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Carbon Letters (2021) 31:427–440 Online ISSN 2233-4998 Print ISSN 1976-4251


Computational evaluation of the mechanical properties of synthesized

graphene quantum dots under consideration of defects
Moones Rahmandoust1

Received: 15 May 2020 / Revised: 11 July 2020 / Accepted: 26 July 2020 / Published online: 3 August 2020
© Korean Carbon Society 2020

The behaviour of semiconducting graphene quantum dots (GQDs), as good candidates for various biological carrier applica-
tions and optical sensing, are necessary to be studied under various conditions. In this study, GQD models were generated
according to the geometrical and chemical specifications of synthesized GQDs to achieve the most realistic models. The
GQDs’ bandgap and distribution of their electric surface charges were obtained using computational chemistry method.
Finite element analysis was conducted on pristine and defective GQDs to study Young and shear modulus. Buckling load and
resonant frequency modes of GQDs were calculated analytically and demonstrated under various boundary conditions. The
dimension of GQDs has an average of 3.5 ± 0.4 nm, with an interlayer spacing of 0.36–0.40 nm. Computational chemistry
studies revealed the characteristic zero-band-gap nature of graphene. Finite element studies showed that the by introduc-
ing the inevitable dislocation, mono atom vacancy and Stone–Wales defects to GQD models, their mechanical properties
reduces to approach data from experimental investigations, whereas an increase in the number of layers does not influence
the obtained results significantly.

Keywords Carbon dots · Finite element method (FEM) · Semiconducting nanomaterial · Defects · Vibrational frequency

Abbreviations 1 Introduction
AD Atomistic dislocation
AV Atom vacancy Amongst various nanomaterials, fluorescent graphene
CNT Carbon nanotube quantum dots (GQDs), as a novel kind of few-layered quan-
DFT Density functional theory tum-sized graphene, have attracted significant attention in
FE Finite element diverse research areas recently. Due to their unique proper-
GQD Graphene quantum dots ties, GQDs are deemed to have vast potential in optical and
HOMO Highest occupied molecular orbitals electrochemical sensing, smart drug delivery, photodynamic
L-J Lennard-Jones therapy, solar cells, theranostics, and bioimaging. These
LUMO Lowest unoccupied molecular orbitals properties include semiconducting behaviour, tunable affin-
MD Molecular dynamics ity to various biomolecules, good functionalization-ability,
QY Quantum yield stable fluorescent emission, chemical stability and high bio-
SW Stone–Wales compatibility [1]. Thus, it is critical to study how various
types, directions and magnitudes of external loads influence
them under various boundary conditions.
Various techniques were used to study the mechanical
behaviour of perfect and defective graphene sheets and gra-
phene nanoribbons, ranging from experimental to a variety
of computational and analytical approaches. In computa-
tional studies, however, models are generally generated
* Moones Rahmandoust according to the limitations imposed by the employed tech- nique, rather than data from experimental observations.
Furthermore, natural atomistic dislocation (AD) defects,
Protein Research Center, Shahid Beheshti University G.C, otherwise referred to as the perturbation in the location of
Velenjak, Tehran 1983969411, Iran

