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2019 - 2020

DATE:_____________________________________________List Number:______

TOTAL POINTS:________________ GRADE:____________

I. CONTRACTIONS. Write “C” for correct and “I” for the ones
used incorrectly.

1. They didn´t have any homework today. _____

2. She cannot see the landscape._____

3. There´s a great hotel near the beach._____

4. I willn´t repeat the answer._____

5. Your one of my best friends. _____

II. Use the correct article to complete the sentences. (a, an, the)
1. That was such ______ amazing show!
2. _____ clouds are moving to the west.
3. I want _____ computer as a present.
4. ______ iceberg made the Titanic sink.
5. ______ most important thing is to be happy.

III. Write if the sentence is in present, past, or future.

1. Miss Jones was my teacher last year. __________

2. Laura and I love romantic novels. __________
3. Will you need my help? __________
4. The boys had a wonderful time there. _________
5. Mom does everything with love. __________
IV. Write the correct form of the adjective in ( ). Comparative or
superlative form.
1. Rebeca is _____________ than her sister. (young)
2. I think this restaurant is the __________ (good) in town.
3. This is the ___________ exam I´ve done. (difficult)

V. Write the past form of the following irregular verbs.

1. Forget _____________
2. Brake _____________
3. Eat _____________
4. Make _____________
5. Teach _____________


Directions: Read the following passages. Then answer the questions

The Old Man and the Bear

This is a story about a surprising friendship. Years ago, an old man lived alone
in the Maine woods. One day he returned to his cabin and saw a bear inside
eating honey. The man stuck his head into the cabin’s window. “Out of my
house, Bear!” he yelled. The bear ran out the door. He ran into the river where
the man had been fishing and stopped a few feet from shore. The man had
failed to catch his dinner. Now he had no honey. No wonder he was angry at
the bear.
The man watched as the bear raised a honey-covered paw into the air. Flies
soon covered the paw. Next, the bear held his paw over the water. Fish
jumped up to get the flies. Each time a fish jumped, the bear swatted it back to
shore. The man was amazed. He was hungry too.
When the bear had a pile of fish, he sat down on the shore and ate. As he did,
he watched the old man watching him. Finally, the bear threw the last four fish
toward the man and disappeared into the woods.
From that day on, the man shared his honey with the bear, and the bear shared
his fish with the man.
1. Which word best describes the bear?
a. mean
b. lazy
c. fair
d. strong

2. Where did the story take place?

a. on an island
b. in a town
c. on a farm
d. in a forest

3. Which of these is part of a raising action in the story?

a. The bear disappeared into the woods.
b. The man discovered the bear in his cabin.
c. The bear threw four fish to the man.
d. The man cleaned and cooked his fish.

4. Which of the following is the theme, or message, of the story?

a. A person’s home is a castle.
b. Never invite a bear to dinner.
c. People and animals can learn to live together.
d. Wild animals would like to be friends with people.

6. What is the author´s purpose story?




Sara Smith, a Pasadena resident, went shopping. She is

30, and has lived at 3037 N. Foothill Street since 1992. Sara

has been married to John for seven years. They have two
children; Bob is five years old and Nancy is three. Sara owns a 1995 four-door

blue Toyola. At 9 a.m., Sara got into her car and drove to Barget, a department

store a mile away.

Barget was having a holiday sale. Sara bought a four-slice toaster for

$29.95 plus tax. The regular price was $39.95. She paid by check. On her way

home, Sara stopped at MilkPlus to buy a gallon of nonfat milk. The milk was

$3.50. Sara got 50 cents back in change.

Sara arrived home at 10 a.m. John and the kids were still sleeping. She

woke them up and then made a hot and nutritious breakfast for everyone.


1. Barget is a supermarket. _____

2. Sara´s kids are teenagers. _____

3. Sara bought a toaster with a discount. _____

4. John woke up after 10:00 a.m. _______

5. Sara made coffee for everyone. _______

DIRECTIONS. Read each sentence. Mark your answer choice.

1. The mother had to _______ her child away from the toy shop.
A) extend
B) supply
C) bail
D) drag
2. He was so nervous he ______ the car during his driving test.
A) stalled
B) huddled
C) claimed
D) absorbed

3. The baby is asleep in its ______.

A) academy
B) display
C) cradle
D) hedge

4. The _______ flew into outer space.

A) capitals
B) astronauts
C) corrals
D) ancestors

5. Why are you _______ in the shadows?

A) handling
B) lurking
C) loosening
D) neglecting

6. Her words made an _______ on him.

A) origin
B) evening
C) impact
D) admiration

7. There´s a _______ between Tom and his father.

A) resemblance
B) production
C) team
D) craft

8. She bruised her _____ when she fell.

A) street
B) paint
C) movie
D) elbow

9. I knew Tom was joking because I saw a _____ in his eye.

A) tissue
B) lunch
C) mirk
D) glint

10.The teacher ______ him to study.

A) chanted
B) outwitted
C) advised
D) snuffled

11.I´m excited about doing my homework ________.

A) assignment
B) progress
C) attraction
D) commotion

12.The dog _______ the stick.

A) chiseled
B) emerged
C) etched
D) gnawed

13.The balloon_________.
A) repeated
B) expanded
C) donated
D) slashed

14.The cow could not get out of the ________.

A) ravine
B) scorned
C) feature
D) instance

15.Those two are a talented ____________.

A) home
B) duo
C) glimpse
D) vote


Write a sentence using every vocabulary word listed.

1. Focus. ________________________________________

2. Abandoned.___________________________________

3. Savage. _______________________________________
4. Specific.______________________________________

5. Effort.________________________________________

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