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Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3

Secret # 1 - Set Goals.......................................................................................................... 4

Secret # 2 - Picture Yourself .............................................................................................. 5

Secret # 3 - Make a Plan ..................................................................................................... 6

The Exercise Program ........................................................................................................ 8

The Exercises............................................................................................................................ 8

Cardiovascular Exercises ...................................................................................................... 10

Secret # 4 - Condensing the Workout ............................................................................ 10

Secret # 5 - Muscle priority system ................................................................................ 12

Remove All Those Barriers to Your Program................................................................ 13

Fitness Equipment ............................................................................................................ 14

Free Weights, Machines or Push-ups? ............................................................................... 14

Bodyweight Resistance Workout.......................................................................................... 17

Nutrition: The Other Half of the Equation ..................................................................... 20

Foods to Avoid ........................................................................................................................ 20

Secret # 6 - Fat Burning Foods and Super Foods – A necessary part of any diet. . 21

Secret # 7 – The Bodybuilder’s Lose-the-Last-of-the-Fat Program ........................... 25

A Summary ......................................................................................................................... 27

Recommend Reading: ...................................................................................................... 28

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Wouldn’t it be wonderful if there were a pill that could be taken that would take
the place of all the exercising and dieting we all endure to achieve the perfect
body? Unfortunately there isn’t…So if you want to look your very best, you must
incorporate a routine of exercise and proper nutrition into your daily ritual and
lifestyle. It doesn’t have to be torture. It is not totally impossible to be fit and
healthy. It is a conscious choice that anyone willing to show some willpower and
initiative can make. Once you do, you WILL see results.

In the beginning, exercises were developed for specific purposes; to throw a rock
harder, to throw a spear farther, to thrust a sword more forcefully, to pick up and
carry more weight and to work harder and longer. Over time, the need for these
activities was no longer necessary for daily survival. At some point the exercises
evolved into bodybuilding for the purpose of looking good and staying fit. Being
fit and trim became the goal of many athletes. The lack of physical demands for
most modern careers, coupled with the availability of high caloric, fast foods, has
meant that exercise and nutrition are very important to maintain good health in
the world we live in today.

Modern fitness has become a science that has grown from the experiences of
athletes and trainers, as well as the studies of nutrition developed by sports
physiologists, biologists, and medical practitioners. Their intent has been to
maximize the physical potential of athletes. Natural diet supplementation, sports
physiology, and technically advanced equipment provide the modern athletes
and runners with the tools to maximize their endurance, fitness, health and good
looking bodies.

The intent of this e-book is to provide seekers of fitness and health with some of
the basic rules of diet and exercise in order to achieve their maximum potential in
appearance, strength, endurance and good health.

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There are many approaches to these goals, but the seven secrets to your ideal
body detailed in this book are tried-and-true, gleaned from many years of
experience by countless athletes, runners, and fitness professionals. These
training and nutrition secrets will help advance your goal of a trim and fit
physique. Whether you are a serious athlete, or just want to be as healthy as
possible (or are somewhere in between), there is something for you in this book.
Most of the secrets discussed were accumulated from exposure to a wide variety
of fitness, exercise, and nutritional information from a myriad of experts in each
field. Some of the data is from scientific research, but a lot of it has come from
trial-and-error learning and experimentation by fitness gurus.

Secret # 1 - Set Goals

Would you start out on a road trip without a map? We are not all as
adventuresome as Captain Cook, Magellan or Columbus. So, we must have
something to help guide us on our journey to good health. Our roadmap is a
series of goals with the final one at the end of the road being the results of our
hard work – enhanced health, a higher fitness level, and great body.
Establishing the purpose (goal) of our endeavors is essential in providing a
benchmark for measuring progress along the way. Picture it like a ladder with
each rung upwards representing an achievement. It is most important,
however, to know where we want to go, why we want to make the trip, and how
we are going to get there. In essence, our goals are a critical part of the plan for
our body.

The training plan you develop should include regular exercise, for both strength
and cardiovascular health. Nutrition is the other side of the coin and is equally
important to running and fitness. A proper diet is necessary for the repairing and
building of muscle tissue, as well as the energy to perform the exercises that tear
down the muscle fibers.

A written diary or online record should be kept to track all activity. The diary
should be set up with your personal data recorded - height, weight and
measurements - for the beginning, the transition period, and the end. A record
should be made of the exercise program (the exercises performed, the weights
used, the repetitions and sets completed and the progress you’ve made), as well

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as the nutritional data; a detailed log of everything consumed. In this manner,
you are kept very aware of your actions, both negative and positive, and you are
better able to control and direct your total fitness program.

Secret # 2 - Picture Yourself

Take an old picture of yourself when you were as fit and trim as you want to be
now and post it where you will see it frequently. If you don’t have a picture of
yourself, find one in a magazine or on the Internet that looks the way you want to
look. Several times during the day, look at that picture and spend several
minutes visualizing yourself looking like that. Do this when you first wake up,
before your workout, and at bedtime, as these are good times for meditation. By
doing this, a visual goal is established both in your conscious and subconscious
minds. This is important because it will accelerate your progress and increase
your results.

• Mental visualization is a very strong tool. Maxwell Maltz, MD, writing in

Psycho-Cybernetics, described how two groups of athletes were used to
test out this theory. The two groups were tested on their basketball-
shooting prowess and their scores were recorded. One of the groups was
told to practice shooting baskets on a basketball court for two hours a day.
The other group was told to sit quietly and visualize themselves shooting
baskets . . . and making them, for a like period. After a suitable time, both
groups were tested again in actual shooting. When their new scores were
compared to those taken prior to the practices, it was found that both
groups had improved a like amount. Doctor Maltz surmised that practicing
in the mind is as effective as the actual physical act, at least as far as the
technique. It is still necessary to exercise and condition your muscles and
cardiovascular system, but focusing on our goals several times a day will
decrease the time involved to reach the desired achievement.

