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Slot Tech Magazine

Page 3-Editorial
Page 4-Anode? Cathode? Who Names These Things,
Page 10-Obituary for an Old Friend
Page 11-Quick & Simple Repairs #102
Page 16-Fuses
Page 22-Subscriptions
Dear Friends,

I don’t often ask Slot Tech Magazine’s contributors

(slot techs like YOU) to write about anything spe-
cific; I don’t give them assignments. They write about Randy Fromm
the stuff that breaks the most (We don’t seem to hear
a peep about Konami games. Why is that? Hmm . . .). Randy Fromm's
Slot Tech Magazine
But for this month’s issue, I asked my fellow CRT
monitor “enthusiast” and Slot Tech Magazine con- Editor
tributor James Borg if he could give us some parting Randy Fromm
Technical Writers
words and officially say goodbye to my old friend (and James Borg, Jason Czito,
money-maker) the CRT monitor. To paraphrase leg- Vic Fortenbach, Diana
endary American folk singer Woody Guthrie, “So long, Gruber, Henry Kollar, Chuck
Lentine, Craig Nelson,
it’s been good to know you, your CRT dust is a-gettin’ Kevin Noble, Pat Porath
my lungs and I got to be driftin’ along (to LCD repair).
Slot Tech Magazine is published
Goodbye old friend. Thanks for some very interesting monthly by
Slot Tech Magazine
repairs and an outstanding body of repair knowledge. 1944 Falmouth Dr.
El Cajon, CA 92020-2827
tel.619.838.7111 fax.619.593.6132
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Slot Tech Feature Article

Cathode? Anode?
Who Names This Stuff, Anyway?

he terms “anode” and, electrons (fig.1). The
especially, “cathode” electrons orbit in a sort of
are used quite often “cloud” around the nucleus.
in the world of electronics. For the sake of simplicity,
The commonly used diode they are illustrated here as Figure 1
(rectifier) has just two a simple, circular orbit. The
terminals; they’re called orbits of the electrons are “electrostatic force.” Just as
the cathode and the anode. known as the “electron the planets are held in
shells” and they are sort of orbit around the sun by
stacked in discrete layers long-range force of gravity,
(energy levels) as they orbit this close-in, electrostatic
the nucleus. You can kind force holds the electrons in
of compare this to the orbit orbit around the nucleus.
of the planets around the
Since their invention (and Sun (it’s not precisely the 1st Law of Electrostatics . . .
still in use today) video same). A electron has a Opposite charges attract
games have used a negative charge. and like charges (two
“Cathode Ray Tube” as a charges that are alike) repel
display. New games use The atom’s nucleus is
LCD monitors instead of actually made of two types This simple concept is the
CRTs but there are still of particles. One type, the basis for . . . Well,
“cathodes” lurking about proton, has a positive EVERYTHING! The universe
inside as the LCD’s charge. It is the proton that is held together by (among
backlight is typically is responsible for the other forces) electrostatic
generated by “cold cathode positive charge of the forces, without which
fluorescent lamps” or nucleus. The other particle everything would be flying
CCFLs. in the nucleus is called the apart in an ever-expanding
neutron. As the name cosmos. The concept is
In order to understand the implies, the neutron is simple: Opposites attract. If
true meaning of the two electrically neutral. It has a positively-charged thingy
terms, we need to start no electrical charge at all. is placed near a negatively
small-very small. Let’s start Neutrons do not enter into charged thingy, they will
off by taking a look at the this discussion and will not will be attracted toward
atom. be mentioned further. each other, proportional to
the amount of charge on
The smallest part into Electrons stay in orbit due each body. If two similarly-
which an element can be to an attraction between charged thingys are placed
divided is called the atom the positively charged near each other, they will
(from the Greek word atmos proton(s) in the nucleus repel away from each other,
for “indivisible”). The atom and the negatively charged again, proportional to the
consists of a nucleus and electron(s) moving in orbit charge.
one or more orbiting around it. This is called an

