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“animal farm”

chapter 1
Cannibalism: practice of eating one’s own kind
Cryptic:mysterious or obscure
gambol:skip a bout in a play
Parasitical: like a parasite, gaining benefits from a host it injures

setting: the farm

characters:mr jones,(major)pig,(clover one of the (horses)horses,
Plot:the dream,major talks about what is going on
rising action:what human do (mistreatment)
Conflict : animal want a better life
solution: not yet
Quote: everything that goes in two legs is an enemy. Whatever goes upon four legs, or has
wings, is a friend or a cambrode

Chapter 2 vocabulary
Preminenet:superior to or notable above all others
Expounded:to present or explain a theory or idea systematically and in detail
spinney:a small area of trees and branches
Unalterable:not able to be changed
key elements
Setting:in the farm
characters:snowball ,napoleon
Plot:the major die and the start of the revolution
rising action: the major die
Conflict : animal want to control the farm
solution :the seven commands

Chapter 3 vocabulary
Implement: carry out, accomplish
Welfore: help given
Resolution: something resolved or determined; decision
Motto: a short sentence or phrase that expresses a belief or purpose
Maxim: a rule for good or sensible behavior
Dole out: to give or deliver in small portions
Seclusion: being separate, and apart from others, in a quiet kind of way
key elements
Setting:in the farm
characters:snowball ,napoleon,boxer,clover,molle
Plot:the animals are starting to work and they are learning to write and animals begin to
complaine (dumb animals start to write)
rising action: animals find out that pigs are eating apples and drinikng the milk.
Conflict : dumb animals were struggling in learning the alphabet
solution :the animals need to start to work together and organize the life in the farm
Quote: the distinguishing mark of man is the hand the instrument with which he does all his

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