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Interstellar journey has been viable nowadays and it is believed that outer space tourism

should be progressed in the future.While space travelling has some benefits, I maintain that it
involves some drawbacks, too.
There are numerous downsides of space passage, one of which is the huge burden on the
society’s budget.For example, the space expedition conducted by Elon Musk was a multi
billion-dollar mission due to the fact that mankind has not yet improved fully-developed
technology that is capable of travelling in the space with ease.For that reason, every steps of
preparation must be thoroughly considered and planned, which needs exorbitant
investment.With the current state of space venture, one must pay considerable money to enter
to a trip so it is not for the main public. Instead, billionaires and companies should focus on
enhancing Earth-based tourism as an alternative so it would be beneficial for everyone.
Notwithstanding with the above-mentioned negatives, interstellar tourism really reaps
benefits, one of which is the potential accessibility to knowledge. First of all, establishing
tourism in the space is the opportunity for scientists to collect date of phenomenons in the
universe that could remain unknown otherwise.Specifically, tourists can act as an observation
army or a tool to witness stars and outer space nature cycles.Additionally, tourism helps to
create an experimental settings for finding the influence of outer space to human as well as
machine.Finally, setting up space tourism as a business results in more available occupations
and an income generating source for the society.
In brief, while interstellar expedition has some demerits, I generally consider it as a
positive progress.

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