• In his book, The Gabriel Method, Jon Gabriel told the story of his weight
loss of more than 210 pounds by mental visualization and knowing
proper nutrition. His “non-diet-and-exercise-program” has been used by
thousands of his followers all over the world with great success. What is
even more remarkable is that medical doctors who have examined Jon

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can find no traces of his former morbid obesity. His skin is tight with no
stretch marks and his body is nicely defined, just as he had seen it in his
mind when he started his trek to fitness and a great-looking body. Gabriel
maintains that his mental imaging and visualization using photos
reprogrammed his body to be thin. His contention is that many people are
fat because of psychological and environmental issues causing their
subconscious mind to believe that being fat is “safe” and being thin is
“dangerous.” His personal imaging campaign reversed that programming
and allowed his body to lose weight to be “safe.” He did practice good
nutrition and exercised, but he did not diet per se. Prior to developing his
“Method”, Jon paid large sums to several renowned diet doctors, including
Robert Atkins, MD (The Atkins Diet), for personal consultations, but his
weight losses were minimal and short-lived.

• Both of the aforementioned authors were scientifically trained observers.

Their experiences were recorded about forty years apart, but their
conclusions are similar: The subconscious mind is like a computer
that may be programmed or reprogrammed by the conscious mind.
Doctor Max’s title even suggests this; Psycho (mind) Cybernetics (the
study of machines). Both authors contend that meditation or low-level
self-hypnosis may be used by anyone to program their subconscious mind
to perform almost any desired task.

Secret # 3 - Make a Plan

In order to achieve your goal, you have to know how you are going to get there.

• Develop an exercise program – with the assistance of a fitness

professional or personal trainer, establish a workout routine and schedule
of when you are going to exercise and what type of exercises you should
be incorporating into your regimen to meet your desired results.

• Develop a nutrition program – from appropriate dietary information,

establish a diet program consisting of what foods you should eat; a proper
balance of protein and unrefined, natural carbohydrates with lots of fiber.
Incorporate healthy snacks and eliminate processed and fried foods from

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your diet completely. A later chapter deals with some nutritional
suggestions and fat-burning foods that may be included in your nutrition

• Track your results – keep a diary of your exercise activity. Also maintain
a log of what you eat. It helps keep you on track, and makes you very
aware of what you put into your body and how much time you are
spending trying to reach your goal.

• Get a good amount of rest – the visualization exercise at bedtime has

been shown to assist with a night of restful sleep. If possible, incorporate
a brief afternoon nap into your schedule. It will refresh you and make your
afternoon more productive.

• If weight loss is a primary goal – weigh yourself weekly, not daily. It is

too easy to become discouraged if your daily weigh-in does not show
much loss. Keep in mind that weight is dropped in increments, not
gradually, and a weekly weigh-in will show your true results. So, fight the
urge to become best friends with your scale, and focus on really putting in
the time and effort to each and every workout.

• Locate one or more workout partners – it is easier to stay on the right

path if you have companionship. Set up group exercise sessions or group
runs and make a practice of offering vocal encouragement. If you’ve ever
been in a race, you know how uplifting an encouraging word from a fellow
runner can be when you are about to hit that wall. So, embrace your inner
cheerleader and try to motivate others and yourself to keep on truckin’!

• Vary your exercise routine (cross-train) – incorporate new exercises as

you learn them – your muscles will become conditioned and resistant to
any further changes, so your routine should change every three months or
more often. Develop alternate exercise routines with the help of your
fitness professional or trainer. Also, if you are interested in trying out a
group, check out your local CrossFit group. This workout group is based
on the idea of “body-confusion” exercises, and is constantly mixing things

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up. You can also go to their website to get some ideas of your own for
daily workouts.

(For some helpful cross-training ideas, be sure to check out our favorite
exercises at RunPals: )

The Exercise Program

A good exercise program should be a routine that stimulates every muscle in
your body, while allowing the muscles to rest between workouts. This may be
accomplished by performing upper body workouts and lower body workouts on
alternate days; for example, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, you perform the
upper body routine; on Tuesday Thursday and Saturday, you do the lower body
exercises. Perform some cardiovascular exercises every workout day, whether
it’s five minutes of jump rope, or a 30-minute jog on the treadmill. As a rule,
Sunday is always a day of rest. Your workouts will vary from day to day and
may be shorter since you are working fewer muscle groups (as opposed to the
whole body), but they will still exercise every body part completely.

Another alternative is to perform complete body workouts three times per week;
i.e. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Rest on Tuesday, Thursday and the
weekend. If you choose this method, each workout will be longer, but there will
be sufficient rest between bouts for your body to recover and rebuild the tissue
damaged by the strenuous exercise.

NOTE: Work the entire body. Men have a tendency to focus on their upper
body, the source of their strength, while short-changing their legs. Women
tend towards the reverse of this. A total body routine is important for a
balanced physique or figure.

The Exercises
This Basic Program of Weight Training uses free-weights or weight loaded

Beginners should perform three sets of one exercise per muscle group, while
Intermediate and Advanced athletes should use two or more exercises per

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muscle group. The weights used should be light enough to allow the completion
of eight or ten repetitions per exercise, but heavy enough the make the last few
reps hard to achieve. Weights should be progressively increased as your
strength and fitness improve. As your stamina increases, the number of sets
and/or exercises should be increased accordingly.

Examples of Exercises by Muscle Group:

• Shoulders - Upright press, upright rowing, dumbbell press, frontal raises

with dumbbells, lateral raises with dumbbells, barbell shrugs, bent-forward
extensions with dumbbells, dumbbell flies.

