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C opyright © 1995, Institute for Clinical Science, Inc.

Clear Nuclear Changes

in Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis
A Clinicopathologic Study of 12 Cases*


Arkadi M. R yw lin D epartm ent o f Pathology b-

Laboratory M edicine,
M ount Sinai Medical Center
and University o f Miami School o f M edicine,
M iami Beach, FL 33140

H istologic sections of thyroid glands resected from 12 patients w ith
H ashim oto’s thyroiditis have b een studied in w hich areas w ere present
show ing clear nuclear changes such as those seen in papillary carcinoma.
T he p atients’ ages ranged from 28 to 78 years (mean = 57.3); 11 w ere
w om en and one was a man. T he lesions p resented as focal, ill-defined areas
d isp lay in g clear n u c le a r changes of th e cells w ith in otherw ise w ell-
circum scribed adenom atous nodules, or as small clusters of cells showing
the characteristic clear n uclear features random ly adm ixed w ith the H ashi­
m oto’s elem ents. Histologically, the lesions w ere characterized by a range
of nuclear features that included optically clear nuclei, prom inent cytoplas­
mic invaginations w ith intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions, and occasional
nuclear grooves. In two cases, focal papillary formations w ere seen that
w ere lin ed by cells w ith optically clear nuclei. In two other cases, w ell-
circum scribed nodules bearing the architectural features of trabecular
hyalinizing adenom a w ith focal clear nuclear changes w ere also present. In
three cases, small (<0.5 cm) w ell-circum scribed nodules bearing cyto-
logical features indistinguishable from those of m icroscopic papillary car­
cinom a w ere also p resent in addition to the areas of clear nuclear change.
Follow -up of 1.5 to 19 years (mean = 9 years) show ed no evidence of
recurrence or m etastases in any of our patients. O ur study appears to indi­
cate that thyroid follicular epithelium in patients w ith H ashim oto’s thy­
roiditis may exhibit a range of clear nuclear changes sim ilar to those
encountered in papillary carcinoma. Such changes may represent another
form of response of follicular epithelium to the underlying autoim m une
process w ith possible prem alignant connotation. H ow ever, they should be
interpreted in context w ith the rest of the findings w ithin the involved
gland to avoid an overdiagnosis of malignancy.

* Send reprint requests to: Saul Suster, M.D. D epartm ent of Pathology, M ount Sinai M edical C enter,
4300 Alton Road, M iami Beach, F L 33140
0091-7370/95/1100-0513 $01.50 © Institute for Clinical Science, Inc.