428 Carbon Letters (2021) 31:427–440

atoms from their ideal states in the perfect hexagonal lattice, mechanical modelling method, i.e. the density functional
are not generally considered in the mechanical modelling of theory (DFT). The experimental set-up reported Young’s
graphene. modulus of around 0.7 TPa, whereas the value was reported
to be equal to around 0.8 TPa in DFT modelling. They also
1.1 Review of literature mentioned that Young’s modulus and threshold shearing
force values not only depend on the direction of the applied
1.1.1 Experimental synthesis of GQDs force but also the edge-orientation, as to be zigzag or arm-
chair [17].
Thermal decomposition of citric acid was a technique that
was introduced in 2012, as a cost-effective and facile bot- Theoretical studies In investigating the mechani-
tom-up route for the fabrication of GQDs in aqueous solu- cal properties of the graphene family, a variety of computa-
tion [2]. In the mentioned technique, citric acid was heated at tional and analytical approaches has been employed.
200 °C for 30 min. Later, various synthesis conditions were Analytical Mohammadi et al. studied the buckling behav-
tested, however, due to lack of systematic control over syn- iour of orthotropic rectangular nanoplates. They employed
thesis conditions, no significant improvement was achieved nonlocal elasticity theory to derive governing equations
in terms of the final particles’ quantum yields (QYs) [3]. for shear buckling of orthotropic single-layered graphene
Recently, it was shown that by employing a systematic sheets [18]. In 2017, mechanical properties of nano-heter-
approach, Dong et al.’s technique for the cost-effective syn- ostructures of a graphene sheet were studied and compared
thesis of GQDs can be significantly improved to provide with other two-dimensional nanomaterials such as MoS2,
enhanced fluorescent properties [4]. hBN, and stanene analytically, seeking enhanced mechanical
strength of the heterostructures, when employed in various
1.1.2 Mechanical properties of GQDs devices. Efficient closed-form expressions for the equivalent
elastic properties of such multi-layered hexagonal nano-het-
Graphene-based materials with sp2 hexagonal carbon lat- erostructures were obtained [19].
tice, including graphene sheets, graphene nanoribbons, and Density functional theory Computational quantum
carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are categorized in the group of mechanical modelling was one of the pioneer investigation
very stiff and strong materials, in terms of elastic modulus technique employed to obtain the mechanical properties
and tensile strength, respectively. Due to their strong and of graphene sheets. In 2000 Lier et al. used ab initio DFT
stable sp2 covalent bonds, the structures exhibit a very high to obtain Young’s modulus of graphene equal to 1.11 TPa
Young’s modulus around 1 TPa, which is much higher than [20]. As mentioned earlier, as a tool for completing their
that of stainless steel [5–9]. It is because of these favourable experimental findings, DFT was also used by Rasuli et al.
mechanical properties that the graphene family has attracted to investigate the mechanical properties of few-layered
much interest as nano-reinforcements, and as scaffolds and graphene cantilever, reporting Young’s modulus of around
carries for many advanced biological applications [10–13]. 0.8 TPa [17]. Ni et al. focused on anisotropic mechani-
cal properties of graphene sheets using MD studies [21], Experimental studies The mechanical performance whereas Min et al. employed the same method to focus
of graphite and graphene was initially studied in 2008, using on shear deformation of the structure, reporting it to be
nanoindentation technique by an atomic force microscope reported graphene to be a promising mechanical material.
(AFM). Based on the technique, Young’s modulus of around They also used analytical theory studies based on kinetic
1.0 TPa and intrinsic strength of 130 GPa was reported for analysis to confirm their results [22]. Other than the men-
graphite [14]. Graphene paper, as it was termed by Chen tioned techniques, structural mechanics and continuum
et al. was fabricated and studied almost at the same time mechanics FE simulations were extensively employed to
in 2008. Their results revealed a combination of excellent investigate mechanical properties of graphene-family. In
mechanical, thermal and electrical conductivity properties, 2010, Shokrieh and Rafiee used a linkage between lattice
as well as high biocompatibility for the material [15]. Later molecular structure and equivalent discrete frame struc-
in 2009, single-layered graphene was subjected to tension ture to achieve analytical formulations for predicting the
and compression reporting that although graphene flakes elastic moduli of graphene sheets and CNTs. Unlike what
embedded in the experimental set-up were capable of sus- observed in few MD simulations before, they reported
taining over 1.3% of tensile strains, compression loading isotropic behaviour in graphene sheets and validated
above 0.7% was no more possible [16]. In another investiga- their findings through comparison with finite element
tion, Rasuli et al. investigated the mechanical properties of (FE) models and published experimental results [23].
few-layered graphene cantilever using AFM and compared In 2019, Qin et al. studied the influence of temperature
the result with that obtained by the computational quantum and the direction of applied load on carbon honeycomb

