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# Criteria 0–1 2–3 4-5

Poor: The writer neither defines nor Average: The writer defines and discusses Superior: The writer clearly and personally
discusses the terms teaching and learning the terms teaching and learning and their defines and discusses the terms teaching
and their relationship, and/or does not relationship, while grounding the and learning and their relationship, while
Definitions of teaching
1. ground the discussion within knowledge of discussion within some knowledge of the grounding the discussion within an
and learning
the literature. The examples and reflection literature. Some appropriate examples and extensive knowledge and experience.
on experiences with others are reflection on experiences with others are Appropriate examples, and reflection on
inappropriate or missing. discussed. experiences.
Poor: The discussion of this relationship Average: The discussion of this Superior: The discussion of this
shows little congruence with the writer’s relationship shows some congruence with relationship is congruent with the writer’s
definitions of teaching and learning and the writer’s definitions of teaching and definitions of teaching and learning and
with his or her view of the learner. learning and with his or her view of the with his or her view of the learner.
Goals, expectations, and
Grounded in little or no examples, and learner. Grounded in some knowledge of Grounded in knowledge of the literature,
2. beliefs of the student–
reflections illustrate neither the nature of the literature, examples and reflections examples and reflections strongly illustrate
teacher relationship
the student/teacher interactions nor the illustrate either or both the nature of the both the nature of the student–teacher
critical elements of the relationship. student–teacher interactions and the interactions as well as the identified critical
identified critical elements of the elements of the relationship.
Poor: Grounded within little or no Average: Grounded within some Superior: Grounded within an extensive
knowledge of the literature and with little knowledge of the literature as well as knowledge of the literature as well as
evidence of consideration for discipline- discipline-specific expectations, discipline-specific expectations,
specific expectations, assessment and assessment and learner characteristics, assessment and learner characteristics,
learner characteristics, the writer fails to the writer demonstrates evidence of his or the writer clearly demonstrates evidence of
Teaching methods and demonstrate evidence of his or her ability her ability to use a variety of teaching and his or her superior ability to use a wide
evaluation to use a variety of teaching and assessment strategies. Selection of variety of teaching and assessment
assessment strategies. Selection of specific strategies are somewhat strategies. Selection of specific strategies
specific strategies are incongruent with the congruent with the writer’s definitions of are congruent with the writer’s definitions
writer’s definitions of teaching and learning, teaching and learning, views of the learner of teaching and learning, views of the
views of the learner and understanding of and understanding of the student–teacher learner and understanding of the student–
the student/teacher relationship. relationship. teacher relationship.
Poor: The writer fails to present a Average: The writer presents a congruent Superior: The writer presents a congruent
congruent progression throughout beliefs, progression throughout beliefs, practice, progression throughout beliefs, practice,
actions and goal dimensions. In addition, and goal dimensions. In addition, the writer and goal dimensions. In addition, the writer
the writer fails to provide congruence provides congruence between some provides congruence between components
4. Organization
between some components of the model. components of the model. The language of the model. The language and writing
There is a need for language and grammar and writing style are satisfactory with style are beyond expectation with
checking. reference to the knowledge group. reference to the knowledge group.

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