• Chest – Bench press, incline bench press, decline bench press, parallel
bar dips, dumbbells flies or pec-deck flies, push-ups, bent-arm pullovers.

• Back – Pull-ups (chins) both behind the neck or to the chest, front levers
on the chinning bar, lat-machine pull-downs, seated rowing, bent-over
rowing with barbell, bent-over rowing with dumbbell.

• Biceps – Barbell curls, dumbbell curls, preacher-bench curls, 7 count

curls, bent-over curls, and concentration curls with dumbbell or pulley

• Triceps – French Press, dumbbell extensions, triceps-machine press-

downs, push-ups, wall push-ups.

• Core – Sit-ups, incline sit-ups, crunches, Swiss Ball crunches, twists,

oblique crunches with dumbbells.

• Thighs – Squats with barbell, hack squats, leg extensions, hamstring

curls, lunges with dumbbells.

• Calves – Calf raises with barbell, calf machine raises.

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Cardiovascular Exercises
• Running or jogging (my favorite!)

• Treadmill – sports walking, running or jogging

• Elliptical Machine

• Stair-Climber Machine

• Bicycle

• Stationary Exercise Bicycle

• Aerobics

• Stationary Bicycle aka “Spinning”

Secret # 4 - Condensing the Workout

When exercising at an intermediate or advanced level, you may want to consider
condensing your workouts, shortening them without cutting the number of sets or
repetitions or sacrificing the involvement of any of the muscle groups.

• Super Sets – This is a system of working two different muscles

consecutively, without rest between the two exercises. This blitzing allows
one muscle to rest while the other is worked. A good example of a super
set is barbell curls for biceps, followed immediately by triceps machine
press-downs, one minute rest then repeat. Complete five sets in this
manner. Another example: Leg extensions for thighs immediately
followed by hamstring curls, one-minute rest, repeat for five sets. Another
example: Sit-ups immediately followed by side-bends or twists, rest one
minute, repeat for five sets.

• Triple Set Routine – A highly condensed, exhausting workout for the

upper body (chest, shoulders, back and arms) in which your perform
fifteen sets of exercise per muscle group in less than thirty minutes,
an amazing sixty sets in half an hour. This system may be performed

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by members of either sex with either free-weights or machines. A workout
partner is of great benefit in this routine as they will help minimize the rest
between sets and will also provide a spotter for the heavy weights and
when exhaustion looms. A workout partner also supplies encouragement.
This is also a common method in the CrossFit group mentioned before.

o Select an exercise for each: chest, shoulders and back. Perform

each exercise with no rest in between sets. Rest briefly, and repeat
for five sets.

ƒ Example: Bench press (chest) immediately followed by

dumbbell presses (shoulders) immediately followed by pull-
ups on the chinning bar (back).

o Select three more exercises for chest, shoulders and back.

Perform each exercise, no rest between them and then rest briefly,
repeat for five sets.

ƒ Example: Dumbbell flies (chest, followed immediately by

standing presses (shoulders), followed by dumbbell rowing.

o Select three more exercises for the same muscle groups. Perform
each exercise with no rest between them. Rest briefly, and repeat
for five sets.

ƒ Example: Decline presses (chest) followed by lateral raises

(shoulders) followed by seated rowing (back).

o The arms may be worked in the same manner by selecting an

exercise for the biceps and another for the triceps. Perform each
without rest between exercises, rest one minute and then repeat.
Do five sets.

o Select another exercise for both the biceps and triceps, repeat as

o Select another exercise for both the biceps and triceps, repeat as

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• The core and the legs may be worked in much the same manner in order
to condense the workouts without diminishing the exercise performed or
the results.

o For the legs, select an exercise for the thighs and one for the
calves and perform the routine as in the upper body sets. Select
two more exercises for the same muscle groups, then two more.
Fifteen sets per muscle group.

o For the core, do the same; an abdominal exercise, one for the
obliques, one for the lower back. Five sets, then three more
exercises, then three more.

Secret # 5 - Muscle Priority System

Advanced runners and athletes have learned over time that a systematic muscle
priority approach to their workouts produces greater results. These individuals
make it a practice to focus each workout on one muscle group. Other muscles
get worked to some degree when performing the focused sets; i.e. bench
presses for the chest will also work the triceps and deltoids to some degree, lat-
machine pull-downs will work the biceps as well as the latismus dorsi for which
the exercise is intended.

A sample workout schedule:

• Monday – Focus the chest with bench presses, flies, incline and decline
presses and bent-arm-pullovers. Perform at least fives sets per exercise,
increasing the weights appropriately. Finish up with some cardiovascular
and core exercises.

• Tuesday – Focus on the shoulders with upright presses, lateral raises,

frontal raises, behind the neck presses, shrugs and dumbbell presses.
Fives sets of each. Round it out with some cardio and core.

• Wednesday – Focus on the back with pull-ups, lat-machine pull downs,

seated rowing, bent-over rowing and dumbbell rowing. Five sets of each.
End your workout with some cardio and core.

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• Thursday – Focus on the biceps and triceps with barbell curls, dumbbell
curls, preacher-bench curls and concentration curls for the biceps; triceps
machine press-downs, French presses, dumbbell extensions, push-ups
and wall push-ups. Five sets of each. Cool down with some cardio and

• Friday – Focus on the thighs, hamstrings and calves with barbell squats,
leg extensions, hamstring curls, dumbbell lunges, hack squats, calf raises
with barbell, calf raises on leg press machine, donkey calf raises. Finish
with some cardio and core.

• Saturday and Sunday you get to rest.

