Week2 4th Grade

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Lesson Plan

A. Lesson Plan Information.

Subject: English Grade Date
4 C April 15th
School: Alfonzo Cortes
4th D April 15th
Unit: Unit N° 2 The Weather. Time: 45 minutes

Topic: V: Action Verbs (play, skate, sing, talk, laugh, drink, eat, write,
draw, color, etc.)
G: “ing” ending. What is he/she doing?
L: Listen and point, listen and say.
S: Talk about actions. Describe pictures.
W: Write sentences about actions.
R: Read short stories.
Performance Indicator.
The student identifies action verbs through audios, visual aids and written forms.
B. Evaluation Criterion.
C1: Identifies verbs through visual aids.
C2: Uses the action verbs in oral and written activities
C3: Participates actively during the class.
C. Learning strategies.
Opening Activities.

1. Warm up: (7 minutes)

The students play a game. And remember the last vocabulary
2. Review Prior Knowledge: (8 minutes)
The student remembers sentences what are you wearing?

3. Presentation of the new content: (8 minutes)

The student draws the vocabulary about the action verbs and using in a sentences with “ing”
Middle Activities:
4. Listening: (7 minutes)
The student listens and say the vocabulary
5. Speaking: (8 minutes)
The student mentions the diferents actions verbs
Closing Activities.
6. Reading and Writing: (7 minutes)
The student reading and writing the vocabulary

Make 5 sentences with “ing”

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