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Unit 1 Worksheets.

Name: Magalong, Mary Francine G. 1: Concept Mapping Score: _____________
Yr & Sec.: BSED English I-1 Date: April 24, 2024


Write an argumentative essay answering the questions, do you agree that religion
has declined as our society developed? Do you think what the secularists predicted
about religion came true? Take your stance on this topic, use facts and evidence to
support your arguments.

The saving agent amidst the development

As the society emerged, new advancements and technologies arise. It led to

people becoming widely interconnected and interdependent with each other. This
growing interconnection and interdependence had led to various decrease in certain
aspects. However, despite the evident shift in people’s perspectives due to the emerging
technology, it is still inevitable how religion thrive and continuously flourish in this modern
day. Hence, this argumentative essay desires to shed light to the massive growth of
religion throughout the world and serve as a strong reminder that despite all the things
occurring in the society, religion will continue to be the most important thing to every
human being.
Since ancient times, religion has been an integral part of human societies,
evolving alongside civilizations and cultures. From animism and polytheism to
monotheism and atheism, the history of religion is vast and complex, intertwined with
politics, culture, and human experience. In a journal made by Yale University (2024), they
mentioned that religions have been a basic factor of human history in all places and
times, and remain so in the modern world today. Religions have been some of the most
important forces shaping knowledge, the arts, and technology. This only goes to say the
massive influence of religion in the past up until the present time.

Conversely, technology has completely revolutionized present era in every aspect

of life especially dealing with society. According to Naikoo et al. (2018) in their journal
“Development of Society under the Modern Technology - A Review”, technology has
transformed the methods of education, communication, business, art and literature, and
has resulted in the enhancement in the core aspects of life. Due to blessings of science
and technology we are now able to witness the advancement of every department
working around our society with a single click of internet. It is technology which helps us
to acknowledge the development process of all sections of society and help us to
maintain this development process.

Because of the continuous emergence of new technologies and the growing

interdependence of people in these technologies, many researchers and secularists
suggest that as society developed, religions started to decline around the globe. In a
recent paper by the National Academy of Sciences (2023), researchers argued that
automation in the form of robotics and AI is the real driver of the recent trend. A series of


Unit 1 Worksheets.
experiments showed that exposure to automation at the national and local levels is linked
to a reduction in religiosity. Due to people’s exposure and dependence with social media,
Artificial Intelligence, and robots, people are presumed to become religiously unaffiliated.

However, this claim only focuses on the broad and vague aspect without
acknowledging the thorough process and various influences of religion in the modern
society. Hence, this claim can be proven wrong through many evident facts shown in
present-day era.

First, the continuous growth of global religious demographics. According to

the studies and surveys conducted by the organization Pew Research Center (2015),
religion continues to be an integral part of people's lives around the world. 84% of the
world’s population identifies with a religious group. Members of this demographic are
generally younger and produce more children than those who have no religious affiliation,
so the world is getting more religious, not less. Furthermore, in the 2023 Status of Global
Christianity Report by Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell
Theological Seminary (CSGC) (2023), the religious are growing 2.5 times as fast as the
nonreligious. The population of religious adherents has a 1.26% growth rate, while the
nonreligious have a 0.56% growth rate. Four different religious groups are growing faster
than the population as a whole, including the three largest—Christianity (1.18%), Islam
(1.87%), and Hinduism (1.2%). This means that despite predictions of secularization,
many countries and regions still have high levels of religious adherence and belief.

Second, the rise and resurgence of various religions across the globe. As
stated by Oxford University Press (2011) in their journal, “The Next Christendom: The
` Latin America, Africa, and parts of Asia,
Coming of Global Christianity", in regions like
there has been a significant growth in evangelical and Pentecostal Christianity. These
movements emphasize personal religious experiences, spiritual renewal, and grassroots
outreach, attracting millions of followers worldwide. Likewise, following the collapse of
communism, there has been a revival of religious identity and practice in countries like
Russia and Eastern Europe. Orthodox Christianity, in particular, has experienced a
resurgence, with many people reembracing their religious heritage after decades of state
atheism. Meanwhile, Pew Research Center (2017) stated that Islam remains one of the
fastest-growing religions globally, with sizable Muslim populations in regions such as the
Middle East, South Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa. Factors such as high birth rates and
religious conversions contribute to the continued expansion of Islam, despite socio-
political challenges in some regions. Thus, the continuous rise and resurgence of religion
only shows that religions remains important to the vast majority despite drastic changes
in the society.

Third, constant influence of religion in politics, social movements, and

society. In many parts of the world, religious groups and institutions wield significant
influence in politics and policymaking. Rowe (2016) in his article Religious Movements
and Religion’s Contribution to Global Civil Society, mentioned that issues such as
abortion, same-sex marriage, and religious freedom continue to shape public discourse
and electoral outcomes, highlighting the enduring relevance of religion in governance.
Furthermore, religious organizations often play a central role in social justice movements
and community development initiatives. From civil rights activism in the United States to
humanitarian efforts in developing countries, religious groups contribute to positive social
change and advocate for marginalized communities. Moreover, the expansion of


Unit 1 Worksheets.
globalization over the past decades through technological innovation has intensified the
influence and impact of global civil society. Religious organizations are natural
participants in this global civil society, articulating their members’ concerns to global
society. When we assess the day-to-day activities of global religious movements, we find
a wide array of actors involved in development and peace advocacy and contributing to
the cultural vitality of global society. As globalization links humans in more complex ways,
these religious movements turned to communities of purpose that create a new political
geography. Therefore, issues of religion and politics are no longer confined to one
locality: they become items of global concern further connecting every person with each
other in this modern era.

