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Our organization

TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or
less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and
today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages.
Meanwhile, independently run TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world.

Our Mission: Spread ideas

TED is a global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper
understanding of the world. We believe passionately in the power of ideas to change attitudes, lives and,
ultimately, the world. On, we're building a clearinghouse of free knowledge from the world's
most inspired thinkers — and a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other, both
online and at TED and TEDx events around the world, all year long.

In fact, everything we do — from our Conferences to our TED Talks to the projects sparked by The
Audacious Project, from the global TEDx and TED Translators communities to the TED-Ed lesson series
— is driven by this goal: How can we best spread great ideas?

TED is owned by a nonprofit, nonpartisan foundation. Our agenda is to make great ideas accessible and
spark conversation.

What makes a great TED talk?

If you thought TED Talks was the slogan for a Mark Wahlberg movie, think again. These seminal
speeches are more engrossing than any blockbuster cartoon. But what makes a great TED Talk?

The way people speak of TED Talks, you’d think each one contained epiphanies and pearls of divine
wisdom. Are TED Talks really that special? And if they are, what can us mere mortals do to attain the
skills of TED’s superhuman orators?

Well, a good place to start would be by watching a few. Each powerful and thought-provoking talk
averages around 18 minutes, so it won’t take long to gen up on what makes a good TED Talk. You’ll find
25 of the most popular TED Talks here, with topics ranging from “Your body language shapes who you
are” to “The power of introverts”. Be warned though: TED Talks are seriously addictive. By the time you
re-emerge from that rabbit hole, you’ll be wiser, smarter and bereft of a good chunk of your day.

What are TED Talks?

In a moment, we’re going to analyse the elements that make up a great TED Talk and identify how you
can incorporate these into your public speaking. But first, a word about the origins of the phenomenally
popular series. What are TED Talks? Well, TED – an acronym for Technology, Entertainment and
Design – was founded in the 80s as a nonprofit. Its goal? To spread good ideas, ranging from science to
psychology, in multiple languages and to spark conversation. With over one billion views, it would be
fair to say that TED Talks have smashed all expectations and introduced an entire generation to the
transformatory power of ideas.

We’re not here to analyse the nuggets of wisdom contained in each TED Talk – you can do that in your
own time. Instead, we want to delve into the elements that have earned the best talks (or presentations if
you will) standing ovations and awestruck comments across the board. Whether analysing the art of lying
or the science of happiness, the top talks share certain traits – traits that you can incorporate into your
own public speaking to good effect.

Start strong
Watch the opening 60 seconds of several TED Talks. Spot anything in common? In most cases, the
speaker lays it all on the line, putting their big idea out there from the very start. There’s no slow build-up
– they cut right to the chase, a ploy which instantly captivates their audience.

“I’d like to start today by talking about the two biggest social trends in the coming century and perhaps in
the next 10,000 years,” begins Helen Fisher in “Why we love, why we cheat”, a talk which has been
viewed 10 million times.

Helen Fisher's great TED Talk

If you’re launching a product that’s genuinely groundbreaking, don’t beat around the bush: say so at the
very start, before using the remainder of your speech to provide the proof. More tips on starting your
presentation strongly can be found here.

Be concise
Many of the topics that TED’s speakers cover are mind-blowingly complex, and yet they manage to
distill their essence into a sub-20-minute talk that’s relatable even to complete laypersons. The great TED
Talks take a big idea and impress it into the minds of all present, leaving them with a clear take-home
message. If TED’s speakers can achieve that whilst covering topics as complex as nanotechnology, AI
and biomimicry, you can certainly do the same with your own talk, whether it’s about digital marketing,
blockchain applications or why the Lo-sze is your favourite breed of Pug.

Be bold
It takes guts to walk into a packed auditorium and address an audience of hundreds. And it takes nerves of
steel to do so whilst knowing that your every word will later be heard by millions on the web. The
boldness that is a hallmark of the best TED speakers doesn’t just extend to remaining calm under
pressure. Often, these speakers deliver confessional anecdotes in which they admit to failure or rejection,
before expounding on what this devastating experience taught them. This vulnerability humanises the
speaker and enables the audience to empathise with them.

There’s no need to confess your darkest secrets, but if you’re bold enough to drawn upon your failures –
as well as your successes – you’ll gain credibility in the eyes of your audience.

Let the slides be your guide

There’s a reason why the best TED speakers don’t need notes. Despite the complexity of their ideas, the
only prompt they need comes courtesy of the slides that are used to illustrate key points. TED Talks
aren’t over-reliant on bullet points and text-heavy slides. Instead, they contain images and graphs that
illustrate the speaker’s ideas rather than substitute for the speaker.

At Buffalo 7, we’re big fans of PowerPoint – it’s what we do after all – but slides shouldn’t be used to
narrate your presentation. That’s your job. Instead, let the slides be your guide, using each one to advance
your narrative, focus your train of thought and illustrate key concepts.

Let the slides be your guide presentation tip

Ideas worth spreading?
“Ideas worth spreading” is TED’s mantra, and it’s one that applies equally to your own public speaking.
The odds are you won’t be called upon to deliver a TED Talk to thousands or even millions. But the truth
is, it doesn’t matter: if your idea is worth spreading, it’s worth doing right. Be clear and concise, don’t be
afraid to confess failure and be sure to put your big idea out there from the very start. From the meaning
of Anthropocene to the importance of a good anecdote, we can all learn a lot from TED Talks

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