John-Etal - CMP-2009 Raspas-2

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Contrib Mineral Petrol

DOI 10.1007/s00410-009-0427-0


Subducted seamounts in an edogite-facies ophiolite sequence:

the Andean Raspas Complex, SW Ecuador
Timm John • Erik E. Scherer • Volker Schenk •
Petra Herms • Ralf Halama • Dieter Garbe-Schiinberg

Receivecl: 5 February 2009/ Accepted: 9 July 2009

Springer-Verlag 2009

Abstract The metamorphic Raspas Complex of south- MORB-type eclogite, seamount-type blueschist, serpenti-
west Ecuador consists of high-pressurc mafic, ultramafic, nized peridotite, and metasediments points to an exhumed
and sedimentary rocks. The Lu—Hf ages of a blueschíst, a high-pressure ophiolite sequence.
metapelite, and an eclogite overlap at around 130 Ma and
date high-pressure garnet growth. Peak metarnorphic con- Keywords Andes - High-pressure ophiolite •
ditions in the eclogites reached 1.8 GPa at 600°C, corre- Seamount subduction • Blueschíst • Eclogite • Serpentinite •
sponding to a maximum burial depth of —60 km. The Slab dismembering • Earthquakes
geochemical signatures of the eclogites suggest that their
protoliths were typical n-úd-ocean ridge basalts (MORB),
whereas the blueschísts exhibít seamount-like characteris- Introduction
tics, and the eclogite-facies peridotites seem to represent
depleted, MORB-source mantle. That these rocks were Ophiolites are fragments of oceanic lithosphere that have
subjectcd to similar peak PT conditions contemporane- becn obductcd onto continental crust during collisional
ously suggests that they were subducted together as an events. Ophiolites sensu stricto comprise rocks of the
essentially complete section within the slab. We suggest uppermost lithospheric mantle, volcanic and intrusive
that this section became dismembered from the slab during rocks of the oceanic crust, and deep-sea sediments, all in
burial at great depth—perhaps as a consequence of scrap- their original structural positions (Anonymous 1972). In
ing off the seamotmts. The spatially close association of recent years, however, it has become increasingly evident
that such a strict use of the term is no longer appropriate,
gíven the complexities of structural feattu-es, chemical
Communicated by J. Hoefs. compositions, and tectonic settings of ophiolites (e.g.,
Electronic suppletnentary material The online version of tisis Dilek 2003). Por example, Moores (1982) and Dilek (2003)
anide (doi:10.1007/s00410-009-0427-0) contains supplementary have defined a Cordilleran- or Franciscan-type ophiolite in
material, which it available to authorized users. which dismembered parts of an oceanic lithosphere have
been integ,ratecl into accretionary orogenic belts. They are
T. John
Physics of Geological Processes (PGP), University of Oslo, tectonically intercalated with mélanges and high-pressure
P.O. Box 1048, Blindem, 0316 Oslo, Norway metamorphic rocks that are characteristic of subduction
zones. In rare cases. high-pressure, low-temperature suites
T. John • V. Schenk • P. Herms - R. Halama •
comprise depleted mande, mafic crust, and sediments, ahl
D. Garbe-Sch6nberg
Institut für Geowissenschaften and SFB 574, of oceanic origin. Even though it may not be known when
Universitüt 1Gel, Olshausenstr. 40, 24098 Kiel, Germany [hese units were juxtaposed, i.c., during formation, during
burial, or during exhumation, they may be considered to
T. John (E]) • E. E. Scherer
be high-pressure ophiolite sequences (e.g., Ernst 2003).
Institut für Mineralogie, Universa& Münster,
Corrensstr. 24, 48149 Münster, Germany Together with experimental constraints, geochemical
e-mail: studies of such ophiolites and mélange zones may reveal

Published online: 30 July 2009 Springer

Contrib Mineral Petrol

how the different parts of the oceanic lithosphere and their extends southward into the El Oro Metamorphic Complex.
element budgets behave during subduction into the mantle. The latter comprises various lithologically diverse terranes
In the northern Andes, four occurrences of high-pressure that have distinct metamorphic ages ranging from the
mafic rocks have been recognized (Feininger 1980, 1982; Paleozoic to the Cretaceous, and these have been divided
Orrego et al. 1980; De Souza et al. 1984), the southernmost into smaller units by several E-W-trending strike-slip faults
of which being the Raspas Complex in Ecuador. This is the (Aspden et al. 1995). One of these units, the Raspas
only known eclogite occurrence in the Andes, and it has an Complex, is bounded to the North by the La Palma—El
oceanic origin (Maruyama et al. 1996; Bosch et al. 2002). Guayabo shear zone and to the South by a major tectonic
The Raspas Complex has been grouped together with contact with the migmatitic gneisses of the Tahuin Group
various metamorphic terranes into the ‘‘El Oro Metamor- (Fig. 1). The Raspas Complex comprises two formations,
phic Complex’’ (Aspden et al. 1995). Recent studies have (1) the El Toro Formation, which consists of eclogite-facies
interpreted these terranes as a tectonic mélange whose peridotite (Gabriele et al. 2002) and (2) the Raspas For-
elements were juxtaposed either in the late Jurassic to early mation, which comprises eclogites, blueschists, and gar-
Cretaceous within the deeper part of an accretionary prism net–chloritoid–kyanite metapelites (Feininger 1978, 1980;
(Aspden et al. 1995) or in the Cretaceous (or later) during Gabriele 2002; Gabriele et al. 2003). We observed no
exhumation (Bosch et al. 2002; Gabriele 2002). A limited pillow- and flow structures or sheeted dikes in the Raspas
set of geochemical data was interpreted to suggest that the formation. In situ contacts between eclogite and blueschist
eclogite-facies mafic rocks were derived from an oceanic have not been found due to the extensive cover by jungle or
plateau, whereas the lower grade mafic rocks, i.e., am- farmland. In some places, zoisite-rich veins penetrate the
phibolites, represent typical mid-ocean ridge basalt eclogites. At one locality in the Quebrada Raspas, where
(MORB)-like oceanic crust (Arculus et al. 1999; Bosch the contact between eclogite and peridotite is exposed,
et al. 2002). In the present study, however, we report fuchsite-rich rocks have formed (Feininger 1980). Because
detailed petrological, geochemical, and geochronological the eclogites and blueschists are not intercalated with the
data of eclogites, blueschists, and associated high-pressure serpentinized peridotite, they are apparently not part of a
peridotites from the Raspas Complex that strongly suggest tectonic mélange (cf. Aspden et al. 1995; Bosch et al. 2002;
that a coherent section of oceanic lithosphere—including Gabriele 2002). The peridotites of the El Toro formation
associated seamounts—was subducted and later exhumed
as a high-pressure ophiolite suite. Considering its limited
spatial extent, this sequence is therefore one of the few
high-pressure ophiolites that contain the whole sequence of N Arenillas
Migmatitic gneisses 5 km
an ideal oceanic plate, with rocks from the mantle, oceanic La Palma-El Guayabo Shea
one r zone
crust, and sea sediments. ar z
She Shea
Eclogite-facies serpentinized Eclogite, metapelite, r zon
peridotite blueschist mainly ec, bs and mp

Geologic setting




Rio Arenillas
The Andean range continues to form where the Nazca and Tahuin Dam Lake
Antarctic oceanic plates subduct under the South American

continent and it is typical of chains that form at long-lived


Migmatitic gneisses

convergent margins. Even though protracted subduction

has been postulated, high-pressure rocks are surprisingly Biron Terrane and Tahuin Group units
rare in the Andes (Maruyama et al. 1996). The Ecuadorian
Metamorphic Complex

Quito Raspas Formation


continental margin belongs to the northern Andean seg-
El Toro Formation
El Oro

ment (North of 5°S) and is separated from the central Cuenca
PERU units
segment by a distinct change in the convergence angle at Area of
Arenillas-Panupali unit
the Huancabamba Deflection. Subduction of oceanic crust main figure
Piedras unit
beneath the continental margin started in the late Jurassic
(Jaillard 1990; Aspden et al. 1995). The suture zone Fig. 1 Geological map showing the main structures and lithological
between the predominately oceanic terranes and the South units of the El Oro Metamorphic Complex, SW Ecuador (modified
American plate, which is related to the Jurassic–Cretaceous after Gabriele 2002). The Raspas Complex was sampled along the
small Rio Raspas. The dotted line divides the eastern part of the river
subduction and accretionary processes, is located at the section, where blueschists (bs) and metapelites (mp) frequently occur
western side of the Eastern Cordillera (Litherland et al. along with eclogite, from the western part, where metapelites are less
1994). Aspden et al. (1995) have suggested that this suture abundant and blueschist is very rare