Lastly, the usage of modern technology in religious outreach. With the

creation of various technologies and communication modalities, various religions also
keep up with their emergence in the developing society. The internet and social media
have provided new platforms for religious expression, community building, and
evangelism. Many religious organizations leverage digital technologies to reach a wider
audience, disseminate religious teachings, and engage with believers on a global scale.
According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in 2019, approximately
79% of religiously affiliated adults in the United States reported using the internet. This
includes accessing websites, social media platforms, and online forums related to their
faith. Meanwhile, Manila Bulletin (2021) mentioned in their article "Filipinos Are Among
the Most Active Mobile Users" that the popularity of smartphones in the Philippines has
led to the development of mobile applications catering to religious audiences. These
apps offer features such as daily devotionals, Bible study resources, and prayer guides,
providing users with convenient access to spiritual content on the go.
Furthermore, with the advent of live streaming technology emerging during the
pandemic, an increasing number of religious organizations have begun broadcasting
their worship services online. According to a survey conducted by LifeWay Research in
2021, 47% of Protestant pastors in the United States reported that their churches offered
live streaming or recorded video of their services. Likewise, with the COVID-19 pandemic
prompting restrictions on public gatherings, many churches in the Philippines turned to
online platforms to livestream their worship services. According to a survey conducted by
the Social Weather Stations (SWS) in 2020, 62% of Filipino Catholics reported watching
religious services online during the pandemic.

Consequently, a report by the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at

Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary estimated that as of 2020, there were over 1.3
million active Christian websites worldwide, serving as platforms for digital evangelism,
discipleship, and outreach. The proliferation of smartphone technology has led to the
development of numerous mobile applications catering to religious audiences. Some of
these applications are bible apps, guided spiritual meditation apps, spiritual journal apps,
and more. According to a study by App Annie in 2020, religious and spirituality apps
experienced a 25% increase in downloads globally compared to the previous year.

Accordingly, the various trends and statistics regarding the usage of technology in
today’s developing society further suggest that religions make way to reach to the diverse
varieties of audiences and are willing to make adjustments to cater everyone. Due to this,
religions continue to flourish and become known to vast amount of people all across the


Unit 1 Worksheets.

Therefore, the claim that due to the development of society especially technology,
religion will decline, is proven to be untrue. Rather than decline, religion developed and
evolved into something new, flexible, and accessible even more. The different evidences
suggest that religion continues to evolve and adapt to the complexities of modern society,
maintaining its relevance and appeal to diverse populations worldwide. While the nature
of religious belief and practice may change over time, its enduring presence underscores
its significance in shaping individual identities, community dynamics, and cultural
landscapes. Hence, amidst everything, religion will continue to become a stronghold of
the world. The strong tie that holds all the people together. With religion, people are
connected; and only through the emergence of religion, every heart and soul will be

Reference List:
Yale University. (2024). Religion in context. Religion in Context | Department of History.
Smith, Huston. "The Illustrated World's Religions: A Guide to Our Wisdom Traditions."
HarperOne, 1994.
Hervieu-Léger, Danièle. "Religion as a Chain of Memory." Polity Press, 2000.
Norris, Pippa, and Ronald Inglehart. "Sacred and Secular: Religion and Politics
Worldwide." Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Jenkins, Philip. "The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity." Oxford
University Press, 2011.
Pew Research Center. "The Global Religious Landscape." Pew Forum on Religion &
Public Life, 2012. `
Twenge, Jean M., et al. "Generational and Time Period Differences in American
Adolescents’ Religious Orientation, 1966–2014." PLOS ONE, vol. 10, no. 5, 2015,
Public Religion Research Institute. "Exodus: Why Americans are Leaving Religion—and
Why They’re Unlikely to Come Back." PRRI, 2016.
Pomeroy, R. (2023, August 29). A surprising explanation for the global decline of religion.
Big Think.
Sherwood, H. (2018, August 27). Religion: Why faith is becoming more and more
popular. The Guardian.
Earls, A. (2023, September 19). 7 encouraging trends in Global Christianity for 2023.
Lifeway Research.
Rowe, P. S. (2016, January 4). Religious movements and religion’s contribution to Global
Civil Society. E-International Relations.
Modongal, S. (2023, July). The resurgence of religion in international relations. Taylor &
Francis Online.
Kemp, S. (2021, November 4). Digital in the Philippines: All the statistics you need in
2021 - DataReportal – global digital insights. DataReportal.
Hilario, E. (2021, February 2). Filipinos lead world in time spent using social media,


Unit 1 Worksheets.
internet. Manila Bulletin.


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