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Lesson Plan - English Instructor Angela Popovic

Unit 1: Marketing (Reading and Writing)

Book: Q Skills, Book 2, Third Edition

Level: Intermediate

Duration: 2 hours


• Enhance reading comprehension skills by identifying main ideas of paragraphs.

• Improve writing skills by organizing ideas and using vocabulary in context.
• Expand vocabulary related to marketing.
• Practice using present continuous tense in writing.
Materials Needed:

• Q Skills, Book 2, Third Edition

• Worksheets for students
• Test for students
• Answer Key for the test
• Whiteboard/markers
• Audio player for listening exercises (if applicable)
Lesson Plan:

Introduction (15 minutes):

1. Greet the students and introduce the topic of the lesson: Marketing.
2. Review the objectives of the class.
3. Present the vocabulary words related to marketing and ensure understanding through
examples and clari cation.
Vocabulary Practice (30 minutes):

1. Use the whiteboard to write down the vocabulary words.

2. Engage students in activities such as:
• Matching the words with their de nitions.
• Filling in the gaps with the correct vocabulary words.
• Writing their own sentences using the vocabulary words.
3. Provide clear instructions for each activity and monitor students' progress.
Reading Comprehension (30 minutes):

1. Provide students with a paragraph related to marketing.

2. Instruct students to read the paragraph carefully.
3. Ask students to identify the main idea of the paragraph and underline it.
4. Next, instruct students to put the supporting ideas in order to create a coherent summary.
5. Discuss the main idea and the organization of supporting ideas as a class.
Writing Exercise (30 minutes):

1. Provide students with a writing prompt related to marketing, such as "Describe a successful
advertising campaign."
2. Instruct students to use the vocabulary words provided to write a descriptive paragraph.
3. Encourage students to use the present continuous tense to describe ongoing actions or trends.
4. Circulate the classroom, providing guidance and feedback as needed.
Review and Wrap-up (15 minutes):

1. Review the key points covered in the lesson.

2. Provide feedback on students' vocabulary usage and writing skills.
3. Assign homework, if applicable.
Worksheets for Students:

1. Fill in the gap exercises with vocabulary words.

2. Match the words with their de nitions.
3. Finish the sentences using the correct vocabulary words.
4. Unscramble the words to form sentences.
5. Write your own sentences using the vocabulary words.
6. True or false questions related to the reading comprehension exercise.
7. Answer the questions based on the reading material.
8. Quick write activity on a given topic related to marketing.
Student: __________________________

Worksheet 1: Vocabulary Practice


1. Match the vocabulary words on the left with their de nitions on the right.
2. Write the corresponding letter of the de nition next to each vocabulary word.
Vocabulary Words De nitions

1. clear A. To provide information or details

2. connect B. To make something known to others

3. contribute C. To suggest or advise positively

4. express D. To give money or help to achieve something

5. nd out E. To become part of something or join things

6. spread F. To become more widely known or used

7. trend G. To be easy to understand or see through

8. advertising H. To affect the way someone thinks or behaves

9. behaviour I. To become larger in size or amount

10. consumers J. To show or communicate feelings or thoughts

11. experts K. To discover information or facts

12. friends L. To be in agreement or connection

13. in uence M. People who buy goods or services

14. recommendations N. People with special skills or knowledge

Worksheet 2: Reading Comprehension


1. Read the paragraph below carefully.

2. Identify the main idea of the paragraph and underline it.
3. Put the supporting ideas in order by numbering them 1 to 4.

"In today's fast-paced world, advertising plays a crucial role in in uencing consumer behavior.
Companies invest heavily in advertising campaigns to connect with consumers and spread
awareness about their products or services. With the rise of social media platforms, advertising has
become even more prevalent, as companies utilize various channels to reach their target audience.
Recommendations from friends and experts also contribute to consumer decisions, as people trust
the opinions of those they know or perceive as knowledgeable.”
Main Idea:

Supporting Ideas:

Worksheet 3: Writing Exercise


1. Use the vocabulary words provided to write a descriptive paragraph about a successful
advertising campaign.
2. Ensure you use present continuous tense to describe ongoing actions or trends.
Prompt: Describe a successful advertising campaign.

Vocabulary Words: clear, connect, contribute, express, nd out, spread, trend, advertising,
behaviour, consumers, experts, friends, in uence, recommendations

Your Paragraph:
Intermediate level
Test for Students:

Reading Comprehension:

Read the following passage about marketing and answer the questions that follow.

Marketing Trends in the Digital Age

In today's fast-paced world, advertising has undergone signi cant changes due to technological
advancements. Companies are constantly striving to connect with their target audience in more
meaningful ways. With the rise of social media platforms, the reach of advertising has spread
exponentially, allowing businesses to engage with consumers on a global scale.

One notable trend in modern marketing is the increasing in uence of online recommendations.
People are more likely to trust the opinions of their friends and experts when making purchasing
decisions. This phenomenon highlights the importance of social proof in shaping consumer behavior.

Moreover, companies are leveraging data analytics to nd out more about their customers'
behaviour and preferences. By understanding consumer trends, businesses can tailor their
advertising strategies to better meet the needs of their target audience.

