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Department of Computer Engineering

Academic Term : January - May 2024

Class: B.E. (Computer) Semester VIII

Division: A Subject Name: Distributed Systems CSC 801

Experiment No 8
Roll No 9225

Name of Student Sankalp Rane

Aim: Implement a simplified version of the MapReduce framework for distributed processing



This streamlined portrayal of the MapReduce framework showcases the fundamental principles of
distributed data processing. Through the utilization of map and reduce functions, the framework adeptly
oversees input data, creating intermediary outcomes that are structured and condensed to yield final
results. It aptly illustrates the core essence of parallel processing and the adaptability of MapReduce in
managing various data processing tasks. Illustrated through introductory examples like word counting, it
highlights the tangible utility of MapReduce in practical scenarios. While this demonstration provides a
foundational grasp, delving deeper into distributed systems can unveil methodologies for expanding
MapReduce capabilities to tackle extensive data processing needs, thereby fostering the creation of
scalable and effective data processing solutions.
Post Lab Assignment:

1. Define Distributed System.

A distributed system is a network of interconnected computers that communicate and coordinate their
actions to achieve a common goal. In a distributed system, each computer, also known as a node, has its
own processing power and memory, and they work together as a unified system. Unlike a centralized
system where all processing occurs on a single computer, in a distributed system, tasks and data are
distributed across multiple nodes, allowing for parallel processing and enhanced scalability.

Key characteristics of distributed systems include:

1. Concurrency: Multiple tasks or processes can run simultaneously across different nodes in the system.

2. Transparency: Users and applications interact with the distributed system as if it were a single entity,
hiding the complexities of its underlying structure.

3. Scalability: Distributed systems can easily scale by adding or removing nodes, allowing them to handle
increasing workloads or adapt to changing demands.

4. Fault Tolerance: Distributed systems are designed to continue functioning even if individual nodes fail,
ensuring reliability and availability.

5. Autonomy-Each node in a distributed system operates independently and can make decisions
autonomously, contributing to the overall system's resilience and flexibility.

Distributed systems find applications in various domains, including cloud computing, peer-to-peer
networks, distributed databases, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. They enable efficient resource
utilization, improved performance, and enhanced fault tolerance, making them essential for building
robust and scalable computing infrastructures.

2. What is transparency?

Transparency, in a general sense, refers to the quality or state of being transparent or easily understood,
observable, or accessible. In various contexts, transparency can have specific meanings:

Government and Governance: Transparency in government refers to openness and accountability in

decision-making processes, allowing citizens to access information about governmental activities,
policies, and expenditures. It helps to prevent corruption, promote public trust, and ensure that officials
are accountable to the public.
Business and Finance: In business and finance, transparency involves providing clear and accurate
information about a company's operations, financial performance, and governance practices to
stakeholders, including investors, employees, and customers. Transparent business practices enhance
trust, facilitate informed decision-making, and foster a positive reputation.

Technology and Data: In technology and data management, transparency refers to the visibility and
accessibility of data, algorithms, and processes. Transparent data practices ensure that individuals
understand how their data is collected, used, and protected, promoting trust and privacy.
Communication and Collaboration: Transparency in communication and collaboration involves sharing
information openly and honestly within organizations and among stakeholders. Transparent
communication fosters trust, encourages collaboration, and helps to align goals and expectations.

Overall, transparency plays a crucial role in promoting accountability, trust, and integrity across various
domains, ultimately contributing to better decision-making, stronger relationships, and more effective
governance and operations.

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