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Unit 1 Worksheets.

Name: Magalong, Mary Francine G. 1: Concept Mapping Score: _____________
Yr & Sec.: BSED English 1-1 Date: January 29, 2024

ACTIVITY – Globalization: Scholte Defines…

Read about the five most popular definitions of globalization according to Scholte. Which
definition do you believe is most comprehensive? Most relevant? Most adequate? And
why. Argue the strength of one of these definitions by writing an essay on this.

Globalization has become a buzzword in everyone’s lives ever since the ancient
times. Through this sensation, people across the world became interconnected with each
other. Accordingly, it is important for us to acknowledge the central meaning of this
popular world for us to gain awareness of its effects in our lives. From my standpoint,
among Scholte’s definition of globalization, the one that I find more comprehensive,
relevant, and adequate is the third definition which indicates Globalization as

As stated in the definition, globalization is the process of spreading various objects

and experiences worldwide. Looking at today’s generation, various technologies,
inventions, cultures, norms, and practices are being rampant. People have already
learned the ways of living of other people ` across the country and are able to
communicate and engage with them smoothly. All of these happenings are all because of
globalization. Due to globalization, there is an exchange and spread of information,
goods, services, cultures, and technologies across different countries in the world.
Globalization made the entire world interconnected with each other through the various
objects and experiences that people continuously get from other countries. With this, it is
certain that universalization is indeed the current happening in our world’s society.

Furthermore, as stated by Olufemi (2012) in a research entitled Globalisation as

Universalization: Rethinking the Philosophy of Globalisation in Africa, when all the five
definitions of globalization by Scholte can be put together, it will describe the
phenomenon of globalization as Universalization. He stated that globalization needs to
be seen as a process that unifies the world in a manner of spreading various objects, be
it economic, political and cultural experiences to all people in all the nooks and crannies
of the globe such that it benefits humanity, this then becomes the essence of
globalization as Universalization. Having that in mind, globalization as universalization
stems the central idea of globalization. Through this, countries all across the world breed
heterogenization in which everybody, every culture will have one thing or the other to
contribute in terms of meaning, identity, culture, politics and economy.

Therefore, having all of these statements in mind, globalization is universalization.

Through universalization of various things, it bridges the gap among different countries
and continues to change the lives of every human in this world. Therefore, we will
continuously experience it in our daily lives and it will stay with us until the end of our


Unit 1 Worksheets.

Reference List:
Oduwole, E. O. (2012). Rethinking the philosophy of globalisation in Africa.


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