Page 4 Slot Tech Magazine January 2014

January 2014 Slot Tech Magazine Page 5
It is interesting (and
Figure 2
important) to note that the
positive charge of a proton
is precisely equal (in
“strength” I suppose) to the
negative charge of an
electron but with opposite
polarity. In other words, if
we could somehow mash
the two particles together
into one (we cannot) they
would completely and
totally neutralize each
other leaving no remainder. electrons for the inner shell
is just two, (the next shell Figure 3
It is the number of protons out can hold eight, the next
in the nucleus that 18, then 32 and so on) so
determine what the the third electron is
element is (fig.2.) The atom bumped up to a orbit that
on the left has just one is outside the first shell.
proton. This is hydrogen.
The atom on the right has From the Wikipedia: The
two protons. This is the electron shells are labeled
element Helium. Notice K, L, M, N, O, P, and Q; or
that there are the same 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7; going
number of electrons in from innermost shell
orbit has there are protons outwards. Electrons in
in the nucleus. This atom is outer shells have higher
said to be balanced, average energy and travel Figure 4
meaning that it is farther from the nucleus
electrically balanced with than those in inner shells.
an equal number of This makes them more
positively-charged protons important in determining
and negatively-charged how the atom reacts
electrons. chemically and behaves as
a conductor, because the
Figure 3 shows the lithium pull of the atom’s nucleus
atom. Lithium has three upon them is weaker and
protons in the nucleus so more easily broken. In this
we need three electrons in way, a given element’s
orbit in order for this atom reactivity is highly Figure 5
to be balanced. However, dependent upon its
each electron shell is electronic configuration.
limited as to the number of
electrons it can hold. This So getting back to Lithium,
makes sense as there is we now have an electron
less room in a smaller, that’s by itself in an outer
closer shell than there is in orbit (the L shell). This
an orbit that is further “loner” electron is further
away from the nucleus. The away and less strongly
maximum number of bound to the nucleus and
Page 6 Slot Tech Magazine January 2014
January 2014 Slot Tech Magazine Page 7
is easily pushed out of electrons than protons, easiest way to understand
orbit. As far as we are giving it a positive charge. this. If none of this
concerned as electronic paragraph makes sense to
technicians, there are three Sometimes the electron in you, please don’t worry
things that can accomplish the outer shell can ask a about it. Thanks.
this: Heat (just heating up fellow electron to join him
an atom can cause its in the outer orbit. When I think you can see where
electrons to fly out of orbit), this happens, the atom has this is going. The “cathode”
light (we use light-operated a net negative charge and is the thingy where the
electronics, AKA “opto- we now call it a “negative cations live. It is the thingy
electronics” a lot in the ion” or “anion” (again, that that emits electrons.
casino business) or an named by Faraday). There By emitting electrons,
applied field (such as a are three protons for a +3 what’s left behind is the
magnetic field or an charge, and four electrons cation. An “anode” is a
electrostatic field). for a -4 charge. +3-4=-1. thingy that attracts
electrons. Adding electrons
When this happens (when From the Wikipedia: An to the mix creates anions.
it loses an electron) the anion (“) (/Èæn.aj.Yn/an- So, in a nutshell, cathodes
atom is no longer balanced. eye-Yn ), from the Greek emit electrons and anodes
It has a net positive charge word (ánM), meaning “up,” attract electrons. Another
because there are now is an ion with more way to look at this (a more
more protons than electrons than protons, proper definition, I
electrons (fig.4.) We give giving it a net negative suppose) is that current
this unbalanced atom a charge (since electrons are flows OUT of the cathode
new name. We now call it negatively charged and and INTO the anode. This
an ion. Further, we now call protons are positively definition also satisfies the
this a “positive ion” because charged). description of the PN
there are three protons in junction of a semiconductor
the nucleus (remember, the So, by definition, we can diode where current flows
number of protons in the have “balanced atoms” with INTO the type P silicon of
nucleus determines the the same number of the anode, despite the
type of element) for a +3 protons as electrons (giving seeming contradiction that
charge but only two the atom a neutral charge), the anode is actually made
electrons for a -2 charge. we can have “cations” that from positively-charged
The net charge is +3-2=+1. have lost an electron (giving material, making it full of
Another (more proper) term them a positive charge) and cations.
for a positive ion is “cation” we can have negatively
(pronounced “kat ion” not charged “anions” that have Sometimes electronics is
“kay shun” as you might gained an extra electron. pretty weird. This two-sided
think if you were following look at the actual “charge
normal rules of English Author’s Note: For the carriers” of electric current
pronunciation). It was purist who is familiar with flow is certainly one of the
discovered and named by electronics, the following most odd things about
famous English physicist description is based upon understanding theoretical
Michael Faraday. the “conventional current” electronics. Fortunately, as
description of electric technicians we really don’t
From the Wikipedia: A current flow. Yes, I shiv a git about most of it.
cation (+) (/Èkæt.aj.Yn/ understand “electron flow” Regardless, it’s always nice
KAT-EYE-YN ), FROM THE GREEK but for this discussion, to know what the terms
WORD (katá), meaning “conventional current” is all mean as long as we’re going
“down,” is an ion with fewer we need and is, IMHO, the to throw them around.STM STM