Contrib Mineral Petrol

have been serpentinized to varying degrees. Locally, they (Table 2). Concentrations of 26 trace elements were deter-
host mafic dikes that have eclogitic mineral assemblages mined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
(Gabriele 2002; Gabriele et al. 2002), indicating subduc- (ICP-MS) after HF–HNO3–HClO4 acid digestion of
tion depths similar to those of the associated eclogite-facies *100 mg of pulverized sample material in Teflon bombs at
meta-igneous- and sedimentary rocks of the Raspas For- 180°C. Before analysis, the sample solutions were diluted
mation. The mafic rocks from the Arenillas-Panupali and 20-fold and spiked with 5 ng/ml indium and rhenium for
Piedras Units, located to the south of the Raspas Complex, internal standardization. The instrument was calibrated
have been overprinted at greenschist- and amphibolite- using aqueous multi-element calibration standards without
facies conditions, respectively. The greenschist-facies further matrix matching. Measurements were done with an
rocks were interpreted to be former blueschists (Gabriele Agilent 7500cs ICP-MS instrument under standard operat-
2002), whereas the amphibolite-facies rocks were consid- ing conditions. The analytical results represent averages of
ered to be prograde amphibolites (Aspden et al. 1995; three replicate measurements after subtraction of a labora-
Gabriele 2002). Together, these two units and the Raspas tory reagent blank. Analytical quality was controlled by
Complex represent pieces of oceanic lithosphere sand- analyzing procedural blanks (‘‘Blank’’), sample duplicates,
wiched between continentally derived units, namely the and international reference standards along with the sample
Biron Terrane to the North and the Tahuin Group to the series. Results for the international rock standards BHVO-2
South (Feininger 1987; Gabriele 2002) (Fig. 1). and UB-N are reported in the results table (Table 2). Con-
In the Raspas Complex, phengite K–Ar ages (132 ± centrations determined from duplicate digestions of refer-
5 Ma; Feininger 1980) and Ar–Ar ages (123–129 Ma; ence standards and samples differed by less than 3% for most
Gabriele 2002) suggest an early Cretaceous age for cooling elements. Instrument stability was monitored by re-analyz-
of the eclogite-facies rocks. Arculus et al. (1999) and Bosch ing one sample every hour. Precision as calculated from four
et al. (2002) suggested that the eclogite-facies mafic rocks replicate analyses was better than 3% RSD for all elements
of the Raspas formation were originally part of an oceanic except heavy rare earth element (HREE), Th, and U (better
plateau, whereas the lower grade mafic rocks, i.e., than 5% RSD). Results for W, Mo, and Sb are less precise,
amphibolites, represent oceanic crust with MORB affinities. with analytical errors in the range of 10, 15, and 20% RSD,
This proposed bimodal subdivision led to a model in which respectively. Further details of the sample preparation pro-
an oceanic plateau entered the subduction zone and blocked cedure and instrument calibration strategy can be found in
further subduction, whereas the MORB-type rocks were Garbe-Schönberg (1993) and John et al. (2008).
never buried to great depth and thus belong to a different The Lu–Hf analyses were carried out at the Zentrallabor
oceanic terrane (Bosch et al. 2002; Gabriele 2002). In für Geochronologie in Münster (Table 3). Whole rocks
accordance with this model, it was suggested that a causal (2–3 kg) were crushed with a steel jaw crusher, with one split
link between oceanic plateau subduction and the subsequent of the resulting chips being powdered in an agate mill and
blockage of subduction and the associated westward jump another being ground to \355 lm grains with a disc mill.
of the subduction zone might exist (Bosch et al. 2002). Mineral separates were prepared using a magnetic separator
and hand picking. Where possible, whole garnet crystals
were picked without further magnetic separation to preserve
Analytical methods original proportions of core and rim material. To remove
surface contamination, mineral separates were washed for
Elemental analyses of minerals (Table 1) were performed 10 min in cold 1 M HCl, and then rinsed with deionized
at Kiel University on a JEOL 8900R electron microprobe water. All samples were spiked with a mixed 180Hf–176Lu
equipped with five wavelength-dispersive spectrometers. tracer before digestion with HF–HNO3–HClO4. Digestion of
The instrument is typically operated with a 15-kV accel- whole rock powders was accomplished in PFA vials placed
eration voltage and a 15-nA beam for mineral analyses, in steel-jacketed Teflon bombs at 180°C. Mineral separates
except for garnet (20 kV) and apatite (10 kV) analyses. were digested in PFA vials on a hotplate using alternating
Spot sizes were generally *1 lm in diameter except for HF–HNO3–HClO4 and 10 M HCl treatments. This avoids
mica and amphibole (5 lm), and apatite (10 lm). The digesting some Hf-bearing inclusions (zircon and to a lesser
matrix correction of the raw counts was performed using extent rutile) that could contain inherited- or post-garnet
CITZAF (Armstrong 1995). Both natural and synthetic growth Hf signatures and adversely affect the true garnet age
mineral standards were used for calibration. Estimation of (Scherer et al. 2000). Complete digestion of other inclusions,
ferric iron in garnet and omphacite are based on charge such as titanite, omphacite, and amphibole still occurs
balance, assuming ideal stoichiometry. however. The effect of the latter phases on garnet ages is
Whole rock major element contents were analyzed with a generally minor as compared to that of zircon and depends on
Philips PW1480 XRF spectrometer at Kiel University the abundance of inclusions in the bulk garnet separate, their

Table 1 Representative mineral chemical data of eclogites and blueschists sampled within the Raspas Complex
Sample SEC 43-1 SEC 42-6 SEC 17-3 SEC 43-1 SEC 42-6 SEC 17-3 SEC 43-1 SEC 42-6 SEC 17-3 SEC 43-1 SEC 17-3 SEC 13-4 SEC 15-1
rock type eclogite eclogite blueschist eclogite eclogite blueschist eclogite eclogite blueschist eclogite blueschist eclogite blueschist
mineral omphacite omphacite omphacite garnet garnet garnet phengite phengite phengite amphibole amphibole clinozosite clinozosite

location 3_prf2_p11 1p16 G3a p3 1p1 3p4 3p25 5ap8 6p8 G3a p1 1p3 1p1 K_92 Ad27_293

SiO2 55.16 54.33 49.60 38.87 38.42 38.42 49.30 49.25 49.60 43.38 57.19 38.89 38.42
Al2O3 9.99 10.25 27.20 21.65 21.54 21.19 28.50 27.83 27.20 15.34 11.16 30.05 26.09
TiO2 0.17 0.21 0.11 0.02 0.00 0.17 0.656 0.80 0.11 0.55 0.08 0.19 0.11
FeO[tot] 4.89 6.99 2.82 24.09 24.99 27.96 1.91 2.44 2.82 12.47 11.00 n.c. n.c.
Fe2O3 n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. 2.99 2.51 5.31 10.17
FeO n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. 9.78 8.74 0.00 0.00
Cr2O3 n.d. n.d. 0.02 n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.04 0.00 0.04 0.07
MgO 8.77 7.62 6.64 5.03 5.01 2.76 2.89 2.98 3.10 10.54 9.45 0.16 0.05
MnO 0.03 0.01 0.06 0.40 0.40 0.69 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.23
CaO 14.62 13.74 11.58 10.63 8.87 9.69 0.00 0.00 0.02 8.59 0.90 23.47 23.05
Na2O 6.07 6.30 7.32 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.10 1.03 0.40 4.20 6.57 0.03 0.01
K2O 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10.30 10.42 10.99 0.75 0.02 0.00 0.00
Total 99.70 99.45 99.59 100.69 99.23 100.88 94.67 94.78 94.27 96.16 96.69 97.62 98.19
Si 1.976 1.963 1.998 3.001 3.009 3.013 3.316 3.322 3.369 6.405 7.930 5.977 6.016
Al 0.422 0.437 0.475 1.971 1.989 1.959 2.259 2.213 2.177 2.669 1.824 5.443 4.815
Ti 0.005 0.006 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.010 0.033 0.041 0.005 0.061 0.009 0.022 0.013
Cr 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.005 0.008
Fe2? 0.039 0.068 0.039 1.556 1.637 1.834 0.107 0.138 0.160 1.208 1.014 0.000 0.000
Fe3? 0.107 0.143 0.175 n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. n.c. 0.332 0.262 0.614 1.198
Mg 0.468 0.410 0.355 0.579 0.585 0.323 0.290 0.300 0.314 2.320 1.953 0.037 0.011
Mn 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.026 0.027 0.046 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.008 0.000 0.030
Ca 0.561 0.532 0.446 0.879 0.744 0.814 0.000 0.135 0.001 1.359 0.134 3.865 3.867
Na 0.422 0.441 0.510 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.143 0.897 0.053 1.202 1.766 0.009 0.004
K 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.884 0.000 0.952 0.141 0.003 0.000 0.000
Total 4.000 4.000 4.000 8.013 7.991 7.999 7.034 7.048 7.033 15.702 14.903 15.974 15.962
Basis of O 6 6 6 11.5 11.5 11.5 11 11 11 23 23 26 26
XFe 0.19 0.26 0.33 0.73 0.74 0.85 0.27 0.32 0.34 0.34 0.34
XAlm 0.51 0.55 0.61
XGrs 0.29 0.25 0.27
XPrp 0.19 0.20 0.11
XSps 0.01 0.01 0.02
Q 0.57 0.55 0.49
Jd 0.39 0.38 0.47
Ae 0.04 0.07 0.04
Fe3?/FeTot 0.27 0.32 0.18
Na ? K 1.03 1.03 1.01
Na/K 0.16 0.15 0.06
Na 0.56 0.00
K 0.14 0.00

n. c. not calculated, n.d. not determined

Contrib Mineral Petrol
Contrib Mineral Petrol

Table 2 Major and trace element compositions of eclogites, blueschists, and serpentinized peridotites
Sample SEC 15-2 SEC 16-1 SEC 17-3 SEC 42-6 SEC 43-1 SEC 43-3 SEC 44-1 SEC 46-1 SEC 46-2 SEC 47-1 SEC 50-1 SEC 26-3
Rock-type Blueschist Blueschist Blueschist Eclogite Eclogite Eclogite Eclogite Eclogite Eclogite Eclogite Eclogite Peridotite
Eastinga 618202 619377 619522 618451 618458 618458 618578 618842 618842 618988 619587 617973
Northinga 9602278 9602453 9602542 9601561 9601634 9601634 9601854 9602130 9602130 9602363 9602502 9600393

Major elements (wt%)

