Chamber 418

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Hailey Williams

Date:: 4/18 Block 1 Chamber Choir

Continue to work on Shenandoah. Introduce “I Sing Because I’m Happy”, work on Men’s pieces (Polish War
Song, Leave Her Johnny)

HCB.3 The student will analyze, interpret, and evaluate choral music.
b) Evaluate works of music using accepted criteria.
HCAD.4 The student will formulate and justify personal responses to

Sequence: Differentiations:
1. Ask class about weekend, current happenings, thoughts, and feelings.
Make connections. Size
2. Warm-ups Gestures are large
a. Stretch and find alignment
enough for all to see.
b. Breathe/Breath exercises
c. Lip trills DRMFSFMRD (conducting and
d. Repeat after me on lip trills, sighs, and sirens in all ranges of the solfege handsigns).
Key and solfege of
f. I love to sing S, DSMD piece displayed largely
g. Zinga Mama on board.
3. Shenandoah
a. Continue working on echo section, pg. 6 to the end Color
b. Run tenors and basses only, on text. Markings on music
c. Run soprano 1 & 2, and alto together, cleaning alto notes and
contrast with the color
rhythms, on text to help with echos.
d. Clarify how to sing the repeated end on the last “Shenandoah”. of the page, making the
e. Run from the beginning, stopping to clean as necessary. music easily readable.
4. I Sing Because I’m Happy
a. Listen to recording of song.
b. Quickly go over 4 part harmony lines, looping and layering. Voice parts repeated
c. Run entire song. multiple times.
5. Polish War Song
a. Recap melody of song on a neutral syllable. Modality
b. Diction: Using the Polish cheat sheet, have them write out Voice parts heard in
pronunciations on their music.
various ways;
c. Continue to 2 part section of the song.
d. Break down 4 part if time allows. recording, piano,
6. Leave Her Johnny solfege, words, and
a. Play recording and have choir sing along, they should get this song
vocal modeling.
fairly quickly.

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