Page 8 Slot Tech Magazine January 2014

January 2014 Slot Tech Magazine Page 9
Slot Tech Obituary

O f the many articles I’ve had the pleasure of writing, articles that span far and wide, which cover
almost everything under the sun (and beyond) never have I had to put pen to paper to com-
pose an obituary. It is long overdue, a sad, melancholic and even heartbreaking moment. Out
of the great respect accumulated along the passage of time, I have found it more than necessary to
write a few words of remembrance for the lost, but never forgotten, Cathode Ray Tube.
The majority will remember it well, while some will smile at the memory of once being the proud
owners of a highly polished wooden box that housed a mysterious glass tube. This marvel of technol-
ogy had the capacity, almost magical, to show a moving picture to its captive audience. The CRT gave
people eyes by which to see out of their normal range of vision, even from thousands of miles away.
The whole world watched and held its breath in triumph and amazement as Neil Armstrong set his
first footsteps on the moon. This incredible feat, this historic conquest, this one small step for man
and a giant leap for mankind, was only possible to share with everybody by means of the treasured
CRT. To watch history being made right in front of everybody, in glorius black and white, was a
tremendous achievement. I guess, in a way, this was also a giant leap for mankind.
The CRT was conceived as a product of technology and its wonders were enjoyed for six decades.
Along the years, it became better, colorful, larger and more versatile. Ironically, it was the same sort of
advancements in technology that first brought it to life, which sadly signaled its doom. Now, its
thriving career has died.
We are assembled here today, technicians and not, to pay our final respects to our honored dead. The
CRT has made way for a new dawn, a new beginning, a new form of superior technology that doesn’t
understand about flyback transformers. It doesn’t understand about degaussing and it doesn’t
understand about scanning coils. To the layman, this was a foreign language but to those who know, a
kind of warmth glowed within at being one of the select few.
In the midst of our sorrow, wonderful memories of the CRT, will always prevail.
To the dedicated technicians who kept CRT video systems working, I raise my hat. Without them,
any form of success these systems were destined to reach, would have quickly crumbled into a disap-
pointing failure.
Mourned by all who cared and their faithful followers, the legacy they left behind will never wither
away, and die. We will never forget the good times they gave us, and we will never forget the chal-
lenges they had thrown at us, which only sealed the tremendous bond formed between techs and
CRT units. Today was never possible without yesterday, and yesterday was when the CRT ruled the
Earth, just like the dinosaurs did, such a very long time ago.
They served us well, and they deserved an obituary, for which I’m grateful to Randy for giving me
this opportunity.
To my almost human friend, I say, ‘Good Bye… and may your soul rest in peace…’

Page 10 Slot Tech Magazine January 2014

Slot Tech Feature Article

Quick & Simple Repairs #102

By Pat Porath

Ithaca Epic 950 Printer “HEAD OPEN”

Switch Not Working?

e are in the process of upgrading
the firmware on our ticket print
ers and on one device, it wouldn’t
indicate a “HEAD OPEN” status (printer
head open). To put the printer into “down-
load mode,” part of the setup is to open
the head. For some reason, it would not
show an “open” on the LED indicator. I set
the printer off to the side to look at it later
because I had spares to finish the task at
hand. When I got back to the printer and
took it apart, it was obvious what the fail-

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January 2014 Slot Tech Magazine Page 11

ure was. I gently pulled on
a two pin connector which
was for the “head open
switch” and one of the wires
broke right off. After the
wire was repaired and the
printer put back together, I
did have my “print head
open” indication and it
worked perfectly.