SiO2 47.79 47.31 47.23 45.61 47.92 50.17 48.67 44.08 44.88 47.49 49.57 40.24
TiO2 1.95 2.39 2.25 2.26 1.79 1.86 1.91 1.87 2.00 1.94 1.88 0.04
Al2O3 14.80 18.15 17.09 14.54 14.67 13.89 14.84 14.71 13.49 15.07 13.62 1.62
Fe2O3 10.65 10.18 10.03 15.14 13.04 13.30 13.75 15.48 13.77 13.87 13.30 9.86
MnO 0.20 0.16 0.15 0.28 0.19 0.23 0.19 0.24 0.21 0.23 0.19 0.14
MgO 7.00 4.44 4.12 6.16 6.46 6.65 6.00 10.09 8.72 6.01 6.72 37.85
CaO 10.50 8.36 13.01 11.84 11.10 10.67 10.84 10.87 13.41 11.15 10.48 1.47
Na2O 3.04 3.29 2.40 3.26 3.09 3.02 3.02 1.69 2.30 2.77 3.04 0.04
K2O 0.27 1.59 0.51 0.15 0.53 0.07 0.48 0.16 0.11 0.51 0.07 0.01
P2O5 0.31 0.54 0.51 0.20 0.13 0.17 0.16 0.11 0.74 0.17 0.17 0.02
LOI 3.72 2.64 1.79 0.27 0.57 0.42 0.00 0.45 0.00 0.37 0.81 8.81
Total 100.23 99.05 99.09 99.71 99.49 100.45 99.86 99.75 99.63 99.58 99.85 100.10
Trace elements (ppm)
Li 19.4 62.5 40.7 35.2 48.5 13.8 51.4 11.0 13.3 67.3 20.3 0.84
Sc 29.0 35.6 37.8 46.0 44.3 42.6 43.2 44.8 48.0 42.9 39.6 11.6
V 209 254 272 415 376 390 389 362 431 358 329 67.2
Crb 265 24 235 187 214 111 211 253 252 256 144 2,758
Co 37.2 31.5 44.5 50.2 45.7 40.1 45.0 51.9 37.9 45.4 38.4 126
Ni 146 112 141 80.0 77.5 53.0 75.9 71.2 59.1 74.2 47.0 2,276
Cu 48.2 46.9 45.6 78.5 92.6 35.3 52.8 79.0 137 69.3 32.9 16.2
Zn 77.8 113 82.6 136 229 106 218 280 277 143 57.4 53.0
Ga 16.3 25.2 24.5 18.7 19.2 18.2 18.4 13.1 10.9 19.0 16.3 1.52
Rb 2.21 28.2 7.11 4.38 15.3 1.06 13.1 0.53 0.42 12.7 0.54 0.032
Sr 269 329 376 76.7 92.5 77.0 66.8 31.6 36.8 103 84.9 2.28
Y 31.9 39.3 41.2 52.6 43.1 46.1 45.1 49.1 46.4 48.0 50.5 0.775
Zr 165 240 234 131 116 109 110 102 104 109 119 0.161
Nb 14.8 29.2 26.9 3.64 2.04 2.40 2.03 2.19 4.26 2.09 1.91 0.014
Mo 0.37 0.09 0.09 0.25 0.13 0.07 0.14 0.13 0.23
Sn 1.93 1.97 1.53 0.788 0.966 0.743 1.18 0.130
Sb 0.30 0.35 0.09 0.37 0.32 0.15 0.21 0.20 0.10 0.48 1.2 0.59
Cs 0.127 1.07 0.229 0.144 0.837 0.019 0.777 0.011 0.008 0.632 0.019 0.005
Ba 47.93 1,466 91.1 77.8 98.8 21.2 79.4 6.76 21.1 60.9 121 4.33
La 13.7 24.2 21.7 5.73 4.09 3.75 3.70 4.08 4.40 3.71 3.72 0.027
Ce 36.3 54.1 53.6 16.1 11.8 12.7 11.6 13.6 14.1 11.7 12.4 0.033
Pr 4.49 7.45 6.54 2.90 2.14 2.28 2.17 2.53 2.46 2.18 2.32 0.008
Nd 19.8 31.2 27.7 15.5 11.5 12.6 11.9 13.9 12.9 12.4 12.7 0.050
Sm 5.07 7.35 6.61 5.36 4.03 4.38 4.23 5.11 4.28 4.54 4.62 0.032
Eu 1.79 2.38 2.34 1.82 1.43 1.57 1.57 1.71 1.51 1.57 1.59 0.014
Gd 5.51 7.68 6.94 6.94 5.47 5.90 5.70 6.74 5.60 6.12 6.34 0.069
Tb 0.88 1.21 1.10 1.31 1.00 1.08 1.07 1.18 1.00 1.17 1.17 0.016
Dy 5.43 7.31 6.81 8.84 6.95 7.33 7.35 7.89 6.96 7.92 8.01 0.124
Ho 1.08 1.43 1.33 1.89 1.49 1.58 1.56 1.66 1.55 1.69 1.71 0.030
Er 2.94 3.93 3.64 5.40 4.26 4.59 4.48 4.74 4.52 4.83 4.89 0.091
Tm 0.425 0.566 0.525 0.800 0.628 0.688 0.668 0.713 0.679 0.712 0.727 0.016
Yb 2.80 3.76 3.44 5.36 4.16 4.60 4.49 4.83 4.54 4.80 4.89 0.119
Lu 0.413 0.553 0.510 0.788 0.600 0.674 0.654 0.723 0.678 0.709 0.730 0.021
Hf 3.82 5.23 5.13 3.68 3.01 2.85 2.89 2.86 2.91 3.13 3.25 0.014
Ta 0.928 1.73 1.60 0.239 0.126 0.141 0.129 0.140 0.183 0.146 0.142 0.000
W 0.26 0.17 0.52 0.40 0.17 0.45 0.30 0.03
Pb 1.28 2.44 2.39 2.97 3.81 1.50 4.06 0.646 0.566 2.90 0.738 0.279
Th 1.06 2.12 1.99 0.424 0.206 0.208 0.146 0.131 0.170 0.138 0.137 0.002
U 0.331 0.459 0.380 0.328 0.212 0.069 0.184 0.175 0.540 0.194 0.054 0.011
Nb/Zr 0.090 0.122 0.115 0.028 0.018 0.022 0.018 0.021 0.041 0.019 0.016 0.089
Hf/Yb 1.37 1.39 1.49 0.69 0.72 0.62 0.64 0.59 0.64 0.65 0.66 0.12
(La/Sm)N 1.70 2.07 2.07 0.67 0.64 0.54 0.55 0.50 0.65 0.51 0.51 0.53
Nb/La 1.08 1.21 1.24 0.64 0.50 0.64 0.55 0.54 0.97 0.56 0.51 0.53

Contrib Mineral Petrol

Table 2 continued
Sample SEC 26-9 SEC 34-1 SEC 35-2 SEC 36-2 SEC 40-1 BHVO-2 UB-N
Rock-type Peridotite Peridotite Peridotite Peridotite Peridotite Basalt Serpentinite
Eastinga 617973 611704 611754 611786 610826
Northinga 9600393 9603766 9603691 9603642 9604149 Basalt Serpentinite
n = 15c n = 5c

Major elements (wt%)

SiO2 41.66 40.92 40.49 40.24 41.54
TiO2 0.08 0.05 0.05 0.04 0.03
Al2O3 2.84 2.02 2.37 1.34 1.69
Fe2O3 8.67 7.92 8.02 8.23 8.64
MnO 0.12 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.13
MgO 37.22 38.82 37.26 40.43 40.75
CaO 2.76 1.67 2.48 0.28 1.85
Na2O 0.25 0.03 0.07 0.00 0.25
K2O 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.01
P2O5 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.00
LOI 6.98 9.24 10.01 10.06 5.67
Total 100.61 100.82 100.89 100.75 100.56
Mean SD RSD% Mean SD RSD%
Trace elements (ppm)
Li 3.96 1.18 0.99 1.03 2.76 4.52 0.2 4.7 28.4 2.79 9.8
Sc 16.2 11.4 16.8 10.5 11.2 32.4 1.6 4.9 12.4 0.2 1.5
V 80.7 55.6 73.6 37.1 51.1 323 11.9 3.7 66.5 3.3 5.0
Crb 2,514 2,308 2,674 2,775 2,344 279 21.5 7.7
Co 107 120 104 100 102 44 1.7 3.9 97.8 1 1.5
Ni 1,911 2,233 1,957 2,116 2,125 118 4.9 4.2 1,783 43 2.4
Cu 18.7 2.20 4.82 2.47 20.3 127 4.8 3.8 23.1 0.9 3.9
Zn 50.2 40.7 50.3 43.0 42.3 105 4.1 3.9 77.8 1.1 1.4
Ga 2.59 1.94 2.10 1.56 1.72 21.1 0.5 2.5 2.59 0.07 2.8
Rb 0.169 0.120 0.215 0.071 0.2 8.98 0.2 2.7 3.32 0.1 2.8
Sr 3.61 1.15 3.53 1.51 1.63 400 5.8 1.4 7.74 0.2 2.9
Y 2.15 1.33 1.58 0.504 0.919 24.6 0.8 3.4 2.53 0.1 4.1
Zr 0.772 0.315 9.49 0.294 0.049 169 7.1 4.2 3.64 0.1 3.1
Nb 0.007 0.024 0.008 0.036 0.034 17.2 0.3 1.9 0.056 0.01 10.5
Mo 0.21 0.07 0.19 0.06 0.07 4.5 0.5 10.1 0.50 0.01 1.3
Sn 0.162 0.046 0.124 0.084 0.107 1.7 0.1 2.8 0.265
Sb 0.23 0.14 0.14 3.09 0.03 0.1 0.2 21.3 0.33 0.08 24.4
Cs 0.131 0.104 0.157 0.020 0.218 0.098 0.006 5.7 10.7 0.3 2.9
Ba 4.57 2.36 4.87 3.17 1.32 135 2.6 1.9 28.3 2.1 7.4
La 0.008 0.003 0.004 0.016 0.006 15.0 0.3 1.7 0.309 0.01 3.5
Ce 0.033 0.015 0.014 0.015 0.013 36.8 0.9 2.3 0.772 0.03 3.8
Pr 0.015 0.006 0.006 0.006 0.003 5.37 0.1 1.8 0.117 0.003 2.9
Nd 0.157 0.064 0.069 0.040 0.020 24.4 0.3 1.2 0.590 0.009 1.5
Sm 0.123 0.055 0.067 0.019 0.024 6.06 0.09 1.4 0.211 0.003 1.6
Eu 0.051 0.025 0.032 0.008 0.011 2.04 0.05 2.5 0.080 0.002 3.0
Gd 0.228 0.114 0.147 0.037 0.061 6.10 0.1 2.3 0.301 0.006 1.9
Tb 0.049 0.026 0.034 0.008 0.016 0.936 0.01 1.5 0.059 0.001 1.5
Dy 0.366 0.202 0.266 0.061 0.134 5.23 0.1 2.4 0.409 0.006 1.5
Ho 0.083 0.048 0.062 0.017 0.035 0.959 0.02 2.1 0.091 0.002 1.7
Er 0.245 0.148 0.186 0.055 0.110 2.41 0.03 1.4 0.274 0.004 1.5
Tm 0.039 0.025 0.030 0.011 0.019 0.319 0.007 2.3 0.041 0.001 2.3
Yb 0.272 0.174 0.204 0.081 0.138 1.94 0.08 3.9 0.282 0.006 2.2
Lu 0.042 0.029 0.031 0.015 0.022 0.270 0.01 3.6 0.044 0.001 2.7
Hf 0.066 0.030 0.238 0.015 0.011 4.40 0.1 2.7 0.126 0.005 3.6
Ta 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.002 0.002 1.09 0.02 1.4 0.016 0.002 11.7
W 0.17 0.04 0.09 0.06 0.14 0.30 0.04 14.6 17.62 2.83 16.1
Pb 0.676 0.377 0.280 0.223 0.179 1.58 0.09 5.6 12.1 0.7 6.0
Th 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 1.19 0.03 2.7 0.062 0.004 6.8
U 0.000 0.001 0.003 0.003 0.001 0.414 0.01 2.4 0.058 0.003 4.8
Nb/Zr 0.009 0.076 0.001 0.123 0.685 0.102 0.015
Hf/Yb 0.24 0.17 1.17 0.19 0.08 2.26 0.45
(La/Sm)N 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.53 0.15 1.56 0.92
Nb/La 0.86 7.62 2.04 2.25 5.98 1.15 0.18