Carbon Letters (2021) 31:427–440 429

and graphene, using MD simulation. Their investigations 1.1.3 Influence of atomistic defects
also admit that an isotropic behaviour can be observed in
two-dimensional graphene, whereas in the case of three- Some defects are almost inevitable in experimentally syn-
dimensional carbon honeycomb, anisotropic mechanical thesized graphene-family and at times, they are even favour-
properties was prominent [24]. able for some applications. Hence, due to the considerable
FE method The elastic behaviour of graphene sheets has influence of defects and their extent of existence on the
been extensively studied in various sizes and number of mechanical, thermal and electrical properties of graphene-
layers before and in more recent papers, the influence of based nanomaterials, investigation on the effect of atomistic
temperature variation or a kind of defect in the structure is or structural imperfections become vital. Based on funda-
generally considered, which are reviewed in the following mental real-time observations on the mechanism and dynam-
section. However, focus on the buckling load and natural ics of the formation of defects in graphene-based materials
frequency of the nanostructure, or its vibrational behaviour at atomic-scale, topological defects, namely atom vacancies
using the FE method, has been somewhat a newer topic (AV), which in turn leads to a reconstruction of vacant sites
of interest. and formation of other well-known defects such as the Stone-
It was in 2005 when Reddy et al. specifically targeted Wales (SW) defect (the pentagon-heptagon ring defect), and
the investigations of mechanical properties of sp2 struc- purposely introduced heterojunction defects such as kink
tured carbon materials using the FE method. They initially junctions or welding in CNTs [30] occur naturally in gra-
used truss beam elements to represent covalent C–C bond phene family, during both material production processes and
on graphene sheets. Later, they announced Euler–Ber- chemical treatments. As a result of these defects theoretical
noulli beam elements as a better replacement for model- and experimental investigations report different values for
ling the mechanical behaviour of graphene-family [25]. In a specific property of an identical particle. Therefore, the
2009, Sakhaee-Pour studies the major mechanical proper- study of the influence of defects on the major properties of
ties of single-layered graphene sheet using both atomistic this class of nanomaterials is necessary.
models, which was based on the mechanical properties Although the inevitable defects in graphene family were
of each C–C bond, as well as continuum model, which first predicted by Savetat et al. in 1999, explaining the reason
was considering the nanosheet as a whole. He showed behind the low shear modulus for CNTs tested by an AFM
the effect of edge-structure and chirality on the resulted [31], the AV and SW defects were experimentally observed
mechanical properties of the sheet and proved the accu- and reported to be unavoidable imperfections in the structure
racy of the atomistic modelling by comparing the results of CNTs, making pristine CNTs experimentally inaccessible
with the reported values in the literature [26]. Scarpa et al. in 2007 by Jespersen and Nygard [32]. In 2009, a series of
also studied the elastic modulus of single-layered graphene computational research on the influence of various extents
sheets based on a cellular material mechanics theory. They of AD, AV and SW on Young’s modulus and shear modulus
used truss beam elements and tried to provide an insight of single and few-layered zigzag and armchair CNTs, was
into the deformation mechanism of graphene sheets that conducted using FE modelling [5–9, 33].
are exposed to small uniaxial strain and pure shear load- It was in 2012 when Jing et al. used MD to model the
ings [27]. Later on, the effect of size and edge-structure on influence of AV and SW defects on Young’s modulus of gra-
non-linear mechanical properties of graphene nanoribbons phene sheets [34]. Later, Wang et al. investigated the effect
was investigated, using an atomistic spring-based, non- of side, the number of layers and SW defect on the elastic
linear FE method, in a way that the force–displacement mechanical properties of few-layered graphene nanofilm.
curve was utilized to represent the interaction between They also employed a molecular structural mechanics FE
atoms. Bond deformations were simulated using torsional method for the investigation [35]. In 2016 Xu et al. employed
springs for angle variations and using uniaxial compres- the same computational technique to investigate the elastic
sion springs for bond stretching. According to their results, properties of graphene nanoribbons with several repeating
both linear and non-linear mechanical properties of the SW defects, which create tilt grain boundaries in the struc-
graphene nanoribbons are strongly dependent on their chi- ture. They also considered the misorientation angles- and
rality and size [28]. Wang et al. calculated Poisson’s ratio edge-effect in defected graphene nanoribbons [36]. In the
and Young’s modulus in zigzag and armchair graphene latest investigations of the influence of defects on major
nanofilms. They reported a notable change in the mechani- elastic properties of graphene, the influences of the edge-
cal behaviour of armchair and zigzag models, so that by effect, as being zigzag or armchair, along with the exist-
increasing the model’s width for a constant length of the ence of periodic and regular AV defects on the equivalent
graphene nanofilms, Young’s moduli showed a decrease elastic modulus of graphene have been also studied using
and an increase in the armchair- and the zigzag-edge gra- Monte Carlo based FE method. The results were compared
phene, respectively, in the range of 0.5 to 0.7 TPa [29]. for the structure under uniaxial tension and shear stress,