Introduction neoplasm s and m ultinodular goiter. In

the rem aining 34 cases, H T was th e pri­
The follicular epithelial changes that mary histological finding in lobectom y
occur in H ashim oto’s th y roiditis (HT) specim ens of patients presenting w ith a
have b e e n em phasized since its original thyroid nodule. In this latter group, it was
d escription in 1912.1 T he p resen ce of possible to identify foci of clear nuclear
oncocytic features in the epithelial cells changes sim ilar to those observed in pap­
lining the follicles is a classical histolog­ illary carcinom a in 12 cases.
ical featu re of this co n d itio n th at has Histological criteria for inclusion in the
been regarded together w ith the intersti­ study w ere the presence of optically clear
tial ly m p h o id in filtra te s as th e m ost n u clear changes in the follicular cells
im portant criteria to m ake the diagno­ e ith e r focally w ithin otherw ise b en ig n
sis.2,3 A num ber of events that can com­ h y perplastic nodules or adm ixed w ith
plicate the course of the disease, such as the thyroid parenchym a in areas affected
the developm ent of m alignant lym phom a by the H ashim oto’s thyroiditis. From 6
or papillary carcinom a have also b een to 13 h e m a to x y lin a n d e o s in (H & E)
studied.4,5,6’7,8’9 A nother unusual feature s ta in e d s e c tio n s w e re a v a ila b le for
of H T w hich has b een m entioned as a review in each case. In cases 5 and 7,
potential source of confusion for diagno­ paraffin-em bedded tissue sections w ere
sis is focal clear n u clear change w ith incubated w ith antibodies against thyro-
some deg ree of overlapping sim ilar to globulin,* calcitonint and carcinoem bry-
that o b served in papillary carcinom a.3 onic antigen (CEA)t by the avidin-biotin-
W ith th e c u rren t em phasis on nuclear peroxidase complex (ABC) tec h n iq u e.10
features for the diagnosis of papillary car­ N onim m une ra b b it and m ouse serum
cinom a of the thyroid, critical evaluation was su b stitu te d for neg ativ e controls.
of lesions bearing such features becom es A ppropriate positive controls w ere run
essential for adequate interpretation. concurrently for all a n tib o d ies tested .
T w elve cases are reported in w hich T he data abstracted from the p a tie n ts’
clear n u c le a r ch an g es re m in isc e n t of records included sex, age at tim e of sur­
those seen in papillary carcinom a were gery, presenting clinical signs and sym p­
p resent in thyroid lesions associated with toms, and m ode of treatm ent. Follow -up
H ash im o to ’s th y ro id itis. T h e p o ssib le information was obtained by contacting
pathogenesis and clinical significance of the referring physicians.
these lesions are discussed.
M aterials and M ethods
C l in ic a l F e a t u r e s
All cases accessioned under the diag­
nosis of H ashim oto’s thyroiditis in the The clinical features of our patients are
surgical pathology files at M ount Sinai shown in table I. E leven patients w ere
M e d ic a l C e n t e r o f G r e a te r M ia m i w om en and one was a man. T he p atients’
b e tw e en th e years 1974 to 1992 w ere ages ranged from 28 to 78 years (m ean =
review ed. O f a total of 56 cases on w hich 57.3). T he m ost common presenting sign
thyroid surgery was done, H T was found was a palpable neck mass that appeared
incidentally in 22 patients who u n d er­ as a cold nodule on thyroid scan. Two
w e n t lo b e c to m y or su b to ta l th y ro id ­ p a tie n ts had a d d itio n a lly a h isto ry of
e c to m y for o th e r re a s o n s , in c lu d in g
m alignant lym phom a, carcinom a of the
papillary, follicular or oncocytic type, as * Biogenex, San Ramon, CA.
w ell as benign follicular and oncocytic t Dako, Santa Barbara, CA.


Clinical and Pathologic Features in Patients with Clear Nuclear Changes in Hashimoto's Thyroiditis

Case Sex/Age Presentation Treatment Follow-up

1 F 64 Cold nodule in left lobe Lobectomy A & W at 1.5 years

2 F 68 Diffuse goiter + cold nodule Lobectomy A & W at 2 years
in left lobe
3 F 29 Cold nodule in right lobe Lobectomy A & W at 18 years
4 F 77 Cold nodule in left lobe Lobectomy A & W at 3.5 years
5 F 77 Cold nodule in right lobe Subtotal Died 4 years after surgery
History of hypothyroidism thyroidectomy owing to cardiac failure;
no evidence of recurrence
or metastasis
6 F 78 Nodular goiter for several Subtotal Died 3 years after surgery
years thyroidectomy owing to diabetic coma
7 M 76 Cold nodule in left lobe Lobectomy Died 3 years after surgery;
no evidence of recurrence
or metastasis
8 F 57 Cold nodule in left lobe Lobectomy A & W at 19 years
9 F 28 Cold nodule in left lobe Lobectomy A & W at 17 years
10 F 53 Cold nodule in left lobe Lobectomy A & W at 17 years
11 F 45 Cold nodule in right lobe Lobectomy A & W at 11 years
12 F 49 Cold nodule in left lobe Lobectomy A & W at 11 years

A & W = alive and well.