The La values in italics are most likely contaminated by blank

UTM zone 17M
Cr is the only trace element measured by XRF, all others were measured by ICP-MS
Mo, Sn, Sb, and W only in 8 BHVO-2 and 3 UB-N standards measured

Contrib Mineral Petrol

Table 3 Lu–Hf isotope data

Sample, fraction Lu (ppm) Hf (ppm) Lu/177Hf 2 RSD (%) 176
Hf/177Hf 2 SE abs. 2 RSD (%) eHf(t)

Eclogite SEC 43-1

wr 0, bombed 0.633 3.04 0.02960 0.26 0.283244 (6) 0.0045 ?16.6
3.04 0.283222 (6) 0.0045
wr 1, bombed 0.629 3.14 0.02842 0.25 0.283222 (6) 0.0046 ?15.9
cpx 0 0.0406 0.502 0.01149 0.25 0.283275 (8) 0.0062
0.502 0.283248 (8) 0.0062
cpx 1 0.0302 0.500 0.008577 0.25 0.283174 (5) 0.0041
[500 lm grains 0.863 0.322 0.3801 0.27 0.284151 (17) 0.0247
grt 0 1.92 0.110 2.487 0.27 0.289436 (19) 0.0141
grt 1 impure 2.04 0.158 1.837 0.26 0.287823 (16) 0.0116
grt 2 1.58 0.0324 6.943 0.27 0.300454 (28) 0.0195
grt 3 whole grains 1.86 0.125 2.118 0.25 0.288339 (12) 0.0167
grt 4 whole grains 1.74 0.116 2.142 0.25 0.288433 (14) 0.0199
Blueschist SEC 16-1
wr, bombed 0.536 5.23 0.01454 0.25 0.282997 (8) 0.0119 ?9.1
\250 lm grains 0.465 0.364 0.1816 0.25 0.283465 (24) 0.0342
amp, px, & grt \500 lm 1.64 0.347 0.6722 0.29 0.284618 (21) 0.0295
grt 1 3.12 0.191 2.319 0.26 0.288389 (14) 0.0199
grt 2 3.17 0.191 2.359 0.26 0.288607 (15) 0.0207
Metapelite SEC 47-4
wr, bombed 0.515 7.76 0.009410 0.25 0.282356 (6) 0.0096 -12.8
7.76 0.282353 (11) 0.0159
wr, hotplate 0.311 0.853 0.05184 0.26 0.282682 (15) 0.0215 -5.2
grt 1 1.13 0.255 0.6307 0.27 0.284067 (7) 0.0111
grt 2 1.10 0.228 0.6867 0.27 0.284237 (9) 0.0127
Estimated uncertainties for 176Lu/177Hf values are based on the typical reproducibility of two to four analyses of single sample solutions and
include error magnification for over- or under-spiking. For 176Hf/177Hf, the typical in-run uncertainties in the last digits are shown in parentheses.
The relationship between in-run statistics (2 SE abs. = 2 times standard error, absolute) and the external reproducibility (2 RSD% = 2 standard
deviations, reported as a percentage of the measured value) of our Hf standard solution analyzed at different concentrations was used to estimate
the 2 RSD% uncertainties of samples that could only be analyzed once (see Bizzarro et al. 2003). Initial eHf values were calculated using the
isochron ages and 176Hf/177Hf = 0.282785 and 176Lu/177Hf = 0.0336 for the CHUR reference (Bouvier et al. 2008)

Hf concentration, and their age. Chemical separation pro- indistinguishable from the JMC-475 standard. Procedural
cedures for Lu–Hf follow those of Münker et al. (2001), with blanks for Lu and Hf were B42 and B71 pg, respectively.
an additional cation exchange step [a miniaturized version of Calculated ages and initial isotope compositions are based on
column ‘A’ of Patchett and Tatsumoto (1980), but using k176Lu = 1.867 9 10-11/year (Scherer et al. 2001, 2003;
AG50W-X12 resin] to remove all remaining traces of Lu and Söderlund et al. 2004). The chondritic uniform reservoir
Yb from the Hf cuts. Lutetium and Hf were analyzed in static (CHUR) parameters used for calculating initial eHf values
mode on a Micromass Isoprobe multi-collector ICP-MS, are 176Hf/177Hf = 0.282785 and 176Lu/177Hf = 0.0336
using 179Hf/177Hf = 0.7325 to apply an exponential law (Bouvier et al. 2008). The resulting values are 0.4 epsilon
mass bias correction. For Lu isotope dilution measurements, units lower than those calculated using the CHUR parame-
the correction of the isobaric interference from 176Yb ters of Blichert-Toft and Albarède (1997).
was performed using the linear relationship between
ln(176Yb/171Yb) and ln(174Yb/171Yb) of Yb standards run
interspersed with samples (e.g., Blichert-Toft et al. 2002; Petrology
Barfod et al. 2003). Admixed Re was then used to apply an
external mass bias correction to the Lu isotope ratio mea- Sample descriptions
surements (Scherer et al. 2001). Measured 176Hf/177Hf
values are reported relative to 176Hf/177Hf = 0.282163 for Different varieties of eclogite, blueschist, and serpentinized
the Münster Ames Hf standard, which is isotopically peridotite occur in the Raspas Complex. The eclogites

Contrib Mineral Petrol

contain variable amounts of barroisitic or katophoritic as either large flakes, usually of paragonite composition, or
amphibole and are frequently phengite-bearing. Blueschists as clusters of smaller grains comprising either paragonite
predominately contain amphibole, epidote, white mica, and or phengite. Omphacite is a less abundant phase, but in
garnet. The serpentinized peridotites are strongly lineated some subdomains it is in textural equilibrium with garnet
with a partly mylonitic texture. The main focus of our and white mica. Clinozoisite and titanite inclusions are
petrological work is related to the eclogites and blueschists abundant in the cores of garnet porphyroblasts, whereas in
because they have the highest potential to preserve infor- garnet rims rutile inclusions are more abundant. Titanite
mation of their metamorphic evolution. The serpentinized also occurs in omphacite grains and brownish amphibole
peridotites will only be described briefly. cores. The titanite and quartz inclusions in the garnet cores
define an internal schistosity (si) that distinctly deviates
Eclogites from the external schistosity (se) (Fig. 2d). In other cases,
garnet porphyroblasts show corrosive irregular grain
The eclogites are fine- to medium-grained rocks. Their boundaries in the fine-grained schistose matrix (Fig. 2e).
prograde mineral assemblage is garnet ? omphacite ? Matrix rutile formed exclusively as a late prograde phase
rutile ? barroisitic or katophoritic amphibole ± quartz ± and is almost always rimmed by titanite. Blue amphibole
phengite ± carbonate. Accessory minerals include apatite, formed around brownish or bluish-green amphibole
zircon, and in some samples, sulfides (pyrite, pyrrhotine, (Fig. 2f) and in some cases it contains rutile inclusions.
and chalcopyrite). Most eclogites are strongly deformed and The blue amphibole rims were obviously grown in a rutile-
partially recrystallized. In rare cases, they display almost bearing matrix contemporaneously with the garnet rims,
monomineralic layers of garnet, omphacite, or amphibole. which also contain rutile inclusions. Locally, small
Garnet forms sub- to euhedral porphyroblasts (Fig. 2a), omphacite inclusions in garnet rims were detected during
which typically contain inclusions of rutile and quartz, and microprobe work. Thus, the blueschist assemblage over-
sometimes inclusions of almost the entire prograde mineral prints an older high-pressure assemblage.
assemblage. Subhedral omphacite grains up to 1 cm long
mark the stretching lineation. Prograde subhedral amphi- Serpentinized peridotites
bole occurs in textural equilibrium with omphacite
(Fig. 2b). Whereas some eclogites only contain minor The serpentinized peridotites are mostly schistose but some
amounts of amphibole, others consist of garnet, amphibole, massive, very coarse-grained (cm-scale) types were found
and rutile almost exclusively. Although the latter rocks are in which primary olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyrox-
almost omphacite-free, we group them together with the ene are preserved. The serpentinized rocks contain antig-
eclogites on the basis of chemical similarities between orite, chlorite, amphibole, spinel (chromite and magnetite),
phases common to both rock types and because they mainly titanian clinohumite, carbonate, and chrysotile. The degree
represent layers of variable width within the eclogites. The of serpentinization varies from almost pristine peridotite
amount of amphibole present in the eclogite seems to be (B10%) up to serpentinite (95%). Antigorite is the main
mainly a function of fluid availability during the prograde serpentine mineral and may constitute up to 90% of a rock.
metamorphic evolution. Phengite occurs in the eclogites Minor chrysotile occurs along veins and fractures in olivine
either as large subhedral grains or interstitially (Fig. 2c). of coarse-grained massive peridotites. Less serpentinized
Late-stage titanite was observed in a few eclogites as rims rocks contain deformed, primary olivine, as well as re-
around rutile or as interstitial, amoeboid grains. Intense crystallized metamorphic olivine (Fig. 2g), orthopyroxene
retrogression to greenschist assemblages (albite, epidote, porphyroclasts (up to centimeter-size), and partially re-
actinolite, carbonate, chlorite, and titanite) has only been crystallized clinopyroxene. At higher degrees of serpenti-
observed in discordant veins within the eclogites and in the nization, a mylonitic texture has developed, with strongly
vicinity of these veins. deformed and elongated ortho- and clinopyroxene por-
phyroclasts and aggregates within a fine-grained serpentine
Blueschists matrix. In less-sheared rock layers, metamorphic olivine is
typically intergrown with large euhedral antigorite blades
The fine- to medium-grained blueschists contain bluish (Fig. 2g). Amphibole has partly replaced clinopyroxene,
amphibole with brownish green to bluish-green cores, whereas chlorite has partially replaced orthopyroxene and
garnet, clinozoisite, omphacite, paragonite, phengite, olivine. Titanian clinohumite occurs at the margins of
quartz, titanite, rutile, accessory apatite and zircon, and olivine and clinopyroxene clasts, and within recrystallized
secondary carbonate and chlorite. The blueschists are aggregates of these minerals (Fig. 2h). Anhedral carbonate
usually strongly deformed with their constituent minerals grains occur either as vein fillings or as part of porphyro-
being aligned with the foliation. White mica tends to occur clast replacement assemblages.

