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Technical project management in WASH emergencies

Sanitation solutions: implications

Potential solution Implication But...

Floating pontoon latrines • Good temporary option. • Will require specialist equipment and expertise

Ideal for 1 phase response in a flood to set up.
situation. • Safety and security of women and children
must be considered.
• •
Providing additional Good temporary 1 phase option. Solution is only short-term, as buildings will
facilities at the school • Latrines can simply be cleaned and/or have to return to their original purpose
and/or market buildings rehabilitated. eventually.
• People are currently congregated in these • Gender segregation should be considered.
areas so access should be good.
• •
st nd
Building shallow trench Could be a 1 or 2 phase response. Ground may be too rocky or hard.
latrines on high ground • Low cost solution. • Gender segregation should be considered.
• Quicker to assemble than the floating pontoon • Safety and security of women must be
latrines. considered.
• Potentially more sustainable solution.

Promoting the CAT • Effective method when there is high • Assumes that there is appropriate dry land
method community mobilisation. available.
• Builds on current open defecation practices. • More appropriate for men.
Bio-degradable bags • Effective “no toilet” option. • Requires training.
• Requires distribution and collection of the
• Method for anal cleansing needs to be

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