430 Carbon Letters (2021) 31:427–440

revealing that the influence of AV defect is less remarkable modelling is very accurate and much faster. Furthermore,
in the graphene under shear stress [37]. On the other hand, in case of inevitable geometrical defects in true atomic
Li et al. used MD technique to study the influence of AV structure, where some atoms are missing or they are dislo-
and SW defects on the mechanical and thermal properties cated from the ideal hexagonal lattice, as well as the study
of graphene, under consideration edge-effect, reporting the of the vibrational frequencies, FE simulations can be more
significant influence of defect on reducing the mechanical comprehensive, due to the consideration of empirical force
properties of the structure, due to being more susceptible to field potential functions, which are typically validated using
cracks and local stress concentration points [38]. The influ- DFT. Furthermore, in the study of defects, major attention
ence of AV defect was also considered using the same tech- has been generally paid to SW and AV defects, whereas the
nique to study how it influences the mechanical properties influence of the natural AD, as another inevitable geometri-
and the fracture behaviour of ψ-graphene, which is a new cal defect, on the mechanical properties of graphene sheets
two-dimensional allotrope of carbon incorporating 5–6–7 in not investigated. Hence, in this manuscript, the details
carbon rings. They stretched the structure at various angles, of the topological and geometrical specifications of the
removing some atoms from it, which seriously influenced undoped high-QY GQDs are first obtained from experimen-
the tensile properties of ψ-graphene [39]. tally synthesized nano-sized graphene. The highest-occu-
pied- and lowest-unoccupied- molecular-orbitals (HOMO
1.1.4 Study of buckling and vibrational frequencies and LUMO) of GQDs and natural dislocation of atoms are
extracted for the structure using computational chemistry
Despite the large number of studies on buckling behaviour studies. Finally, assigned material and geometric properties
and vibrational frequencies of CNTs, literature on investi- to model GQDs are elaborated and using the FE analysis,
gating the mechanical behaviours in graphene is rather lim- the mechanical behaviour of pristine and defective GQDs are
ited [40]. In one of the initial investigations, Sakhaee-pour studied under external loads at various directions. Critical
employed atomistic modelling to study the elastic buckling buckling load and natural vibrational frequencies of GQDs
behaviour of defect-free single-layered graphene sheet under are analytically obtained and modelled using FE modelling.
cantilever boundary condition [41]. Later, Anjomshoa et al. A concise explanation of the findings of the whole inves-
considered that multi-layered graphene is placed over an tigation on elastic properties of GQDs is brought in the
elastic substrate and studied its buckling behaviour using conclusion.
nonlocal elastic theory [42] and Fadaee employed an analyti-
cal approach to obtain elastic buckling in defective annular
graphene sheet [43]. In 2018, AV defects were introduced 2 Methods
to the structure and Monte Carlo based FE was employed
to analyze buckling behaviour of defected graphene [44]. 2.1 Precursor materials
Molecular mechanics was also employed as a tool to ana-
lyze the non-linear buckling of single-layered graphene very All chemicals were purchased from Merck at analytically
recently [45]. pure state.
Vibration frequencies of graphene sheets were experi-
mental studied in 2008 [46, 47]. However, related theoretical 2.2 Synthesis of GQDs
studies were rare, until 2012 when the vibrational analysis
of graphene was performed first by an equivalent solid sur- One g of citric acid was thermally decomposed at different
face [48] and then by an equivalent square-meshed surface temperatures and heating durations [53]. As a result of heat-
[49]. Later in 2017, Lu et al. developed another simplified ing, a dark brown liquid was obtained, which was neutral-
model for three- to six-layered graphene sheet in which ized to pH 7.0 by dropwise adding of 0.5 M NaOH, under
only the two outermost layers were tensioned [50]. In 2018, vigorous stirring. The emission intensity and QY’s of the
Monte Carlo based FE technique was employed to study produced GQDs were obtained and compared, showing that
AV defected graphene sheet’s vibrational frequency [51], the highest QY was attained for GQD solution fabricated
followed by Namnabat et al.’s FE studies on vibrations of from heating citric acid at 160 °C, for 55 min and neutral-
double-layered graphene [52]. ized to pH 7.0.

1.1.5 Conclusion 2.3 Characterization

Although MD studies are considered to be the most accu- The obtained GQDs were studied to determine particle size
rate in the study of mechanical properties of nanostructures, using both non–contact AFM (VEECO, USA) and Nano-
when no temperature effect is considered, atomistic FE phox dynamic light scattering (DLS) (Germany) in 90°