Bally “Progressive
Broadcast Error”

On one of our Bally pro-

gressive “Quick Hits” pro-
gressive games, a “progres-
sive broadcast error”
wouldn’t clear. A customer
was paid for his credits he
had remaining because
none of my quick fixes
worked: Rebooting the
progressive SIB board,
rebooting the game,
reseating CAT-5 connec-
tions on the SIB, reseating
the brain box and checking
connections on the SIB. All
kinds of red and green
lights were flashing on the
SIB telling me that it
seemed like it was commu-
nicating. I also checked
connections on the
backplane board of the
game. What the? I didn’t
see a tech standing behind
me LOL, I was told to clear
RAM on the SIB. How do
you do that? I couldn’t
remember how at the time.
Power down the board, turn
DIP switch 8 ON, power up screen. It read: “configura-
for a few seconds, then tion verification required”
power down, turn DIP IGT AVP “Configuration
Verification Required” which is not a very good
switch 8 OFF, re-apply sign. All I did was turn off
power to the board. Next the game and swap the
close up the When the game was turned
off and a ticket printer was printer, what happened?! Progres-
sive error gone, game back swapped out, an error mes-
sage appeared on the game After a turn of the jackpot
online. reset key the touch screen
Page 12 Slot Tech Magazine January 2014
calibration menu appeared. Sentinel. The failure may failure. Under the “diagnos-
Next, a time setting ap- be a loose interface cable tics tab” using the me-
peared. It appeared the coming from the game to chanic card everything
game somehow lost its the Sentinel or a loose showed “connected” and
configuration a.k.a. ma- COM board in a game or OK, no communication
chine options. I had maybe a game com option errors at all. When opening
thought the game was an that has gotten lost. and closing the main slot
SBX one in which cabinet door it did display accord-
memory would need to be I had three games basically ingly on the Sentinel LCD
cleared, along with game in the same area, two in the meaning I did in fact have
software re-downloaded same bank and one on the game TO Sentinel COM.
because it appeared it had next that were showing Otherwise the display
lost the info. I called an- serial com down on Floor would not show an OPEN
other tech to check it out Logicx. When taking a look and CLOSED status.
because do not even have a at the games (IGT AVP
user name or password for G20s) everything looked For the heck of it, I turned
the SBX login screen. fine. From SAS settings, off game power and discon-
nice flashing red and green nected main 120 VAC in-
Later on, I had inquired LEDs on the COM board coming power. That totally
about the game because it located on the backplane of killed the game as well as
was back up and running the game (flashing red and killing power to the Senti-
pretty fast. Only “USB Key green indicates transmit- nel. I waited about 15 sec-
7” was needed to ENABLE ting and receiving data). onds then plugged it back
the game. I guess it was in. This brought power back
“there” just not “turned on.” The Sentinel N-Compass to the Sentinel, then game
Some of the game setup diagnostics looked really power was turned ON. Boot
and options were lost, not good too. There wasn’t a red up appeared to be normal.
all. or yellow border around the Once complete, the bill
LCD display, which means acceptor lit up and all
After the game software was that there has been a game looked fine. Floor Logix was
set to ENABLE (and prob- COM or Sentinel COM checked to see if the power
ably a few other options
such as SAS, address 1,
secured enhanced, ticket
printer enable, and such)
the game was fine.

Oasis 360 Floor Logix

Showing Three Games
With Problems

On the Oasis Floor Logix

monitor, there are many,
many things that can be
seen and used for diagnos-
tics. One of them is “serial
com down.” This shows if
there are games that have
serial communications
down such as when the
game is not talking TO the

January 2014 Slot Tech Magazine Page 13

cycle cleared the game off the screen. IT
SURE DID! Doing the same procedure on
the other two games worked too. Discon-
necting and reconnecting the main power
cord on the games did the trick.

There was one more game that appeared

on Floor Logix with a communication
problem but the cause was obvious. Once
in a great while, an Oasis Sentinel III
display will be “froze up” (stuck in one
screen) or the screen will be all one color
such as gray or green. A simple power
cycle of the Sentinel fixes the problem the
vast majority of the time, at least the ones I
have run across. It worked once again with the backplane board was flickering very
this one too. dimly and the ticket printer diagnostic
lights were flashing weird as well (as a
WMS BB1 24v Problem note, the Ithaca Epic 950 printer runs off
of 24v).
A slot attendant was cleaning the reels on
a WMS BB1 upright game when I was On the small LCD display, a printer error
called over to check out the problem. I was appeared along with a reel tilt error. I
told the reels were cleaned and the game rebooted the game only to have the same
was rebooted but the game wouldn’t come results occur. Since it appeared to be a
back to life. The 24v LED indicator light on power problem, the power supply located

