Naam Sevika DD

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Answer the following questions within one line.

1) Explain the analogy of milkman, cow, calf from Gita Mahatmya.

Ans- Gita-mahatmya compares BG to a cow, and Krishna is the person milking it. Arjuna like a calf drinks
the resultant milk.

2) According to Gita Mahatmya, state the ONE scripture, God, Mantra and Work.

Ans- One scripture BG, one God Krishna, one mantra- Hare Krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare
hare/ hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare.

Answer the following questions within three to four lines

1) Some people say that they are not interested in spirituality or reincarnation? What example would
you give them to awaken them to reality?

Ans- 1) When a person dies, we say he has gone so who has gone? The soul has gone and soul will take
another body. It is the soul means "I" who leaves the body.

2) If a driver is needed for driving a car so similarly a soul is needed for driving the body, If soul is not
there then body won't move like at the time of death. So a soul drives the car like body.

2) With an example, show how one should not be proud of material qualifications in spiritual life.

Ans- material qualification has no roll in spirual life and if a person gets pride then it can ruin his spiritual
life. Like we see in the life of Srila Gaur Kishor das babaji maharaj and srila Bhakt Siddhant saraswati
thakur,. Srila Gaur Kishor das babaji maharaj had no material eduaction, he could not write his name
though but he was advanced in KC and he was guru of srila Bhakt Siddhant saraswati thakur, who was
most scolared person.

3) A guru says that, “I have no guru, but I am myself jagadguru for all.” What is the fault in this
statement? What would you expect when someone is a guru?
Ans- “I have no guru, but I am myself jagadguru for all.” This statements represnts unauthentic Guru, If a
person has no guru if he is not in a authentic sampraday then his teachings and identity as a guru is

If someone is a guru then he must be in a authentic parampara, He should knows the essence of
scriptures, he should be surrendered to his guru, he should be devotee of vishnu tattva.

4) One of your friends is ridiculing that the Bhagavad-gita is meant only for old people and not relevant
today, that too for young educated men like him. What would you tell him briefly?

Ans- I will say prahalada maharaj , dhruv maharaj started KC from childhood, It is not written in BG that
it is for old people also 3rd thing is no body knows what is their life span or duration, So everyone id old
because any minute can be his last minute. Now educated men are those who read BG or who Knows
it's teachings, Materially educated person is also unhappy , he also needs guidance to live the life so BG
gives that manual.

5) What does the modern educational system test? Give two examples where the Lord Himself accepts a
guru to show the world the need of surrendering to a guru.

Ans- modern educational system tests only material education and it help in material advancement
only. But for spiritual life and to live blissful life we need to know the essence of scriptures and we need
guru,. Lord himself goes to guru in every incarnation. In krishna leela he goes to Sandipani muni, As
rama he goes to Vashishtha muni and Chaitaniya mahaprabhu goes to Ishwarpuri.

6) One of your friends tells you, “I have a guru who is God himself. I don’t need anybody else. He is very
detached. He does not mind us drinking, smoking or enjoying life in any way we want. He just smiles and
gives aashirwad, blessings. So I am happy with him.” Give your comment.

Ans- Guru means who instruct his disciple, and rolls his life for spiritual advancement, But if he is not
saying anything to him and letting him enjoy his life as he wants then that is not guru, Because there is
no surrender no instruction. He is a fake guru.

7) Between the temple president and your counselor who should you listen to and why

Ans- We should listen our counselor because he knows my life well and I have surrendered to him so I
shoukd follow what he is saying and he will also guide me which will be goood for me. temple president
is an external position but couselor is an internal relationship so i should follow whome I have
Answer in One page

1) write 5 learning and explain them that what you have learn from the first level of preaching training

Ans- 1. Body and soul: I could deepen my knowledge for this

2. Krishna always helps the devotees to advance

3. Guru and disciple relationship is very deep and surrender is v imp.

4. Modern sci is ruining the life of humans and peoples are wasting their life by surrendering to it.

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