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Hydrophobic colloids, also known as lyophobic colloids, are colloidal systems in which the

dispersed phase (colloidal par cles) does not have an inherent affinity for the dispersion medium
(solvent). In other words, there are no a rac ve interac ons between the dispersed phase and the
dispersion medium. These colloids are typically stabilized by the addi on of stabilizing agents, such
as surfactants or polymers, to overcome the lack of a rac ve interac ons.
In the context of physical pharmaceu cs, hydrophobic colloids are widely used in various drug
delivery systems, including emulsions, suspensions, and nanopar cle formula ons. Some examples
of hydrophobic colloids in pharmaceu cs include:
Oil-in-water (O/W) emulsions: These are emulsions where oil droplets (the dispersed phase) are
dispersed in an aqueous medium (the dispersion medium). Examples include parenteral lipid
emulsions, creams, and lo ons.
Suspensions of hydrophobic drugs: Certain poorly water-soluble drugs can form hydrophobic
colloidal suspensions when dispersed in an aqueous medium.
Polymeric nanopar cles: Nanopar cles prepared from hydrophobic polymers, such as poly(lac c-
co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) or polycaprolactone (PCL), are hydrophobic colloids when dispersed in an
aqueous medium.
Several methods can be used for the prepara on of hydrophobic colloids in physical
pharmaceu cs:
Emulsifica on methods:
a. High-shear homogeniza on: This method involves subjec ng a coarse emulsion or suspension to
high shear forces using devices like high-pressure homogenizers or colloid mills. The high shear
breaks down the dispersed phase into smaller colloidal par cles.
b. Microfluidiza on: In this technique, the emulsion or suspension is forced through a microfluidic
channel under high pressure, leading to the forma on of smaller colloidal par cles.
Solvent evapora on/extrac on methods:
a. Emulsion solvent evapora on: This method is commonly used for the prepara on of polymeric
nanopar cles. The polymer and drug are dissolved in an organic solvent, which is then emulsified
in an aqueous phase containing a surfactant. The organic solvent is subsequently evaporated,
leaving behind colloidal nanopar cles.
b. Nanoprecipita on: In this method, the polymer and drug are dissolved in a water-miscible
organic solvent, which is then rapidly mixed with an aqueous phase. The rapid diffusion of the
organic solvent into the aqueous phase leads to the precipita on of the polymer, forming colloidal
nanopar cles.
High-pressure homogeniza on:
This method involves subjec ng a coarse suspension or emulsion to high pressure (up to several
thousand bar) using a high-pressure homogenizer. The high pressure and shear forces lead to the
forma on of smaller colloidal par cles.
Supercri cal fluid technology:
In this technique, a supercri cal fluid (e.g., supercri cal carbon dioxide) is used as a solvent or an -
solvent to precipitate the hydrophobic drug or polymer, leading to the forma on of colloidal
par cles.

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