Page 14 Slot Tech Magazine January 2014

on the bottom right hand power was turned on, the
side of the game was re- 24v indicator lighted up For schematic diagrams,
placed. The 24v indicator perfectly. It wasn’t dim at service manuals, diag-
light was still dim. all. Something to keep in nostic software and
mind, if a BB1 is acting more, visit the Slot Tech-
Next I reseated the CPU unusual AND has a dim nical Department at slot-
board, no fix there either. voltage indicator LED on
This time the ticket printer, the backplane board, it may
bill acceptor, and CPU were be a weak power supply For faster/batch down-
disconnected. With all of behind the reels. loads, visit the ftp server
these devices disconnected at
and power turned on and if - Pat Porath username=Slot Tech
I had my 24v, one of the Password=kxkvi8
units would be causing a
power problem. In other
words, if the items are out
of the circuitry and the Attention Slot Manager!
problem goes away with
applied power, one of the Four-Day Classes With Randy Fromm
units is causing the failure. Power Supply Repair
LCD Monitor Repair (including player
Even with the units discon- tracking displays)
nected, I STILL had a power
issue. What the . . .? Book now for 2014-Call me at
619.838.7111 to discuss your needs.
Next, the reels were taken
out and the power cable to
the reel control board (lo-
cated under reels) was
disconnected. No luck
there either.

I didn’t really know which

direction to head in next
for troubleshooting so I had
to make a phone call. I was
told there was a very good
chance the 24v power sup-
ply located behind the reels
had failed. Unit behind the
reels? I thought perhaps
that the unit had some-
thing to do with the game
sounds. Both a co-worker
and I had never heard of
that power supply failing

So, the power supply was

rebuilt then reinstalled into
the game. As soon as game

January 2014 Slot Tech Magazine Page 15

Slot Tech Feature Article

By Herschel Peeler

Fast Blow fuses are used to Either type of fuse will

protect semiconductor cir- sustain a slight over-cur-
cuits where excessive cur- rent for a certain length of

rent is a major indication of time. For fast blow fuses,
his article is about a serious problem. Exces- this is more in the range of
Fuses. Those sweet sive current for even a short 25% over the rated value
little creatures that time can do major damage for tenths of a second. For
give their all to protect to semiconductor circuits, slow blow fuses, this may
other circuits in the event so we want the fuse to react be 100% over the rated
of an over current condi- quickly. Slow Blow fuses are value for a few seconds. In
tion. We will spend most of used in circuits that we either design, the fuse is a
our time on two major expect a surge of high cur- metallic element that gets
types, based on popularity. rent for a short period. With hot as current passes
There are 1/4" x 1 1/4" inductive devices (such as through it, and it melts.
size, and the smaller 5mm solenoids and motors) and The element is usually
x 20 mm size. Both come in fluorescent lamps, we ex- some metal with a low
a variety of fashions, either pect to draw a high current melting point. It is nor-
Fast Blow, or Slow-Blow, for a short period of time mally a good practice to
glass case or ceramic case. before settling down. replace a fuse with the
Toward the end, we will proper type and current
consider other current
limiting safety devices.

Page 16 Slot Tech Magazine January 2014

January 2014 Slot Tech Magazine Page 17
rating. When we get around Tech forum (Delphi forums) has literally exploded. Look
to bench troubleshooting, contains a cross reference for something major to be
we may make exceptions to to find equivalent part wrong. If the fuse is only
that policy, but not on the numbers and a description open in a small point in the
casino floor In a game, of the part. The older middle of the fuse, and
always replace the fuse “American” standard part is sagged before finally blow-
with the proper type. cylindrical, and 1/4" in ing out, the problem may
diameter, 1 1/4" long, with not be so obvious. In these
Editor’s Note: Notice metal caps on each end. cases, the over-current was
Herschel said “replace the The body may be glass, or marginal for an extended
fuse with the proper type” ceramic. Glass is cheaper period of time.
and not “replace the fuse and allows you to visually
with the same type that inspect the fuse. Ceramic Satisfying Substitutes
came out.” You are not the bodies are used for higher
only technician to work on temperature environments, Fuses are not the only
a machine. If the technician usually. The more modern option for over-current
before you has used too body style is also cylindrical problems. Circuit breakers
light of a fuse (one with a shape also, but is physi- have an advantage in that
lower current rating) you cally smaller, 5mm x 20 they can be reset. The
may find yourself chasing a mm, and also comes in disadvantage is that they
problem that doesn’t exist. glass or ceramic body are more equal in operation
Of course, too heavy a fuse styles. This style has the to slow blow fuses. It takes
can cause damage to a host advantage of taking up less a while for the thermal
of other components or board space, and more operation of a circuit
circuitry. Always consult popular acceptance world- breaker to react. This is
the fuse labels or placard if wide. There is no other often too long for the pro-
you are uncertain of the engineering advantage of tection of semiconductor
fuse rating. one over the other. devices. Games that use
circuit breakers will also
There is no standard part Fast blow fuses normally have a separate fuse in the
numbering system used have a simpler internal power supply that feeds
between the various manu- structure than slow blow power to the logic board.
facturers. Major manufac- fuses. Slow-blow fuses are
turers each have their own more complicated inside Poly fuses work much like a
part numbering system, and look like springs. The
even though the fuse itself objective is to have a way of
may be identical. The dissipating the heat for a
“Standardized Parts List” few seconds before blow-
available from the Bench ing.