Advocates of this approach to advanced fitness claim they accelerate their

muscle growth and progress towards that leaner, more fit, and sexy body. As in
any exercise and fitness program, nutrition is half of the equation. A high-protein
diet including some unprocessed, complex carbohydrates will provide the energy
and tissue building blocks the body needs for strength and that maximum fitness

Remove All Those Barriers to Your Program

There are a lot of excuses that keep us from following our program, not the least
of which is the lack of initiative to get up off the couch and head to the gym or out
for a run. For many people, it is just too hard to workout or jog after a long day at
the office. One answer to this is to find times that it is more convenient to
exercise; in the early morning before work, at lunch time, or at some other time
during the work day. Many progressive companies are aware that a fit employee
is a more productive employee, so they have allowances for working out. Some
even have in-house fitness centers and others have a provision to pay all or part
of a health club membership for key employees.

Keep in mind that exercise should be performed before eating. Your body
produces enzymes during exercise that suppress the appetite, so you tend to eat
less immediately after a workout.

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If you are a business traveler, try to stay at hotels where they have an in-house
fitness center so you can keep on track with your workout regimen. If the hotel
doesn’t have an exercise room, they often have connections with a nearby
fitness center where the traveler can workout on a guest pass or day pass, often
at no charge. If there is a charge, it is usually about the cost of a glass of wine at
the hotel bar . . . and which one will do you the most good? Some fitness
organizations have “traveling memberships.” They are part of a chain or an
organization that has affiliated members in other cities, where all members are
welcome to use the facilities. At the very least, ask the concierge for a good
running route around your hotel, and get out your running shoes for some good
old fashioned “sight-seeing” runner-style.

If you are successfully using the “visualization” process to program your

subconscious, one of the suggestions you may implant if you travel is to work out
on a regular basis at a regular time. This subconscious encouragement can
provide the impetus to head for the gym instead of the couch in front of the TV
your laptop for hours. Establishing a schedule that makes your workout a very
important part of your life is a method that works for many people, and it is
certain to improve the quality of your life.

A recently seen bumper sticker, “QUIT SMOKING, QUIT DRINKING, DIET AND
EXERCISE . . . DIE ANYWAY!” This is true, but the quality of your life, your
personal satisfaction, and the physical ability to enjoy your life are more than
worth the effort.

Fitness Equipment
Free Weights, Machines or Push-ups?
There are many choices in the selection of fitness equipment and most health
and fitness centers have a mixture of several. When used properly, all the
equipment will help you achieve your desired results. Which will work best is
usually a matter of personal choice, or what you were introduced to first; free
weights, weight loaded machines, cable-and-pulley machines, body-weight
resistance exercises, Nautilus machines, Hammer-Strength equipment, BowFlex,

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NordicTrac, the list goes on and on. They are all good, all with advantages and

Free Weights
The choice of most dedicated athletes and the only choice for power-lifters and
weightlifters, free weights are very basic equipment. The Olympic-style barbells
and easy-curl bars are plate loaded and have retaining collars to prevent the
weights from slipping off. Dumbbells and smaller barbells are often fixed at non-
adjustable weight, so that you may move from set to set. Most exercises may be
performed with free weights using benches and plate-loaded machines
specifically designed for them: Bench-press bench, incline press bench, decline
press bench, squat rack, hack squat rack, rowing rack, preacher bench for curls,
plate-loaded lat machine, and calf-raise machine.

Among the advantages of free weights are an almost a total lack of any
maintenance required, simplicity and flexibility of use in a wide variety of

Disadvantages include their space requirements, heavier weights require a

spotter for safety’s sake, and minor athletic injuries are more prevalent.

Plate-Loaded Machines
This equipment provides many of the benefits of free weights, but without any of
the hazards, nor the requirement of a spotter for heavier lifts. They use weight
plates that are the same or very similar to those used with barbells, but the
machines have fixed positions or may be adjusted for different exercises. They
require little maintenance, but do take up a lot of space.

Mechanically Operated Machines

These devices have usually only one or two exercises that may be performed on
them. They have a fixed weight stack that is operated by a system of cables and
pulleys, or hydraulics or pneumatics. They require regular maintenance with
cable wear being of particular concern. Most commercial fitness centers have a
lot of this equipment.

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Nautilus Equipment
Created by Arthur Jones, an entrepreneur and fitness buff, Nautilus is so named
because of the shape and configuration of the eccentric cam that provides the
variable resistance that is the key to the effectiveness of this elaborate exercise
gear. By providing a resistance that changes throughout the full range of
movement, the muscle is worked more thoroughly and effectively. A full-body
Nautilus workout will take about forty minutes or less. The principle behind the
effectiveness of this innovative machinery is to take the muscle to total
exhaustion once, and then move on to the next exercise without any pause.
Your workout regimen may be performed on a Nautilus system, but it may
require someone to assist with “negative” reps while using heavy weights. Many
professional sports teams use Nautilus because it works on both strength and
flexibility and injuries from usage are non-existent or rare.

Multi-Station Machines
Usually found in home-gyms or hotels where there is a limited amount of space
available for exercise equipment. These machines offer a central core with
several weight stacks which are connected to exercise-specific stations around
the perimeter; bench press, military press, lat pull-down/triceps press-down, leg
press, leg extension and curling bar. The mechanical functions are usually by
cable-and-pulley or direct leverage. They require some maintenance, mostly
lubrication and checking for cable wear.

BowFlex Machines
Designed for home-gyms, a BowFlex uses cables and pulleys, but instead of a
weight stack, they have metal springs (the bows) that provide muscle resistance.
For increased resistance, multiple bows are connected to the cable attachments.
These are very effective machines for multiple exercises. Their biggest
advantage is they take up very little space and are easy to fold and stow away.

