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There are individuals that sleep in fear of showing their true identity to the world because
they simply fear that society won’t accept them for having a different sexual orientation. Society
advocates that individuals should be ready to be pleased with who they're, but yet they judge
homosexuals for being different. People are taught not to judge others supported their race or
religion, so why do they still discriminate against homosexuals? The homosexual subculture is
not accepted by society, looked down upon, and misjudged however, they are human beings and
deserve to be treated equally.
It is believed that the community of LGBT individuals is underrepresented in the civil
rights area. Globalization affected the struggle of the LGBT community to realize equality in
their legal rights. When the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted, the activists of
the LGBT community stuck to its major equality concept. Despite the fact that the declaration
does not mention the rights of gay people, it still discusses equality for all people and freedom
from any sort of discrimination.
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) focuses on human rights. One right
that's important and will be justified with the UDHR is discrimination supported sexual
orientation and hate crimes towards people who identify themselves differently from others. The
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) community is a growing community.
Members of this community are often discriminated against supported their sexual orientation
and transgender identities. This is often due to their beliefs, sexual orientation, and gender
identities like identifying themselves as gay or transgendered. Discrimination of these
individuals result in hate crimes and criminal justice system getting involved. The human rights
of individuals that are categorized as a part of the LGBT community should be protected and not
be penalized. Human rights are an essential aspect for all human beings no matter what their
sexual orientation or gender identities are.
The LGBT community should be equally entitled to their own human rights without
discrimination and hate crimes. Hate crimes within the LGBT community are a results of
discrimination. These human rights are interdependent and indivisible, no matter how they are
categorized whether being civil, political, economic, social or cultural. The importance of these
LGBT human rights being indivisible and interdependent is that fact that it can’t be separated or
divided and these rights are dependent on other human rights, such as everyone having the right
to life, liberty and security of person.
To sum up, it's possible to mention that the LGBT community still has got to struggle for
its equal rights because not all people are able to accept the fact that sexual diversity is a norm. It
is also necessary to recollect that things that are considered traditional in current society may
become unacceptable in future. That is why it's possible to state that the LGBT community has
all chances to realize equality within the nearest future and its members will receive a chance to
live their life to the fullest.
Ruby Shrestha
2nd Semester
National Law College

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