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Jack Turner

Pe 445



Weekly Reflection

Event Brief Description Learning


Assisted with both strength We had everyone in the The applicant creates and
and cardio training shop this week and maintains a safe and
sessions conducted multiple training growth promoting
sessions this week where I environment.
helped show exercises and
keep things running

Helped create workouts for We have 6 cardio sessions The applicant makes risk
the cardio days a week for 3 different management decisions
groups, and I helped that reflect sensitivity
create what they do for individuality, age,
development, and culture.

Learned more about the In the coming weeks, I will This does not apply to a
inner workings of how be fueling the 27-car at a competency
fueling works during pit couple of races, and I am
stops getting more prepared for

I was fortunate this week and was able to spend a lot of time working with the athletes in

instances of both strength and conditioning training. While I was doing this, I made sure to focus

on making sure their form was good and that everyone was being respectful of others' space so

that they did not work out right next to each other. This is very important in workout spaces

because things are moving fast, and weights are dangerous, especially with incorrect forms,

which many of my athletes have. We work with many athletes that span many different age
ranges, and because of this, we need to be very careful about what exercises we have certain

athletes performing and whether or not they are safe. For example, we have a 53-year-old

athlete who is fit, but we decided to have him move away from running on the treadmill that

adjusts to your speed because it can be somewhat unstable at high speeds. This was an

example of me making a decision that is sensitive to the athlete's age. Also, on top of this, all of

the time I got to spend with the athletes this week really helped me form stronger relationships

with many of them.

I think that what I did this week was pretty good for me, and I was able to get a lot done,

and when I was working with the athletes things went well. Next week I am going to work on

being a little bolder when talking to athletes on how they can do something better. I sometimes

feel that because the athletes are that much older, I am timid in giving advice because they are

senior to me. Next week I am going to try and recognize this timidness and force myself to say

what I am thinking in a professional and respectful manner. When I talk to them, I will say hey, to

do this better or more safely I would do this, and then show them how I think they should do it.

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