Eng A: Engleski Jezik

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viša razina
(Listening Paper)


Engleski jezik

Način označavanja odgovora na listu za odgovore:

Način ispravljanja pogrešaka na listu za odgovore:

Prepisan točan odgovor Skraćeni potpis

2/12 ENG A IK-2 D-S054


Pozorno pročitajte sve upute i slijedite ih.

Ne okrećite stranicu i ne rješavajte zadatke dok to ne odobri voditelj ispitne prostorije.
Nalijepite identifikacijske naljepnice na sve ispitne materijale koje ste dobili u sigurnosnoj vrećici.
Ispit slušanja traje 35 minuta.

Ispit se sastoji od zadataka povezivanja i zadataka višestrukoga izbora.

 zadatcima povezivanja svaki sadržaj označen brojem povežite samo s jednim odgovarajućim
sadržajem koji je označen slovom (zadatci 1 i 3).
• U zadatcima višestrukoga izbora od više ponuđenih odgovora odaberite samo jedan
(zadatci 2 i 4).

Pri rješavanju ovih zadataka možete pisati po stranicama ove ispitne knjižice. Odgovore morate
označiti znakom X na listu za odgovore. Svaki točan odgovor donosi jedan bod.1

Na 2. stranici ove ispitne knjižice prikazan je način označavanja odgovora i način ispravljanja
pogrešaka. Pri ispravljanju pogrešaka potrebno je staviti skraćeni potpis. Zabranjeno je potpisati
se punim imenom i prezimenom.
Upotrebljavajte isključivo kemijsku olovku kojom se piše plavom ili crnom bojom.

Želimo Vam mnogo uspjeha!

Bodovi u svakoj od triju ispitnih cjelina imaju određeni udio u konačnome rezultatu.

Ova ispitna knjižica ima 12 stranica, od toga 3 prazne.

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Engleski jezik Listening Paper

Task 1
Questions 1-5

You will hear five people talking about their job at a career day event.
Match each speaker (1-5) with one option (A-H).
There are three options that you do not need.
You will hear the recording twice.

Which occupation is each speaker talking about?

A Postman / postwoman

B IT administrator

C Travel agent

D Personal assistant

E Taxi driver

F Public relations manager

G Accountant

H Hotel receptionist

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Listening Paper Engleski jezik

Task 2
Questions 6-13

You will hear people talking in eight situations.

For each question (6-13), choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
You will hear each recording twice.

6 You hear Michael talking to a friend about training waterpolo.

Why did Michael start training it?

A To be with friends.
B To build up his body.
C To recover from an injury.

7 You hear Lisa talking about her new car.

What does Lisa say about it?

A It’s big.
B It’s fast.
C It’s expensive.

8 You hear John talking to a friend about the weekend.

What is John going to do?

A Go hiking.
B Do homework.
C Relax with friends.

9 You hear two people talking.

What is the main topic of their discussion?

A A pay rise.
B The vacation length.
C Working from home.

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Engleski jezik Listening Paper

10 You hear Martha talking to a friend about her meeting.

How did Martha feel when she returned?

A Indifferent.
B Exhausted.
C Enthusiastic.

11 You hear Gerald talking to a friend about his current job.

Why did Gerald take it?

A For the money.

B For the colleagues.
C For the travel.

12 You hear Louise talking to a friend about Charles.

What does Louise dislike about Charles?

A His language.
B His sense of humour.
C His work ethic.

13 You hear Paul talking to a friend about a TV series he watched.

What does Paul say about it?

A It had too many characters.

B It had too many episodes.
C It had an unlikely plot.

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Listening Paper Engleski jezik

Task 3
Questions 14-19

You will hear two friends talking about bands.

For each question (14-19), choose the correct answer (A, B or C) from the list of bands.

Mark A for Anthem

B for Boldplay
or C for Cream

You will hear the recording twice.

Which band...

14 rarely plays live?

15 has more than one singer?

16 keeps changing members?

17 often plays smaller venues?

18 sings protest songs?

19 is most successful?

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Engleski jezik Listening Paper

Task 4
Questions 20-25

You will hear a radio interview with Sophia Nielsen about working as a digital nomad.
For each question (20-25), choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
You will hear the recording twice.

20 What helped Sophia decide to become a digital nomad?

A The love of travelling.

B Her interest in environmental planning.
C The people she had met abroad.

21 What is, according to Sophia, the advantage of her lifestyle?

A Fewer working hours.

B Freedom of choice.
C Learning about different cultures.

22 How many hours a day on average does Sophia work?

A Three hours.
B Five hours.
C Seven hours.

23 How does Sophia stay focused on her work?

A By drinking coffee.
B Through physical activity.
C By talking to colleagues.

24 What makes Sophia good at her job?

A Work experience.
B Qualifications.
C Self-control.

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Listening Paper Engleski jezik
25 What does Sophia plan to do next?

A Move to a new country.

B Take a break.
C Write a book.

You now have five minutes to copy your answers onto the answer sheet.

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Engleski jezik


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Engleski jezik


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Engleski jezik


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