Values Exam

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Read Exodus 20, and enumerate the 10 commandments.

Explain in your own words the

meaning/significance of each commandment. Write at least 1 or 2 sentences, no maximum limit.
- You shall not have strange gods before me.
- You don’t praise other gods or make other gods.
- You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
- You don’t use God’s name in any words that are bad.
- Remember to keep holy the Sabbath day.
- On Mondays to Saturdays you can work but on Sundays we should go to church and
praise God.
- Honor your father and your mother.
- Respect your parents by being polite and by following their commands.
- You shall not kill.
- We should not kill other people or even think about killing them or wishing for them to
- You shall not commit adultery.
- Don’t you dare cheat on your significant other.
- You shall not steal.
- I should not take my parent’s money without asking them first.
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- We should not spread rumors about other people especially if we are not sure about
the truth.
- You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife.
- You should not want to be in a relationship when you know they are in a relationship
with other people.
- You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.
- You should not be jealous of other people. You should be coh what you have.

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