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Cardiovascular Exercise Machines
Most cardio exercises involve running, walking, aerobics, bicycling, or other
activities that encourage an increase in your breathing and heart rate.
Commercial gyms and some home gyms use cardio machines so that the
weather is never a factor in a workout. These machines include treadmills, both
simple and multi-featured; stair-steppers and elliptical exercisers. The well-
equipped versions of these will feature a number of exercise programs, pulse
monitors and are widely adjustable for resistance, speed and elevation.

Bodyweight Resistance Workout

The simplest means of getting a workout is to perform bodyweight resistance
exercises. Only two pieces of equipment are required and these may be
improvised; a chinning bar and a parallel bar arrangement. The exercises are
simple, but are very effective when done properly, regularly and in sufficient
numbers. American football Legend, Herschel Walker, was told as a young boy
that the secret to being a good athlete was to do many push-ups and sit ups.
Herschel did his exercises every day, thousands of push-ups and sit-ups and
developed a muscular, athletic body that helped take him to fame and fortune in
college and the National Football League.

• Push-Ups – Assume a prone position with the feet together and toes
pointed at the ground. Place the hands on the ground at shoulder height
and width. Keeping the body stiff, push away from the ground to arms
length. Return to the start position and repeat for multiple repetitions. The
initial goal should be twenty-five reps, then fifty and finally 100. Elevating
the feet can provide greater bodyweight resistance. Placing the hands
closer together may isolate the triceps. This exercise will provide a good
workout for the shoulders, chest, triceps and core.

• Pull-ups or Chin-ups – Suspend a chinning bar at a little more than arms

length overhead. Jump up and grasp the bar, palms forward about
shoulder-length apart and pull the body upwards until the chin tops the
bar. Slowly return to the start position and repeat. Initial goal is five, then

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ten or more as your strength develops. This exercise works the latismus
dorsi and biceps.

• Biceps Pull-up – Grasp the chinning bar with palms facing you, so your
weight strain is on the biceps. Pull the body upwards until the chin tops
the bar. Slowly return to start position and repeat. Initial goal is five, then
ten or more. This exercise works the biceps and lats.

• Triceps Press Using a bench, stair, or chair (aka Reverse Dips) – with
your hands on a bench stair, or chair placed behind your back, extend
your legs straight in front until your weight is being carried mostly by the
hands. Bend your elbows until you body nearly touches the floor, then
return to the start position by extending your arms. This works the triceps
and shoulders. The initial goal is ten reps, then twenty. You may increase
resistance by elevating the feet (i.e. cross your legs, and rest one ankle on
the knee of the leg that is still planted on the ground.)

• Parallel Bar Dips – On parallel bars or any two equal sized, sturdy, chest-
high platforms about two feet apart, stand between and place your hands
on top. Extend your arms so you are elevated above the bars (or
platforms). Slowly lower your body until the bar is at your armpits, keeping
your legs bent so your feet don’t touch the floor. Extend your arms until
you are again above the bars at arms length. Repeat for ten reps, then 20
as your fitness increases. This works the chest, shoulders and triceps.

• Squats – Standing erect with feet close together and back straight and
arms extended straight in front, squat down until your upper legs are more
than 45 degrees from the lower leg (or your buttocks hits your heels).
Return to starting position, and repeat. Initial goal is 25 reps, then 50.
This works the quadriceps or frontal thigh muscles and around the knees.

• Lunges – Same position as squats, but with arms bent and hands on
waist, take a long step forward with the right foot while keeping your trunk
erect and your right knee is full bent, return to the upright position, the take
a long step with the left foot, and then return to starting position. This is

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one repetition. The initial goal is 25 repetitions, the 50. This works the
hamstrings, or rear of the thigh, the buttocks, and the quads.

• Calf Raises – Using a step, block, brick or piece of a wood stud placed
close to the wall, face the wall, place your toes on the block, let your
weight bend your feet so your heels are close to the floor, and elevate
your body using only your calves. You may need to put your hands on the
wall for balance. Repeat 25 times.

• Donkey Calf Raises – Place the step, block, or board far enough away
from the wall that when you place your toes and lean forward you can rest
your elbows on the wall. A workout partner will then sit astraddle of your
lower back to provide greater weight resistance. Complete ten or more
calf raises.

• Sit-ups – Sit on the floor with your feet hooked under a chair or something
heavy enough to provide leverage and your legs slightly bent and your
arms together and hands clasped at your chest, lower your upper body to
the floor then raise again to the sitting position. Repeat. Initial goal is 25
reps, then 50, then 100.

• Crunches – Many think this is superior to the sit-up for ab development.

From a supine position, raise your legs overhead and bent at a ninety
degree angle and hands clasped behind your neck, bring your head
towards your knees, without pulling with your hands and arms, until your
abs are “crunched.” Return to start position, the repeat. Initial goal is 50
reps, then 100.

• Twisting Side-Bends - In an erect position, hands on hips and feet close

together, twist your body while leaning to the right, return to start position,
the twist while leaning left. This is one rep. Repeat for 25 reps, then 50
as you progress in fitness.

• Cardio – Running, stair climbing, spinning, speed walking and kickboxing

are all great cardio exercises. Many fitness experts even feel that fast
walking is more effective than running at burning calories and working the
cardiovascular system. This is based on the science of performing cardio

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“in the zone,” or at a level where your heart rate is 85% of your maximum.
This is determined by subtracting your age from 220, and then multiplying
by 0.85. Example; the target for a thirty year old person would be 220
minus 30 = 190 multiplied by 0.85 = 161.5. 155-165 bps should be the
target heart rate to achieve the maximum results. The zone number
decreases with the age of the person. A person of 50 has a target heart
rate of 145.