Carbon Letters (2021) 31:427–440 431

scattering angle. WSXM software was used to analyse AFM stiffness (EI) and torsion rigidity (GJ) of the structural model
results [54]. For X-Ray Diffraction, the samples were freeze- in terms of the molecular mechanics’ force constants 𝑘𝑟, 𝑘𝜃
dried and analysed using PANalytical company’s X’Pert and 𝑘𝜑 as follows:
PRO MPD 2009 (Netherlands). PerkinElmer’s LAMBDA
950 UV/Vis/NIR (USA) and Varian Cary Eclipse Fluores- kr = , k𝜃 = and k𝜑 = (4)
b b b
cence (Agilent, USA) spectrophotometers were employed to
study the optical properties of the samples. Figure 1a provides the calculated elastic properties for each
beam element. After assigning the properties of each bond, the
2.4 Frontier molecular orbital modelling net reaction force P, resulted from applied external displace-
ment boundary condition, ∆L, as shown in Fig. 1b, can provide
In chemistry, the HOMO and LUMO states are defined as the stress and the strain for a GQD of length L.
the highest-occupied- and lowest-unoccupied- molecular-
orbitals. In semiconducting materials, like few-layered gra- 2.5.2 Interlayer interactions
phene, the HOMO and LUMO states, represent the valance
and the conduction bands, respectively, the difference of To study the effect of the number of layers on the mechani-
which shows the energy bandgap of the material. The fron- cal properties of GQDs, the Lennard-Jones (L-J) force was
tier molecular orbitals of single-layered GQD molecule were defined to adequately describe the weak van der Waals interac-
modelled using commercial Gaussian 09 W software, ver- tion between the non-covalently bonded carbon atoms of each
sion 9.5. Graphene quantum dots were hydrogen saturated two layers, s follows:
on edges and were then modelled first in a perfect hexagonal [ ( )12 ( )6 ]
4𝜀 𝜎 𝜎
state, and finally when the energy of the designed model FL−J = −12 +6 (5)
r r r
was minimized using Brenner function potential, leading
to inevitable AD defects in atom sites. The energy gap of where, the terms σ is the distance (in nm) at which the
GQDs was obtained by employing density functional theory interaction potential becomes zero and ɛ is the minimum
calculations using the B3LYP/6-31G basis set. potential (in kJ mol−1) acting between the two interacting
particles. These two parameters, know as the L-J parameters,
2.5 Finite element modelling determine the nature and strength of the interaction and are
material-specific. Because the L-J force is non-material,
2.5.1 C–C chemical bonds spring element with no mass was selected to demonstrate
this type of interaction and the spring force is calculated
To obtain the mechanical properties of graphene quantum simply by F = kΔr, where k the spring constant is obtained
dots, Euler–Bernoulli beam was selected to represent cova- calculated in the operative domain of 0.33 < r < 0.38 nm, as
lent sp2 carbon–carbon bonds. The material properties of the shown in Fig. 1b. Figure 1c shows the connecting springs
isotropic elastic beam element, representing the C–C bonds, between carbons of two different layers.
were calculated for length b, the moment of inertia I, and
cross-section area A. The strain energy for an axial load P is 2.6 Critical buckling load and natural frequencies
EA The buckling phenomenon is a type of elastic instability in a
UP = db = (Δb)2 (1)
2EA 2b compressed structure, as illustrated schematically in Fig. 1d.
The Euler’s critical buckling load (Pcr), defined below, depends
In case of a pure bending moment M, U is equal to
not only on the shape and geometry of a structure but on its
M2 boundary conditions as well, shown by the concept of the
UM = db = (Δ𝛼)2 (2) effective length constant (K).
2EI 2b

Similarly, twisting moment T makes the strain energy n2 𝜋 2 EI

Pcr = (6)
equal to (KL)2

b where n defines the buckling mode. The structure’s moment

UT = db = (Δ𝛽)2 (3) of inertia (I) along its diameter, for a disk of diameter d and
2GJ 2b
thickness t, as illustrated in Fig. 1e, is equal to:
where ∆b, ∆α and ∆β are the deformations of the axial,
I = 𝜋 ⋅ d4 ∕64 + 𝜋 ⋅ d2 ⋅ t2 ∕48 (7)
bending and twisting angles respectively, as shown in
Fig. 1a, one obtains the tensile stiffness (EA), bending

432 Carbon Letters (2021) 31:427–440

Fig. 1 a Material properties

of covalent sp2 carbon–carbon = 651.97 nN/nm
bonds and corresponding force
filed constants, b stiffness of Corresponding force field constants = 0.8758 nN·nm/rad2 b
the spring element representing
L-J force, c connecting springs = 0.2780 nN·nm/rad2
between two layers of graphene,
d applied boundary conditions, = Young’s modulus = = 5.484 × 10-6 N/nm2
e a disk of diameter d and thick-
ness t = Poisson’s ra­o = = 0.27



S­ffness (N/A)





3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8
Interatomic distance (A)
(b) (c)
3.8 nm

(d) (e)

As shown in Fig. 2, there are four theoretically differ- 2.6.1 Modelling of defects
ent modes for buckling and frequency, in which m ̄ is the
structure’s mass per unit length. These different modes of In this study, three various defects have been introduced to
boundary conditions, their pertaining resonant frequency the perfect hexagonal structure of GQDs, including atom-
and the critical buckling load equations are brought in istic dislocation, mono-atom vacancy and the Stone–Wales
Fig. 2a. Definitions of the schematic shapes used to show defects. To model the AD defect, molecular dynamics’ DFT
various boundary conditions are shown in Fig. 2c. method was employed using the B3LYP/6-31G basis set for

