DRRR Second Report

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Earthquake hazard refers to the potential for an earthquake to occur in a specific

location, leading to damage, destruction, and loss of life.

Some of the hazards associated with earthquakes include:

1. Ground shaking: The shaking of the ground during an earthquake can cause
buildings, roads, bridges, and other structures to collapse or be damaged, leading to
injuries and loss of life.

2. Landslides: Earthquakes can trigger landslides in hilly or mountainous regions,

potentially blocking roads, damaging infrastructure, and endangering people living in
affected areas.

3. Tsunamis: Underwater earthquakes can generate tsunamis, which are large ocean
waves that can inundate coastal areas and cause widespread destruction.

4. Liquefaction: When seismic waves pass through water-saturated soil, it can lose its
strength and behave like a liquid, leading to ground instability, building tilting, and
infrastructure damage.

5. Aftershocks: Following the main earthquake event, smaller earthquakes known as

aftershocks can occur, potentially causing further damage and hindering rescue and
recovery efforts.

6. Fire: Earthquakes can rupture gas lines, spark electrical fires, and damage water
supply systems, leading to widespread fires that can exacerbate the destruction caused
by the earthquake.
7. Infrastructure damage: Earthquakes can damage critical infrastructure such as power
lines, water and sewage systems, transportation networks, and communication
systems, disrupting essential services and hindering emergency response efforts.


Fire hazard involve the name itself “fire” it's threat to life and property. Any actions,
materials, or conditions that might increase the size or severity of a fire or that might
cause a fire to start are called fire hazard.


Ordinary combustible
Flammable liquids
Live electrical equipment
Combustible metal
Commercial cooking equipment


Unplug item you're not using

Never leave flames unattended
Keep flammable item from heat
Keep oils and gases away from flames and sparks

What is a Volcanic Hazards?
- it is a phenomena arising from volcanic activity that pose potential threat to people or
property in a given area within a given period of time.

Different Types of Volcanic Hazards

1. Lava Flows - stream-like flows of incandescent molten rock erupted from a creater.

2. Ashfall or Tephra Fall - showers of airborne fine to coarse grained volcanic particles.

3. Pyroclastic Flows and Surges - turbulent mass of a ejected fragmented volcanic

materials mixed
to with hot gases that flow downslope at very high speeds.

4. Lahars - rapidly flowing thick mixture of volcanic sediments and water.

5. Volcanic Gases - gases and aerosols released into the atmosphere.

6. Debris Avalanche or Volcanic Landslide - massive collapse of a volcano triggered by


7. Ballistic Projectiles - volcanic materials directly ejected from the volcano's vent with
force and

8. Tsunami - sea waves or wave trains that are generated by sudden displacement of

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