Nutrition: The Other Half of the Equation

Exercise tears down muscle tissue and burns a lot of energy. Proper nutrition
provides the material (protein) needed to rebuild the tissue bigger and stronger,
and the fuel (carbohydrates) to power the body to bigger and better workouts.
There are foods to avoid and some that actually promote fat loss, but it takes an
expert to determine which is which. The information provided in this section was
derived from the reported results of scientific investigation and the evaluation of
“good” and “bad” foods.

In general, the foods to avoid contain processed starches and sugars. Food
processing eliminates much of the nutritional value in foods, most particularly in
those that contain sugars or ingredients that turn into sugars during the metabolic
process. The obvious ones are candy and sweetened soft drinks, but the
processed food industry has turned to a cheap preservative-sweetener, that is
considered a “poison” by many nutritionists and medical professionals. High
Fructose Corn Syrup is considered to be a major contributor to the obesity
epidemic in the world, but particularly in the USA. Other items to avoid or eat in
limited quantities are Caffeine and Alcoholic beverages. Alcohol, though
carbohydrate free, is converted into sugars by your system and then easily
metabolized or stored as fat.

Foods to Avoid
• White flour bread – substitute whole wheat, whole grain, or sprouted grain

• White flour baked goods – substitute vegetable or whole grain products.

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• Refined sugar – substitute natural sweeteners like honey or agave.

• Processed, packaged foods – check the labels for harmful ingredients like
high fructose corn syrup. You’ll be surprised how many products contain

• Any cooking method that adds unwanted fats or calories – Frying in

hydrogenated oils should be a big No-No on your new nutrition plan.

• “Dead” Foods – those that have been processed or altered.

Secret # 6 - Fat Burning Foods and Super Foods –

A Necessary Part of Any Diet

Each of the following foods has been proven to promote weight loss and
contribute necessary nutrients to the health and fitness of your body. Many
contain the fiber critical for metabolism and the slowing of calorie absorption.

• Apples – Elevate blood glucose in a safe, gentle manner and keep it

elevated longer than most other foods, so you feel less hunger. Low in
calories and high in fiber.

• Barley – Lower in calories than either rice or potatoes, with respectable

levels of protein and low in fat. The “strength food” of the Roman

• Beans – One of the best sources of plant protein, legumes (beans, peas,
and chickpeas) are low in calories and have the least fat of any food.
They are an incomplete protein, so they should be combined with a whole

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grain rice, barley, wheat, corn or potatoes to provide the amino acids in a
complete protein.

• Berries – Natural fructose sugar and moderate fiber content.

• Broccoli – Only 44 calories per cooked cup and possibly the #1 Cancer-
Fighting vegetable. No fat, loads of fiber and many times the RDA
(recommended daily allowance) of Vitamin C and calcium. When buying
broccoli, select the heads with rich green florets and no yellowing.

• Buckwheat – Leads to good blood-sugar regulation, lower cholesterol and

may be cooked in a variety of ways. Great for breads, cereals and soups,
or cooked alone as a side dish. Commonly called “kasha” in European

• Cabbage – The wonder food of Eastern Europe. Only 33 calories per

cooked cup and cooking does not remove any of the nutritional greatness.
Only 18 calories per uncooked cup and 33 calories cooked. Protects
against colon cancer. Studies in the USA, Greece and Japan indicate that
those who consume a quantity of cabbage live longer and have the lowest
rates of colon cancer.

• Carrots – A medium carrot has about 55 calories, loads of beta-carotene

and fiber. Delicious either cooked or raw, they have a natural sweetness
that perks up any meal or snack.

• Chicken – Excellent source of protein, iron, niacin and zinc. Removing the
skin after cooking is the healthiest.

• Coffee – A moderate consumption of a caffeine-laced “cup of joe” can

speed up the metabolism and burn more calories. If you limit your intake
to a cup in the morning and another in the afternoon, you should avoid the
negative side of this great and oftentimes addictive beverage.

• Corn – Only 178 calories per cooked cup and high in iron, zinc and
potassium, it also provides high-quality protein. The Tarahumara Indians

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of Mexico eat nothing but corn and beans and reportedly have almost zero
incidences of heart disease and high blood pressure.

• Cottage Cheese – Low-fat varieties have about 205 calories per cup, low
fat and respectable amounts of calcium, riboflavin B vitamin. Use it in
cooking, baking or consumed as a dip or side dish.

• Figs – Very high in fiber and low in calories. This fruit contributes to a
feeling of fullness and may prevent overeating. Poach them or serve them
fresh or dried or use them in cooking.

• Fish – More beneficial than previously thought, fish is low in calories and
high in Omega 3 oils which reduce blood pressure and lower cholesterol.
Fish oil supplements have been found to reduce joint inflammation and
ease arthritis.

• Grapefruit – Helps dissolve fat and cholesterol, very low in calories and
high in Vitamin C, pectin, and potassium. Zero fat and sodium.

• Greens – Swiss chard, kale, collard, mustard turnip and greens as well as
spinach (the SuperStar of SuperFoods) are all very low in calories, loaded
with fiber and vitamins A and C and are fat-free.

• Kiwi – Only 46 calories per fruit, high in vitamin C and potassium.

• Leeks – First cousins of the onion they are healthy and flavorful and only
about 32 calories per cup. Use raw in salads or cooked in the same
manner you would onions.

• Lentils – High in protein and soluble fiber, the two nutrients that stabilize
blood-sugar levels and help flatten abs.

• Lettuce – Contrary to popular belief, lettuce is quite nutritious and

extremely low in calories at about 10 per cup. It has vitamin C and lots of

• Melons – Good nutrition, great taste and low in calories. 62 calories or

less per cup. Lots of potassium and vitamins A and C.