as a cold nodule on thyroid scan. Two m ultiple small colloid nodules in four
p a tie n ts h ad a d d itio n a lly a histo ry of cases. Diffuse enlargem ent of the gland
hypothyroidism for several years. Surgi­ was observed in both of the subtotal thy­
cal treatm ent consisted of lobectom y in roidectom y specim ens.
10 cases, and subtotal thyroidectom y in Histologic findings: T he m ost striking
two. No enlarged cervical lym ph nodes finding on m icroscopic exam ination was
w ere noted at the tim e o f surgery in any the presence in all cases of a range of
o f th e p a tie n ts . O n fo llo w -u p , n in e nuclear changes sim ilar to those seen in
patients are alive and w ell, w ith no evi­ papillary carcinoma, including optically
dence of recurrence or m etastases from 1 c le a r n u c le i, p ro m in e n t c y to p la s m ic
to 19 years after surgery (mean follow-up invaginations w ith nuclear pseu d o in clu ­
= 9 years). T hree patients died of unre­ sions, varying degrees of overlapping of
lated causes (Cases 5, 6, and 7). n u c le i and n u c le a r grooves (figure 1
A-C). T he optically clear n u clei w ere
P a t h o l o g ic a l F in d in g s characterized by a thickened, som ew hat
irregular nuclear m em brane w ith prom i­
Gross fin d in g s: T he lobectom y speci­ nent peripheral m argination of chrom atin
m ens ranged from 2 to 8 cm in greatest and absence of nucleoli. T hese nuclear
d im e n sio n . T h e e x te rn al surface was features w ere usually unevenly distrib­
described as smooth in six, and irregular uted and seen focally w ithin unencapsu­
w ith a m ultinodular aspect in four. C ut lated and w ell-circum scribed adenom a­
section rev e a le d a hom o g en eo u s pale tous nodules in seven cases (cases 3, 4, 6,
th y ro id p aren ch y m a in six cases, and 8, 9, 10, and 12) (figure 2), or as small

FIGURE 1. Clear nuclear changes are seen, fea­

turing: (A) thickened nuclear m em branes with opti­
cally clear nuclei (case 1) (H&E, x400); (B) occa­
sional nuclear pseudoinclusions (arrows) (case 3)
(H&E, X400); and (C) cells with prom inent infold­
ings of the nuclear m em brane resulting in the for­
mation of nuclear grooves (case 11) (1I&E, x4()0).

papillary carcinoma. In two other cases

(cases 5 and 7), well circum scribed tum or
nodules were found composed of follicu­
lar cells with focally clear nuclei that
w ere arranged in trabeculae separated by
fibrocollagenous stroma displaying the
histologic architecture of hyalinizing tra­
becular adenom a (figure 4). Because of
the prom inent hyaline stroma and som e­
w hat carcinoidal appearance im parted by
the trabecular growth pattern, immuno-
histochem ical stains for calcitonin, CEA
and th y ro globulin w ere p erform ed in
th ese two cases; calcito n in and CEA
stains were uniformly negative in both,
and thyroglobulin was focally positive in
one. In three cases (cases 1, 2, and 11),

FIGURE 2. A large adenom atoid nodule com­

posed o f tightly packed follicles lin ed by cells
show ing clear nuclear changes is present in this
gland (case 6) (H&E, x40).

clusters of cells showing the characteris­

tic c le a r n u c le a r fe a tu re s ran d o m ly
adm ixed w ith the H ashim oto’s elem ents
(figure 3). Psammoma bodies could not
be identified. The thyroid parenchym a
s u rro u n d in g th e le sio n s in all cases
show ed the characteristic features of HT,
including dense lymphocytic interstitial
infiltration w ith formation of lym phoid
n o d u le s w ith g e rm in a l c e n te rs , and
prom inent oncocytic changes of follicular
In two of these cases, the previously
described nuclear features were noted in
F ig u r e 3. C lear nuclear changes are focally
cells lin in g larger, d iste n d e d follicles present (lower right) w ithin thyroid parenchym a in
sim ulating the m acrofollicular variant of this example of HT (case 10) (H&E, x40).

small (<0.5 cm), discrete unencapsulated

n o d u le s c o n ta in in g sm a ll f o llic le s
entirely com posed of cells bearing clear
nuclear features w ere also identified. In
one of them , the clear nuclear changes
w ere also present in cells lining small,
thin, w ell-developed papillae (figure 5).
None of these lesions displayed a stellate
low -pow er configuration or the prom i­
n e n t strom al d e sm o p la sia fre q u e n tly
associated with m icropapillary carcinoma
of the thyroid; however, the cytological
and architectural features observed in
them w ere indistinguishable from those
of microscopic papillary carcinoma.