Carbon Letters (2021) 31:427–440 433

K = 0.5 K = 0.7 K = 1.0 K = 2.0

1 1 1
22.373 15.418 3.5156

Critical buckling load =


Rotaon: Fixed Rotaon: Free Rotaon: Free

Translaon: Fixed Translaon: Fixed Translaon: Free


Fig. 2 Various boundary conditions’ corresponding a K value for calculation of critical buckling load and the pertaining first frequency equation,
and b definitions of the illustrated schematic boundary conditions

minimizing the energy of the nanomolecule. The structure and b, AFM imaging and DLS were used to obtain the topo-
was first modelled in its geometrically perfect arrangement graphic heights and the diameter of the as-prepared undoped
and was then optimized by minimizing the Brenner function GQDs. Based on the data, the diameter of the GQDs was
potential. As a result of this optimization, the atoms moved obtained to be majorly in the range of about 2.0 to 5.0 nm,
from their all-in-plane hexagonal arrangement and deviate with 3.5 ± 0.4 nm average diameter and the height mostly
around their original place to some extent. The geometric between 0.25 and 0.75 nm with the highest population
data of the optimized GQD structures were extracted from around 0.4 nm was reported for them, suggesting the pres-
the computational chemistry software and used in the FE ence of 1 to 3 layers of graphene in GQDs. Figure 3c illus-
modelling. trates the XRD diagram of the as-prepared GQDs, which
For removing of single atoms from the model, a random show the characteristic GQD peaks at 2θ equal to 20 to
number generator was used to select from the list of car- 26° for 002 hexagonal graphite lattice. According to XRD
bon atoms which are not on the edge of the model and the analysis, for 2θ of 25°, interlayer spacing of 0.36 nm was
pertaining atoms were simply deleted from the data file to obtained, which admitted the AFM results.
provide AV defect. Finally, the SW defect was introduced
to the perfect hexagonal model by an in-plane 90-degree
rotation of randomly selected bonds that were not placed 3.2 Frontier molecular orbital modelling
on the edges of the GQD structure. The resulted model was
optimized by minimization of the Tersoff-Brenner potential. The molecular orbitals and their properties, such as energy
and frontier electron density, are important for determin-
ing the molecular reactive sites. Hence, values of frontier
3 Results and discussion molecular orbitals or the HOMO and LUMO states, as the
electron donor and acceptor orbitals, respectively, as well
3.1 Synthesis of GQDs as their corresponding bandgap were obtained for undoped
GQD to reflect the chemical activity of the molecule, as
In this study, a systematic control over the synthesis condi- shown in Fig. 3d, reporting a homogenous distribution of
tions lead to the fabrication of GQDs with enhanced QY the density of states on both zigzag and armchair edges of
value of 34%, which is almost three times higher than that the GQD, separately. The results also show the characteris-
of common synthesis conditions in 200 °C, 30 min, reported tic zero-band-gap nature of graphene, with approximately
to be mostly equal to 10.5% [2, 3]. As illustrated in Fig. 3a ΔE = 0.03 eV, as calculated using the 6–31G basis set.

434 Carbon Letters (2021) 31:427–440

(a) (b)

Intensity (a.u.)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

(c) (d)

Fig. 3 a AFM result of the synthesized GQDs, b DLS results, c XRD pattern, and d frontier molecular orbitals modelling of the as-prepared

3.3 Finite element modelling methods, Young’s modulus was reported to be between 0.7
to 1.0 TPa [14, 16, 17]. In case of computational investi-
Finite element studies on the mechanical behaviour of per- gations, however, one can see that the techniques which
fect GQDs, with geometries obtained from experimental consider the structure of graphene in their perfect state,
characterization, was performed. without any defects, reported E to be 1.0 ± 0.3 TPa [19, 25,
26, 55], whereas, in studies that are based semiempirical
3.3.1 Young’s modulus and shear modulus quantum chemistry calculations or based on equivalent
continuum structures, E was obtained to be generally lower
The effect of the naturally occurring ADs was considered than 1.0 TPa [17, 25, 27]. To be more precise, Reddy et al.
on the elastic properties of GQDs. The external load was explicitly declared the influence of minimizing the struc-
exerted on GQDs at various angles, as shown in Fig. 4, ture’s potential using Brenner function on the obtained
reflecting Young’s modulus and shear modulus for GQDs Young’s modulus of continuum graphene model, reporting
in their pristine state and when AD defect is introduced to E to reduce from 1.012 TPa in the perfect state to 0.669
their structure. According to the obtained results, a rather TPa in the minimized potential model. As observed in this
isotropic behaviour was observed in GQDs, meaning that study as well, as a result of introducing the inevitable AD
regardless of the direction of the applied load, Young’s defect according to the Brenner function potential, E was
modulus and shear modulus of the GQDs were obtained reduced from about 1.3 to 0.8 TPa and the value ranges
to be equal to 1.3 TPa and 0.5 TPa, respectively. However, reported so far are in good agreement with the findings of
as a result of the introduction of the natural AD defect, E this investigation. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, the
dropped to about 0.8 TPa isotropic behaviour of the 2D graphene was reported in
Referring to the reviewed literature on investigating MD modelling of the nanomolecule as well [23, 24].
Young’s modulus of graphene sheets using experimental

