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Relations & Functions

Periodic Functions



periodic functions
Periodic Function: Definition

A function f(x) is periodic with a period T (T > 0) if

f(x) = f(x + T), ∀ x 𝝐 domain.
Finding Period of a Function:

Example : f(x) = sinx

Period of Important Functions:

f(x) = sinx f(x) = cosecx

f(x) = cosx f(x) = secx

f(x) = tanx f(x) = cotx

f(x) = {x}

1. |sin x|, |cos x|, |tan x|, |cot x|, |sec x|, |cosec x| are all periodic with
period 𝝅.
2. Algebraic functions eg, x, x2, 11+x are all aperiodic.
Important Results:

1. Domain of a periodic function is always unbounded.

2. Inverse of a periodic function does not exist.

3. Every constant function is always periodic, with no

fundamental period
Properties to find Period of Functions

A. If f(x) has a period T, then f(x) + a, f(x) - a, a.f(x) also have period
T. (where a is some constant)
Properties to find Period of Functions

B. If f(x) has a period T, then 1/f(x)and √f(x) also have a period T.

In General, If f(x) has a period T, then g(f(x)) is also periodic with
period T.

1. Sin {x} 2. {sin x }

Properties to find Period of Functions

C. If f(x) has a period T then f (ax + b) has a period T/|a|

Example: sinx and sin2x


1. sinnx, cosnx, secnx, cosecnx have period 𝝅 if n is even and 2𝝅 if n is

odd or fraction.
2. tannx, cotnx are always periodic with period 𝝅.

1. 2.

f(x) = 1 2. f(x) = 3. f(x) =

Properties to find Period of Functions:

D. If f (x) has a period T1 & g (x) also has a period T2 then period of f(x) ± g(x)
or f(x).g(x) or f(x)/g(x) is L.C.M. of T1 & T2 provided their L.C.M. exists.

1. However, L.C.M. (if exists) need not to be fundamental period.

2. If L.C.M. does not exists f(x)±g(x) or f(x).g(x) or f(x)/g(x) is aperiodic.
Properties to find Period of Functions:

1. L.C.M. of an irrational number and rational number does not exist.
2. L.C.M. of fraction is the ratio of L.C.M of numerators upon H.C.F. of

1. tan x + cos 3x


1. |sin x| + |cos x|

2. sin2x + cos4x
Given f(x) = and g(x) = then g(x) is

A. Periodic with period π/2

B. Periodic with period π
C. Periodic with period 2π
D. aperiodic
If and g(x) is a function having the same

period as that of f(x), then which of the following can be g(x)?

A. B.

C. D. None of these
If f(x) + f(x + a) + f(x + 2a) +.......+ f(x + na) = constant ∀ x ∈ R, and a ≠ 0
And f(x) is periodic, then period of f(x) is
A. (n + 1)a
B. e(x+1)a
C. Na
D. ena
If the period of cos(sin(nx))/tan(x/n), n ∈ N is 6π, then

A. 3
B. 2
C. 6
D. 1
If the period of f(x) = cos(x + 4x + 9x +.....+ n2x) is π/7 then the value of n,
n ∈ N, is
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
The period of the function f(t) =


A. 1
B. 2
C. 4
D. 6

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