Contrib Mineral Petrol

Fig. 2 Microstructures of the

eclogites, blueschists, and
peridotites. a phengite-bearing
eclogite with almost euhedral
garnet porphyroblasts. b
Eclogite with prograde
amphibole in textural
equilibrium to garnet and
omphacite. c Eclogite
displaying textural equilibrium
among garnet, omphacite, and
phengite. Note the rutile
inclusions in garnet and angles
of approximately 120° between
the phases. d Typical textures of
garnet porphyroblasts in
blueschist. The inclusion trails
comprise mainly titanite and
quartz and are at an oblique
angle to the dominant
schistosity of the rock. e
Blueschist with garnet
porphyroblast showing irregular
grain boundaries. f Typical
blueschist textures. Note the
formation of glaucophane
around barroisite and the
occurrence of phengite and
clinozoisite in the matrix. g
Serpentinized peridotite
showing metamorphic olivine
intergrown with large euhedral
antigorite blades. h
Microstructure of an extensively
serpentinized peridotite with
titanium clinohumite beside
metamorphic olivine and
antigorite. amph amphibole, ant
antigorite, bar barroisite, chum
titanium-clinohumite, czo
clinozoisite, gln glaucophane,
grt garnet, ol olivine, omp
omphacite, phe phengite, rt

Mineral chemistry XFe values range from 0.21 to 0.24. The highest Jd-content
measured in an omphacite from an eclogite is 43 mol% Jd,
Omphacite at 4 mol% Ae and an XFe value of 0.22.

Omphacite is rather uniform in composition within the Garnet

eclogite and blueschist groups, but on average, blueschist
omphacite tends to have slightly more of the jadeite (Jd) Garnet porphyroblasts in the eclogites and blueschists show
component than eclogite omphacite (Table 1; Supplemen- chemical growth zoning characterized by almandine- and
tary Figure 1). Contents of Jd and Ae vary between 37 and sometimes spessartine-rich cores, and pyrope-rich rims
40 mol% and between 3 and 10 mol%, respectively. The (Table 1). The grossular (Grs) content typically decreases

Contrib Mineral Petrol

from the core outwards, with an increase at the outermost amphiboles are enriched in Na and K as compared to the
rim (Supplementary Figure 2). The XFe value varies slightly barroisite, with (Na ? K)A ranges of 0.7–0.8 and 0.40–
from sample to sample, but generally decreases from core to 0.49, respectively. Rims can be of taramitic composition
rim with a final increase at the outermost rim. For eclogites, due to lower Si (6.2–6.3 apfu) and higher (Na ? K)A
the range of core and prograde rim compositions is (0.9 apfu). The XFe values vary from rock to rock but are
*Alm58–61Prp15–18Grs22–28Sps01–02, with an XFe value of usually around 0.3 to 0.4, with slightly higher values at the
0.76–0.82, and *Alm52–54Prp20–24Grs23–26Sps\01, with an rims. The late-stage amphibole composition ranges from
XFe value of 0.68–0.73, respectively. For the blueschists, magnesio-hornblende to actinolite.
core compositions are *Alm55–62Prp05–10Grs25–40Sps05–10,
with an XFe value of 0.84–0.95, and prograde rim compo- Epidote minerals
sitions are *Alm58–62Prp12–18Grs22–25Sps\02, with an XFe
value of 0.76–0.82. Clinozoisite is the epidote-group mineral in all investigated
samples. Clinozoisite in the eclogites has a low XEp of
White mica around 0.15, low Cr2O3 (*0.04 wt%), and low MnO
(*0.05 wt%), whereas the TiO2 content is relatively high
The white mica occurs either as phengite or paragonite. (up to 0.2 wt%). Clinozoisite in the blueschists may be
The blueschists contain both paragonite and phengite, zoned or unzoned. Zoned clinozoisite grains have average
whereas eclogites contain only phengite. The latter can be core compositions of XEp *0.28, *0.2 wt% Cr2O3, and
either zoned or unzoned with respect to Si content, which *0.3 wt% MnO, and rim compositions of XEp *0.36,
averages *3.29 Si atoms per formula unit (apfu) (Sup- *0.04 wt% Cr2O3, and 0.02–0.1 wt% MnO. The cores
plementary Figure 3; Table 1). Silicon contents of phengite usually have higher TiO2 concentrations than the rims. The
cores and unzoned phengite vary from sample to sample XEp values and contents of Cr2O3, MnO, and TiO2 in cli-
and have ranges of 3.30–3.33 and 3.32–3.35 apfu, respec- nozoisite vary only slightly within zoned grains and among
tively. Rim compositions of zoned phengite grains range grains in the same rock.
between 3.25 and 3.29 apfu. Average XFe values also differ
from sample to sample and show an overall range from
0.29 to 0.35. Contents of Na and K range between 0.09 and Geothermobarometry
0.17 apfu, and between 0.85 and 0.91 apfu, respectively.
No correlations between Na/K and Si content were Geothermobarometric estimates were made for the eclog-
observed. Paragonite is quite abundant in blueschists, ites and blueschists (Fig. 3). Temperature estimates were
where it occurs mainly as coarse-grained books. Paragonite obtained for both rock types by means of the Fe–Mg
is unzoned and its Si content ranges from 3.00 to 3.05 apfu exchange garnet–clinopyroxene thermometer of Powell
for all samples. The paragonite component varies from 90 (1985), considering ferrous and ferric iron distribution, and
to 98 mol% and XFe values are in the range of 0.60–0.70. the garnet–phengite thermometer of Green and Hellman

Sodic- to sodic–calcic amphiboles dominate in blueschists, oC
where they are major phases. They can be classified as n(
2.0 tio metapelites eclogites
glaucophane (Table 1) and barroisite (nomenclature after ub
P [GPa]

Leake et al. 1997). Barrositic cores often have glaucophane co eclogites
] this study
serpentinites blueschists
rims (Fig. 2f). Glaucophane has Fe3?/(Fe3? ? AlVI) 1.0 /km)
(13 C
between 0.14 and 0.21 and XFe values between 0.32 and ction
0.36. Barroisite, which generally has higher Al and Ca and war m su

lower Si and Na contents than glaucophane, displays 0

200 400 600 800
NaB = 0.8–1.0 in most samples. The XFe values range from
0.28 to 0.35 and are usually higher where barroisite
coexists with glaucophane. In barroisite, (Na ? K)A typi- Fig. 3 Peak pressure–temperature (P–T) estimates for all units of the
cally ranges between 0.3 and 0.5, whereas there is no Na on Raspas Complex. The values for the blueschists and the eclogites
the A site in glaucophane. Sodic–calcic amphiboles in the obtained in this study are indicated by blue and green boxes. It is
evident that all units experienced similar peak P–T conditions. The P–
eclogites are either barroisitic or Mg-katophoritic in com-
T range for metapelites (dark gray) is given in Gabriele et al. (2003).
position (Table 1), with the latter having higher Al and Data for other eclogites (medium gray) and serpentinites (light gray)
lower Si at similar Ca concentrations. The Mg-katophoritic are from Gabriele (2002) and Gabriele et al. (2002), respectively