Carbon Letters (2021) 31:427–440 435

Fig. 4 The magnitude of a

Prisne GQD Prisne GQD
Young’s modulus, and b Shear E (TPa) 0 G (TPa) 0
modulus for pristine and defec- 1.5 Dislocaon Defect 1.0 Dislocaon defect
tive GQDs bearing axial load at 0.8
various edge orientations
0.9 0.6

0.6 0.4
90 30 90 30
0.3 0.2

0.0 0.0

60 45
60 45

(a) (b)

3.3.2 The influence of the defects to a definite effective length constant, the optimized
mass density was defined and the GQDs were exposed
Topological defects, such as AD and the SW defects, as to compression load, as represented in Fig. 6, to shows
schematically illustrated in Fig. 5a, occur naturally in gra- the frequency modes 1 to 10 as obtained by FE model-
phene family, including GQDs. For this purpose, the FE ling. In the cantilever boundary condition, for instance,
method was employed to investigate the effect of 0 to 3% the critical load was obtained to be 2.3 μN, with the first
of the SW defect on Young’s modulus of defective GQDs frequency modal of the perfect GQD equal to 2.9 THz.
(Fig. 5b). As one can see, by the introducing over 1% of Figure 6 shows the influence of natural AV and SW defects
the SW defect, a sudden drop is observed in the value of E on the vibrational frequency and the critical buckling load
in both zigzag and armchair edged GQDs. However, as the of GQDs.
number of defected bonds increases, the value of Young’s According to the obtained data, the influence of 0 to 5%
modulus becomes rather steady. On the contrary, in the case of AV defect on both the critical buckling load and vibra-
of G, raising of SW defects above 1% causes unsteady rise tion frequency of defective GQDs has been investigated.
and fall in the value of the obtained shear modulus. Edge As presented in Fig. 7a and b, the applied boundary con-
effect is not also considerable and regardless of the direction ditions influence how the structure reacts under compres-
of applied load, the structure reacts almost the same when sion significantly. For instance, when GQDs are fixed from
exposed to various extents of SW defect. rotations and displacement on both sides and then they are
The influence of 0 to 5% of mono-AV defect on both compressed (K = 0.5), the structure shows more sensitivity
Young’s and shear modulus of the structure was presented in to the AV defect. However, the occurrence of AVs in the
Fig. 5c. Unlike SW defect, GQDs are sensible to the occur- structure of GQDs reduces the critical buckling load and
rence of AVs in their structure. Both Young’s modulus and vibration frequency at a rather steady rate under various
shear modulus of GQDs reduce rather steadily as the number boundary conditions.
of missing atoms increase. Finally, as a result of increasing The SW defect, however, does not have a steady
the number of layers to four, E does not show any significant decreasing effect on these properties. When the number
change, as shown in Fig. 5d. of the 90-degree rotated bonds increase to above 1%, a
remarkable fall is observed in the critical buckling load
3.4 Critical buckling load and vibrational and vibration frequency of defective GQDs (Fig. 7c and d).
frequencies However, in case of cantilever boundary condition, when
GQDs are fixed from rotation and displacement on one end
Based on the provided definition for the structure’s and free on the other end, this decrease is not significant
moment of inertia along its diameter, the critical buck- and the structure shows a rather steady reduction of critical
ling load and first vibrational frequency are analytically buckling load and vibration frequency by increasing of the
obtained for the perfect and AD-defective GQDs. Accord- percentage of the SW defect.
ing to the four major boundary conditions, each leading

436 Carbon Letters (2021) 31:427–440

perfect Atomistc dislocaon 3% SW defect

2.00 2.00
E-Zigzag G-Zigzag

1.50 E-Armchair 1.50 G-Armchair

E (TPa)

G (TPa)
1.00 1.00

0.50 0.50

0.00 0.00
0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2 2.4 2.8 3.2
Stone-Wales defect (%) Stone-Wales defect (%)
1.50 0.80
G (TPa)
E (TPa)