Overall, marketing in the digital age is characterized by its ability to clearly communicate with
consumers and express brand values effectively. As technology continues to evolve, it is essential
for businesses to adapt and innovate in order to remain competitive in the ever-changing


1. What is one notable trend in modern marketing?

• a) Decreasing in uence of online recommendations
• b) Decreasing reach of advertising
• c) Increasing in uence of online recommendations
• d) Decreasing engagement with consumers
2. What do people trust when making purchasing decisions?
• a) Advertising slogans
• b) Opinions of friends and experts
• c) Random online reviews
• d) Celebrity endorsements
3. How do companies use data analytics?
• a) To ignore consumer behavior
• b) To better understand consumer trends
• c) To decrease brand visibility
• d) To reduce advertising costs
4. What is essential for businesses in the ever-changing marketplace?
• a) Stagnation
• b) Adaptation and innovation
• c) Rigid business models
• d) Minimal customer engagement
5. What is a key aspect of marketing in the digital age?
• a) Confusing communication
• b) Ineffective brand expression
• c) Clear communication with consumers
• d) Limited brand visibility
6. How has the reach of advertising changed with the rise of social media?
• a) It has decreased
• b) It has stayed the same
• c) It has spread exponentially
• d) It has become more expensive
7. What do companies strive to do with their target audience?
• a) Ignore them
• b) Annoy them
• c) Connect with them
• d) Confuse them
8. What role does social proof play in shaping consumer behavior?
• a) No role
• b) A small role
• c) A signi cant role
• d) A negative role
Writing Exercise:

Imagine you are a marketing executive tasked with creating an advertising campaign for a new
product. Write a descriptive paragraph describing the product and the key features that make it
unique. Use present continuous tense to highlight ongoing actions or trends in the market.

Rubric for Writing:

Criteria Points

Clarity and coherence 5

Use of present continuous tense 5

Identi cation of main and supporting ideas 5

Vocabulary usage 5

Grammar and sentence structure 5

Total Points: 25
Test for Students: Low-Intermediate

Reading Comprehension:

Read the following passage about marketing and choose the correct answer for each question.

Marketing Trends

In today's fast world, marketing has changed a lot because of technology. Companies want to talk
with people more. Social media is a big part of marketing now. It helps companies talk with people all
over the world.

One big change is that now, people trust what their friends and experts say online. This is important
for companies because it helps them sell things.

Also, companies use computers to learn about people. They learn about what people like to buy and
do. This helps companies make better ads.

In short, marketing today is about talking with people in a good way and saying what a company is
about. This is very important for companies to do well.


1. What is a big part of marketing now?

• a) Talking with people
• b) Sending letters
• c) Talking on the phone
• d) Writing emails
2. Who do people trust when they buy things?
• a) Strangers
• b) Family and friends
• c) Celebrities
• d) Animals
3. How do companies learn about people?
• a) By talking to them on the street
• b) By using computers
• c) By reading books
• d) By watching TV
4. Why is it important for companies to talk with people?
• a) Because they like to talk
• b) Because it helps them sell things
• c) Because they have nothing else to do
• d) Because it's fun
5. What is marketing about today?
• a) Making things complicated
• b) Talking with people and saying what a company is about
• c) Hiding from people
• d) Not saying anything
6. How does social media help companies?
• a) It makes things harder
• b) It helps them talk with people all over the world
• c) It makes people angry
• d) It makes things more expensive
7. Who do companies listen to online?
• a) Strangers
• b) Nobody
• c) Family and friends
• d) Animals
8. Why is it important for companies to know what people like to buy?
• a) So they can buy it themselves
• b) So they can make better ads
• c) So they can watch TV
• d) So they can hide from people

Writing Exercise:

Imagine you are working for a company that sells shoes. Write a short paragraph about a new shoe
your company is selling. Describe the shoe and why it's special. Use words like "is," "are," "am,"
"have," and "has."

Rubric for Writing:

Criteria Points

Clarity and coherence 5

Use of present continuous tense 5

Identi cation of main and supporting ideas 5

Vocabulary usage 5

Grammar and sentence structure 5

Total Points: 25
Answer Key for Reading Comprehension: intermediate

1. What is one notable trend in modern marketing?

• c) Increasing in uence of online recommendations
2. What do people trust when making purchasing decisions?
• b) Opinions of friends and experts
3. How do companies use data analytics?
• b) To better understand consumer trends
4. What is essential for businesses in the ever-changing marketplace?
• b) Adaptation and innovation
5. What is a key aspect of marketing in the digital age?
• c) Clear communication with consumers
6. How has the reach of advertising changed with the rise of social media?
• c) It has spread exponentially
7. What do companies strive to do with their target audience?
• c) Connect with them
8. What role does social proof play in shaping consumer behavior?
• c) A signi cant role

Answer Key for Reading Comprehension: low intermediate

1. What is a big part of marketing now?

• a) Talking with people
2. Who do people trust when they buy things?
• b) Family and friends
3. How do companies learn about people?
• b) By using computers
4. Why is it important for companies to talk with people?
• b) Because it helps them sell things
5. What is marketing about today?
• b) Talking with people and saying what a company is about
6. How does social media help companies?
• b) It helps them talk with people all over the world
7. Who do companies listen to online?
• c) Family and friends
8. Why is it important for companies to know what people like to buy?
• b) So they can make better ads

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