Contrib Mineral Petrol

(1982). The garnet–clinopyroxene calibrations yield a 1991). Given the close spatial association of the Raspas
temperature range of 550–650°C for the blueschists at 1.4– Complex peridotites with eclogites and blueschists (Fig. 1),
1.6 GPa (see below), whereas the temperatures obtained the suggested eclogite-facies pressures (Gabriele et al.
from the garnet–phengite thermometer are slightly lower 2002) for the peridotites thus seem reasonable. The
(550–600°C). However, most (eight of ten) of the estimates blueschists that have the peak assemblage omphacite ?
obtained with both calibrations fall within 600 ± 20°C. garnet ? barroisite ? phengite clearly reached eclogite-
These estimates are similar to—but span to lower values facies conditions, but they did not to fully transform into
than—those calculated for the eclogites, which range eclogite. Because the differences in peak pressures and
between 600 and 700°C at 1.6–1.8 GPa (see below) when temperatures are negligible, we interpret this incomplete
applying the garnet–clinopyroxene calibration, and 550– conversion to be due to bulk compositional differences
680°C for the garnet–phengite calibration. Again, most between the protoliths of the blueschists and those of the
temperature estimates with both calibrations cluster around eclogites. The constraints presented above indicate that the
600°C (600 ± 30°C; 9 of 12). The absence of kyanite and metamorphosed ultramafic, mafic, and sedimentary rocks
the presence of paragonite in the blueschists provides a were all subjected to similar peak P–T-conditions.
maximum H2O-dependent pressure of about 1.8–2.0 GPa
at 500–700°C using the univariant reaction Pg =
OmpJd50 ? Ky ? H2O (Holland 1979). An H2O-indepen- Geochemistry
dent pressure estimate can be gained from the reaction
Ab = Jd ? Qtz (Holland 1980). In the absence of albite, Thirty-six representative samples (4 blueschists, 19
the maximum jadeite content in omphacite (43 mol%) eclogites, including 4 amphibole-rich ones, and 9 serpen-
indicates a minimum pressure of *1.3 GPa at 600°C. The tinized peridotites) were geochemically analyzed to con-
garnet–omphacite–phengite equilibrium after Waters and strain the tectonic setting in which their precursor rocks
Martin (1993) gives equilibrium pressures of 1.4–1.6 GPa were formed. From these samples, three blueschists, eight
at 600°C for the blueschists and 1.6–1.8 GPa at 600°C for eclogites, and six peridotites were selected for trace ele-
the eclogites when using (1) omphacite having 43 mol% ment analyses and the resulting data are shown together
jadeite, (2) phengite having the average of highest mea- with the major elements in Table 2. The major element
sured Si contents, and (3) garnet rims with the highest XPrp data of the remaining samples are shown in Supplementary
and XGrs, as measured in subdomains that exhibit apparent Table 1. Because high- and low-temperature interaction
textural equilibrium among all three minerals (e.g., with seawater could have significantly altered the major
Fig. 2c). Our pressure–temperature (P–T) estimates are in element budgets of the eclogite and blueschist protoliths,
agreement with the P–T calculations of Gabriele (2002) we used the method of Schumacher (1988) to scan for
who reported 600 ± 50°C at 1.8 GPa for the eclogites affected samples. Whereas two blueschist samples showed
and Feininger (1980) who calculated temperatures of evidence for low-temperature alteration effects (concomi-
580 ± 20°C for estimated minimum pressures of tant Ca and Mg loss) typical of ocean floor basalts, no
1.3 ± 0.3 GPa. Very similar P–T estimates (*600 ± 50°C samples (blueschist or eclogite) were strongly affected by
at 2.0 GPa) were obtained from phase equilibria consid- high-temperature alteration, in which Ca loss from the
erations for garnet–chloritoid–kyanite metapelites of the rocks is coupled with Mg gain (e.g., Humphris and
Raspas Complex (Gabriele et al. 2003). According to Thompson 1978). Therefore, such high-temperature alter-
Gabriele et al. (2002), relict omphacite–garnet–rutile ation, which leads to Mg enrichment and perhaps shifts the
associations in mafic dikes within the serpentinized peri- blueschist-to eclogite-transition to higher temperature (e.g.,
dotites additionally indicates eclogite-facies pressures for Barnicoat 1988), is probably not the main factor that pre-
the serpentinized peridotites of the El Oro formation, for vented the Raspas blueschists from reacting to eclogite.
which maximum temperatures of about 550–650°C are Tholeiitic and calc-alkaline mafic rocks, as well as
constrained by the upper stability limit of the assemblage ultramafic rocks, may form in various tectonic settings, and
olivine ? diopside ? antigorite ? Ti-clinohumite (Engi trace elements may be used to distinguish among the dif-
and Lindsley 1980; Trommsdorff and Evans 1980; Trom- ferent possibilities. In particular, high field strength ele-
msdorff et al. 1998; Gabriele et al. 2002). In some ser- ments (HFSE), which are considered to be relatively
pentinized peridotites of the western Alps, the tectonic immobile in aqueous fluids and under conditions of
relationships between eclogite and serpentinite (e.g., hydrothermal alteration, seafloor weathering and up to
Scambelluri et al. 1991) are similar to those observed in the medium grade metamorphic processes, are useful dis-
Raspas Complex. The serpentinized peridotites of Erro- criminators (e.g., Pearce and Cann 1973; Wood et al.
Tobbio, for instance, host eclogitized mafic dikes, and 1979). For high-pressure metamorphic rocks, it has been
therefore also reached HP conditions (Scambelluri et al. demonstrated that in many cases fluids are involved in their

Contrib Mineral Petrol

petrogenesis, where especially the highly fluid-mobile a blueschist

large ion lithophile elements (LILE) behave rather errati- eclogite

sample/ chondrite
cally (e.g., John et al. 2003). Therefore only relatively OIB
fluid-immobile trace elements such as the rare earth ele- N-MORB
ments (REE) and the HFSE are useful for identifying the
tectonic setting of the precursor rocks from high-grade
metamorphic units (e.g., Möller et al. 1995; John et al.
2004; Miller et al. 2007; Jöns and Schenk 2008). We use
mainly four geochemical indicators: (1) Nb/La to test for a 10
subduction component, (2) (La/Sm)N, which is sensitive to
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
mantle source characteristics and crustal contamination, (3)
Nb/Zr, which is also sensitive to mantle source character-
istics, and (4) Hf/Yb, which can be used to estimate b

sample / chondrite
melting depths (e.g., John et al. 2003, 2004). We further 1
examine our results using the Th/Nb versus Nb/Yb and Ti/
Yb versus Nb/Yb relationships to evaluate crustal input and
melting depth, respectively (see Pearce 2008). 0.1

0.01 serpentinized peridotites
All eclogites have tholeiitic bulk compositions, with 46–
50 wt% SiO2 and Al2O3 contents between *13.5 and La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

15.0 wt%. They have high Fe and Mg contents with *12–

15 wt% Fe2O3 and *6–10 wt% MgO. The (La/Sm)N
100 c blueschist
values of the eclogites are low (\0.7) and their HREE
sample / MORB

concentrations range between 20 and 25 times chondritic 10

values and are thus similar to those of average normal

MORB (N-MORB, Fig. 4a). Moreover, they display a 1
slightly negative Eu anomaly. On a MORB-normalized
trace element diagram, fluid immobile trace elements show 0.1
patterns that are also similar to those of recent MORB
(Fig. 4c). As expected, the fluid-mobile LILE scatter 0.01
widely with up to ten times enrichment or depletion, and Sr K Rb Ba Th Nb Ta La Ce Nd Zr Hf Sm Ti Tb Y Tm Yb
fluid mobile fluid immobile
element ratios based on them show little or no systematic
behavior. The eclogites display a wide range in Nb/La
Fig. 4 Chondrite-normalized REE variation diagrams (Boynton
(with the majority lying between 0.5 and 0.7) but their low 1984) for: a eclogites and blueschists. Typical OIB (Sun and
(La/Sm)N values are typical of MORB and preclude sig- McDonough 1989) and N-MORB (Hofmann 1988) compositions
nificant contributions from a subduction component (such are shown for comparison. b Serpentinized peridotites. The La values
of two samples (SEC 26-3 and SEC 36-2) are not shown (see Table 2
as that observed in arc basalts) or crustal contamination
for explanations). c Trace element variation plots, normalized to
(Fig. 5). The Nb/Zr values range from \0.02 to 0.04 at Hf/ MORB (Hofmann 1988), for eclogites and blueschist. The most fluid
Yb ratios clustering around 0.65, a combination that is mobile elements (LILE) are separated from the more fluid immobile
suggestive of shallow melting in a depleted mantle source elements (HFSE and REE), which are expected to remain essentially
fluid-immobile in systems of low fluid flux
(Fig. 6). These characteristics, and values of Th/Yb
between 0.02 and 0.09, Nb/Yb between 0.39 and 0.94, and
TiO2/Yb between 0.38 and 0.44 (Fig. 7), strongly resemble Fe2O3 contents than the eclogites, with *15.5–19.0 wt%
those of average N-MORB. Al2O3 and *10–12 wt% Fe2O3. Chondrite-normalized
REE patterns of the blueschists show a slight enrichment of
Blueschists the light REE (LREE) as compared to the HREE (Fig. 4a).
Their Nb/La values, being greater than one, are too high to
Like the eclogites, blueschists have basaltic compositions, have been significantly influenced by a subduction com-
but they had an alkaline origin at least according to their ponent. The (La/Sm)N and Nb/Zr values of the blueschists,
trace element signatures. The blueschists have, if normal- at [1 and [0.08, respectively, are similar to those of typ-
ized to a volatile-free composition, higher Al2O3 and lower ical oceanic intraplate basalts (OIB, Figs. 5, 6), but HREE

Contrib Mineral Petrol

1.6 10
a Deep
E-MORB seamounts










0.8 oceanic intraplate basalts

oceanic plateaus Magma-

0.6 crust

backarc basalts

Eclogites interaction
0.4 this study
continental arc Bosch et al. E-MORB
0.2 Blueschists
oceanic arc this study
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Eclogites
(La/Sm)N this study

N-MORB Bosch et al.

Fig. 5 Plot of Nb/La versus (La/Sm)N (after John et al. 2003) for the Blueschists
eclogites and blueschists of the Raspas Formation. The protoliths of this study
the eclogites apparently formed in a mid-ocean-ridge environment, 0.01
whereas the blueschists are compositionally distinct from MORB 0.1 1 10 100
because their (La/Sm)N are too high, even for EMORB. According to Nb/Yb
their Nb/La and (La/Sm)N values, the blueschists seem to have
originated in an intraplate seamount environment. The eclogite data 10
of Bosch et al. (2002) are shown for comparison. Data for the oceanic
plateaus are from Mahoney et al. (1993a, b), Tejada et al. (2002), and
Ely and Neal (2003). The seamount data are from Batiza et al. (1989)
and Niu and Batiza (1997). For data sources of the other fields, see
John et al. (2003)

Th Alk
OIB array

OIB (deep melting)
this study 1 e
Bosch et al.
e -ri ion
1.6 m ct
Blueschists plu tera
this study
in MORB array
Ris e
Pacific unts (shallow melting)
1.2 East mo

ORB Eclogites
N E this study
0.8 RB oceanic plateaus
MO Bosch et al.