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• Mustard – This condiment will speed up the metabolism, much like
caffeine. It is natural and totally safe to use frequently. Testing has
shown that the metabolism will speed up about 25% for several hours
after ingesting a teaspoon of hot Asian mustard.

• Oats – Only 110 calories per cup of oatmeal or oat bran.

• Onions – One cup of raw onions has only 60 calories, a raw medium onion
has only 42. They taste good and are good for you.

• Pasta (yes, really!!) – Rich in six minerals; manganese, iron, phosphorus,

copper, magnesium and zinc. Whole wheat varieties are the best for you,
with only 155 calories per cup.

• Peppers and chilies – Act much the same as hot mustard and are rich in
vitamins A and C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and magnesium. They are
high in fiber, fat-free and have only 24 calories per cup.

• Potatoes – No, we’re not kidding. About 0.6 calories per gram, 85 for a
medium potato, they are high in fiber and potassium. The toppings are
what get most of us in trouble. Stay away from butter, sour cream and
other high calorie and fat items. Use plain yogurt or a vegetable ragout

• Rice – Whole grain rice has about 175 calories per cooked cup. A “Rice
Diet” promoted in the 1930s used rice as the staple of food intake, with a
few other fruits and vegetables mixed in. It produced stunning weight
losses and medical results. Avoid white, buffered rice and go for whole
grain, brown or wild varieties.

• Soups – Homemade vegetable soups are low in calories and are filling,
which promotes weight loss. Cream soups or those using meat are not
the best choices though. Stick to vegetable soups made with natural
stock. Use lots of spices to give it great flavor.

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• Sweet Potatoes – With only about 110 calories per potato, they are a
great source of vitamin A. Flavor them with vegetable broth or a ragout
instead of butter.

• Tomatoes – Only about 25 calories for a medium tomato, they are high in
fiber and low in fat and sodium.

• Tofu – This soybean curd is nearly tasteless, so it may be spiced or used

in cooking, where it blends well. It is low in calories and contains calcium
and iron. Tofu stimulates the metabolism, causing a speedy burning of

• Turkey – Four ounces has only 177 calories for white meat and 211 for the
dark. Anything you can do with beef, you can do with turkey.

• Yogurt – Non-fat, plain yogurt has only 120 calories per cup and is rich in
calcium, zinc and riboflavin.

• Citrus Fruits – Rich in vitamin C, citrus and other fruits that are high in
vitamin C have fat-burning properties.

Secret # 7 – “Lose the Last of the Fat” Program

The late, great Vince Gironda was an American bodybuilder of the 1940s and
1950s noted for his “cuts,” or extreme muscle separation. For many years Vince
ran a gym in Studio City, California not far from a number of the motion picture
studios that made Hollywood famous. Many of his clients were actors or
television personalities, but a lot of professional athletes and runners came to
him for specialized training. About six weeks before a competition, Vince would
put these men and women on a diet that he had developed and then he would
work with them on their routines.

Vince’s “Lose the Last of the Fat” program consisted of the following regimen:

• Four days – eat as close to zero carbohydrates as humanly possible.

• The Fifth day – balanced food intake with protein and complex

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• Next Four days – eat as close to zero carbohydrates as possible.

• The Tenth day – balanced food intake.

• Next Four days – zero carbs.

• Fifteenth day – balanced food intake.

• Maintain this schedule for up to six weeks.

• Supplement the food intake daily with: 1 tablespoon of cold-pressed

wheat germ oil, kelp tablets (vegetable protein), Lipo3 tablets (a lipotropic
compound of three essential amino acids that aid protein absorption).

• Drink a lot of water and avoid alcohol and caffeine!!

Like many of the athletes and trainers of the mid-twentieth century, Gironda
discouraged the use of chemical enhancements, choosing instead to use high
protein diets and hard workouts to achieve muscle size and shape. Today’s
athletes and bodybuilders can use natural supplements to accomplish the same
results without resorting to anabolic steroids or human growth hormone (HGH) to
artificially induce muscle growth and enhance athletic performance.

When asked about his tremendous abdominal development (Vince had an eight-
pack), Gironda would pose a question, “Which athlete has the best ab
development?” The answer was “gymnasts.” Vince’s reasoning was that they
performed exercises with a lot of core tension and never did waist-specific
exercises. It was his practice to perform crunches instead of sit-ups, and front
levers on a chinning bar to tighten his abdominal muscles while performing other
exercises. Coupled with his diet regimen, these minimal efforts produced some
great six-pack developments on his students because of the lack of
subcutaneous fat.

Vince Gironda’s program would be the best approach for someone who was
unable to get rid of that last bit of pot-belly, despite all their efforts at midsection
exercises. The diet portion of his routine is too extreme for a long term, but might
be a good way to lose fat and then maintain the trim through a well balanced diet
and core-tension exercising.

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A Summary
You have learned that there is no magic pill to create your leaner, more fit and
sexy body, but that anyone with the willingness to put forth some properly
directed effort can succeed in this goal. The key elements of a fitness program
are equally weighted between exercise and nutrition and there are some
shortcuts or means to accelerate the achievement of these goals.

We have shared with you some of the insider secrets of how to realize your
ideal body and we disclosed a lot more than just the seven secrets intimated
in the title of this e-book:

9 Set Goals – establish a series of benchmarks for measuring progress, like

rungs on a ladder, each one you reach is a measure of success.

9 Learn to Visualize – Mental augmentation of your physical efforts will

accelerate the process.

9 Develop a Plan – Know how you are going to achieve your goals.

9 The Exercise Plan – Know the basic exercises and how to apply them to
your program.

9 The Nutrition Plan – Learn what to eat in order to maximize progress

toward a leaner, fit, sexy body.

9 Keep a Ledger of Your Activities and Nutrition. Someone has to keep the

9 Condensing the Workout – Use Super Sets or Triple Sets to shorten the
workout time without losing the benefits of the exercises.