E-Perfect 0.20 G-Perfect
E-Dislocaon G-Dislocaon
0.00 0.00
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Mono-Atom Vacancy Defect (%) Mono-Atom Vacancy Defect (%)

E (TPa)




1 2 3 4
Number of Layers

Fig. 5 a Schematic of representations of topological defects, the influence of b Stone–Wales defect, and c atom-vacancy defect on E and G of

Carbon Letters (2021) 31:427–440 437

Boundary condion’s Pertaining effecve length parameter (K)

0.5 0.7 1.0 2.0
Crical buckling load (Pcr) in μN
Perfect 37.0 Perfect 18.9 Perfect 9.2 Perfect 2.3

AD defect 20.7 AD defect 10.5 AD defect 5.2 AD defect 1.3

First resonance frequency equaon (f1) in THz

Perfect 18.7 Perfect 12.9 Perfect 8.2 Perfect 2.9

AD defect 13.8 AD defect 9.5 AD defect 6.1 AD defect 2.2

Resonance frequency modes 1 to 10
Mode 1 Mode 1 Mode 1 Mode 1

Mode 2 Mode 2 Mode 2 Mode 2

Mode 3 Mode 3 Mode 3 Mode 3

Mode 4 Mode 4 Mode 4 Mode 4

Mode 5 Mode 5 Mode 5 Mode 5

Mode 6 Mode 6 Mode 6 Mode 6

Mode 7 Mode 7 Mode 7 Mode 7

Mode 8 Mode 8 Mode 8 Mode 8

Mode 9 Mode 9 Mode 9 Mode 9

Mode 10 Mode 10 Mode 10 Mode 10

Fig. 6 Various boundary conditions’ corresponding K value, critical buckling load, and the first resonance frequency equation

438 Carbon Letters (2021) 31:427–440

40.0 20.0
0.5 0.7 1 2 0.5 0.7 1 2

30.0 15.0
Pcr (μN)

f (THz)
20.0 10.0

10.0 5.0

0.0 0.0
0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0
Mono-Atom Vacancy Defect (%) Mono-Atom Vacancy Defect (%)
(a) (b)
40.0 20.0
0.5 0.7 1 2 0.5 0.7 1 2

30.0 15.0

f (THz)
Pcr (μN)

20.0 10.0

10.0 5.0

0.0 0.0
0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2
Stone-Wales Defect (%) Stone-Wales Defect (%)
(c) (d)

Fig. 7 The Influence of the a AV defect, and b the SW defect, on the critical buckling load and first mode vibrational frequency of GQDs

4 Conclusion by minimizing the energy of the nanomolecule using

Brenner function potential and density functional the-
In this study, a facile bottom-up technique was employed to ory calculations using the B3LYP/6-31G basis set.
synthesise undoped GQDs. The results show that: • A rather isotropic behaviour is observed when the
external load was exerted on GQDs at various angles.
• Simple systematic control over the synthesis conditions • The influence of various extents of the mono atom
can improve GQDs quantum yield to about three-times vacancies and the Stone–Wales defect was studied on
higher values, concerning the values reported using the GQDs’ Young’s modulus, shear modulus. The results
identical technique. show that by an increase in the number of defects, the
• The dimension of the as-prepared GQDs is restricted structure loses its elastic properties steadily.
between 2 and 5 nm, with 3.5 ± 0.4 nm average diameter • The influence of the mentioned defect on the critical
and an interlayer spacing of 0.36 to 0.40 nm. buckling load and vibrational frequency of GQDs was
• Computational chemistry analyses on frontier molecu- also studied, under various boundary conditions. The
lar orbitals, i.e. HOMO and LUMO states of undoped results show that the applied boundary conditions have
GQDs, as the electron donor and acceptor orbitals, a significant influence on the effect of defects. How-
respectively, reports a homogenous distribution of the ever, the occurrence of defects of any type reduces the
density of states on both zigzag and armchair edges. critical buckling load and vibration frequency of the
• The bandgap was calculated to reflect the characteristic GQDs.
zero-band-gap nature of graphene, using the B3LYP/6-
31G basis set.
• Finite element studies on the mechanical properties of Acknowledgements The present work was accomplished with the
research grant of the vice–presidency for research and technology,
perfect GQDs, with geometries obtained from experi- Shahid Beheshti University, G.C., 600/1446.
mental characterizations, prove the inevitable effect of
naturally occurring dislocation of atoms on the reduc- Data availability The data that support the findings of this study are
tion of the elastic properties of GQDs, as obtained available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.

Carbon Letters (2021) 31:427–440 439

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