primitive mantle

this study
0.4 0.1
depleted enriched 0.1 1 10 100
mantle source mantle source Nb/Yb
0.00 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14
Fig. 7 Plots of a Th/Yb versus Nb/Yb and b TiO2/Yb versus Nb/Yb,
Nb/Zr see Pearce (2008) for references. The compositions of both the
eclogites and the blueschists follow the oceanic basalt array, with the
Fig. 6 Plot of Hf/Yb versus Nb/Zr modified after John et al. (2004). protoliths of the eclogites apparently being derived from a MORB-
Note the similarity between the eclogites and East Pacific Rise (EPR) like source and those of the blueschists displaying plume-ridge
MORB. In contrast, the blueschists follow an enriched, plume- interaction with melting at shallow depths
influenced MORB trend that is defined by EPR seamounts (see text).
EMORB would have lower Nb/Zr values, whereas an OIB-like source
would be indicated by higher Hf/Yb values that are suggestive of concentrations of these rocks, at 12–17 times chondritic
residual garnet in the source. The eclogite data of Bosch et al. (2002) values, are slightly higher than those of typical OIB
are plotted for comparison. Data for the oceanic plateaus are from (Fig. 4a). In addition, the (Ho/Lu)N values cluster around 1,
Mahoney et al. (1993a, b), Tejada et al. (2002), and Ely and Neal
whereas they are usually \1 in typical OIB (Frey et al.
(2003). The seamount data are from Batiza et al. (1989) and Niu and
Batiza (1997), whereas the OIB data are from Frey et al. (1991). For 1991; Sun and McDonough 1989). The Hf/Yb values are
data sources of the other fields, see John et al. (2004) \1.5 and thus significantly lower than those of typical

Contrib Mineral Petrol

OIB, which are usually above 2.0 (e.g., Frey et al. 1991) a
and may reach up to 3.6 (OIB of Sun and McDonough
1989). Additionally, the Th/Yb versus Nb/Yb relationship
(0.38–0.58 vs. 5.3–7.8) places the blueschists on the
MORB–OIB array of Pearce (2008), between enriched
MORB and OIB (Fig. 7a). High Hf/Yb values suggest
garnet in the residuum and thus deep melt source regions,
whereas lower Hf/Yb values point to shallower melting
sources, which is also shown by TiO2/Yb lower than 0.7
(Fig. 7b). Taken together, these distinct chemical features
can be best explained by the mixing of a depleted mantle
source (MORB-like) with an enriched one (OIB-like) and
melting at shallow depths. Such a geodynamic setting can
be found where seamounts form at or close to oceanic
ridges (Batiza et al. 1989; Niu and Batiza 1997). In fact, the
Nb/La versus (La/Sm)N and Hf/Yb versus Nb/Zr of the b
blueschists follow the trend of seamount-ridge variations
observed at the East Pacific Rise (Figs. 5, 6).

Serpentinized peridotites

The peridotites display a broad range of LOI from 5.7 to

11.9 wt%, reflecting variable degrees of serpentinization.
They also have low Al2O3, CaO, and TiO2 contents (*1.3–
2.8, *0.3–2.8, and *0.03–0.08 wt%, respectively) and
high MgO contents (*37–41 wt%). Concentrations of the
transition metals, e.g., Cr (2,090–2,770 ppm) and Ni
(2,080–2,370 ppm) are typical for abyssal peridotites that
have 35–41 wt% MgO (Niu 2004). The chondrite-nor-
malized REE patterns show a strong LREE depletion, c
particularly for La and Ce, which is also reflected in (La/
Sm)N \\ 1 and (Sm/Lu)N \ 1. The HREE concentrations
range between 0.2 and 1.3 times chondritic values
(Fig. 4b). Such patterns are consistent with modeled resi-
dues of a depleted mantle source after extraction of 5–10%
melt produced by fractional melting, which is typical for
the source of the basalts at mid-ocean ridges (e.g., Niu

Lu–Hf geochronology

Whole rocks and mineral separates from an eclogite, a

blueschist, and a metapelite were analyzed for Lu–Hf to
determine whether the three lithologic types were sub-
Fig. 8 Lu–Hf isochrons of samples from the Raspas Formation
ducted and metamorphosed contemporaneously or not. The
resulting data are shown in Table 3, and isochrons are
plotted in Fig. 8. Ten fractions from eclogite SEC 43-1 digested whole rock fraction is used, the metapelite SEC
yielded a Lu–Hf age of 133.4 ± 2.1 Ma, albeit with a 47-4 yields and age of either 147.9 ± 2.9 or 129.9 ±
relatively high scatter as indicated by an MSWD of 18. The 5.6 Ma, respectively. The older ‘‘age’’ is most likely a
age of blueschist SEC 16-1, 126.4 ± 4.0 Ma (5 points, spurious result caused by the dissolution of inherited zircon
MSWD of 4.1), is consistent with that of eclogite 43-1. in the bomb digestion of whole rock powder. [This is
Depending on whether its bomb-digested- or hotplate- analogous to the example shown in Figure 5a of Scherer

Contrib Mineral Petrol

et al. (2000) where the Hf in inherited zircon grains did not and metapelites record the highest peak pressures, whereas
isotopically equilibrate with the rest of the sample during blueschists likely reached slightly lower peak-pressures
later garnet growth.] In contrast, the hotplate digestion of (Fig. 3). Peak-metamorphic temperatures for all of the rock
whole rock chips (not powder) should have excluded most types are rather similar, clustering around 600°C. This
zircon, inherited or otherwise, as well as some rutile from indicates a relatively warm subduction zone having a
the analysis because these minerals would not be digested. geothermal gradient of approximately 10–12°C/km on
Therefore this analysis has probably not been significantly average for all lithologic units. However, the calculated
affected by an inherited zircon component, and we consider temperatures are relatively high considering that pure
the age derived from regressing it with the two garnet glaucophane in blueschists (no Na in the A site) and the
fractions to represent the true crystallization age of the assemblage olivine–diopside–antigorite–Ti-clinohumite in
garnet in the metapelite. Whereas inherited zircon of sub- the ultramafic rocks have not reacted out. The small vari-
stantially older age than the HP metamorphism might be ations in maximum pressure of about 0.2–0.3 GPa and
expected to occur in metasedimentary rocks, zircon in essentially identical peak-temperatures point to a scenario
eclogites and blueschists derived from juvenile oceanic in which different units were either (1) never really dis-
crust would have crystallized between the age of that crust membered from each other or (2) juxtaposed during their
and the age of HP event or exhumation. In the case of exhumation but while still at great depth. However, the
blueschist SEC 16-1 and eclogite SEC 43-1, regressing recorded difference in peak-pressures and thus burial
only the data from hotplate-digestions (i.e., excluding the depths are insignificant considering the errors on the indi-
bombed whole rock fractions that might carry a zircon vidual pressure and temperature estimates (±50°C and
signature) does not reduce the scatter (i.e., MSWD values) 0.25 GPa see, e.g., Waters and Martin 1993). This, together
or significantly change the ages or intercepts. From this, we with their similar ages may imply that these different rock
infer that inherited zircon in these samples, if present, was units have remained close together during their entire
either not much older than the HP event in which garnet metamorphic evolution (i.e., scenario 1 above). In addition,
grew or it only contributes a small part to the total Hf the bulk compositional difference between eclogites and
budget of these samples. blueschists, with the eclogites being the more Fe-rich of the
The elevated scatter of the SEC 43-1 correlation, and to two (Table 2), suggests that the observed peak mineral
a lesser extent, that of SEC 16-1, casts some doubt on the assemblage may be simply a function of the rock compo-
significance of the stated age uncertainties. Well-equili- sition rather than of differences in peak metamorphic P–T
brated, high-temperature samples that have been dated conditions. A phengite K–Ar age of 132 ± 5 Ma (Feinin-
using the same digestion methods at Münster yield a mean ger 1980) from a Raspas Complex metapelite and Ar–Ar
MSWD near 1, indicating that our estimated uncertainties phengite ages of 123.9 ± 1.4 and 127.1 ± 1.3 Ma
in 176Lu/177Hf and 176Hf/177Hf are realistic, i.e., they (eclogites) and 123.4 ± 1.3 and 129.3 ± 1.3 Ma (meta-
account for the observed scatter on average. Thus, the pelites) (Gabriele 2002; Bosch et al. 2002), are similar to
excess scatter observed for the eclogite and blueschist is- the Lu–Hf garnet ages. The difference between the
ochrons is unlikely to be an artifact of the hotplate diges- weighted means of Lu–Hf and Ar–Ar (K–Ar) ages is
tion procedure used here. Rather, we consider the likely 6 ± 9 Ma. If the Lu–Hf ages are biased toward the time of
cause to be variable proportions of different age compo- peak temperature (*600°C), then cooling down to
nents among the analyzed fractions. For example, variable *400°C (e.g., Harrison et al. 2009) during exhumation
ratios of older core- to younger rim material in each frac- occurred over a rather short time interval (0–15 Ma),

tion could generate scatter, as would incomplete separation implying a cooling rate of *30þ1 20 C=Ma. If, on the other
of younger retrograde minerals from the older, prograde hand, the Lu–Hf ages are biased toward the early, pre-peak
mineral fractions. Nevertheless, the ages are broadly con- T stage of garnet growth (e.g., Lapen et al. 2003), the
sistent, and we interpret them to demonstrate the essen- implied cooling rate from 600°C would be even faster.
tially contemporaneous HP garnet growth at *130 Ma in Geochemical data show that the protoliths of all inves-
all three rock types. tigated rock types formed in an oceanic setting. For
instance, the majority of the Raspas high-pressure me-
tasediments are typically semipelagic or continentally
Geodynamic interpretation derived, similar to sediments that are being deposited on
active continental slopes today (Bosch et al. 2002; Gabriele
The Raspas and the El Toro Formations, which define the et al. 2003). The strongly negative eHf(t) of the metapelite
metamorphic Raspas Complex, yield pressure and tem- SEC 47-4 (-12.8 for the bomb-digested whole rock,
perature estimates that are indicative of a metamorphic Table 3) is consistent with this sample containing a com-
evolution within a subduction zone setting. The eclogites ponent that was derived from ancient continental crust.