F i g u r e 5. A s m a ll, w e ll- c ir c u m s c r ib e d fo c u s o f
m ic r o s c o p ic p a p illa r y c a r c in o m a s h o w in g s le n d e r
p a p illa e lin e d b y c e l l s w it h c le a r n u c le a r fe a tu r e s is
s e e n (c a s e 2 ) (H & E , x 2 0 0 ) .


Hashim oto’s thyroiditis is a non-neo­

plastic, autoim m une-m ediated condition
thought to arise from an organ-specific de­
fect in suppressor T-lym phocytes.11,12,13
D e sp ite its b e n ig n clin ical course, a
close association has b e e n established
b etw een H T and the d ev elo p m en t of
m alignancy, including m alignant lym ­
phom a and thyroid carcinom a, particu­
larly of the papillary type.4,5,6,7,8,9 There
appears to be circumstantial evidence to
F i g u r e 4 . A s m a ll, w e ll- c ir c u m s c r ib e d n o d u le support the notion that such tumors may
is s e e n c o m p o s e d o f c o r d s o f c e l l s w it h o p t ic a lly arise from neoplastic transform ation of
c le a r n u c l e i a r r a n g e d in tr a b e c u la e s e p a r a t e d b y the lym phoid or follicular hyperplastic
th in b a n d s o f f ib r o c o n n e c t iv e t is s u e c l o s e l y r e s e m ­
b l i n g h y a l i n i z i n g t r a b e c u la r a d e n o m a ( c a s e 5 ) elem ents w ithin affected glands.3,5 In
(H & E , x 4 0 ) . addition to the developm ent of m alignant

changes, a range of other hyperplastic their prom inent m argination of chrom a­

a n d m e ta p la s tic p ro c e s s e s m ay tak e tin against the nuclear m em brane im part­
place in association w ith HT. Squamous ing them w ith an optically clear appear­
m etaplasia, e ith e r focal or diffuse, has ance. A dditional features suggestive of
be e n observed as an incidental finding papillary carcinom a that w ere also seen
in H T .14,15,16,17,18,19 In som e instances, in these areas included nuclear grooves,
th e squam ous m etap lasia has b e e n of pseudonuclear inclusions, focal overlap­
such m agnitude as to sim ulate squamous ping of nuclei, and in two cases, small
cell carcinom a.14,18 papillary formations lined by cells w ith
T here also appears to be an increased prom inent clear nuclear features.
incidence of em bryonal rests in HT, the Interestingly, two of our cases show ed
so-called solid cell nests of Yamaoka, focal areas com posed of large, d istended
b e lie v e d to r e p re s e n t v estiges of the follicles lin e d by fo llicular cells w ith
u ltim o b ra n c h ia l b o d y .19,20 O th e r less optically clear nuclei rem iniscent of the
fre q u e n t changes o b serv ed in thyroid m acrofollicular variant of papillary carci­
glands affected by H T include squamous noma,23 further highlighting the resem ­
cysts19,21 and the developm ent of m ulti­ blance of these lesions w ith papillary car­
p le branchial cleft-like cysts, presum ably cinoma. A nother in teresting finding in
related to the em bryologic origin of the our study was the presence of w ell-cir­
thyroid from the base of the tongue.22 Lit­ cum scribed nodules com posed of follicu­
tle attention, how ever, has b e e n directed lar cells w ith clear nuclei in trabecular
to th e n u c le a r changes th a t m ay take arrangem ent separated by fibrocollage-
place in HT. N uclear enlargem ent and no u s stro m a th a t c lo s e ly r e s e m b le d
hyperchrom asia as w ell as optically clear hyalinizing trab ecu lar adenom a.24 T he
a p p e a ra n c e w ith o v e rla p p in g q u a lity latter entity has b e e n previously reported
rem iniscent of papillary carcinom a has in association w ith H T,25 as w ell as w ith
b e e n observed by Rosai,3 and m entioned papillary carcinom a, leading to the sug­
as a possible source of diagnostic con­ gestion by some that the latter two may
fusion. W ith th e c u rre n t em phasis on be possibly related .26 Because of their
nuclear features for the diagnosis of pap­ s tr ik in g tr a b e c u la r a n d r ib b o n - lik e
illary carcinom a of the thyroid, the id en ­ arrangem ent, such lesions may also sim u­
tification of such features in specim ens of late m edullary carcinom a of the thyroid.
H T becom es of clinical relevance. Im m unohistochem ical stains for calcito­
T w elve cases of H T have b e e n studied nin and CEA, how ever, w ere negative in
in w hich clear n u c le a r changes rem i­ both of the lesions in our study.
niscent of those seen in papillary carci­ The role of clear nuclear features in
nom a of the thyroid w ere observed. All papillary carcinom a has gained increas­
cases w ere characterized by the presence ing im portance as a major histologic cri­
of cells w ith p ro m in e n t cle a r n u clear terion for the diagnosis of this type of
changes bearing the features of so-called neoplasm .26,27,28,29 A num ber of variants
“O rphan A nnie” nuclei. T he lesions pre­ of papillary carcinom a have b e e n recog­
sented as focal, ill-defined areas display­ nized in w hich the papillary architecture
in g c ells w ith c le a r n u c le a r featu res is either absent or inconspicuous, yet a
w ith in o th e rw is e w e ll-c irc u m s c rib e d firm d iag n o sis is g e n e ra lly a c h ie v e d
adenom atous nodules, or as small clus­ through the recognition of their distinc­
ters of cells show ing the characteristic tive clear nuclear changes.23,26,27,28,29,30
clear nuclear changes random ly adm ixed D espite the u n d o u b ted validity of the
w ith th e H a sh im o to ’s e le m e n ts . T h e id e n tif ic a tio n o f th e c h a r a c te r is tic
nuclei in all cases w ere characterized by nuclear changes for the diagnosis of pap­

