. The breakdown of these complexes
releases iron into the water. Ferrous bicarbonate refers to the dissolved form of iron carbonate (Fe(HCO₃)₂) in water.
Ferrous Bicarbonate- Ferrous bicarbonate refers to the dissolved form of iron carbonate (Fe(HCO₃)₂) in water,
contributing to the overall iron content.
Breakdown of Complexes- Bacterial action or other chemical processes facilitate the breakdown of humic iron
complexes, releasing ferrous iron into the aquatic environment.
Oxidation of Ferrous Iron- The ferrous iron (Fe²⁺) undergoes oxidation, facilitated by bacterial action or other
environmental factors. This oxidation converts ferrous iron to ferric iron (Fe³⁺).
Reaction with Oxygen and Hydroxide Ions - Ferric iron (Fe³⁺) then reacts with oxygen and/or hydroxide ions in the water,
leading to the precipitation of insoluble ferric oxides and hydroxides.
Formation of Solid Particles- The precipitated ferric oxides and hydroxides form solid particles that may settle to the
bottom of the aquatic environment or contribute to suspended solids.

Type of Deposit: Sedimentary bog iron deposit Taan sedimentary bog iron deposit
Location: Geographical description: The deposit lies at the southern sector of Nueva Vizcaya near the provincial
boundary of Quezon and Nueva Ecija. It is within the interior highland of the Sierra Madre mountains. Central geographic
coordinates: 15°38’N, 121°19’E
Geology: The iron deposit lies unconformably above the truncated surface of thermally metamorphosed rock sequence
consisting of basic to intermediate volcanic flows intercalated with sandstone and shale. This rock unit was intruded by a
quartz diorite stock, believed to be responsible for the widespread epidotization, silicification, pyritization and
chloritization of the meta-rocks. The intruded rocks are hornfelsic near the intrusive contact. Hydrothermal quartz veins
are prevalent in the area. Granodioritic dikes intrude the quartz diorite while basic dikes intrude both rock types
Mineralization: The deposit formed within a structural basin that probably ponded into a lake. Iron supplied into this
basin originated from the chemical weathering of surrounding rocks, which shows evidence of pyritization probably
brought about by dioritic intrusions. The iron ions probably derived from the oxidation and weathering of pyritic
alteration aureoles, veins and pockets in volcanic rocks were transported into the basin possibly as ferrous solutions and
colloids. Iron was precipitated possibly due to the combined effects of ion saturation, chemical reduction and bacterial
Ore Mineralogy: The deposit consists principally of limonite with minor amount of hematite.

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