Contrib Mineral Petrol

The eclogites’ basaltic precursors formed most likely at 10

an oceanic ridge as indicated by their depleted trace ele-
continental lithospheric mantle (median)
ment characteristics and the elevated eHf(t) of *?16 for

sample / chondrite
sample SEC 43-1 (Fig. 4a, c; Table 3). In contrast, other 1 supra-subduction
types of basalt, such as OIB, usually have higher concen-
trations of LREE ([La/Sm]N C 1, Figs. 4a, 5) and lower abyssal
concentrations of HREE, reflecting enriched mantle sour- 0.1
ces or smaller degrees of melting. Additionally, OIB would metaperidotites
typically also have TiO2/Yb values above 0.7, which is not
the case for the eclogites (Fig. 7b). Bosch et al. (2002)
suggested that the Raspas eclogites represent a fragment of
a subducted oceanic plateau, but basalts of oceanic plateaus
usually have (La/Sm)N and Nb/La of around 1 (Mahoney La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
et al. 1993a, b; Tejada et al. 2002; Ely and Neal 2003), and
Fig. 9 Chondrite-normalized REE plot showing a comparison of the
Nb/Zr between 0.05 and 0.07, which is similar to that of Raspas peridotites showing whole-rock data for abyssal mantle
primitive mantle (Nb/Zr = 0.06, Fig. 6). By comparing the (peridotites from the Vulcan and Bullard fracture zones; Niu 2004),
data of Bosch et al. (2002) with our new data and a more an exhumed mantle segment interpreted as supra-subduction zone
global data set (Figs. 5, 6, 7), it becomes evident that the mantle (serpentinites from the Cabo Ortegal ultramafic complex;
Pereira et al. 2008), and continental lithospheric mantle (based on
trace element signatures of the Raspas eclogites are not lherzolite and harzburgite xenoliths, McDonough 1990). The REE
compatible with an oceanic plateau setting. Instead we patterns of the Raspas peridotites overlap best with those of abyssal
conclude that the eclogites have been formed from typical peridotites. Both show high degrees of LREE depletion. Note that the
MORB. REE compositions of the Raspas peridotites and the abyssal
peridotites correspond well to 5–30% batch melting of a depleted
The chemical characteristics of the blueschists are mantle source as modeled by Niu (2004)
clearly distinct from those of the eclogites. They are more
alkaline rocks with higher trace element contents and trace
element characteristics that are even distinct from enriched 2001; Pereira et al. 2008). The Finero peridotite massif
MORB (Figs. 5, 6, 7). The trace element data of the (Ivrea Zone, Alps) is also interpreted to represent former
blueschists show many similarities with present-day sea- subduction zone wedge mantle, but a strongly metasoma-
mounts, suggesting that the blueschists’ precursors were tized type (Zanetti et al. 1999). For the Cabo Ortegal per-
probably seamounts that formed close to—or at—an oce- idotites (Fig. 9), chondrite-normalized REE patterns are
anic ridge. Hence it appears likely that the seamounts relatively flat and slightly U-shaped with a slight enrich-
subducted together with the rest of the incoming plate. That ment of LREE over HREE, similar to the median compo-
the association of subducted MOR-basalts and seamounts sition of the continental lithospheric mantle (McDonough
represents a realistic scenario is documented at the Central 1990). The Finero peridotites have even higher REE con-
American margin where seamounts having geochemical centrations and steeper chondrite-normalized patterns,
characteristics similar to those discussed here (Harpp and reflecting the strong metasomatic trace-element enrich-
White 2001; Harpp et al. 2005) are located on the sub- ments. Complementary information about the composition
ducting Cocos plate close to the trench or have recently of the sub-arc mantle wedge can be gained from mantle
entered the subduction zone (von Huene et al. 2000). xenoliths in arc volcanoes, and we have compared our data
The association of peridotites with high-pressure mafic from the Raspas peridotites with spinel peridotites from
meta-igneous and meta-sedimentary rocks in the Raspas two key localities for mantle wedge xenoliths, the Kam-
Complex is consistent with these units being a section of chatka arc (Avachinsky volcano; Ishimaru et al. 2007;
the subducted oceanic slab. On the other hand, HP and Halama et al. 2009) and Papua New Guinea (Grégoire et al.
UHP metamorphic rocks are often associated with serp- 2001). At both localities, the harzburgitic xenoliths are
entinites that formed at the slab–mantle wedge interface highly depleted in all REE and show U-shaped patterns that
(Guillot et al. 2001; Hattori and Guillot 2007). To clarify are similar in shape to those from Cabo Ortegal but with
the relationship between the ultramafic and mafic rocks, it concentrations that are approximately one order of mag-
is therefore important to determine whether the Raspas nitude lower. These characteristics of supra-subduction
peridotites represent subducted oceanic mantle or a part of mantle are opposite to what is observed in the Raspas rocks
the supra-subduction mantle. Serpentinites from the Cabo (Fig. 9).
Ortegal Complex of northwestern Spain have been con- On the basis of this comparison, we conclude that the
sidered to be representative of typical mantle from the root Raspas peridotites do not represent typical supra-subduc-
of an arc, i.e., supra-subduction mantle (Moreno et al. tion or continental lithospheric mantle. Finally, REE data

Contrib Mineral Petrol

from bulk-rock abyssal peridotites show abundance varia- incoming plate (Cloos 1992; von Huene et al. 2000;
tions of several orders of magnitude, suggesting complex Mochizuki et al. 2008). At shallower depths (\40 km),
enrichment processes (Niu 2004). Enrichment of LREE in seamount subduction may cause seismicity by acting as a
abyssal peridotites has been interpreted to reflect post- hindrance at the slab–wedge interface (e.g., Mochizuki
melting refertilization in the thermal boundary layer et al. 2008), and Cloos (1992) speculated that scraping off
beneath ridges (Niu 2004). For a comparison with the seamounts from the subducting plate might cause great
Raspas peridotite data, we have therefore chosen whole- earthquakes. However, some seamounts or portions thereof
rock compositions of abyssal peridotites that show the apparently remain attached to the downgoing slab, and the
smallest degree of LREE enrichment (e.g., Bullard and finding of high-pressure seamounts (Gao and Klemd 2003;
Vulcan fracture zones). The data of these abyssal perido- John et al. 2004; van der Straaten et al. 2008; this study)
tites show a significant overlap with the Raspas data indicates that they can be subducted to depths of at least
(Fig. 9). The REE patterns of both the abyssal peridotites 60 km. We propose that at such depths, stress induced by
and the Raspas peridotites are very similar to patterns friction or shearing at the slab-wedge interface would
derived from various melting models as calculated by Niu eventually be high enough to scrape off the remaining parts
(2004). In particular, 5–30% batch melting of a depleted of seamounts, which, in addition to potentially generating
mantle source can explain the REE patterns of the Raspas earthquakes, should result in a partial dismembering of the
peridotites quite well. Additionally, the Raspas peridotites upper part of the slab. This process may allow fragments of
exhibit many chemical, metamorphic, and structural fea- the slab to be exhumed, either as individual eclogite and
tures that are similar to those of the Erro Tobbio peridotite blueschist bodies or as larger, coherent packages such as
(Italy), which has been interpreted to represent subducted the Raspas Complex.
hydrous oceanic mantle (Scambelluri et al. 2001). In par-
ticular, these two peridotite bodies have essentially iden-
tical REE patterns. We thus conclude that the Raspas Conclusions
peridotites once represented the mantle part of the oceanic
lithosphere, which has been subducted together with oce- (1) In the Raspas Complex, eclogites, blueschists, me-
anic crust, which is now present as HP eclogites and tasediments, and peridotites all exhibit a similar P–T
metasediments. evolution that suggests a maximal burial depth of
Taking into account the petrological, geochemical, and about 60 km, where the rocks were heated to about
geochronological evidence, the Raspas Complex represents 600°C. These values imply a rather warm geothermal
all components of a complete oceanic lithosphere section. gradient of about 10–12°C/km at least in the crustal-
It is likely that they once have been components of a and uppermost mantle parts of the slab.
coherent package that was dismembered from the slab (2) The Lu–Hf ages of an eclogite, a blueschist, and a
during subduction. Consequently we interpret the Raspas metapelite from the Raspas Complex are broadly
Complex as a high-pressure ophiolite. similar and indicate that these samples were all
subjected to prograde HP metamorphism at around
130 Ma. Cooling of the rocks down to *400°C was
Implications finished by about 123 Ma, suggesting a short time
interval of \15 Ma between garnet growth and
Blueschists or eclogites that have alkaline composition and cooling below the closure temperature of Ar in
are associated with tholeiitic MORB-type eclogites have phengite.
been documented for paleo-subduction zones, e.g., in the (3) The trace element signatures of the Raspas blues-
Alps (Hermann 2002) and New Caledonia (Spandler et al. chists provide evidence for exhumation of subducted
2004). In some cases an even more specific seamount- or seamounts. Precursors of the eclogites were most
OIB-like trace element signature has been reported, e.g., in likely MORB-type basalts and evidence for an
Zambia (John et al. 2004) and Tianshan (Gao and Klemd oceanic plateau affinity, as formerly suggested, is
2003; van der Straaten et al. 2008). The existence of sea- absent from the sample suite investigated in this
mounts that have been deeply subducted and then finally study. Additionally, the closely associated eclogite-
exhumed has some implications for how parts from the facies peridotites display chemical signatures resem-
downgoing slab may become dismembered, which is a bling those of depleted MORB-source mantle.
prerequisite to their eventual exhumation. Seamounts are (4) The association of MORB-type eclogite, seamount-
rather prominent features on the oceanic plate (e.g., 20– type blueschist, eclogite-facies serpentinized perido-
30 km across and 2–3 km high; von Huene 2008) and thus tite, and HP metasediments point to exhumed high-
represent obstacles to subduction on the top of the pressure ophiolite sequence. Such sequences may

Contrib Mineral Petrol

provide clues that lead to a deeper understanding of Cloos M (1992) Thrust-type subduction-zone earthquake and se-
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Acknowledgments This study was financially supported by Deut- Newcomb S (eds) Ophiolite concept and the evolution of
sche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) grants Sche 265/S1-2. We geological thought. Special Paper. Geological Society of Amer-
gratefully acknowledge the support of the Center of Physics of ica, Boulder, pp 1–16
Geological Processes (PGP). We thank P. Duque and P. Gabriele for Ely JC, Neal CR (2003) Using platinum-group elements to investigate
sharing their insights on the El Oro region and on the Raspas Com- the origin of the Ontong Java Plateau, SW Pacific. Chem Geol
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the Sonderforschungsbereich 574 ‘‘Volatiles and Fluids in Subduction for ophiolite study. In: Dilek Y, Newcomb S (eds) Ophiolite
Zones’’ at Kiel University. concept and the evolution of geological thought. Special Paper.
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