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1. Safety Moment

2. Project Location

3. Project Objective & Overview

4. Safety Requirements

5. Driving and Traffic Safety

6. Do’s and Don’ts

7. Emergency Situations

8. Q&A
1. Safety Moment

 Prior to going through the orientation slides; presenter needs to discuss the following:
 Emergency Escape access / egress of the building where the induction is being
conducted i.e. nearest exit point,

o State if there is an expected emergency drill for the day or if any actual alarm,
then it shall be considered an actual emergency event.
o do not run, just walk and head towards the nearest exit (location of nearest exit)
o Stay in the safe assembly point until the fire warden / incident commander
advises for further action.
 Mobile phone use; request the audience to put their phones in silent and if needed go
outside to answer calls so as not to disturb other induction attendees.
 Introduce yourself. (Optional…. Let the attendees introduce themselves).

2. Project location
Jeddah Central Development Company (JCD) is a mega-project located on prime
brownfield waterfront property at the heart of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. The project
occupies approximately more than 5 million Square Meter of land that will be developed
into a new heart for Jeddah, functioning as an international destination with premier
offerings, iconic attractions and as a gateway to the Red Sea.
Now let us zoom in on the location and have a clearer view of the land location and distribution of land
ownership where our work will be done.

3. Project Objective and Overview

JCD’s strategic objective is to position the development as a unique destination hub in Jeddah.
Its development will be a catalyst for implementing the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, unlocking the
potential of strategic sectors of the Saudi economy, while attracting investment opportunities.

The work is divided in Zones and the breakdown is shown.

4. Safety Requirement’s

For Safety Requirements we will start with mandatory and some work specific PPEs that you will need. It is
important that you check as user the PPE’s provided for you. Look for ANSI, BS EN or any other international
testing body marking on your PPE.
 Hard hats – must resist penetration by either falling or stationary objects, Absorb shock caused by a
blow to the head, be water-resistant, and slow to burn.

 Safety shoes and/or boots – must be slip resistant with steel toes to protect your feet from crush and
pinch injuries.

 Safety Gloves – must be work appropriate… when working on rotating equipment compared to welding
you cannot use the same gloves. So use the correct type of safety gloves based on the work you have to
 Safety glasses – able to protect your eyes from foreign objects, may require additional PPE such as face
shield when working with chemicals.

 Work clothing and vests – you must dress appropriately! Shorts and sandals are not allowed onsite.
Use of visibility vest are required when working near earth moving equipment. Use of proximity
warning / alert system may also be needed depending of the location and type of work.
 Full body harness – when working at elevated areas where there is a potential for fall.
 Earplugs and earmuffs – when working in areas when the sound level is at or exceeds 85dB.
 Personal floatation device – when working on or near water.
 There are other PPE’s that may be needed, and the above are just the commonly used Personal
Protective Equipment commonly used in the construction industry. Talk to your supervisor and check
the PPE needs analysis table for the right PPE’s required for your job.
 Just a reminder:


 There will be a requirement to work over or near water and these activities, unless managed and controlled properly,
can be hazardous
 Personnel expected to be involved in these works will first have to undergo specific Contractor HSE Induction before
being allowed entry to these areas
 Please obey all signs and barriers and keep well clear if not involved
Confined Space works

• There will be a requirement to carry out work on site in restricted and confined spaces
• Confined space work, unless managed, controlled and carried out by qualified,
competent personnel under a Permit to Work system, can be extremely hazardous
• Personnel expected to be involved with this activity must undergo specific Contractor
HSE Induction
• Read and obey safety signs when working in confined spaces
Heat Illness
Heat illness
Electrical Safety
• Make sure electrical equipment is properly connected, grounded and in good
working order.
• Extension cords may not be used as permanent wiring and should be removed after
temporary use. Only competent electricians are allowed to make or fix temporary
extension cables.
• Electrical panels / boxes shall be rated for the location and use.
• Proper cable management shall be part of your daily housekeeping.

Do NOT overload extension cords.

Health Guidelines
Follow Safe Protocols Whilst Visiting Our Project Site

Sunstroke (Heat stroke): A person is exposed to sunstrokes, as a result of prolonged exposure to hot and
humid weather, with the body’s inability to dispose of liquids by sweat.

Heat Stress: A person develops a heat stress as a result of exposure to hot and humid weather, leading to the
loss of many fluids from the body through profuse sweats such as occurs with Project workers, as well as
during running in very hot weather.

Heat Rash: Skin irritation resulting from the extreme sweating during summer and heat, and the heat rash
occurs when skin glands are blocked and sweat is retained under the skin.

Heat Cramps: Involuntary muscle cramps that affect the human body and is very painful, usually occur when a
person is sweating and doing hard work, such as long work, excess movement, physical exercise, and brisk

Heat Syncope: A case of sudden syncope that affects a person when standing for long hours and sitting
suddenly, as a result of an aneurysm in the body.
5. Traffic and Safety Signs
Emergency Response Evacuation.
 Volunteers required to be Fire Wardens and one Chief Warden.
 Training will be remote.
 Need females to check ladies rooms in emergency. Numbers agreed, training
 Remember to read and follow posted traffic and safety signs
6. The Main DO’S & DON’TS
JCD’s strategic objective is to position the development as a unique destination hub in Jeddah. Its development
will be a catalyst for implementing the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.

• All personnel must receive a site induction prior to commencing work on site.
• Basic PPE shall be worn before entering the site
• Smoking is permitted only in designated area.
• Keep the site tidy. Housekeeping to be conducted daily prior to leaving the work site.
• Follow Safety and Traffic Signs and Procedures Always.
• Do not put yourself or others at risk.
• Report observed unsafe acts or conditions on the site immediately to the supervisor or site safety
• No one is above the Site Rules, follow safety personnel instruction / advice
• If in doubt – Ask.

7. Potential Emergency Situations

• Fire
• Explosion
• Collapse (e.g. formwork, crane, excavation)
• Natural Disaster (e.g. Sandstorm, flood)
• Motor Vehicle Incident
• Injury (e.g. fall, cut, crush, heat illness)
• Spillage
• Security Threat
Always Call Security First

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