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Chapter 1:

Some animals are more equal than others. Napoleon

Meaning: Napoleon suggests that although they want equality some animals have more
privilege than others.
Feeling: unfairness for some animals.

Man consumes without producing. Old Major

Meaning: the animals have to do the work on the farm while the humans make all the profit
and enjoy the fruits of the work
Feeling: unfairness to the animals.

The only good human is a dead one. Old Major

Meaning: the old major thinkes that humans are bad and they should not exict .
Feeling: The animals want the humans dead .

Anything on two legs is the enemy. Old Major

Meaning: the old major mean by this quote that humans are enemy
Feeling: the old major hates humans.

No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets. Old Major

Meaning: Old Major's say that the animals can’t act like humans .
Feeling: animals hate humans.

Chapter 2

We pigs take for the greater good. Snowball

Meaning: Snowball says that pigs have more privileges than other animals.
Feeling: unfairness and inequality for some animals.

Pigs need milk and apples for health. Squealer

Meaning: Squealer says that some animals will get better food than other animals
Feeling: unfairness and inequality for some animals.

Napoleon is always right. Squealer

Meaning: Squealer says that napoleon is their new leader
Feeling: Submission and fear towards the dictator's rule.

No animal shall drink alcohol to excess. Commandment

Meaning: the animals can’t act like humans .
Feeling: animals hate humans.
I will work harder. Boxer

Meaning: boxer here say that he will do all the hard work .
Feeling: helpful.

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