Cat B Intake Assessment

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In addition to your CV please fully complete the general and specific questionnaire below, which is aimed
at assessing your level of relevant survey experience.

G1 Name:

G2 Nationality:

G3 Age:

G4 Formal education (including level or degree, minimum HNC):

G5 Other qualifications (e.g. master all ships):

G6 Relevant courses:

G7 English language proficiency (minimum IELTS 6):

G8 Computer proficiency (minimum ICDL / ECDL):

G9 Position:

G10 Years of nautical / survey experience:

G11 Safety certificate (e.g. STCW95, BOSIET, …):

G12 Summary of relevant projects and tasks (last 5 years):

G13 Summary of relevant types of equipment & software used (last 5 years):

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G14 Other relevant information (e.g. diet, physical or religious restrictions)

Request for exemptions

□ B1 – Mathematics
□ B2 – Physics
□ B3 – Nautical Science and Meteorology

Please mark above for which subject(s) you want to request an exemption and send us -with this
completed assessment form- all relevant documents (i.e. certificates, lists of grades, course descriptions,
etc.). You can provide supporting certificates and documents in English or Dutch. Documents in other
languages may be accepted if accompanied by a translation in English. In case of doubt, the Education
Board has the right to request a certified English translation.
As regards to contents and level, there should be sufficient correlation between the study matter on the
basis of which the applicant hopes to qualify for an exemption. The education board will determine
contents and level, if they are unsure they will contact you for additional information.


Each question below should be answered in one of the following categories:

A Not familiar
B Familiar on a theoretical level or as witness but never used / operated myself
C Familiar, occasionally operated (< 6 months practical experience) ór only as data processor
D Familiar, regularly operated (> 6 months practical experience as primary operator)
E Familiar, expert user / operator (> 5 years experience; procedures, do trouble shooting etc)

Bathymetry A B C D E
B1 Underwater Acoustic theory
B2 Sound velocity and ray tracing
B3 Echo sounder installation (multibeam / singlebeam)
B4 Singlebeam echo sounder calibration (e.g. bar check)
B5 Singlebeam echo sounder data collection
B6 Wire / bar sweeping
B7 Side scan systems
B8 Side scan data interpretation
B9 Multibeam calibration (patch test)
B10 Multibeam data collection
B11 Laser bathymetry or laser scanning
B12 Remote sensing bathymetry
B13 Lead & line / sounding pole
B14 Camera / diver Inspection techniques
B15 Scanning profilers

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Water levels and flow A B C D E
W1 Tidal fundamentals
W2 Tidal measurements using tide gauges
W3 Measuring currents
W4 Tidal analysis and predictions
W5 Use of tide tables
W6 Co-tidal charts
W7 Wave measurements

Positioning A B C D E
P1 Ellipsoids and horizontal datums
P2 Datum Transformations
P3 Vertical datums (chart datum) including the geoid
P4 Map projections
P5 Geodetic computation (manual or via geodetic software)
P5 Angular measurements and computations (e.g. total stations,
theodolites, sextant)
P7 Distance measurement and computations (e.g. total stations, tape
measure, EDM)
P8 Elevation measurements and computations using e.g. level
P9 GPS and regular DGPS positioning
P10 RTK dGPS and PPP GPS positioning
P11 USBL positioning
P12 LBL positioning
P13 Deployment of instrumentation
P14 Motion sensors (heave, roll. Pitch)
P15 Doppler / inertia navigation systems
P16 Compasses

Hydrographic practice and data management A B C D E

H1 Tendering
H2 System selection
H3 Project planning (including line planning)
H4 Error budgets & error analysis
H5 Data acquisition and control (online software systems)
H6 Data processing and analysis (offline processing)
H7 Data management
H8 Visualisation and presentation (contouring, difference charts etc)
H9 Marine cartography / GIS
H10 Nautical chart production
H11 Electronic navigation charts
H12 Word and excel

Environmental. A B C D E
E1 Sub bottom profiling
E2 Magnetometers
E3 Drilling / coring techniques
E4 Cone Penetration testing

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Environmental. A B C D E
E5 Meteorology
E6 Oceanography

Coastal zone management A B C D E

D1 Dredging techniques (e.g. cutter suction, hopper)
D2 Volume computations
D3 Digital Terrain Models and interpolation techniques

Offshore Construction Hydrography A B C D E

C1 Drilling terminology
C2 Mobile rig positioning
C3 Characteristics of fixed platforms
C4 Structure placement
C5 Pipeline and cable equipment
C6 ROV (remote operated vehicles) types
C7 ROV positioning
C8 ROV survey equipment
C9 Pipe / cable trackers

I hereby declare that I have answered the questions truthfully and to the best of my knowledge,

Name: ………………..…………………………….. Date: …………………………


On completion email this Intake Assessment Form, plus the following documents to:
a. Registration Form;
c. Up-to-date curriculum vitae (in English);
d. Copy of a valid passport;
e. Copy of diplomas and marks from prior relevant education;
f. Copy of a safety certificate
g. If an exemption for any Basic Subjects is sought, Skilltrade requires relevant documents to
support this request: i.e., certificates, lists of grades and course descriptions, etc.

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