illary carcinom a, the hazard of overread­ the m ost part seen as an incidental m icro­
ing a biopsy containing such changes has scopic finding, the absence o f psam m om a
also b een underscored. bodies, the lack of strom al scarring or
In a study by H apke and D eh n er,31 fibrosis, and the lack of infiltration into
optically clear nuclei indistinguishable surrounding structures in any of the cases
from those seen in papillary carcinom a studied. T he etiology of this phenom e­
w ere identified in a case of Graves dis­ non rem ains unclear.
ease and in a benign follicular adenoma. T h e u n e v e n tfu l c lin ic a l e v o lu tio n
T he authors therefore cautioned against observed in our patients suggests that the
the use of clear nuclei as an absolute cri­ finding of focal clear nuclear changes in
terion for the diagnosis of papillary car­ thyroid glands of patients w ith H ashim o­
cinom a, a n d su g g ested th at w h en the to ’s th y roiditis does not req u ire a d d i­
character of th e clear n u clear changes tio n a l ag g ressiv e tre a tm e n t. W h e th e r
was in question, other features such as these changes represent another form of
papillae w ith overlapping nuclei, psam- response to the im m une injury in H T or
moma bodies, and m ultifocality m ust be w h eth er they represent an early precur­
sought. B ecause of the focal nature of the sor stage of papillary carcinom a rem ains
changes seen in our cases as w ell as the to b e d e te rm in e d . In any e v e n t, th e
uneventful follow-up in our patients, it is presence of focal clear nuclear changes
our b e lie f that these findings should be against a background of H T should w ar­
separated from clinically significant pap­ ra n t a c o n se rv a tiv e a p p ro a c h by th e
illary carcinom a. It is of interest, how ­ pathologist. Study of additional sections
ever, th at in three of our cases (cases 1, to define the extent of the process is in d i­
2, and 11), th e areas o f clear n u clear cated, and specific m ention of the focal
changes w ere also associated w ith small, nature and the m icroscopic extent of the
w e ll-c irc u m s c rib e d n o d u le s e n tire ly findings should be relayed to the clini­
com posed of cells w ith clear nuclear fea­ cian to avert the possibility of un n eces­
tures that w ere m orphologically indistin­ sary aggressive treatm ent.
guishable from small, or m inute papillary
carcinomas. This finding raises the possi­ References
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