Fuse Forensics

Problems in
games that cause
excessive current
may be extreme
or marginal. In
extreme cases,
like a shorted
capacitor or a
pinched wire, the
over-current is
excessive. You can
Fuses look like this too! see that the fuse

Page 18 Slot Tech Magazine January 2014

self-resetting circuit breaker. These won-
derful little devices look like capacitors and
act like a slow blow fuse. Many I/O boards
have gone to using these to protect indi-

vidual components. Many have a poly fuse

on each output line. IGT, to mention one,
has done this. The advantage is that prob-
lems in one circuit will spread no further
than that circuit. Polymeric fuses come in
different packages. The PFSM is popular
on IGT’s small I/Cards.

Surface Mount Devices

As does just about everything these days,

fuses also come in surface mount pack-
ages. Like everything surface mount, it’s
hard to tell one part from another. The
cases vary in structure from “big enough to
recognize as a fuse” to “just another small
flat rectangle.” The smaller ones are usu-
ally white, which makes them easier to
recognize. The lettering may, or may not,

January 2014 Slot Tech Magazine Page 19

Page 20 Slot Tech Magazine January 2014
indicate the current rating. turn power off
The biggest problem with and replace
the small ones is that when the bad capaci-
they go bad, it destroys the tor and the
writing on the fuse and you fuse. For $0.10
can’t tell what amp rating it worth of parts
was. To makes this really and ten min-
interesting, some people, utes of work,
like IGT, may use a small we repaired a
value resistor (10 ohms) on $100 board. I
the board as a fuse. The think that is Fuses come in ceramic as well as glass. No,
it’s not just to make your life more difficult.
wisdom is simple. Resistors worth it. As
These arehighcurrent, highvoltage, “nonex-
cost a penny. Fuses cost a with any plosive” types.
dollar. The function is the “break the
same. When enough cur- rules” remedy,
rent passes through the we stand the chance of doing damage to the board. Such
resistor to exceed the watt- extreme current required to smoke a bad cap or IC can
age rating of the resistor, it destroy the circuit board as well. Tiny traces that make
burns up. up the circuit are easily destroyed. But the board is al-
ready considered bad and is written off. We are talking
Troubleshooting Boards about ten minutes of time and a few pennies worth of
With “Bad Fuse” Prob- parts in an attempt to avoid a $100 loss. I have about a
lems 90% success rate finding bad caps with this method.

As mentioned earlier, al- - Herschel Peeler

ways replace a fuse with
one of the same type, un-
less... Well, here’s the ex-
ception. Given the example
of a bad Door I/O card on
an IGT 960series game. The
“fuse” (a 10 ohm surface
mount resistor) has gone
up in smoke. Suspected
problem is a shorted cap or
smoked IC. No visual dam-
age other than the “fuse” is
obvious. The fuse has done
its job and given up its
existence to protect the
board. The obvious thing is
to throw the board away
and buy another. BUT NO!!!
We have to be technicians
and fix this puppy. We
replace the “fuse” with a
small piece of wire and
apply power again, keeping
our finger on the power
switch. Not having the
safety net of the fuse, the
shorted capacitor now over-
heats, turns brown, and
gets real hot. We quickly

January 2014 Slot Tech Magazine Page 21

Subscriptions & Back Issues
Why back issues of Slot Tech Magazine are
important to own . . .

S lot Tech Magazine is strictly technical. As such, the magazine's contents are not time
critical. The repair information and technical data contained in past issues is just as valid
today as it was the day it was published.

Additionally, current and future articles more-or-less assume that readers are already familiar
with what has been covered in past issues. This editorial policy assures that Slot Tech
Magazine's contributing writers are not limited to "writing down" to the level of a novice
technician but are free to continue to produce the most comprehensive technical articles in
the gaming industry.

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Page 24 Slot Tech Magazine January 2014

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