9 Muscle Priority System – an approach used by advanced bodybuilders to

accelerate results.

9 A comprehensive list of fat-burning super foods and those to avoid.

9 A revelation was made of a professional athletes “Get Rid of the Last of

the Fat” short-term diet.

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Recommend Reading:

Turbulence Training Review By Craig Ballantyne‐turbulence
Turbulence Training promises fast fat loss results for men and women who don't
have a lot of time for exercise. This is a bold promise, and the workouts promise
maximum results in only three workouts per week.

Let's take a look at this claim, and see if it really measures up!

Before we get to the program, let's take a look at the expert behind the workouts.
I've come across Craig Ballantyne's name many times in popular fitness
magazines such as Men's Health and Men's Fitness, and even in Oxygen and
Shape magazines. So the program is clearly put together by a trusted fitness

I've also talked to Craig about his training and education background, and I'll be
honest, it was impressive, unlike the trainers with weekend certifications that pop
up at large commercial gyms. Craig's experience goes back to the mid-nineties,
in both the gym and in the research lab. He's actually led research trials on sport
supplements, strength training, and cardiovascular training.

Plus, Craig has been a strength coach and has worked with hundreds of clients
in thousands of training sessions. This is a unique and thorough background, so
it’s not surprising he's come up with a new training system for fat loss.

In fact, Craig's articles are always pretty hard on traditional aerobic cardio
workouts. So if you're looking for new ways to spend 30 or 60-minutes doing
cardio, then this program is not for you. But if you only have 45 minutes to
workout, a couple of times per week, and you have access to only a bench,
dumbbells, and an exercise ball, then you'll like what Craig has for you here.

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Now one of the biggest questions about the program is simply, "What is
Turbulence Training?" Well according to Craig, it’s the combination of resistance
training and interval training used to boost your metabolism so that your body
burns calories and fat between workouts. He says, "Cardio doesn't boost your
metabolism after exercise. Only strength training and interval training do that -
while you work, sleep, and eat - your body will be shedding fat."

Fortunately, Craig's unique system of bodyweight exercises, dumbbell exercises,

and interval training can all be done at home, with minimal equipment (if you are
really strong, it might help to have a chin-up bar). So again, if you are one of
those people who loves machines, cardio equipment, or marathon workouts, then
this program is not for you.

Frankly, I've used the program myself and recommended to many others. Why?
Because no one has time for long workouts! That's why. After an eight or ten
hour workday, a round-trip commute of 90 minutes, and spending time with my
family, I just don't have time to do another 90 minute workout every day of the

In fact, I either wake up early or do the workout before work, or I do it just before
bed. This workout is perfect for busy men and women. However, it’s not the type
of routine that is going to turn anyone into a pro bodybuilder. If you want
maximum muscle and want to bulk up, try another one of Craig's programs. But
the Turbulence Training system is best for burning fat without sacrificing muscle -
so you end up lean, defined, chiseled and toned.

And its fun! So many workouts are boring (i.e. long cardio) or repetitive (i.e. doing
the same bodybuilding workout over and over again). But Turbulence Training
uses a lot of unique (but not fluffy) exercises, including some cool, killer
bodyweight moves that will make you more athletic and increase your functional
and core strength - again, all with minimal equipment needs.

But, I am even able to recommend this program to friends who are just starting
out, because Craig has put together a 6-week introductory program, and a 4-
week intermediate program in addition to the 16-week advanced training phase
(PLUS, the Turbulence Training program comes with a massive amount of bonus
workouts for muscle building, bodyweight only, advanced fat loss, and even a
female specific bonus).

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But each workout progresses into the next. He's used all of these workouts with
hundreds of clients - so they are safe and effective. Sure, you can get other
programs that leave you smashed and puking after the first workout, but
Turbulence Training is not like that. Soreness doesn't matter, only results matter!
And you are in expert hands with Turbulence Training, and Men's Health expert,
Craig Ballantyne.

Craig's Turbulence Training also contains a contract -- basically, your pledge to

being committed to the program. It also includes an ebook on Nutrition
Guidelines from expert, Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D., and an extensive Q&A section, a
21-Healthy Habit Building Plan, plus the complete Turbulence Training workouts
for beginner, intermediate and advanced level individuals.

All users will benefit from the Turbulence Training MP3 audio where Craig goes
over the program, plus you can find every single exercise explained in detail,
complete with photos.

Okay, so bottom line. Turbulence Training is NOT....

• Long, slow cardio workouts

• A machine-based exercise circuit
• A bodybuilding program to gain bulk
• A workout with lots of time-wasting isolation exercises
• A restrictive eating plan

Turbulence Training provides NONE of the above. On the other hand,

Turbulence Training is perfect for busy men and women who want to burn fat in
the comfort of their own homes without spending a lot of money on equipment or
space on exercise machines. Oh, and you'll actually have fun and you won't
"dread" these workouts - heck, they will be over before you know it!

If you're in the slightest bit curious, I recommend you look closely at Craig's
program. I was very impressed with all of the Turbulence Training workouts, the
bonuses, the guarantee, and Craig's expertise. For the money, it's the best deal
in the fitness and fat loss industry - so much better than diet pills! And

Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training is backed by an 8-week money back

guarantee. And this is a real guarantee... if you are not completely satisfied, you

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will receive your money back, no "ifs," "ands," or "buts." So you really have
nothing to lose.

Check it out here:‐turbulence

“I run because it's my passion, and not just a sport. Every time I walk
out the door, I know why I'm going where I'm going and I'm already
focused on that special place where I find my peace and solitude.

Running, to me, is more than just a physical's a

consistent reward for victory!”

Happy Running RunPals!

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